Tuesday, April 2, 2024

STARDOM 3/30/2024 STARDOM in Sendai 2024

STARDOM 3/30/2024 STARDOM in Sendai 2024

Starlight Kid vs. Rian

This is Rian's debut. They lock up and Kid piefaces her on the ropes. Rian wristlocks her, Kid flips out of it then wristlocks her. Kid side headlocks her. Kid cartwheels over her then Rian springboard armdrags her. They then stand off. Rian hits single leg dropkicks then Kid slams her.

Kid hits a big chop then hair throws her. Kid low dropkicks her then Rian flying single leg dropkicks her.  Rian hits another dropkick then forearms. Kid forearms her down. Rian hits a forearm flurry to the chest then slams her.

Rian headscissors her out of the corner then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kid dropkicks her then crabs her. Kid boots her while she's on her kneel then Rian cradles her. They do a cool flip into a backslide for 2 then Rian hits chest forearms. Kid forearms her and jumping kicks her for 2.

Kid cross legged fisherman suplexes her for 2 then Kid top rope moonsaults her. Kid then wins it.

It was a good debut for Rian. She didn't blow anything and her stuff looked okay. She seems to have some agility which is good but also seems to really be lacking fire and personality which isn't good. It went longer than it needed to here but it looks like Stardom has another decent looking rookie. Whoever is training Stardom's rookies these days needs a serious raise.

Aya Sakura vs. Sayaka Kurara

SK takes her down and flips over, then they roll on the mat. SK triangles her then they each grab leglocks. Aya blocks a take down then knees her and hits a hard slap. Aya arm throws her then they trade pin attempts. SK low dropkicks her.

They trade chest forearms and Aya slams her. Aya hits dropkicks for 2. SK sleepers her then Aya snapmares her. Aya kicks her in the back then headscissors her. SK hits dropkicks. Aya misses a spinning heel kick in the corner then they trade chest forearms. SK dropkicks her in the chest then slams her.

Aya tries pin attempts then chest kicks her for 2. SK hits a stiff spear and lets go on a rolling pin before Aya even kicks out. Aya chest kicks her then hits a high kick. They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. They go for more pins and the time limit expires. They then keep fighting some after.

They had a botch a piece or so here but I thought it was a pretty good effort for two of the younger wrestlers. They really beat the crap out of each other here and made it look like a real fight at times.  

I think they set up some kind of match after with Aya, Kurara and Yuna Mizumori vs Tam, Anou and Poi.

Oedo Tai (Rina & Ruaka) vs. God's Eye (Ranna Yagami & Saki Kashima) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Waka Tsukiyama)

Ranna, Rina and Hana start us off. They do a triple test of strength. Rina is kicked by both opponents then shes pulls both down by the hair. Rina takes a double boot to the chest then Hana and Ranna trade. Ranna dropkicks Hana then Hana shoulders her over. Waka low dropkicks Ranna then hits hip attacks.

Waka misses a hip attack on the ropes and takes kicks to the butt. Saki rolls up Waka for 2 and hits boots. Waka back rolls Rina and Ruaka then low dropkicks both in the back. Rina puts an octopus on Waka. Rina throws out Ranna then Ruaka sentons Waka.

Hana drops Waka into a buttdrop on Ruaka. Hana splashes Ranna and Ruaka in the corner then crossbodies both at once. Ranna armbars Ruaka then Saki 2nd rope double stomps Ruaka. Ranna PK's Ruaka for 2 then armbars her. Hana suplexes Ranna then is dropkicked by Rina. Ruaka fisherman suplexes Ranna. Ruaka double arm chokeslams Ranna and wins it.

It was short and a waste of time. We only got to see a little of everyone before the time ran out. Hanako is really starting to get what she is doing out there. 

Yuna Mizumori vs. Mai Sakurai vs. Lady C

Mai takes a 2v1 early and trips Yuna onto C. She then poses on them. Yuna hits Mai for C's chops then C returns the favor for Yuna. Mai throws money at both then double dropkicks them. Mai paradise locks Yuna then Mai chases C around Yuna. C and Mai then both double low dropkick Yuna.

Yuna takes a double boot then C and Mai trade forearms. Yuna double crossbodies her opponents off the top then she rolls into a dropkick on Mai. Mai pump kicks Yuna then leg slices her for 2. C double lariats Yuna and Mai then C double throat thrusts Mai.

Mai does a neat pin attempt on C then takes a lariat from Yuna. C face kicks Yuna then Yuna rolls her up. Yuna then rolls C up again and rins it.

It was a very short sprint. Sure, it was entertaining and not boring but not even half of what it oculd have been.

C and Yuna keep fighting after. Mai gets on the mic after.

Yuzuki Gauntlet Match - Yuzuki vs. STARS (Hanan, Hazuki, Koguma, Mayu Iwatani, Momo Kohgo & Saya Iida)

Each match here is 1 minute.

