Tuesday, July 2, 2024

WWE NXT 7/2/2024

WWE NXT 7/2/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/wwe-nxt-6252024.html

Street Fight - Michin vs Jaida Parker

JP comes at Michin with a baseball bat as she enters and ends up nailing the trash can Michin is carrying. Michin throws her into the steps and seems to be wearing old NXT logos. Michin throws a chain at her and misses. JP's head is banged off the apron. JP hits Michin with a trash can lid. JP hits knees to the gut and samoan drops her.

JP misses a cane shot and is german suplexed. Michin whips her with a belt. Michin is on the 2nd rope and JP buttpresses her down into a trash can. Michin throws JP into the post.

JP chairs Michin. JP is put in a chair outside, Michin tries to tope her and goes face first into unfolded metal chairs. JP tries to hip attack her into the rails but misses and goes into them.

We go to PiP break. Michin takes Vic's candy tray and hits JP with it. Michin slams her then throws candy out into the crowd. JP knees her in the gut then Michin is suplexed on the floor. JP slams Michin's fingers with a tool box lid then stands and stomps on the lid. 

JP grabs a wrench and chokes Michin with it. She then uses the wrench on Michin's fingers. JP sticks a hammer in Michin's mouth and pulls with the back of it. Michin pours out nuts and bolts on chairs. Michin is back body dropped onto it for 2.

Michin uses a kendo stick on JP. She then cannonballs a trash can that is on JP's head. JP sprays Michin with a fire extinguisher then hip attacks her into the riser wall. JP running hip attacks her in the ring and wins.

Thoughts: Without question it was the best match I've ever seen either of these girls in. It was pretty much all weapons shots and hardcore spots but all of it looked good. Michin's dive into the chairs was wild (and stupid) and JP hip attacking her through the riser wall was cool. Jaida really needed this one to show where she stands and it really couldn't have went much better than it did. This was good.

Karmen Petrovic and Arianna Grace are in the ocker room. KP is taping up her sword and Grace wants her attention. Grace says she doesn't want to talk about it then asks her to sit down. Grace says Sol snatched her soul and heart. She says now she won't go to Heatwave even though she is from Toronto. She says her people are yearning for her. Karmen says she's from there too and Grace says she's not as Canadian as her.

Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx walk in. They ask which one is more pathetic. They say Karmen for Natalya not being there. KP says she belongs and says they can fix it if there is an issue.

Je'Von Evans says it's crazy he will be in the main event of his first PLE. He said he never left the country before and had to get a passport. He says he's not worried about it being a four-way. He says he's not scared of his opponents. He says he's coming over the border NXT champ.

We get a video on Kelani Jordan winning the N-A Title. She says all she knows is structure and says her one track mind has produced results. She talks about her gymnastics career and says she's the first ever Women's N-A champ. She says no one will defend her title like Lani. She says her gymnast accolades can't be taken from her but her title can. She quotes Michael Jordan and says she will make it happen vs Sol Ruca at Heatwave.

New Catch Republic vs Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

Bate rolls out of a wristlock. Bate bridges and Hank is on top of him. Bate walks up the buckles with his hands and headscissors Hank down. Dunne works Hank's fingers. Dunne is criss crossed with a shoulder fromt Tank. Dunne takes a sandwich bodyblock.

Dunne stomps Tank's hand then Bate comes off the 2nd rope and flips off of Dunne onto Tank. Tank 2nd rope twisting shoulders Bate. Bate deadlift suplexes him. Bate straight punches Hank and airplane spins him. We go to break and return.

Dunne works on Tank then Tank bubba bombs him. Hank lariats Dunne then corner splashes him. Hank hits snake eyes on Dunne then pump kicks him. Hank drops Bate onto Dunne. Dunne takes a top rope diving lariat + powerbomb combo. Hank is enzugiri'd out by Bate. Bate gets caught on a tope con hilo and dropped on Dunne on the apron. Hank and Tank both do Josh Alexander's crossbody as their opponents sit ont he apron.

