Saturday, January 5, 2013

WWE Saturday Morning Slam 1/5/2013 Review

WWE Saturday Morning Slam 1/5/2013 Review

Last week's show is here:

Natalya interviewed Team Hell No. They said, "We are the tag team champions". DB complained about them not playing instruments in 3MB. Kane said he was "absolutely estatic" about being on SMS and Kane then said, "I don't sleep". DB asked if Kane would watch his match and Kane said "maybe". DB asked what else he would do and Kane said, "Scare people, create havoc, the usual".

Booker T and Josh Matthews are doing commentary.

Jinder Mahal vs Kane
Kane won with a clothesline. We had more discussions on Kane and DB being dysfunctional. Booker said they had a family relationship. Kane hit a big legdrop early and nailed Jinder off of a uppercut. They had new camera shots today with a close one from one corner and a far shot from another corner. 3MB huddled inside but they couldn't get their hands together for the break. 3MB all jumped up on the apron to interfere when DB came to Kane's rescue. After the commotion, Kane snuck up on the top rope and clotheslined Jinder for the win. Not much of a match here but it was interesting. I liked the new camera shots.

Heath Slater vs Daniel Bryan
DB got the advantage early after a shoving match between the two then sent Slater back with a dropkick. DB had Slater ready for the Rito Romero Special and did the air guitar motion before it. DB hit another dropkick and they cut away in a goofy moment. DB got sent out and 3MB went to attack but Kane stopped them as we went to break. We came back with Slater in control. Drew tried to interfere and DB got a No Lock in for the win. Good match here minus the shenanigans. Rating:**1/2

Natalya interviewed Damien Sandow. He said he would wrestle next week. He wants to clean up the rubbish on saturday mornings and said anyone who owns a TV should be embarassed. He said he wanted to do english, science and spelling lessons until Orton interuppted and said, "RKO, you know what that spells?". Sandow said, "It doesn't spell anything". Orton then said, "Don't worry, I'll be happy to teach you in the ring next week".

Overall thoughts: Decent show but nothing special. A fine way to spend 30 minutes.


  1. I don't always watch. Is the cameras turning away from the match every other move a usual thing? Or is this new?

    1. They've been doing this since the first episode because they don't want any shots shown where someone takes damage to their head or neck.
