Wednesday, April 3, 2024

WWE NXT 4/2/2024

WWE NXT 4/2/2024

Last week's show is here: 

We see Carmelo Hayes arrive with guards and we see Trick Williams arrive.

Winner Challenges for the Tag Titles at Stand and Deliver - Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs The LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro) vs The OC 

NF and Cruz tope Luke Gallows as he comes in. Luke face kicks Ax. Karl pops up Ax and Ax dropkicks Luke off of it. Wilde rolls up Ax then throws him into a hurricanrana on Karl. Ax standing spanish flies Wilde for 2. NF spinning enzugiri's Karl then hits a ddt + reverse ddt combo on Karl and Wilde. Wilde upkicks NF then neckbreakers him for 2. Wilde slams and stomps NF. The LWO double dropkick Luke off the top. Wilde does a top rope skytwister press outside.

We go to break and return. Ax spanish flies Wilde for 2. NF and AX top rope splash Wilde then Karl is hurricanrana'd into the post by Ax. Luke face kicks NF, who is doing a springboard. Luke takes a double superkick then Wilde is springboard launched into a ddt on him.  NF top rope flip dives on Luke and Wilde outside then Ax is pushed backwards off the top onto Luke. Karl flip dives people outside then Cruz walks up the buckles and tornillos outside.

Cruz top rope walks into a dropkick then misses a phoenix splash. Cruz takes a magic killer. AX topes Luke outside then NF springboard 450's Cruz for the win.

It was a fast paced spotfest as expected. Some of the dives were silly here as people ended up doing dives on their own partners. It was a fine opener though with lots of flips and dives.

Ax and NF are interviewed in the ring. NF said they have never slowed down since they started this team. NF said if you thought they did crazy stuff tonight, just you wait. Ax says they are unstoppable then they see The Wolfdogs on the riser.

Lexis King does a promo. He said it's a brutal business and not everyone is cut out for it. He talks about Mr. Stone and Von Wagner. He said he is baffled that Von wants another shot at him. He said Von says he will take care of him but can't even take care of himself. King said Von couldn't put one foot in front of the other if it wasn't for Stone. He said he can't hang with the king and said everyone will be happy when they see the king's hand raised in victory.

Ilja Dragunov is interviewed while leaving the arena. He sees his car has a boot on it with a flat tire. One of Tony's crew tells him to get into the car and says not to keep The Don waiting.

Fallon Henley vs Jacy Jayne

Thea hail and Kelani Jordan are with Fallon and in cowgirl gear. Thea's acting a fool as usual.

Fallon and Jacy lock up and Jacy drags her down. They keep the lock up on and roll on the mat with it. Fallon back elbows her, trips her then does a kick to the side of the face. Fallon back elbows her then Jacy nails her from behind, sending her over. Kiana James had distracted her. Kiana, Izzi and Nyz are with Jacy. Thea goes nuts and Kelani has to hold her back.

Jacy neckbreakers Fallon. Fallon sunset flips her then Jacy chinlocks her. Fallon headbutts her then punches and lariats her. Fallon bangs Jacy's head off her knee. Kiana gets on the apron then Thea topes her. Fallon facebusters Jacy and Kelani gets thrown into the rails outside. Fallon goes out to help. She comes back in and takes a pumping knee. Jacy then wins it.

There wasn't a lot of wrestling here due to all of the shenanigans so this one wasn't that great. Jazmyn Nyx had an arm sling on here and I'd hope she didn't get injured during her first tv match.

Jacy and friends go to the back. She talks trash. She said she pretended to be her friend and classmate. She said she was never her friend. She said she saved Chase U just to regain the spotlight that shouldn't have been taken off of her. She said she's back where she should be. Ava tells her to move it along. Thea and friends come in. Thea said she wants her hands on her and Ava makes a 6-woman tag for Stand and Deliver. Thea goes nuts for this. 

We get a video package on Josh Briggs. He says he's the man of mayhem and says this is NXT where he throws hands. He said JBL gave him some good advice and we see JBL asking him who is Josh Briggs. He said he will stand on his own and deliver the fight of his career at Stand and Deliver for the North American title.

Lexis King vs Von Wagner

Von runs to the ring and slams down King. Von lariats him over the top then sends him into the rails. Von bangs King's head off the buckles then throws him. King gets caught off the 2nd rope and takes a fallaway slam. Von spears the post when King moves then King pumping knees him.

King double foot chokes Von ala Katsuhiko Nakajima. They trade chops then King neckbreakers him for 2. King hits elbows on Von. King jumps on his back with a sleeper and is thrown down. King superkicks him then takes a powerslam. King kicks him as he bends over then Von face kicks him.

They fight on the apron and Von chokeslams him on the apron. Von clears a table off then King ddt's him on the floor. King hits a coronation neckbreaker and wins it.

It made sense with King getting thrown around and evading Von, but I don't like Von losing here and it wasn't a classic or anything.

Ava goes into Carmelo Hayes' locker room. Ava said she told the ref to be lenient in the Melo/Trick match. Ava said extra refs and security are here in case things get out of hand. Melo said to tell your boys to be ready because his will.

