Southeastern Championship Wrestling March 29, 1980
This is the Knoxville end of Southeastern Championship Wrestling, not the Fuller end, which dealt more with Alabama and other places.
Les Thatcher and Alan Williams are your hosts |
Killer Karl Kox, Southeastern Heavyweight Champion, was interviewed |
"I love to wrestle these young guys because I can always teach 'em somethin'. I can always give them some kind of lesson." - Kox |
Southeastern Television Championship - Troy T. Tyler vs The Seraph with The Great Mephisto
Referee - Scrappy Mcgowen
"Dutch and his magic hat are at the desk." - Me |
"I hate to bring it out on TV, but he's really not a protege of Dusty Rhodes." - Dutch Mantell on Troy T. Tyler |
"Dusty Rhodes and Troy T. Tyler are related, one way or the other." - Dutch | "This man just got out of jail the other week and is the black sheep of the family." - Dutch on Troy |
Dutch said Troy was Dusty's brother and even hinted at either Dusty or his dad being named Virgil, which is Dusty's real name.
"The Rapmaster, The American Dream." - Les on Dusty and not on PN News |
"Going after the lacing of the mask on The Seraph." - Les |
Mephisto gives Seraph an object and he puts it in his mask |
Seraph then headbutted him, but Tyler fell to the floor then got up before 10...
"Tyler goes after that mask." - Les |
"Tyler has got the mask and it's...The Angel!" |
Troy T. Tyler got the win via countout when The Seraph was unmasked as The Angel. The match wasn't bad at all up until the weapon was put in the mask. The Seraph nailed Tyler with the said weapon. He did a big sell onto the floor, then still made it back into the ring in time, which I didn't like. They also kind of showed on the replay that The Seraph was helping to pull off his own mask.
"He's suspended." - The authority figure guy |
The Angel supposedly lost a Loser Leaves Town match, which caused him to go as The Seraph and caused him to be further suspended upon getting caught.
Ron Slinker has the abomination on his face and the masked guy is The Matador. Steve Travis has the hat. |
"You get the film and I'm gonna get me a lawyer and make him pay for what he's done." - The Matador on The Angel |
If I'm reading into this correctly, the Matador(who is Mr. Olympia), wore the mask because of something The Angel did to him.
"I work a little different, Les Thatcher. I can't afford an attorney right now, the way I've been traveling around and what have you. What I'm gonna do is take care of it my way, the Tennessee way, in the street, if I have to." - Ron Slinker |
"I'm gonna make my stand here and whether you like it or not, The Great Mephisto is here to stay." |
Love the fire graphics. |
The Great Mephisto said people might try to deport him and The Manchurians. He said he would not go away.
Steve Travis said it's unlikely Americans will participate in the Olympics and they looked forward to fighting The Manchurians/Mephisto any chance they get |
"I'm going to personally take you on a plane, or the first thing that smokes and send you back where you belong for doing this to me." - Ron Slinker |
Slinker also said he was a former Olympic Judoka, and I'm just a bit skeptical of that claim.
"Mephisto, you're mine." - The Matador |
I can't be the only one who has ever wondered what a blue human would look like, can I? |
We got some footage from Georgia Championship Wrestling of Blue Harley Race showing up at a match between Blue Tommy Rich and Blue Austin Idol.
The ring changes like 5 different colors due to bad picture quality. I for one, support the return of the Rainbow Ring |
Race misses, costing Idol the match and the Television title. I wasn't the only one here who heard a "We Want Cookies" chant, was I? |
Idol and Race beat up on Rich, prompting multiple jobbers to come out and try to stop it |
"The ligaments in his knee were badly torn and he was out of action for 5 weeks." - Les on Tommy Rich. |
Les said that Idol strapped a belt to his leg to keep Rich in the hold and said he was given $5,000 in bounty money.
"There's no more popular wrestler in the world today than Tommy Rich, and I sincerely mean that." - The announcer |
"I'm an ole Tennessee Boy. And when it comes down to get down nasty fightin', I can do it." - Tommy Rich |
Tommy Rich said he didn't care where in Tennessee, but he wanted a shot at Harley Race.
"The American Dream taught me how to get down and shuffle. Taught me how to Rumble in the Jungle, because I am panther quick, leather tough." - Troy T. Tyler |
" razor blade biscuit, chew bubble gum... I started across the Sahara Desert, wasn't no one in sight.." - Troy T. Tyler |
No, I don't know what he is talking about.
"You know, I could do a lot better against Dutch Mantell, but he's blowin' his Whiskey smellin' breath and shakin' his nicotine fingers in my face and I can't half-see." - Tyler | "Dutch Mantell, I'm gonna whoop yo booty, boy, anywhere." |
Ole Anderson vs John Irby
The signal was then lost for a while and this was put up.
The finish |
Ole Anderson got the win in a squash that we missed most of due to technical issues.
"Of course, this is Lights Out, meaning nothing barred and this was a tough battle for the both of them." - Les |
We got clips of a Lights Out match between Killer Karl Kox and Ole Anderson.
Ron Catrone, apparently a ref with a grudge against Ole, hit the ring and beat him up. Others came out to stop it. Ole might have won by pinfall here, but I'm not sure.
"I had Stan Hansen, well Stan is busy. I tried to call Andre, I tried to call a bunch of different people. Then I said, "What in the world am I callin' everybody around the country for?". There's only one person you can really turn to when you need somebody', you gotta go to your own family. And I said, "Lars, what about it?" and he said "anytime." - Ole Anderson |
"You're not just gonna be looking at me, Karl. You're gonna be looking at the Minnesota Wrecking Crew, back together again." - Ole |
We saw a quick clip of Don Diamond beating up Rip Oliver:
Don said he played football and wrestling and got trained from Verne Gagne. He said everybody can be beat and he doesn't like to lose, as it takes money from his pocket.
"Well as far as The Seraph being suspended, I whole-hardheartedly agree with the officials. They should suspend a man like that." - The Great Mephisto | "As far as The Angel and I are concerned, we parted ways a long time ago." - The Great Mephisto |
Mephisto claimed to not know who was under that mask and Les didn't buy it.
The Manchurians vs Mark Hill and Rick Stone
The finish |
The Manchurians won quick with a nerve hold on Mark Hill.
The Matador, Slinker and Travis then came to get some revenge.
Mephisto grabs a shoe! |
"That karate man, Ron Slinker, has been using lethal karate blows to destroy men for a long time." - Mephisto |
The Great Mephisto claimed wrestlers were against them and were spreading lies about them. Mephisto claimed Slinker had a crystal item that he picked up that then exploded in his face. Les also accused him of having a "persecution complex".
And that was it. The co-host Alan Williams, only appeared to open and close the show.
Overall thoughts: You can kind of tell they were working on a budget here. There were a lot of clips from other companies and Mephisto appeared on half the show, which got tiring. It mostly made sense and wasn't awful, but nothing to really go out of your way to see.