Thursday, July 4, 2024

CMLL 6/28/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 6/28/2024 Arena Mexico

Chamuel, KeMalito & Micro Sagrado vs. Los Micro Malditos (Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II) & Tengu

Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo since they look the same, Ten = Tengu, Ke = KeMalito

Ke drove on the ramp in a kid's car which was cool. Ke rolls Ten into a pin attempt them armdrags him. Ten dropkicks Ke and bangs his head off the buckles. Ke takes corner attacks and is suplexed by a Gem. Ke is thrown out. Cham is dropkicked in the back by a Gem then stomped on by both Gem's .

Cham is double flapjacked and double facebustered. Cham takes a basement dropkick then Sagrado is triple stomped on. Sagrado is double teamed in the corner. Sagrado then takesa double clothesline and double elbow drops.

Ten nails Ke from behind and Ke is double teamed. Ke punches a Gem down then the other Gem beats up Ke. Ke flips off the ropes and headscissors Ten off a double hiptoss. Ke headscissors a Gem then tilt-a-whirl armdrags the other. Sagrado topes out then Cham plancha's a Gem off the apron.

Gem cartwheels over Cham and backflips. Gem slips on a headscissors and dropkicks Cham into the buckles. Gem 2nd rope flips into an armdrag on Cham and dropkicks him out.

Ten and Ke go at it. Tean hammerlocks him and Ke snapmares him off of it. Ten shoulders Ke over and splashes him. Ke armdrags Ten then takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from a Gem. Ke messes up a headscissors on Gem the back body drops him. Ke vader bombs Gem off the ropes and wins.

Thoughts: There was a lot of sloppiness here due to the size of the various wrestlers. They just didn't have the length or enough speed to do some of the things they wanted here which created botches. The work was okay otherwise with the heels working the faces and the faces making their comeback.

Raider & Vegas vs. Los Viajeros Del Espacio (Futuro & Max Star)

1st Fall - Veg and Fut go at it. Fut bodyscissors takedowns him then snapmares Veg. Veg shoulders him over and splashes him. Fut cartwheels over him then does a nice fireman's carry. Veg back elbows him then Fut headflips up.

Raid dropkicks Max and stomps on him. Max rolls him up then spinning headscissors him from the mat. Raid goes for a dive but is tripped and sent into the rails. Fut topes Raider. Veg takes double boots and a double dropkick. Veg is legdropped then Fut to prope splashes him.

Max hits a 450 on Veg and pins him. Raid then gets counted out and loses the fall.

2nd Fall - Max gets on Veg's shoulders and hurricanrana's him. Max enzugiri's Raid from the apron then armdrags him off a weird stomach springboard. Fut armdrags Veg then rotation headsissors him from his shoulders. Raid walks up the rail and dropkicks Fut. Max tries to con hilo out onto his opponents but is caught and slammed onto Fut.

Max walks on the 2nd rope and is backbreakered. Raid flips MAx with a lariat then Veg tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Max to pin him. Raid clubs on Fut's chest on the apron then deadlif superplexes him in. Veg top rope legdrops Fut and pins him to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Max tries to toyota roll but is powerslammed. Max is running powerbombed on the stage over the top rope. Fut is powerbombed onto Max. Raid and Veg spear the posts when their opponents move and then the faces do stereo dives out. Max headscissors Veg off the 2nd rope for 2. Veg gori special drops him then submits him with a double arm andleg hold.

Fut springboard crossbodies Veg then dragon suplexes him. Fut is crotched on the top. Raider tope rope moonsault fallaway slams Fut and pins him. Raider and Vegas win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was your usual 2nd match workrate match. Lots of flying and stunts here. It was fast paced fun without them overdoing it.

Lluvia, Skadi & Tessa Blanchard vs. Persephone, Stephanie Vaquer & Zeuxis

L = Lluvia, Pers = Persephone, SV = Stephanie Vaquer,  Z = Zeuxis

1st Fall - Pers and L go at it. They double lariat each other early and Pers does an anaconda vice. L flying headscisosrs her then Pers stomps on her gut. L trips her and messes with her hair. All 6 girls fight and Pers footchokes L. Pers top rope dropkicks L then SV bangs L's head off the mat.

