Thursday, July 4, 2024

WWE Main Event 7/3/2024

WWE Main Event 7/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

Akira Tozawa vs Pete Dunne

Dunne side headlock takeovers him and they stare down. Dunne hits a forearm then double kneedrops his arm. Dunne bangs Tozawa's arm over his shoulder. Toazawa 2nd rope hurricanrana's him and dropkicks him out. Toz goes to dive and Dunne kicks him to stop it. Dunne pulls on Toz's fingers then stomps the arm.

Dunne works the arm and chops him. Dunne pops him up and is hurricanrana'd. Toz shining wizards him then top rope dropkicks him for 2. Toz pumping knees him and hits a german for 2. Toz rips his shirt. Dunne gets his knees up on Toz's top rope senton. Dunne splits the finishers then hits a bitter end to win.

Thoughts: It was short and okay. I would have liked some kind of arm or hand finish here since Dunne spent so much time working on it. Toz got bullied around here and lost after a small comeback.  

The Creed Brothers vs The LWO (Dragon Lee and Joaquin Wilde)

BC = Brutus Creed, JC = Julius Creed

BC takes down Wilde off the waistlock. Wilde spinning headscissors him and back elbows him. Wilde then does a corkscrew elbow drop. Wilde armdrags JC. JC is tripped into a baseball slide from Lee. Lee walks up the buckles and armdags JC.

BC pulls down Lee by the mask. Wilde slingshots in over JC thne superkicks him in the gut. Wilde facebusters him then JC hits belly to belly suplexes and kip ups.

We go to break and return. BC hits knees to Wilde's gut. Wilde takes a double gutbuster then JC powerbombs Wilde. BC chinlocks Wilde then pop-up drops him. JC misses a corner splash then Wilde tags Lee in. Lee flying headscissors BC then superkicks JC. Lee hits combinacion cabron then tornado ddt's JC for 2.

Wilde superkicks BC. BC throws Wilde out. Lee superkicks BC. Lee finlay rolls JC then JC suplexes Lee in. JC then backrolls and hits another suplex on him. JC is caught in tree of woe and takes a double stomp. Wilde then 450's JC and wins.

Thoughts: I'm not a big fan of The Creed's losing. that doesn't bode well for their current standing. It was an okay match though with The LWO bringing the flying and JC throwing people around.

Overall thoughts: There were only two matches here as usual. Neither was must see but were fine and it was an okay to spend 20 minutes or so.

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