WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/28/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-12211991.html
Note - This is the final episode of 1991 Superstars. I was really happy to be able to complete the whole year and it's been something I wanted to do for a long time. It was a major year of change for the WWF. The Bret Hart superpush began as The Hart Foundation ended. Demolition and Power and Glory broke up. The Ultimate Warrior quit. We spent almost 9 months on a weak Slaughter vs Hulk feud only for Slaughter to turn back face not too long after. Tugboat turned into Typhoon and formed The Natural Disasters. The Funeral Parlor became a weekly fixture, taking the place of The Brother Love Show. We had a commentary carousel all year long with Honky, Piper, Macho and Perfect trying their hand at commentary as Vince desperately tried to replace Jesse. Ric Flair arrived with the WCW/NWA Title and we never really got the Flair/Hogan dream match unless you went to live shows. Jake turned heel and turned his snake on Macho in a wild angle and Taker won the WWF Title. Survivor Series was a total disaster and This Tuesday in Texas didn't quite make up for it. We'll have to see what 1992 has in store for us but we know things are going to look a lot different by the end of the year.
We are in Austin, Texas at the Frank Erwin Center.
Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are on commentary. Perfect tells Piper and Hulk to admit that Flair is the real champ.
The New Foundation vs Brian Costello and Brian Donahue
The jobbers got matching green gear on. The Foundation come out with checkered headbands which is new. Jim pushes BC in the corner then blocks his hiptoss. BC is whipped into an Owen boot. Owen belly to belly suplexes BC. He then suplexes and slams him. Owen 2nd rope elbow drops him.
Owen hits a standing dropkick on BC. Owen slides through BD's legs and monkey flips him. Owen goes up and over BD in the corner and hiptosses him. Jim shoulders over BD. Jim clubs on BD. Jim slams BD then pounces BC. Jim rocket launches Owen and Owen picks up the pin.
Thoughts: It was short and full of action here with Owen doing a lot of athletic offense.
WWF Update
Gene says we are 3 weeks away from the 1992 Royal Rumble. Gene says The Rockers and Greg Valentine are in The Rumble. Sid Justice does a promo. He'll be in The Rumble. He says he doesn't have to go through 29 people, 29 people have to go through him. Sarge, Snuka, Herc and The Boss Man are in The Rumble. Boss says he'll be fighting for everyone who believes in law, order and justice and won't let them down. Barbarian, Martel (back from Europe) and Mustafa are in The Rumble. Mustafa talks in his language and says WWF champ one more time.
Gene tells us Bret Hart vs The Mountie for the IC title is official. The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Mountie says he shocked the life out of Bret last time. he says he will take his pride, integrity and the IC Title. Bret says The Mountie shocking him was the lowest thing he ever did. He says there will be revenge at The Rumble.
"The Model" Rick Martel vs Dale Wolfe
They said Rick is back from Europe and Asai where he was modeling. He was out for a while. They trade side headlock takeovers and headscissors. Rick slams him, Dale upkicks him and they stand off. Rick offers a handshake and shockingly doesn't boot him on it.
They trade wristlocks and Rick hits a hiptoss. Dale upkicks him. Ric is impressed and offers another handshake. Dale wristlocks him. Rick leapfrogs then back elbows him.
Rick does an inset promo. He says The Rumble will be the new champ and it's him. He says he will be a model champ. Rick then helps Dale back in the ring. They shake hands then Rick lariats him off of it. Rick throws him out and rams his back into the post. Rick backbreakers him then boston crabs him for the win.
Thoughts: It was an interesting squash with Rick pretending to be a sportsman then eventually turning on him. It was nice just to see a jobber get to go a little even with someone for a change.
They shill an upcoming Personal Fitness Weekend. They had something similar a year or two ago.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/92 Boston Garden show. Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair do a promo. Perfect says it must be a great feeling to walk out and know you are the real champ. Flair says everything is perfect. He says Hulk has no title and the Hulkamaniac's are leaving the ship. Ric says he's gonna give him a shot at the real title.
Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says Jack Tunney doesn't even recognize the fake title around his waist. Hulk says things are perfect as they can prove they can beat the whole WWF in one night. Hulk says he can also hurt Ric before The Rumble. He says he will lore Perfect and Ric in the same trap and says whatcha gonna do when everything is Perfect?
The Big Boss Man vs JW Storm
JW eye pokes him and hits punches. Boss drops him with a punch then hits a kick to the chest. Boss back elbows him. IRS does an inset promo. He says Boss will feel the misery the IRS can bring to his life and says he will do hard time whether it's sooner or later.
Boss leg lariats JW on the ropes then sidewalk slams him for the quick win.
Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here with them barely even having enough time to finish IRS' promo.
Boss handcuffs JW after and slaps him around like a true face.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/92 Boston Garden show. Piper says Flair and Perfect call him a bad apple. He says he's been one his whole life. He said he got the strap in first grade and has stopped crying a long time ago. He says he knows how to handle people like Flair. He says it's a lot easier to jump off of Piper than to jump on.
Bret Hart does a promo. He says he won't underestimate Ted Dibiase. He says money talks but no one is listening. He says everyone knows Ted is a great wrestler but says the belt says he's the greatest.