Dunne pump kicks Hank then is popped-up into a german from Hank. Hank comes off the top and takes knees from Dunne. Tank gets his fingers split and takes a rebound lariat. Bate spiral taps Tank off the top and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here as expected. Hank and Tank showed off a new move or two here and continue to seem better than the level they are being pushed at. 

Shawn Spears said he returned to NXT to guide young talent. He said he wanted to share his knowledge and said it has been met with reluctance. He says he will lead by example. He says he will return home to Toronto and will reach the pinnacle. He says he will win the NXT Title at Heatwave.

Robert Stone, Stevie Turner and Oro Mensah talk in the back. Stone puts over Oro's showing last week. Stevie copies it and they argue. Stone says Oro is fighting Myles Borne tonight. They argue over who will give him the bad news. Stevie tells him he won't be going to Heatwave due to altercations with Ethan Page. Stone says he will tell Ava about Stevie's behavior. 

Brinley Reece vs Izzi Dame

Izzi slams her then pendulum side slams her. Izzi stomps on her. Brin hits shoulders and a body block. Izzi's head is pulled into the buckles and Brin forward cartwheel lariats her. Brin backfists her.

Tatum Paxley comes out and tries to grab Izzi. Brin back rolls Izzi into a pin attempt for 2. Izzi boots Brin then hits a falcon arrow to win.

It was a quick one here but it was fine with both girls doing a decent job.

Tatum tries to grab Izzi after.

We go to Chase U. Chase U talks about titles being won in Toronto. Duke and Ridge talk. Duke says they didn't pin OC clean when they beat them. Duke then shows Chase proof with photos. Chase and Thea are disappointed in Ridge for cheating. Ridge says he wanted to be part of a family, not a group and said he was just trying to help. Chase says no one is free of mistakes but asks Ridge to stay back when they go to Heatwave.

Lola Vice comes out. She says the clock is ticking and tells Roxanne to come out here. Perez comes out with security and says they are here to stop Lola from attacking her again. Perez says she can see right through her and says it's the most important match of her career.

She brings up Lola screwing her out of the title by cashing in her Breakout Tournament contract. Lola says Perez is the champ but says she is a fighter. She says Lola is in her world on Sunday, a world she is a master of. She says she won't fight Lola's fight, she will make he wrestle her style of match. Lola says she was a fighter before she was born.

Lola says she hasn't told her story of sacrifice. She said her mom was pregnant with her during her blackbelt test. She said she became a 4th degree master in taekwondo and was training for the olympics. She said her mom got sick so she went into MMA to provide for her family. She said she was fighting in MSG at the age of 20. She says her mom will watch her on Sunday and she can't wait to tell her she did it.

Perez says she didn't know all of that and respects her story. Perez says every woman in the locker room wants to make that same phone call. She says those phone calls are never made as long as she is champ. She says she proves why she is called The Prodigy. She says Lola won't take the title from her and says it's unfortunate she came around during her era. Lola says she doesn't have to give it to her, she will take it. Lola says she will prove she is the greatest crossover and says she will become the first Cuban-American NXT champ.

Lola then backfists one of the security guards. She says we may be in Perez' world, but she won't know what world she is in when she knocks her out.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this. I think Lola is better in short promos and with both being more heelish, it was hard to get behind either. 

Ethan Page does a video. He says he rocked the foundation of NXT and racked it when he debuted taking out Trick Williams. He says he's been building a rep around the world for a while. He says there's only room for one them between him and Spears and says he will do as intended - becoming NXT champ.

No Quarter Catch crew talks in the back. Kemp says he found brass knuckles and asks him about them. Dempsey asks him if he thought it would work. Borne asks if they said something and Dempsey says not to worry about it. Dempsey says Borne's best friend is the power advantage, so use it.