Karmen Petrovic talks to Natalya in the back. Nat said KP has this and to watch out for the kicks. Roxanne Perez comes in. She said she would have listened to every word of hers 3 months ago but now she doesn't need any of her former heroes. KP tells her not to worry about her.

Arianna Grace calls for Georgina but Wren Sinclair comes in. Grace said she has some of the finest gowns money could buy and has them for Georgina. Grace says she is nervous about how she will look in them. Wren said Gigi looks good as she is. She said she thought pageants were about being who you are. Grace asks if Wren is implying that she will change Georgina for the worse. Grace gets mad and tells her those are fighting words. She said these dresses are going to have to wait as Wren is shocked.

Lola Vice vs Karmen Petrovic

KP goes for kicks and Lola tries to take her down. Lola goes for the armbar and thye each duck high kicks. Lola hits a knee to the gut then takes an upkick. Lola hits her in the gut and KP jumping kicks her in the corner. KP spinning lariats her for 2 ala Natalya, who is with KP.

Lola spin kicks her in the gut then hits knees to the body. Lola axe kicks her for 2. Lola headlocks her then full nelsons her. KP drops down and upkicks her. KP kicks her off the ropes then hits kicks to the body. KP armwringers her down. KP screw kicks her in the back for 2.

Lola urakens her then does Natalay's sharpshooter while taunting her. Lola submits KP and Natalya is shocked.

I liked this one. They had more of a martial arts match here with lots of knees and kicks. Lola using Nat's finisher on KP was a nice touch too. Lola shakes her hips at Nat and KP after.

We see Ilja Dragunov in the car with Tony's crew. He goes into a guarder area and the door has to be rolled up for him. Two guys stare him down, one is cutting wood the other has a crowbar. Another guy in there is drilling into wood.

Tony and his crew walk in. They sit down at a table with the NXT Title. They stare down and it says to be continued.

Supernova Sessions

All of Meta-Four is there. Dar says we are a week away from Stand and Deliver. Jakara says they are the hostesses with the mostest. Dar brings out Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria. Meta-Four tries to keep them apart.

Lyra says Perez isn't champ because Indi Hartwell climbed a ladder faster than her. Lyra said she blamed Lola Vice for another loss when she cashed in her contract. Perez says Lyra doesn't know her. She said she doesn't know what it is like to lose that title but will on Saturday. She said she will knock her off her high horse and see how good her moral compass is. Perez said what makes a champ isn't how you win it, but how you lose it. She said she didn't have it in her to snap her arm a few weeks ago, but now she does. She said losing my title didn't break her but made her dangerous.

Lyra said Perez didn't call it her title when Tiffany or Becky were champ. She said Stand and Deliver will be a fight. Lyra says she wins while Perez just b!tches. She said she will have a whole lot to b!tch about after Stand and Deliver. Perez said Lyra wants to be seen as the perfect champ but there is no perfect champ. Perez said she has a whole year of rage built up inside of her and will let it out at Stand and Deliver. She punches Lyra and Lyra spinning high kicks her. Lyra then hits an attitude adjustment on her through a coffee table.

Perez is doing better as a heel than a face but she's still doing pretty simple stuff and I'm not sold that it will have a lot of longevity to it on the main roster.

We get a Dijak video. He says he's the law in the ring and says he can break any man. He said he didn't come to NXT to make friends but to collect gold. He then says now I'm p!ssed off.

Oba Femi watches this on a video and says he will show why he is North American champ.

We see Ava Raine and a ref talk to Trick Williams in the back.

Joe Gacy vs Oba Femi

Shawn Spears hits Joe from behind with a chair. He asks if it's funny and tells him to laugh for him. Oba throws Joe in the ring. The ref asks Joe if he can still go and Joe said this is what he came for. Joe hits shots on Oba then takes a forearm to the spine. Oba uranage backbreakers him.

Oba elbow drops him. Oba pounds on him then throws him hard into the buckles. Oba running euros him and Joe goes out. Joe runs the apron and takes a very hard chop. Joe step up enzugiri's him then backdrops him. Joe asai moonsaults him then handsprings. Oba catches him and hits snake eyes. Oba throws him on a backdrop. The ref then stops the match as it seems Joe isn't getting up.

I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt here and assume Joe is injured. I didn't like the start of this here as Joe had already been chaired yet the ref just let it go on when Joe obviously would have been at a disadvantage. Oba's chop was nice here but someone getting injured in your match at NXT isn't something you want to happen.

Tatum Paxley talks to Lyra Valkyria in the back. Tatum asks what was that. Lyra said it was Roxanne pushing her to her limits. Tatum said that is not her. Lyra said maybe she's right but she's willing to do anything to keep the title at Stand and Deliver, even if it means not being herself.

Arianna Grace vs Wren Sinclair

They lock up. Grace wristlocks her then Wren headlock takeovers her. Wren shoulders her over then side headlock takeovers her again. Wren pushes Grace's face down into the mat and waistlocks her.

