WWE NXT 3/11/2025 NXT Roadblock 2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwe-nxt-342025.html
We are in New York City.
TNA Tag Titles - The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer and Axiom)
Fraxiom are the current NXT tag champs. Matt wristlocks Ax then back elbows him in the corner. Ax's head is banged off the buckles. Ax is pulled off the buckles and powerbombed. Matt catapults Ax's throat into the ropes and Jeff legdrops Ax there.
Jeff low dropkicks Ax. Ax takes a jawbreaker into a lariat for 2. Matt takes kicks and a double basement dropkick. Ax is thrown into Jeff with a dropkick. NF topes The Hardy's outside. Ax then topes both. NF then tope con hilos both, nearly completely flipping over htem. Ax then top rope moonsaults The Hardy's outside. We go to PiP break and return.
Matt neckbreakers NF. Jeff and Ax get in. Jeff atomic drops him then basement dropkicks him. NF is thrown over the top. Jeff's elbow drop is caught with an armbar from Ax. Jeff sitout gordbusters Ax for 2. NF tries to tope Matt but is caught with a side effect on the floor.
Ax takes a twist of fate into a neckbreaker. Jeff gets crotched up top. Ax top rope spanish flies Jeff. NF then hits a phoenix splash on Jeff for 2. NF spinning enzugiri's Matt. Jeff spin kicks NF. Jeff hits a whisper in the wind on both opponents then hits a twist of fate on NF for 2.
NF enzugiri's Jeff. NF comes off the top and Jeff gets his feet up. Ax backslides Jeff for 2 and pumping knees him. Ax top rope dropkicks NF on accident. Matt hits a twist of fate on Ax and sends him out. Jeff top rope swantons NF and wins.
Thoughts: I figured The Hardy's would win since only their titles were on the line. I'm glad they did let them win though. It was a good match and about the best The Hardy's can do in 2025. Fraxiom did a bunch of flying here and Jeff had a good showing.
Jaida Parker talks in the back. She says she has next between Vaquer and Giulia. Mickie James is there. James says you can wait for an opportunity or make your own. She says Ms. Parker don't play or wait, she takes. She says Jaida belongs at the top. She tells her to go get it. Jaida says James has her locked in.
The D'Angelo Family minus Tony talk in the back. Stacks says he let his temper get the best of him last week. Tony comes in. He says emotion is a sign of weakness. Stacks says they aren't fear and have no respect. Stacks wants a mixed tag match next week and says it is signed. Tony asks where he figures in that. Tony ends up agreeing to the idea.
Roxanne Perez vs Jordynne Grace
We only got the end of RP's entrance here.
JG chases RP around the ring to start and ear claps her. JG back elbows her. JG hits a side suplex and pounds on her. JG stomps on RP's head then hip attacks her off the ropes. JG is caught hanging on the ropes and has her leg banged off the apron edge. RP pushes JG's knee into the steps.
RP russian legsweeps her for 2. RP stomps the knee then drives it into the mat. JG grounded sleepers her. RP drops down on her knee again. JG backdrops her. JG's knee gives out on the vader bomb attempt. RP pulls her down by the hair.
RP pushes JG's knee against the rope connector then stomps the leg while it's there. We go to PiP break and return. JG picks her up like a tombstone and tosses her overhead. The two trade strikes. JG slams her. JG hits another slam.
RP kicks her in the leg and rolls her up for 2. JG hits a package sitout powerbomb for 2. JG backrolls out of a 2nd rope crossbody. RP superkicks her and clips her. RP la mistica headscissors spikes her into the mat. RP top rope splashes her for 2. RP crossfaces her but JG gets a pin attempt out of it.
RP spin kicks her then backslides her for 2. JF urakens her and rolling death valley drivers her. JG hits a made in Japan and wins.
Thoughts: It was a decent match with RP working the leg, JG selling it and making her comeback to win. There was nothing wrong with this and it was one of the better matches I've seen Grace involved in.
Oba Femi walks past The Undertaker backstage. Taker tells him he's impressed. He says he doesn't need to tell him how important the match is. He tells him to defend his yard and fist bumps him.
We see Trick Williams earlier in the day. We see him working out. He says f**k that to Eddy Thorpe thinking NXT Underground is his match. He says the fire has been burning in him all year long and Eddy will feel it when he knocks him out.
NXT Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Moose
They stare down and lock up. Moose hits forearms and chops. Oba blocks a chop and hits his own. Oba hits corner spears. Oba shoulders him over and Moose kips up. Moose lariats him over the top. Moose is on the apron and takes a hard chop.
Moose facekicks him off the apron. Oba uranage's Moose on the apron. We go to PiP break. Oba hits mounted punches and knees to the spine. Oba leg lariats him. Moose hits headbutts then uranage's Oba. Moose sentons him.
Moose hits a nice dropkick. Moose chinlocks him as we return from PiP break. Oba throws him on a backdrop then pop-up powerbombs him. Oba is thrown into the steps. Moose running corner euros him then Oba does it back. Moose pump kicks him then walks then buckles. Moose jumps off the top into Oba's euro for 2.
Oba hits an AA for 2. Oba's shoulder is sent into the post. Moose chops Oba while he's on the ropes. Moose superplexes Oba, holds on and gets suplexed. They trade forearms. Moose pump kicks him. Oba flips him with a lariat.
Oba tries to pop up Moose but is powerbombed for 2. Oba gorilla presses Moose over the top to the floor. They grab each other by the throat then hockey fight. Oba lariats Moose over the top and goes with him. Oba is sent into the post and Moose uranage's Oba through the commentary table.
They mute the audio and the wrestlers get back in. Moose hits a rolling spear for 2. Moose hits mounted punches. Oba pop-up powerbombs him and wins.
