Tuesday, April 2, 2024

TNA Xplosion 3/29/2024

TNA Xplosion 3/29/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/tna-xplosion-3222024.html

They showed a Rhyno vs Rob Van Dam classic match with Tommy Dreamer as the guest ref and they showed Steve Maclin vs Chris Sabin from Impact this week, which I covered here.

The new footage here was:

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Gia interviews Dani Luna. Dani has a tattoo of a beaver drinking a beer. She said it comes from a trip that her, Jody Threat and Subculture did. Dani said they decided they were best friends at the end of it and got tattoos. Gia said she has a ttoo on her ankle too. Dani also shows off a potion bottle on her arm. Gia said she respects people with turtle tattoos and talks about Dani having one.

Dani said she has a rose on her ankle and wants more. She said she's carefree and would just get something stupid. Gia said she has a magnolia on her ribs along with another one and she says we will never see them on TV.

They talk about drinking coffee. Gia said she has to let her try some of the coffee she has and said they have watch the movie "Steel Magnolias".

Tasha Steelz vs. Ava Everett

They lock up and Tasha throws her down. Ava side headlocks her, shulders her over then does a dropkick that mostly misses. Tasha slides out to catch a breather. Ava takes a back elbow then gets chopped. Ava full nelsons her, Tasha tries to use the ropes then is dropped down.

Tasha hits a stiff pump kick. Tasha hits elbow drops. Tasha hits shots in the corner then rolling snapmares her into a PK. Tasha chinlocks her then suplexes her. Tasha holds on for another then gets suplexed.

Ava hits forearms to the chest and a boot. Tasha's head is banged off the buckle then Ava back elbows her. Ava hits a reverse ddt for 2. Tasha gets stuck on the 2nd buckle but blocks a codebreaker attempt. She 2nd rope meteora's her > superkicks her > then cutters her to win it.

Ava didn't have a good night her as she had some sloppy moments and moves didn't quite hit. It went longer than it needed to, the crowd wasn't into it and it just didn't work. 

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match shown here and it wasn't good along with a Gia Miller/Dani Luna interview segment. I'm not sure why they moved from two new matches to just one new match, but I hope they go back to showing us more new matches instead of old matches. I wouldn't recommend this.

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