Wren atomic drops her and dropkicks her. Wren misses a dropkick then is booted in the corner. Grace shoulder throws her and hits elbow drops. Grace boston crabs her and Wren hits upkicks. Wren rolls her up for 2 then Grace is thrown off a boston crab attempt. Wren chops Grace then hits lariats. Wren flying lariats her then Wren crossbodies her.

Wren misses a splash. Grace backrolls her with a bridge and uses the ropes to pin her.

It wasn't great or anything and they didn't really intend it to be. They are having Wren do really simple stuff on purpose and Grace really only does simple stuff at this point. It was a very basic wrestling match.

We go back to the meeting with Tony D and Ilja. Tony said he took care of his parking situation. Tony agrees that this a very scary place. He said this doesn't represent the end of Ilja, just his title reign. Ilja said many men have said this but not been able to do this. Tony said he's not everyone. Ilja said Tony told him he's unbreakable. He said Tony is The Don but he is Ilja Dragunov and nothing will stop him from being champ at Stand and Deliver. Tony grabs Ilja's injured hand and tells him to look at the faces around him ready to pounce. Tony said he can do it to him right now, but says he will do it at Stand and Deliver. He said he will break the unbreakable and leave Stand and Deliver as the NXT champ. Tony says it's nothing persona, just business. Tony then gives him food and tells him to enjoy his last supper.

It was fun mafia related stuff as usual with Tony. 

Sol Ruca vs Blair Davenport

Blair flying dropkicks her to start then hits euros. Sol back elbows her and hits shots. Sol flips over her and superkicks her. Sol moonsaults over her and armdrags her. Blair hits forearms then Sol gorilla press drops her. Sol standing moonsaults her for 2.

Sol flips out of a hiptoss then facebusters her. Sol dropkicks her and lariats her out. Sol handstands on the apron then PK's her from there. Blair sends Sol into the steps then kneekbreakers her on the steps. We go to PiP break and return.

Blair has her leg and slaps her then Sol dropkicks her. Blair legsweeps her then is shouldered over. Blair kicks her in the gut. Sol suplexes her over the top to the floor and goes with her with both landing on the floor. Sol springboard splashes her for 2. Blair backdrops her then Sol armdrags her into the buckles. Sol pulls Blair's neck down over the top rope then Sol does a carthweel ddt off the top using the ropes. Sol goes for a sol snatcher but is pulled down hard backwards. Blair hits a falcon arrow type of move and Sol pins her.

It was an athletic match with Sol busting out stuff she hadn't done in a while or had never done at all. Sol impressed here like she usually does. The booking failed these two though. This should be a big feud yet has gotten little attention and seems like it is being blown off on TV instead of Stand and Deliver. i liked this one, but I feel that both girls were failed with the booking here.

Dijak talks to Josh Briggs in the back. They argue over who will be champ then Oba comes in and says he will remain champ.

Ava says the Stand and Deliver card is pretty good. Joe Gacy comes in. He said he wants Shawn Spears on Saturday. Ava agrees.

Carmelo Hayes comes out with the ring surrounded by security. Trick Williams then comes out. He says here we are, face to face. He said they should both be happy as they are main eventing the biggest show of the year. Trick said they built a bond so strong the whole world had to notice. Trick then brings up race, because it always has to be a race thing.

Trick says he's going to war with a man he used to call his brother. Melo says Trick came a long way. Trick said he didn't know if he belonged here but says Melo was there for him. Melo says it was them against the world at point but now it's  them against each other. They say the world will be watching and Melo said they saw Trick ruing everything for everyone.

Trick compares this to girlfriends and said Trick tried to take his girl in the NXT title. He asks if that's what brothers do. He said Trick went from his brother to his enemy. Melo said Trick will always take a backseat to him. He said everyone knows it and Trick needs to know it. Trick said his days of taking a backseat are long gone.

He said Trick has been hot for 6 months but he's been hot for 3 years. Melo said the fans love you when you are on the rise but will switch on him like Nintendo when it's the next guys turn. Trick says Melo is envious of him. Melo said when he shoots he don't miss. Trick says everyone will be chanting whoop that Trick at Stand and Deliver and he will whoop that @ss. They beat up security then beat up each other. Some of the wrestlers then come down to break it up and a battle royale breaks out to close the show.

It wasn't a bad final segment and I liked the big brawl at the end.

Overall thoughts: It was go home show for the PLE so we didn't get anything too crazy here. It wasn't must see and I think even if you didn't see this show, you'd probably have a good idea as to why the Stand and Deliver card is what it is. The opener was fine. Fallon/Jacy was short and had a lot of shenanigans going on. King/Wagner really didn't get its due despite being a longer feud at this point and it didn't even make the PLE. I liked Lola/Karmen as it was more martial arts focused. Lyra/Perez's segment was okay and I don't fully know what happened during Gacy/Femi. Grace/Wren was basic and Tony did the usual fun mafia stuff with Ilja. The ball really got dropped by the bookers with Sol/Blair as it should be a big match but also won't be on the PPV like King/Wagner. The final segment was okay but everyone fighting at the end was the fun part. I liked it overall but like a lot of Shawn Michaels era NXT cards, the PLE does somewhat feel like a one match show.

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