The Repo Man vs Larry Sampson
Repo throws Larry over the top. Repo sneaks up on him outside and knees him in the gut. Back inside, Repo lariats him and stomps him. Repo does an inset promo. He says what's his is his and the WWF Title will be his soon at The Royal Rumble. Repo kicks Larry in the leg then submits him with a leg lock.
Thoughts: It was a quick one. Repo's leglock still looks like a weak finisher.
Repo ties up Larry's legs after.
Chris Chavis does a video. They say he's a full blooded Native American. He talks about his ancestors, saying they lived in peace and harmony with each other. He says they are proud and brave people who aren't afraid to fight and die for what they believe in. He says that's the beliefs of the Indian nation then does his yell.
Thoughts: This is Tatanka. I'm not sure why they didn't have him under that name but I'm sure it'll change soon.
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer brings out Roddy Piper, who he calls a friend. Piper says Paul's been preaching death nd nastiness for a long time. He says he was the runt of the family and wanted to grow up and be strong. He said he was given a kilt but it got him big and strong. He said he wanted to be The Beatles but he was given a bagpipe. He says you gotta work with what you got. He said he was laughed at for wanting to be a wrestler at 160 lbs. He says they don't laugh anymore. He says you have to dream the WWF Title at The Rumble.
Piper says you have got to dream. Paul brings up Taker being in The Rumble. Piper grabs Paul and backs him up into a casket then closes the lid on him. Piper says that's not a dream, that's a hallucination. Piper says he will be the next champ.
Royal Rumble Report
Gene runs down The Rumble's card and says The New Foundation vs The Orient Express was just signed. Gene says Jack Tunney holds out the hat before The Rumble and people make their picks. Gene says Hulk and Flair will have the advantage as they get to pick between #20 and #30.
We see clips from last year's Rumble. The British Bulldog, IRS, Duggan and Flair are announced for The Rumble. Flair and Perfect do a promo. They sing. Flair says when he walks the aisle to the title, people will wonder what caused all this. Valentine, Martel, Sid, Michaels, Jannetty, Warlord, Texas Tornado, Piper, Dibiase, Virgil, Repo, Macho and Jake are also announced.
Jake Roberts does a promo. He says some say him and Taker don't play by the rules and are going for the title. Jake says maybe they are.
Tito Santana, Berzerker, Sarge, The Nasty Boys, Big Boss Man and The Undertaker are also announced. Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul says he will have 29 fresh bodies for the crematory. Taker says Hulk will be the 29th body and says there may be room for Tunney in the urn.
Hercules, Snuka, Mustafa, Barbarian, Skinner and Hulk will also be in The Rumble. Hulk says he was at Titan Towers and said it looked like everyone there suffered a disaster. He said everyone acted like Hulkamania was dead. Hulk says he's wired and over the edge and is going out to bust people up. He says it's a dog eat dog world and he will be gnawing on people's bones. He says he will bury Flair and Taker 6 feet under after gnawing on bones.
WWF Tag Titles - The Legion of Doom (c) vs The Rockers
There was no build to this and I don't expect The Rockers to win. Animal and Shawn start us off. Animal throws him in the corner. Shawn avoids a charge and side headlocks Animal. Marty victory rolls Animal.
Animal gorilla presses Marty. Hawk hits Marty's arm off the buckles then fist drops him. Hawk gorilla presses Shawn but Shawn rolls him over off of it. Hawk lariats Shawn. Hawk misses a top rope diving lariat on Shawn. Hawk blocks a sunset flip and nails Shawn.
Hawk headbutts Shawn then Animal powerslams Shawn. Animal splashes Shawn but Shawn gets his knees up. Marty gets in and tries to sunset flip him. Shawn superkicks Animal over.
All four men get in. Shawn backflips Marty and they double superkick Hawk. Animal catches Marty in the air. Shawn tries to dropkick them over but Animal turns around and ends up slamming Marty off of it. Animal then gets the pin.
Thoughts: It was short and a bit rushed. I liked what we got though and it was the most action we have seen on here in a while.
Shawn gets mad at Marty after. He pokes him and points fingers at him. Shawn shoves him then slaps him. Perfect loves it. Shawn slaps him again and Marty teases punching him. Marty then walks off.
WWF Event Center
Virgil does a promo. He says he went from rags to riches and when Repo hit him with the Million Dollar Title, he went back to rags. He says Repo is a thief and a liar. He says Repo is ducking and dodging and says he might jump on Repo from anywhere.
Ted Dibiase and Sherri do a promo. Ted says it must not take much brains to be a champion bullfighter. He said Tito had no brains when he got in his business. He says Tito will pay the price when he gets in the ring with him.
Vince runs down next week's show. The Beverly Brothers, Piper and The Bulldog will be on the show. We will get a special interview with Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth. Perfect says have a happy new year but don't expect it to be perfect.
Overall thoughts: It was a better Superstars than usual with a title match, Shawn getting physical with Marty, our first look at Chris Chavis, Rick Martel's return and lots of Royal Rumble announcements. I liked this one and thought it was a decent show for a change.
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