We get a video on Eddy Thorpe being a DJ at the club. Lexis King comes in and says he should be ashamed of himself for being a DJ. King talks about rock and roll and says he likes rock and roll. Eddy says he likes EDM music. King says he wouldn't know cool if he was slapped in the face with it. Dani Palmer was here as one of the girls. Maybe she's back from injury?

Oro Mensah vs Myles Borne

Borne side headlocks him. Oro has some ugly tights on that look like fishnets from afar. Oro wristlocks him, Borne reverses it and Oro upkicks him. Oro isde headlocks him. Oro misses a koppo kick but it is sold anyway. Oro spinning forearms him in the back of the neck. 

Oro flips out of a back body drop but nails his throat off the ropes. Borne neckbreakers him. We go to PiP break and return. Borne chinlocks him and they trade forearms. Oro steamroller legsweeps him and kicks him. Oro asai moonsaults him then exploders him. Oro koppo kicks him. Borne hits a high dropkick.

Kemp tries to give Borne brass knucks. Borne is distracted and takes a rolling kick in the corner. Oro then wins.

They are doing some kind of story with Kemp being on the outs with NQCC here and that was what the finish was about. Oro was not good early on here and that brought this one down. This should have been better than it was.

Oro says he will be waiting for Ethan Page after Heatwave. 

We get a Wes Lee video. He says he wants nothing else but the title. He says Oba Femi seems unconquerable. He says he needs to win on Sunday as he doesn't know what to do otherwise.

Oba says Wes is referred to as the greatest because he came before him. He says Wes is living in the past. He says the beacon of light Wes once was is starting to Dim. He says every person wh ohas tried to beat him (Oro) has failed. He says he will crush Wes' body and his final dream.

We go to the back. Dupont and Igwe are fighting with Gallus. Igwe goes into steps and Dupont spears Wolf into a barrel. Mark chairs Dupont and it is broken up.

Brinlee Reece talks to Enofe and Blade. Blade ask if she's good. Enofe says positivity doesn't produce results. Brin says if they don't want her around, it's fine. She says she will go work out. The OC get on the camera. They say they aren't done beating up Nima and Price. Karl says he will break Price's face too.

Carlee Bright vs Wendy Choo

CB hits forearms on Choo. Choo throws her down backwards. CB cartwheels while in a wristlock and is thrown down. CB headscissors her then Choo side headlocks her. CB tries a pin off a blocked hiptoss then decks her with a forearm. Choo low flatliners her.

Choo snapmares her and twists her neck with her feet. Choo axe kicks her in the back. Choo forearms her in the corner then puts her in tree of woe. Choo dropkicks her there. CB headscissors her and hits lariats. CB cartwheel kicks her in the corner then Choo gets her knees up on CB's standing moonsault. Choo hits a pepsi twist and chokes her out with a buffalo sleeper variation to win.

Thoughts: Choo's new gimmick isn't working. Part of it is because it has never really been explained and the other part is because people like Choo. I think Carlee has more potential than her and I didn't really like her losing here, especially in a cold one like this. This was just so-so and the crowd wasn't into it.

Trick Williams talks about his Heatwave competitors. He says anything can happen but the only thing that will happen is him retaining his NXT Title.

Shawn Michaels talks. He says there's been many disturbances in NXT caused by Brooks Jensen lately. We see videos of him flipping out on Twitter about NXT. He says Brooks is not released from his contract despite claiming otherwise. They said he spiraled after breaking up with Brooks Jensen and showed him drinking. They said they forced him to stay away from NXT. Shawn says they could let him go but he's part of the NXT family and they believe in second chances. He says they want him to have a sit-down discussion with Ava to get on the right path.

Thoughts: Last week, Brooks was pulled away by security on camera. Unfortunately, they didn't say it was him nor could we see him so it was impossible to tell. Apparently he has maybe done this other times, but because it wasn't acknowledged on TV, nobody really noticed it. Now we know it's all storyline. Whatever they are doing here has not worked so far and it's all on WWE.

