Thursday, July 4, 2024

TNA Impact 7/4/2024

TNA Impact 7/4/2024 

Last week's show is here:

Trey Miguel vs Leon Slater

Trey wristlocks him early then armdrags him. Leon handspring back elbows him then dropkicks him while he's hanging in the ropes. Leon plancha's him. Inside, Trey dropkicks him in the corner. Wentz chokes Leon on the ropes. Trey pulls him down by the hair and misses an asai moonsault.

Leon flying kicks him. Trey back elbows him then Leon cutters him from the side for 2. Trey hits kicks and double stomps him for 2. Leon rolls him up for 2 then Trey handspring back enzugiri's him. Leon standing blue thunders him.

Charlie Dempsey of NXT comes down and knocks Leon off the ropes. Zachary Wentz gets in and Dempsey hits him too. Dempsey then stomps on Trey and karelin's lifts the ref. Dempsey then does an STF variation on Leon.

The ending was a big surprise here and we'll have to see where it goes. It was a high flying and fast paced match with an unusual finish. It was a decent pick for an opening match.

Gia tries to interview Matt Hardy and Reby Hardy. Matt says Eddie learns about the repercussions of putting hands on his wife. He says he will decimate Eddie. Reby ask what kind of man puts his hands on a girl? Reby says it's been 8 years since she has been in the ring and she has no choice but to teach Eddie a lesson. Matt says they eat, beat and delete him.

The Rascalz talk about Charlie Dempsey. Trey asks if he wins where he's from. He says he's not welcome. Wentz says Dempsey is not going to make a name here off of them or in their home. Wentz says he knows where he comes from and knows where his home. He says if he wants to fight, let's get it next week.  

10 Minute Challenge - Dani Luna vs Jody Threat

They lock up and Jody backs her up on the ropes. Dani shoulders her over. Jody shoulders her over. We cut to the back as Nic Nemeth is laid out on the steps and knocked out. Dani rolls Jody up then Jody rolls her up. They each hook onto the ropes.

They stare down and Jody hits lariats in the corner.  Dani then hits lariats in the corner. Jody hits a sliding lariat for 2. Jody armlocks her. Jody pump kicks her from the side. Jody ends up going out to the floor. They fight on the ropes and Dani takes a pump kick to the floor while hanging on the top rope.

Jody lariats her into the ring from the outside. Dani hits a falcon arrow for 2 and the time limit runs out. They ask for 5 more minutes and get it.

They hug and lock up. Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards come down and beat up Dani and Jody.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was anything too special and the crowd wasn't into it. Some of their moves did not hit too well here and the finish wasn't good. Starting a show off with two dirty finishes in a row in a risky move.

Mustafa Ali and Campaign Singh talk to Santino. Ali wants to retract his challenge to Mike Bailey. He says he refuses to show up at Slammiversary if Mike doesn't prove his worth. Santino said Mike will have a chance to earn his title shot next week in a #1 contenders match. Santino then asks why The Blues Brothers (Ali's guards) are with him.

We see a video on Mike Santana. He said he's on the road to Slammiversary. He says The Road to Slammiversary matches have some of the best in them. Frankie Kazarian says you can expect him to win the entire thing. He says TNA needs a leader. Mike says Frankie knows the fight he brings and says there's a lot more stakes to it. Kaz said he only had 3 chances to compete for the TNA Title in his career and gave him a chip on his shoulder. He said that will propel him to win. Mike says he needs this.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match - Frankie Kazarian vs. Mike Santana

They push each other and Mike armdrags him off the hiptoss. Mike flips over him then springboard twisting crossbodies him. Kaz knocks Mike off the apron and we go to PiP break.

We return and Kaz slaps Mike. Mike kind of takes a release backdrop. Mike rolls backwards and is caught in a backstabber. Mike backrolls and stunners him for 2. JDC comes down and tries to trip Mike. Mike then tope con hilos Kaz. JDC throws Mike into the post. Mike then gets counted out.

