Tuesday, July 2, 2024

NWA Powerrr 7/2/2024

NWA Powerrr 7/2/2024 

I didn't see last week's show. The show from two weeks ago is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/nwa-powerrr-6182024.html

Graw The Jewels Ladder Match - Slade vs Eric Smallz

The winner of this gets to punch the other guy in the balls. No, really, that's the stipulation. They have to grab a sack of jewels from a ladder to win.

Rolando Freeman comes out in an arm sling and is supposed to be in this. Kyle Davis asks him about this. RF says he showed his "jefe" disrespect and says he will refer to him as "jefe". RF says we aren't getting to see him kick Smallz in the teeth tonight. He says he has someone just as big and as spectacular as him. He then brings out Slade. RF says Smallz doesn't have the requiremnets or the cojones to wrestle this man. Kyle says it's Smallz's call. Smallz says he has been the underdog his entire life and says he will kick his @ss.

Slade throws him down and paintbrushes him. Smallz hits shots to the leg then trips him. Smallz paintbrushers him then Slade facekicks him. Slade stomps him. Slade carries him around the ring and does curls with him before slamming him. Slade elbow drops him.

Slade misses a corner spear and goes into the post. Smallz bronco busters him and grabs the ladder. Slade pushes the ladder over and lariats him. Smallz kicks him in the leg and does a pendulum ddt. Smallz then does a caterpillar and headspin then does a splash. Smallz 2nd rope headbutts him in the crotch.

Smallz hits him with the ladder and baseball slides it into him. Smallz then topes him. Rolando Freeman trips Smallz. Smallz bites the hand and spears him. Smallz superkicks him and 2nd rope moonsaults him on the ladder.

Smallz climbs the ladder, is put in an ankle lock and rolls Slade into it. Slade air raid crashes him. Slade climbs the ladder and Smallz tips it over. Slade is pulled out. Rolando attacks Smallz. Knox and Murdoch ome out to help Smallz. They beat up the heels. Murdoch puts Smallz on his shoulder and is chop blocked by Slade. Slade then gets the jewels and wins. 

We do not get to see Smallz get hit in the balls.

This was bogus. It's just not believable in any way, shape or form that Smallz could present any real challenge to Slade. They tried to cover it, but I wasn't buying it. I also don't get why we didn't see Smallz get hit in the balls since that was the stipulation.

NWA National Title - Thom Latimer vs Zyon 

WWE's old sign guy fan has a sign that says, "Austin Idol wears a diaper". Idol rips it up.

Zyon and Thom stare down then shove each other. Zyon side headlocks him. Thom armdrags him then Zyon armdrags him. We go to break and return. Thom dropkicks Zyon then is thrown out. Idol teases punching Thom outside.

Zyon stomps Thom on the steps. Zyon spinning bridging neckbreakers him. Zyon chinlocks him then hits elbow drops. Zyon chinlocks him again and Thom jawbreakers him. Thom lariats him then Thom backdrops him.

Thom flatliners him for 2. They do a double clothesline and both go down. They trade euros and Thom backslides him for 2. Thom armlocks him then crossfaces him. Zyon backrolls him for 2 and is sent into the buckles. Thom pop-up sitout powerbombs Zyon and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match here. Nothing was bad but it just wasn't super exciting and the crowd wasn't into it. 

Crockett Cup Semifinals - Knox and Murdoch vs The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor)

The Six hit their opponents. Knox and Murdoch no sell it then Morton is knocked down. Alex is chopped in the corner. Kerry is sent into him then Kerry takes a double back body drop. Alex then takes a double back body drop. Knox suplexes Kerry in and the match officially starts.

Knox elbow drops Kerry and Kerry is out of it. Murdoch knocks Kerry down with a punch then clubs his back. Murdoch chops up Alex. Murdoch beats up Alex on the apron and Kerry chop blocks him from behind.

We go to break and return. Kerry chop blocks Murdoch then Alex chop blocks Murdoch. Murdoch top rope crossbodies Alex. Knox is tagged in. Knox facekicks Kerry then corner splashes him. Knox crossbodies him. Alex sacrifices himself on a high/low, saving Kerry. Kerry pulls Knox's throat down over the top.

Murdoch nails Kerry. Murdoch goes for the suplex on Kerry but Ricky Morton pulls Murdoch's leg. Kerry picks up the win.

It was a good match here with The Six working Murdoch's leg and cheating to grab the win. I'm not really surprised by this. These four all know what they were doing and a good match was the expectation going in. Kerry bumped around a lot like usual and the big guys had fun roughing him and Alex up.

Overall thoughts:  It was an average show. We had three matches. The first was total nonsense, the second match was average and the main was good. That's the definition of average here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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