Skadi takes some offense and Z meteora's her. pers hits punches on Tess then Tess is double hiptossed into the ropes and thrown down. Tess takes a double superkick then Pers springboard splashes her to win the fall.

2nd Fall - L takes corner attacks the nhigh kicks SV off one. SV then dragon screws her while she sits on the middle rope. Tess is laid on the 2nd rope and Pers handstand pendulum double knees her there in the corner. Skadi takes double boots. Skadi does a nice wak up the ropes springboard reverse tope. Her partners hit dives. SV misses a springboard on the ropes then Skadi falcon arrows her to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Pers flips over Skadi's back. Pers toyota rolls her for 2. Skadi elbow drops her then does a pumphandle backbeaker. SV hits soul foot on L then has her head banged off the buckles. L trips her and messes with her hair. L pulls SV into a kick from her partner then basement dropkicks Z in the butt.

Pers and Tess go at it. Pers back rolls her. Tess goes up and over then hits a cutter. Tess cutters Z and SV too. Pers takes a triple team powerbomb. Z is lifted for a roll into a facebuster. Skadi hits a nice basement dropkick on SV then Pers bangs Tess' head off the buckles.

Tess ends up headscissoring Pers over the ropes. Pers then drops her gut first on the rails. Z and SV then hit corner metoras on their opponents and get pins. Zeuxis' team wins the fall and match.

The execution wasn't 100%, but it was pretty good for a girls match. They kept it moving and stuck to things they could do. Skadi had a good showing as she was pretty mobile here and this just did what it was supposed to.

Kyle Fletcher and Atlantis Jr. do a split screen promo. Atlantis says he has a belt that belongs to him. Kyle says he's here to expand his resume. He wants to main event Arena Mexico. He says he will find out why he's Kyle Fletcher. Atlantis says his championship will be his and says welcome to Arena Mexico.

Star Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero vs. Templario & Titan

UG = Ultimo Guerrero, Temp = Templario

1st Fall - Star and Titan go at it. Titan side headlocks him and wristocks him. Star pulls on his chin. Titan rides his back. They trade wristlocks. Titan cartwheels out of a wristlock. They duck each others kicks and stand off. UG boots the boots to Temp and Star slingshot boots Temp. Temp is tripped into a Star baseball slide.

Star springboard dropkicks Titan while UG holds him. Temp is kicked in the leg then UG baseball slides Temp off the apron. Sacarays (the parrot mascot) 619's Titan. Titan flips over UG's back then Star flying lariats him.

UG 2nd rope gordbusters Temp and Star 450's Titan. Star's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - UG tries to untie Temp's mask. Temp takes a double gorilla press slam. He flips over both opponents backs then powerslams Ultimo. Temp drops Star onto UG. Titan walks up the ropes with Temp's help and diving hurricanrana's Star. Titan then tope con hilos Star outside. UG powerbombs Temp off the 2nd rope when he blocks Temp's hurricanrana.

Temp ropewalks and springboard dropkicks UG. Titan springboard crossbodies Star then pele kicks UG on the apron. Temp topes UG into the rails. Star jumping punches Titan. Star misses a springboard 450 from the ramp but lands on his feet. Titan strike combos him then top rope double stomps Star. Titan then pins Star.

UG rolls up Titan while Titan poses and UG pins Titan. UG rips off Titan's mask and then pins him.

Thoughts: UG's team won in straight falls here. UG and Star are a mish-mash team but it was okay for what it was. At least Temp didn't lose clean. I don't like it when the luchadores get their masks ripped off through as it ruins some of the mystery and the aura.

Esfinge, Mistico & Volador Jr. vs. Angel de Oro & Los Infernales (Averno & Euforia)

Es = Esfinge, Mist = Mistico, Vol = Volador Jr., Av = Averno, Euf = Euforia

1st Fall - Oro takes down Es and Es armdrags him. They roll on the mat and Es snapmares him. Es headflips up and Oro boots him. Es springboard crossbodies Oro then the faces all hit headscissors on their opponents. The faces then do stereo topes on their opponents.

