Friday, January 4, 2013

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 1/4/2013 Review

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 1/4/2013 Review

Last week's show is here:
"I wanna be World Heavyweight Champion. Smackdown used to be my show, but lately that's not the case. Also, I want to announce my entry into the 2013 Royal Rumble." - Randy Orton
Sheamus then came out:
"I too will be in the 2013 Royal Rumble match." - Sheamus
He thanked Orton for helping him with the Shield, but Orton said he did it for himself, not Sheamus.

"If I Brogue Kick that small little head of yours and your body stays in the ring, tell me fella, does that count as an elimination?" - Sheamus

Big Show then came out followed by Antonio Cesaro:
They all argued with Cesaro calling them all fat, soft and lazy. Booker then came out:
He booked Antonio Cesaro and Big Show vs Sheamus and Randy Orton.

The Miz vs Heath Slater
"Here comes the air guitar version of the Spirit Squad." - JBL
"Jinder Mahal - biggest thing since Punjabi MC." - JBL 

The Miz won with a Skull Crushing Finale. Well, this is something from my nightmares. A 14+ minute Miz vs Slater match. Not good at all and it seriously dragged. The crowd seemed to like Miz though, but I'm really not sure why. 3MB got thrown out during the match due to lots of intereference and they mostly did restholds until Miz made a comeback at the end.

"The story is simple. Wade Barrett is the new Intercontinental Champion. But that's not good enough, right?" - Wade
The Great Khali, Natalya and Hornswoggle vs Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes
"So Hornswoggle is born again?" - JBL on Monday's stupid skit

"Hornswoggle gave Mario some mushrooms just to see if he would grow." - JBL
"That's not really fair. I could hit Hornswoggle with a dropkick. I'm 46 and I've had 4 knee surgeries." - JBL
JBL then said, "That was almost the biggest beatdown on a little guy since King Kong Bundy".

Great Khali got the win with a chop in a bad match. The crowd was dead, the diva's never entered and the focus was on Hornswoggle. It was a total waste of time.

"He got the best of me and it cost me the title. This might be my last shot." - Kofi on his match with Wade

Intercontinental Title - Kofi Kingston vs Wade Barrett

The finish
Wade Barrett beat Kofi Kingston with a Bull Hammer. This was mostly their usual match only with Wade purposely trying to get counted out at times. Nothing wrong with this though I've definitely seen it enough times by now. Not as good as their Main Event match, but still good. Rating:**3/4
Layla vs Tamina Snuka
Listen close and you can hear Tamina's name chanted in her music in a nice touch.
Tamina won with a Superfly Splash in no time. Quick squash here that was just so-so. I kind of feel bad for Layla as she worked her butt off and is now jobbing.

Big Show and Antonio Cesaro vs Randy Orton and Sheamus
Sheamus won here after an RKO from Orton. The story of this was the faces force tagging each other. Orton was about to finish Cesaro when Sheamus jumped in for the White Noise. Then Orton returned the favor with an RKO. Not a particularly interesting match. Pretty average stuff with Cesaro looking weak. This was your typical SD main event.

Overall thoughts:
Not a good one, but not awful. It was just there though I didn't care for Miz/Slater. Skip it.

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