Leg 1 - Yuzuki vs Mayu Iwatani

Mayu stomps her and spin kicks her in the gut. Mayu rolls her up and low dropkicks her. They trade forearms and Yuz spinning headscissors her. Mayu slaps her and the time runs out. Yuz then slaps her after.

Leg 2 - Yuzuki vs Momo Kohgo

Yuz does a nice takedown on her then Momo side headlocks her. Yuz armdrags her then rolls her up. Yuz blocks a pin attempt and gets reversed on hers. Then the time expires.

Leg 3 - Yuzuki vs Koguma

Yuz drops down and armdrags her. Kog lariats her then slams her. They reverse each others irish whips then Yuz rolls her. Kog rolls her as well and gets a 2 count. Yuz cradles her for 2 then the time runs out.

Leg 4 - Yuzuki vs Hazuki

Yuz side headlocks her and Haz dropkicks her. Haz goes for facewash kicks then is dropkicked during it. Yuz hits more dropkicks then does a tequila shot style rolling driver. Yuz hits forearms and the time limit expires. Haz face kicks her after it expires. Haz top rope sentons her.

Leg 5 - Yuzuki vs Saya Iida

Saya running shoulderblocks her into the buckles then hits machine gun chops. Yuz hits a forearm flurry. Saya hits her in the gut and leg then sliding lariats her. Saya hits another lariat and pins her.

Leg 6 - Yuzuki vs Hanan

Yuz is still down from the last match and Hanan pulls her up. Yuz hits forearms then Hanan forearms her back. Hanan hits a running euro on her. All of Stars come in and beat up on Yuz for some reason which should be a DQ. The time runs out. Hanan backdrops Yuz after and Stars somehow group pins Yuz even though this no match at this point. Yuzuki seems to be welcomed to the group after.

This was stupid on multiple levels. Every match was only a minute so nothing had enough time. The girls beat up on Yuzuki after the matches, the one match started while Yuz was still down, Hanan's team interfered to help her, then they created a new match after where they all beat up on Yuzuki. I don't know what this was. 

Giulia & Tam Nakano vs. Queen's Quest (AZM & Miyu Amasaki) vs. Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe & Natsuko Tora) vs. Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Saori Anou)

G = Giulia

Tam and G stare down and Tam chops her. Poi, G and Miyu go at it. G and Miyu are armdragged then G backdrops Poi. Tam and Poi cartwheel into dropkicks on G then double headhunter her. Tam takes a superkick + step up enzugiri combo then Tam and Miyu take double boots from Oedo Tai.

Tora cannonbals 3 girls in the corner then Miyu is held for boots to the face. Momo drops Miyu with a chest kick and crabs her. Momo and Tora take stereo ddt's and G hits tam on the apron. Tam top rope crossbodies G then OT are tripped into low dropkicks twice.

AZM and Tam duck kicks then trade forearms. AZM suplexes Tam. AZM takes a double spinkick then Tora takes a double superkick. Momo uranages Tam then AZM top rope double stomps both of them.  Poi and Tam take stereo high kicks then Poi and Tam hit stereo germans with AZM getting dropped on her head. 4 girls then try to high kick each other at the same time.

G takes a double dropkick from Anou and Miyu. G forearms Tora then Tora eye rakes her. G is rolled into a sliding lariat from Tora. Tam is double tripped into a double basement dropkick. Tam hanging dragon sleepers Miyu in the corner and G hanging guillotines AZM in the corner. G and Tam then hit a top rope dropkick and crossbody from separate corners.

Anou top rope dropkicks G then G backdrops her on her neck. Anou germans G Anou takes a superkick + glorious driver combo for 2. AZM springboard double dropkicks OT then Poi top rope planchas outside. Miyu tornado ddt's Anou then puts her in a pin combination for 2. Miyu is superkicked and Anou backslides her to win it.

It was non-stop action for 10 minutes straight here. There were always 2-4 girls in this and it was basically chaos. Not a ton of storytelling or selling but a lot of fast paced wrestling.

G suplexes Tam on the floor after then Tam slams her on the floor.  

Hanan seems to challenge Anou for her title after.

Artist Of Stardom Title Match - God's Eye (Ami Sourei, MIRAI & Syuri) (c) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Maika, Mina Shirakawa & Xena)

Mirai and Mina start us off. They lock up and fight for ocntrol. Mirai clean breaks her then takes a slap, forearms and clubs to the back of the neck. Mirai back elbows her then hits mounted forearms. Maika hip throws Mirai into basement dropkicks. Mirai jumping flatliners Mina and. Mina takes a chop flurry from Mirai and Ami.

Mina takes a 2 person double chop. Ami slams Mina then crabs her. Syuri snapmares Mina and kicks her in the back. Syuri shotgun dropkicks her then underhook suplexes her for 2. Mina dropkicks Syuri. Maika shoulders Syuri over a few times.