Thoughts: I was hoping they'd let Moose get the win here but figured they wouldn't. It was a good match. The two matched up well and their styles worked pretty well together. It was a heavyweight match with lots of throws and the two both took big bumps for this. This went well.
We see Zaria and Sol hanging out over the weekend. Zaria has throw stuff against the wall and smash things with hammers and bats. They then beat up tires and play baseball with glass bottles. Zaria then teaches her how to throat axes. They then drink out of shoes.
Fatal Influence complains to Ava about Fallon not getting an NXT Women's N-A Title rematch. Ricky Saints comes in and says everyone is so angry. Jacy says Ricky doesn't belong here. Ricky says he doesn't get how Ava does it. Ricky says if Ridge is trying to start something he has to stop it. He asks for a match with Ridge and Ava suggests it should be next week.
Ethan Page comes in and says NXT doesn't like outsiders like Ricky.
New York Street Fight - Ethan Page vs Je'Von Evans
Page pump kicks him to start then back elbows him. JE hits mounted shots then hits a superkick. JE topes him outside over the rail. JE bangs Page's head off the steps and pounds on him. JE misses a chair shot and Page sends him into the steps.
Page chairs him. JE chairs him in the gut and the back. Page is dropkicked into the chair between the ropes. JE seated springboard headscissors him into a chair. They high kick each other at the same time and duel chairs. Evans blue thunders him on a chair for 2.
Page sends JE's neck into the buckles and iconoclasms's him through 2 chairs for 2. Page powerslams him through a table in the corner. We go to full break and return. JE springboard lariats him. JE springboards and is punched. Page hits an ego's edge for 2. JE slaps him.
They trade shots and JE swings wildly at him. Page is sent out. Page is sent into the rails and post. A table is bridged on the apron to the commentary table. JE corkscrew kicks a chair into Page's face.
JE jumps over the top and basically sends himself through a table as he tries to cutter Page through the table. JE then topes him onto the commentary table and ends up going over it. JE double springboard tornillo splashes him for 2.
Page throws a chair at JE's face. JE cutters him onto a chair. Page has a chair around his neck and JE springboard cutters him to win.
Thoughts: It was maybe Page's best match in NXT so far. I liked this one though I would have liked to have seen Page work the jaw more. JE did his usual flying here and his suicide dive over the commentary table was great. I didn't the cutter spot through the table though as JE powerbombed himself through it. This was good.
The unnamed heel faction then appear in the stands as the lights go out. JE is stuck in the ring and is beaten up on by them. JE is then thrown into a double powerbomb.
Shawn Spears' group does a promo. Brooks Jensen says he's ready to take over the world. Niko says they want to slaughter the weak and take over NXT. Izzi says they are four parts coming together as one who want to reach the zenith of NXT. They call themselves The Culling. They ask Shawn how it feels to taste gold and he says exhilarating. He says he took The Family's gold and now they take their hearts.
Sarah Schreiber interviews Eddy Thorpe in the crowd. Eddy says so Trick is motivated now huh? He says Trick has no idea what he's getting into. He says Trick doesn't like getting hit and asks what he thinks will happen next week. He says Trick wants to hold the title against but will choke like The Knicks. Trick Williams then nails Eddy from behind. Trick sends him over the rail and bangs his head off the commentary table.
They go into the ring then Trick spears him. Trick hits mounted shots then lariats him over the top.
Title for Title - WWE NXT Women's Title vs WWE NXT Women's North American Title - Giulia vs Stephanie Vaquer
G = Giulia, SV = Stephanie Vaquer
They only have about 12 minutes for this. They lock up and G backs her up on the ropes. They trde forearms. G drops her wiht a forearm. SV escapes a glorious driver, G escapes a move and they stand off.
SV armdrags her. SV leglocks her and they roll to the outside. They trade forearms outside and get back in together. G hits a top rope dropkick. SV headscissors her over the top to the floor. SV springboard plancha's her.
We go to PiP break. SV takes a bridging neckbreaker on the floor. G footchokes her in the corner then facewash kicks her there. SV hits forearms and G hits a big forearm. SV jawbreakers her and snapmares her. SV tries to bang her head off the mat with the headscissors but G gets on her back with a chinlock. G then bangs SV's head off the mat with a headscissors.
SV rolls G then hits soul foot. SV corner meteora's her. SV then headscissors bangs G's head off the mat. We get a big chant for Booker T. G top rope double underhook suplexes her.
SV hits a high kick and B backdrops her. G hits a glorious driver for 2. G drops her with a forearm to the back of the head. G misses a corner attack. SV dragon screws her from the 2nd rope. SV package backbreakers her for 2.
SV tries a cancun tornado but G catches her with a rings of saturn. SV ropebreaks. SV then rolls her up for 2. G running knees her for 2. SV superkicks her twice then hits 2 package backbreakers. SV then wins.
Thoughts: It was a rushed match at only about 11 minutes. They went fast here. The match was just average and didn't have any special logic or story in it. I wasn't surprised to see Giulia lose. Steph is what they wanted Giulia to be and she has eclipsed her in just about every way. I don't see either being a huge hit on the main roster though. I'm curious as to where Steph goes with both titles now. I assume she will vacate the N-A Title.
Overall thoughts: As expected, this being a TV episode instead of a PLE hurt it. Commercials broke up everything and the main didn't get a ton of time. It also meant we got Moose/Oba in the middle of the show instead of in the main where it belonged. It was a really good show though. The main was the weakest thing on here while Moose/Oba was the match of the night. Page had one of his better matches here as did Grace. The opener went as well as it could have as well. I'd give this an 8 out of 10 and would recommend it.
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