Friday, January 4, 2013

Oz Academy 11/25/2012 - Tag Match

Oz Academy 11/25/2012 - Chikayo Nagashima and Sonoko Kato vs Ran Yu-Yu and Carlos Amano

Things still aren't working right here, but I'm using a different method to try and do this.

Nagashima beat Ran with a cradle. This was about 26 minutes long and they showed a whole 4 minutes of it. Go Oz. Looked like a decent one with Ran being fired up and the crowd being really into her since this was her last match in her home city of Osaka. Naturally, she then lost. I know some people are going to say it's because she was leaving, but this is the first fall she's dropped lately under that reasoning. No rating for this as they didn't show enough but it looked good.

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