They trade forearms and they hit attacks on the ropes. Syuri flying headscissors her then bulldogs her out of the casadora for 2. Ami splashes Maika then hits a chop flurry on her. Ami double chops Maika and they shoulder battle. Maika shoulders her over then Ami shoulders her over.

Ami racks Maika and it gets broken up. Maika powerslams Ami. Xena boots Ami and hits forearms. Xena trips her into a pin attempt. Ami suplexes Xena then Mirai top rope dropkicks Xena. Xena hits a hard chop on Mirai and they trade chops. Xena chop flurries her then Mirai fujiwara armbars her.

Xena takes a double shoulder then a PK from Syuri. Ami finlay rolls Xena then Mirai vader bomb elbows Xena. Mirai corner lariats Xena then Maika backdrops Mirai. Mina rolls over Maika's back to splash Mirai.

Xena double underhook suplexes Mirai. Xena superkicks her then Mirai does a neat suplex on her. Mirai wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes Xena then hits a nice lariat for 2. Mirai hits a stiff death valley driver on Xena for 2. Mina top rope dropkicks Ami then punches Syuri. Syuri codebreakers her. Maika 2nd rope superplexes Mirai. Syuri is double pendulum dropped into a splash on Mirai.

Mirai is held by Maika and Xena. Mina climbs on Maika and Xena's shoulders then drops down and splashes Mirai for 2. Ami double lariats Mina and Maika. Xena takes a triple team powerbomb for 2. Maika double lariats Syuri and Ami then Mina top rope planchas Syuri and Ami outside.

Xena and Mirai lariat each other then Xena flips her with one. Xena torture double gutbusters Mirai and wins it.

It was a good tag with non-stop fast paced action. Mina then Mirai got beaten up for the majority of this one. This is what you would want and hope for out of these girls. Mina really worked hard here.

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - Queen's Quest (Saya Kamitani & Utami Hayashishita) (c) vs. Crazy Star (Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki)

Utami and Suzu lock up. Utami side headlock takeovers her then Suzu headscissors her. They stand off. Saya and Mei miss dropkicks on each other. Mei slides under her then crossbodies her. Saya blocks an armdrag then armdrags her. Mei legsweeps her and basement dropkicks her.

Saya dropkicks Mei then kips down out of Suzu's lariat. She then dropkicks Suzu. Saya dropkicks Suzu and Mei both in the corner then slams Mei. Utami slams Mei several times then basement dropkicks her. Mei takes a double flapjack then a double basement dropkick. Saya double stomps Mei for 2.

Mei and Utami trade then Mei goes down. Mei spin kicks her. Suzu meteoras Utami in the corner then takes a chest forearm. Suzu then double rolling spears her opponents. Utami uranage's Suzu then Saya basement dropkicks Suzu. Utami lariats her on the ropes then Saya spining heel kicks Utami.

Saya armdrags Suzu then Suzu trips her and meteoras her in the back of the neck. Mei dropkicks Saya when she gets in.  Mei takes a double back elbow then a double basement dropkick. Saya is popped up by Utami into a double stomp on Mei. Saya northern lights suplexes Mei then Mei headhunters her for 2. Saya spinning high kicks Mei then Mei does a spin kick to her. Saya pump kicks Mei.

Suzu and Utami trade forearms. Utami forearms her then Suzu takes a double boot in the corner from both opponents. Utami 2nd rope dropkicks Suzu for 2. Suzu and Utami trade forearms then Suzu chest kicks her. Suzu does her drive by sliding kick outside. Utami takes a high/low kick combo Saya rolls Suzu into a backdrop then Utami torture rack drops Mei.

Utami lariats Suzu then Suzu hurricanrana's Utami. Saya crossbodies Mei off the apron outsid then Utami air raid crashes Suzu for 2. Suzu takes a magic killer then Utami swinging torture rack bombs Suzu. Utami takes a poisonrana from Suzu for 2. Mei 2nd rope codebreakers Utami and Suzu germans Utami off of it. Suzu hits kicks to a kneeling Utami then hits a tequila shot on her.

Mei dropkicks Saya then top rope plancha's her outside. Suzu germans Utami then holds on for another for 2. Utami takes a springboard dropkick into a delayed german and is pinned.

I'm pretty sure this match and the match before it happened to get the belts off the people leaving Stardom. Similar to the last tag, it was fast-paced, non-stop and stiff action. There wasn't a lot of story or selling going on here and it had people coming in and out constantly. It was entertaining but not exactly smart or great. Mei really hustled here.

Overall thoughts: Rian had a good debut here and Stardom really seems to have found the secret code to training rookies as they've been making some good ones lately. Aya and Kurara's match wasn't perfect but they were stiff and really felt like they were going at it at times so I liked it. The three way tag was short and a waste of time as the 3 way that followed it. The gauntlet made no sense. The last 3 matches were all fast paced matches with tons of moves and not a lot else. They were okay but not real memorable or different from the other.

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