Jazmyn Nyx vs Karmen Petrovic

They each duck kicks. KP side headlocks her. KP is armdragged but rolls through it and holds onto Nyx's arm. Nyx wristlocks her then throws her down by the hair. Nyx rolling headhunters her for 2. Jacy gets on the apron and distracts KP. Nyx kicks KP hard in the gut then boots her.

Nyx neckbreakers her and PK's her for 2. Nyx headscissors her and we see Fallon watching this in the back on TV. Nyx tries to roll her on the headscissors but KP blocks it and goes for a pin. KP bulldogs her and hits forearms. KP spinning lariats her. KP goes for a kick and Jacy interferes. Nyx then pele kicks KP and wins.

Thoughts: The work wasn't bad with them doing some athletic work but it was marred by Jacy interference.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer talk in the back. Nathan talks about things he wants to do in a match. Ax thinks he's talking about their match but NF says he's talking about his singles match on Speed. Ax says they don't want to overlook Chase U. NF says they are the best team in the world and will be fine. 

Karmen Petrovic talks to Ava in the back. She asks if she saw that. She says she wants Jacy and Nyx. Ava says she doesn't have to do it alone as a friend volunteered to team with her. Grace says she's not Natalya but is a beauty queen. She says us Canadians have to team together and say what better place to team up for the first time than in their hometown. She says she's so excited.

We see sol Ruca talk about gymnastics and we see her balancing. She talks about being a multi-time champ in college. She says she was the best girl at Battleground but came up short. She said others talk the talk but she focuses on walking the walk. She says she is bringing the heat to Toronto.

Fatal Four Way Contract Signing

Trick Williams, Shawn Spears, Ethan Page and Je'Von Evans are in the ring. Trick says he will whoop that trick in the ring in Toronto. Page says Trick doesn't care and will bring the same energy no matter what. He says he's the champ and the hottest thing in WWE right now. He says he has seen his swagger at Battleground. He says he would have won at Battleground then Trick interrupts and said he got whooped.

Page says this Sunday isn't the same as Vegas. He says he doesn't have to win him to beat the title. He can beat him but he doesn't have to. He says the odds are not in Trick's favor. Trick says his back is always against the wall but he comes through each time.

Trick says he will add one more win to his resume on Sunday. Spears says Trick loves the sound of his own voice. Spears says Trick has emotion and says his emotion will bring him the title at Heatwave. Spears says Trick's emotion got his hand raised and it will again at Heatwave.

Spears says Evans is a 20 year old kid who is happy to be here. Spears says Evans is the team who made it to The Super Bowl but doesn't have a shot at winning the big one. Evans says everyone wants to use his age against him like he's a punk.

Evans says he is nervous but excited. Evans says since we are talking about experience, how about we talk about Spears' experience holding the NXT Title. Evans says Spears doesn't have any. He says he will show him what an NXT champ really looks like.

Page says him and Spears beat Evans, but can Trick? He says he doesn't like Trick's odds. Trick says he doesn't like him. Trick says Evans can do a lot of things but can't take his NXT Title from him. 

They make their cases for why they will win. Spears rips Evans for being 20. Evans threatens him. Evans says he is coming for the title Sunday and calls Page and Spears punks. Spears attacks him and all four fight. Spears and Page go through tables. Evans looks at the title and Trick takes it away.

Thoughts: Evans was legit the best person in this one. I thought they had a lot to work with but didn't really get all out of it that they could. It got a little better at the end but the early part of the segment didn't really hit. It's all for naught though. It's just not a hot program and I don't expect a classic out of this four way.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay night in-ring wise for the most part. The storylines just aren't really hitting the mark though and it's a real problem with a PLE coming up.  I can't say I'm too excited about anything on the PLE except Jordan/Sol, which hasn't gotten much build. These are all younger wrestlers so it's not a huge problem in the short-term, but I hope things are better 6-12 months from now or else we've got a real problem on our hands. I wasn't a huge fan of this and wouldn't recommend it.

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