Mist 619's Oro then Es does a springboard double dropkick. Es is thrown into the rails outside then Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Oro. Oro michinoku drivers Mist and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mist takes a double back elbow and Euf hits facekicks on him. Oro joins in. Mist takes a double boot then Euf chops Es. Es is tripped and pulled out. Oro back elbows Vol then Euf boots Vol. Vol is triple stomped by the heels. Es fights off a triple team then Mist runs the ramp and is popped up into a headscissors on Oro. Mist tornillos Oro outside then vol toyota roll code red's Av to pin him. Es springboard sunset flips Euf to pin him. 

3rd Fall - Mist is triple teamed by the heels. Mis is popped up but does a double takeover then a double armdrag. Mist springbord hurricanrana's Oro. Es monkey flips Av and Oro. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Euf out.

Es tope con hilos outside, Vol diving headscisosrs outside and Mist tope con hilos outside. Euf powerlams Es and rips at his mask. Es rips at Euf's mask. Mist springboard crossbodies Oro then springboard headscissors him. Es is popped up into a double dropkick on Av and Euf. Mist walks up the buckles and dives on Oro outside. Es tope con hilos, gets caught and slammed outside.

Vol springboard crossbodies Av. Vol satelitte headscissors Av then flying headscissors Euf. Av kicks Vol in the nuts and Vol's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: I'm not a fan of low blow endings. At least it maybe saved the heels getting pinned logic wise but it's not a fun ending. It was an okay match otherwise with the faces doing lots of flying and Mistico hitting all of his stuff clean.

Averno has words for Vol after. 

Chris Jericho comes out in a Mistico mask and beats up Mistico. Chris Jericho then takes off the mask to show who he is. Jericho says Mistico is "Corazon de Raton" and challenges him anytime, anywhere and anyplace. Mistico says welcome to his home in Arena Mexico and seems to challenge him to a match.

ROH World Television Title Match - Kyle Fletcher (c) vs. Atlantis Jr.

Kyle side headlocks Atlantis then Atlantis reverses it. Atlantis shoulders him and Kyle side headlocks him. Atlantis armdrags him then Kyle armdrags him. They shove each other. Kyle clubs and boots him. Kyle springboard armdrags him then Atlantis flying headscissors him. Kyle topes him outside.

Altantis is sent into the rails. Kyle does a tiger driver variation for 2. Kyle rips at his mask and slams him. They trade forearms and Atlantis dropkicks him. Atlantis monkey flips him then topes him. Atlantis top rope crossbodies him and rolls him up.

Atlantis rolls into a cutter on him. Kyle half-nelson suplexes him then michinoku drivers him for 2. They reverse each others tombstones and Atlantis does a package tombstone. Atlantis wheelbarrow germans him for 2.

They fight on the buckles and Atlantis spinning torture rack drops him for 2. Atlantis step up enzugiri's Kyle from the apron then is superkicked on the ramp. Kyle brainbusters Atlantis on the ramp.

Kyle corner enzugiri's him and brainbusters him for 2. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him twice then superkicks him. Kyle lariats him over the top. Kyle top rope moonsaults him outside. Kyle sitout powerbombs him for 2. Atlantis 2nd rope canadian destroyers him then top rope splashes Kyle's back. Atlantis top rope splashes Kyle's chest and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent main here with Atlantis doing basic babyface stuff and Kyle not overdoing it for a chance. It was one of Kyle's better efforts in months though some basic holds and more basic heeling would have made this better.

Kyle congratulates Atlantis after. Kyle says Atlantis won because this is his house and says they do it next time in his house.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it was a decent show. Nothing was too great on here but all of the work top to bottom was solid enough. The main was fine and the women did okay. The mini's didn't have the best match and the semi-main's finish could have been better. They also set up Jericho vs Mistico here which should draw a nice house.

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