Thoughts: Come on, three matches in a row with dirty finishes? What is this? What we got here wasn't that good and they just didn't get the time they needed. Mike got busted open after getting sent into the post.

ABC do a promo. They say The System got lucky and their luck runs out at Slammiversary. Bey says you can trust that they will kick their @ss and Ace says ABC equals 1-2-Sweet.

PCO is flipping out in the back and the doctor says he has gone crazy. Steph de Lander is out and PCO puts her hands on his chest to wake her up.

First class do a promo. AJ says it's been a first class summer and Rich Swann puts him over. AJ says he is taking care of business elsewhere and in TNA. AJ says he will put his titles on the line against anyone. Santino walks in and says he heard he's a fighting champ. He sets him up in a Digital Media Title match vs PCO. AJ says he's not afraid of him and says Santino has a thing for Canadian's. AJ says they broke PCO's body and heart and says he won't come back.  

The System (Eddie and Alisha Edwards) vs Matt and Reby Hardy

I won't be covering this due to it being an intergender match and not a mixed tag match. Matt ended up pinning Eddie in a long match.

Brian Myers goes up and yells at Santino after. ABC laugh at him. JDC walks in and sets up Bey vs JDC next week.

Jordynne Grace does a promo. She said Ash By Elegance has had a front seat at all of her matches but isn't here at The Road to Slammiversary, she's on a beach. She says when duty calls, you come to work. Grace says she is issuing another open challenge next week and says to come and take the title if you think you can take it.

Jake Something says The Road to Slammiversary is the best of TNA. Joe Hendry says it means everything to him. He says he has the world behind him and can't  let them down. Jake says as long as he can swing his arm in Joe's face, he will have the advantage. He says he has to win and nothing will get in his way. Joe says you are talking about the greats when you talk about TNA champs and he wants to add his name to the list. Joe says he will add his name to the list. Joe says he will deliver.

Road to Slammiversary Qualifier - Jake Something vs Joe Hendry

Joe gets on the mic. He asks if Jake is ready to challenge for the world title. He said he doesn't seem sure of much and says he is asking the audience questions like "What's my name?". Joe mocks him with questions. Joe says the audience believes in Joe Hendry.

They lock up and Joe side headlocks him then hits a jumping knee. Joe suplexes Jake. Jake side headlocks him. Jake shoulders him over and battering rams him hard in the gut. Jake knocks him out of the ring then rams his back into the apron. Jake crossbodies him against the ropes from the outside.

Joe lariats him and suplexes him for 2. We go to PiP break and return. Jake stomps on Joe. Joe hits euros and chops. Jake whips Joe hard into the buckles. Joe hits euros and takes a michinoku driver. Jake forearms him down then puts him in a sleeper. Jake drops him backwards to get out and lariats him over the top.

Jake headbutts him outside and misses the crossbody against the ropes, going throat first into it. Joe hits lariats then fallway slams him. Joe kips up and Jake sitout powerbombs him for 2. Jake flying bodyblocks him. Joe lariats him down and both men are down. Joe hits shots and is forearmed down. Joe cutters him hits a standing ovation to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent big man vs big man match here with lots of strikes and some high impact moves. It was one of Joe's better efforts and Jake was someone who matched up well against him. I'm glad Joe got the win here.

Joe gets on the mic after. He said he got one step closer to becoming TNA Champ. He said it happened because of the fans He says he will see us in Montreal where he becomes the face of TNA. He says don't tell him it's not possible as anything is possible when you believe.

We see The System. JDC says he didn't take out Nemeth, just Santana. We see Frankie Kazarian smoking a cigar, laughing and calling them marks. He then asks what someone is filming to close the show.

Overall thoughts: I did not see the intergender tag, but I saw the rest. The main was decent, but it wasn't TNA's best work. Three of the matches here had dirty finishes which brought all of them down. Alot of TNA's best were not on this one and that hurt things as well as TNA just not being in an exciting state creatively. I wouldn't recommend this.

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