Tuesday, July 2, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 11/13/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 11/13/1995

Last week's show is here:  https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/wcw-monday-nitro-10301995.html

Eric Bischoff, Mongo McMichael and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the show. They talk about the WCW Title being decided in a battle royale at World War 3. Heenan says Hulk will have to go win the battle royale if he wants the title. Mongo's dog is dressed up in a superman cape.

Hulk Hogan is wearing a hood and a Zorro mask and he's in a cemetery. He's growling and says the darkness in The Dungeon of Doom shakes in fear because he's walking around with the training, the prayers and the vitamins. He says those are immortal. He says Macho is on a mission to bring them the head of Meng. He says he's the first man on the destruction hitlist.

Hulk says he doesn't know where Sting's head is at and if he's friend or foe. He says he will look at Sting and find out where he's coming from. He says if he's on Sullivan's side, he will move his name to the top of the hitlist. Hulk tells Macho to bring Meng's head and does his whatcha gonna do line.

Thoughts: This was not good at all. Hulk looked like a goof here and this looked like some cheap horror movie with toys. Hulk also couldn't get Meng's name right as he kept calling him "Ming".  I can't believe Hulk went along with this and thought it was a good idea.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Meng

Meng is still wearing his special needs superhero outfit. Macho jumping knees Meng from behind and knocks him into The Taskmaster.

Macho takes Meng outside and bangs his head off the apron, rails and post. Macho slams Meng. Taskmaster gets on the buckles and Macho crotches him then punches him. Macho comes off the top and takes a shot to the gut from Meng. Meng superkicks him. Jimmy Hart comes down to ringside.

Macho is sent into the rails and post. Meng chops Macho up then foot chokes him. Jimmy asks Macho where Hulk is. Meng slams him then misses a top rope splash. Hart gets on the apron and Meng is thrown into him. Macho lariats Meng from behind then top rope splashes him. Macho then gets the win.

Macho won as expected here. He really didn't need that much to get the win on this one. It wasn't that good and they didn't have much time at all. The Dungeon of Doom really should be getting more wins in if they are pushing them as a threat.

Shark comes in and nails Macho from behind. Lex Luger then comes down and bangs Macho's arm over the top rope and post.  

Chris Benoit vs Kensuke Sasaki

CB hits shots before this begins then KS lariats him. KS suplexes him and stomps on him. KS powerslams him. They run into each other and KS lariats him. KS bulldogs him. KS slams him then chinlocks him. KS elbow drops him. CB rolls on KS on a backdrop attempt.

CB back elbows him and germans him. CB then wins with a dragon suplex.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. They rushed through this and had multiple sloppy moments. They said Benoit was the newest member of The Four Horsemen here. I don't know why they didn't do that angle on Nitro.

Johnny B. Badd vs Eddie Guerrero

They shake hands. Heenan says the Japanese have been treated poorly in WCW and he made a deal. He says it could have been coupons in the envelope he got. Eddie armdrags Badd then Badd side headlock takeovers him.

Eddie wristlocks him then trips him. Badd kips up and wristlocks him back. Eddie headflips then side headlocks him. Badd tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Eddie flying headscissors him then Badd snapmares him. Badd slingshot legdrops him for 2.

Eddie walks up the buckles and headscissors him down for 2. Eddie is dropped off the top then Badd hits a top rope sunset flip. They trade pins and Eddie goes over the top when Badd ducks. Badd flip plancha's him then misses a slingshot splash inside.

Badd euros him then Eddie rolls him up out of the electric chair for 2. Eddie trips Badd then tries another pin for 2. Badd hits punches and knocks Eddie down.

They get back up then Eddie charges at him. They roll on the mat with punches. Badd jumps over the ref to hit Eddie and they punch each other. Badd side headlocks him and Eddie slingshot swantons him. We are told two minutes remain in the match.

Eddie goes for a tombstone but ends up getting tombstoned for 2. Eddie hits something like a tornado ddt for 2. They crossbody each other at the same time and the time limit expires.

Thoughts: It was a good effort here with them trying to do a face vs face match and then fighting as the match got heated. The announcement for how many minutes were left in the match really telegraphed the finish on this.

Eric says Hulk will be on Nitro next week and says Hulk wants Sting. Heenan thinks Hulk would want Jimmy Hart or The Giant instead.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Taskmaster, The Giant and Jimmy Hart. Gene says Hart did one of the most disgusting things ever two weeks ago and sold Hulk down the river. Hart says him and Sullivan are the smartest men in wrestling as they took the belt off of Hogan. Hart asks what will he do with his Hulkamania jackets now though?

Task said he thought of ways to take down Hulkamania for 10 years. He said he and Jimmy beat Hulk Hogan. He says all the stars will at World War III trying to get the title and says The Giant will be the winner. Giant says the competition will be sky high at WW3 but there can be only one and it's him. Task then mocks Hulk and pretends to convulse on the mat. 

Sting vs Dean Malenko

Dean waistlocks Sting then side headlocks him. They collide with shoulders. Dean jumps at him and gets slammed. Eric compares Dean to Dan Gable. Dean dropkicks Sting in the knee then boots Sting in the leg. We go to break and return.

Dean leglocks Sting then Sting hits some shots. Dean dropkicks him in the knee again then toeholds him. Sting's head is banged off the buckles and Dean hits a nice german for 2. Dean misses a dropkick then Sting misses a splash. Dean top rope dropkicks Sting then Sting cradles him and wins.

This one was too short here and was hard to put over. Dean worked the leg and then got put down easy. This was a random one with no real build or explanation for it.

We go back to the commentators and Sting is still in the ring walking around.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Sting in the ring. Gene tells Sting that Hulk wants Sting next week 1v1. Gene asks Sting what's going on. Sting says he has nothing against Hulk. He said he doesn't know where he's coming from and never dreamed Hulk would ocme knocking at his door. He says he doesn't want to do this. He says he can let it slide when Hulk called him a little dog waiting on the front porch. Sting says he's a big dog here at WCW. He says his list of people he's beaten is pretty long. Sting says he's looking forward to next week.

Sting says he doesn't see why they can't get this squared away. He says, "I'm the big dog, remember?".

The commentators talk more about the Sting/Hulk situation. Heenan says Hulk is getting paranoid and says he's in trouble.

Overall thoughts: There weren't too many big developments on this one. Sting vs Hulk is set for next week though we all know that's probably not going to end in a clean finish nor be super long. Other than that, everything is directed to the World War III battle royale. Hogan did a bizarre promo in a Zoro outfit. Benoit/Sasaki was sloppy and disappointing. Meng/Macho had little time and wasn't good. Eddie/Badd was good and Sting/Dean was too short. I wouldn't really recommend this one.

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