Monday, March 10, 2025

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/10/2025

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/10/2025

Last week's show is here:

We are in New York City. Michael Cole and Pat McAfee are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Jey Uso enters through the crowd.

Jey Uso vs Grayson Waller

GW shoves him off the lock up. GW side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Jey flying back elbows him. Jey slams GW. GW hits mounted punches. Jey is sent into the post. GW misses a corner splash. Jey enzugiri's him then lariats him over the top. Jey topes him outsdie. Theory trips up Jey from outside. GW slides out and lariats him.

We go to break and return. GW hits a springboard elbow drop. Jey hits punches on GW. Jey superkicks him then uppercuts him. Jey samoan drops him. Jey hits a corner hip attack on GW.

Jey misses a top rope splash and superkicks him but misses. GW stunners him over the 2nd rope and rolls in with a flatliner for 2. GW hits mounted shots. GW icks him then spinning forearms him. Jey superkicks him. Jey then superkicks Theory. Jey spears GW for the win.

Thoughts: Jey didn't get enough offense in on this one and it didn't look good for him to take a whooping from Waller, who really hasn't been pushed as much of a threat lately. I thought GW was better than Jey here.

Theory attacks Jey after. Jey then takes a 2v1. Jey throws GW over the top then spears Theory. Jey hits a top rope splash then Gunther chokes Jey from behind. Refs then come to break it up.

We get a video on the Punk/Seth feud.

Alpha Academy talk to Jey Uso in medical. Jey says he will be okay.

Logan Paul comes out. Logan rips someone's shirt off on the front row. Logan says AJ was supposed to come out but he beat him to the punch. He says he's shocked Cody was dumb enough to reject The Rock's offer. He said it took Cena 20 years to realize that nice guys finish last. Logan says his soul is for sale and doesn't run away from opportunities.

He points out Andrew Schultz in the crowd who is some kind of comedian. He asks him why he came here. Schultz says he came to see the cage match. Logan asks who he came to see. Schultz says no one came to see Logan. he says he's not in Cleveland but NYC. Schultz says he wants to see AJ Styles.

Logan pulls him over the top and rips his jacket in the process. Logan goes to suplex him. AJ Styles runs down. AJ hits strikes on Logan and drops him with a spinning lariat. AJ hits a springboard forearm.

Logan leaves. AJ tells him to get back in as he's not done with him. AJ says you don't run from opportunities.

Tornado Tag Match - The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) vs The LWO (Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee)

They all fight to start. The New Day take corner splashes. The faces hit corner punches then stereo bulldogs. Woods is sent into the post. Kofi is back body dropped on the floor and Woods is sent into the rails. Rey is popped up into a la silla on Kofi.

Rey is sent into the steps outside. Lee is caught coming off the steps and double powerbombed on the floor. We go to break and return. Kofi is crotched on the top rope. Kofi hangs off the top. Rey springboard hurricanrana's Woods off the ropes. Lee top rope double stomps Kofi as he hangs for 2.

Lee flying hurricanrana's Woods off the apron onto a table. Rey hits a springboard twisting crossbody on Kofi for 2. Rey hurricanrana's Kofi and 619's him. Kofi gets his knees up on Rey's top rope splash. Lee superkicks Kofi out and tope con hilos him. Someone in a mask hurricanrana's Lee out of nowhere then flying headbutts him. That guy then germans Rey on the floor. The masked guy is taken out by security and it's Chad Gable. Chad runs from security.

Rey is put on Kofi's knee then takes a to prope double stomp. Rey is then pinned.

It was all action without a lot of downtime. Chad Gable interfered here under a mask. It was an athletic match as expected and it was okay.

Finn Balor says Bron Breakker is rubbing him the wrong way to Carlito. He accuses Carlito of not listening. Raquel, Dom and Liv walk in. Liv says when Raquel beats Bayley tonight, she gets a shot at Lyra. Dom says he got Finn an IC Title match against Bron. Finn hugs him and thanks him. Dom tells Liv he believes in Finn and Finn has got this.

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. He says Cena isn't here but will be there next week. He complains about Cena kicking him in the nuts. Cody calls him a moron. Cody says Cena won't win his 17th title but he will get to beat his hero in his last chance to be champ. Cody says he's the captain now and leaves.

#1 Contender's to the Women's Intercontinental Title - Bayley vs Raquel Rodriguez

RR backs up Bay in the corner. RR throws her down backwards by the hair. Bay is knocked off the apron. Bay clubs on RR as she gets back in. RR shoulders Bay over. RR corner splashes Bay then hits short arm shoulderblocks. Bay diving armdrags her off the ropes. RR spins Bay with the front facelock. RR fallaway slams her.

RR is pulled face down on the buckles. Bay hits forearms and knees her in the face. Bay hits a bronco buster. Bay elbow drops RR as she leans over the bottom rope. Bay argues with Liv as we go to break. We return and RR misses a legdrop on the apron. Bay stunners her over the 2nd rope and running knees her. Bay diving cutters her over the 2nd rope and sliding lariats her. RR throws her. Bay backrolls her then running knees her. Bay hits a top rope elbow drop for 2.

Bay backdrops RR. RR is sent out and sent into the post. Liv trips Bay while Dom distracts the ref. Bay knocks Dom off the apron. Bay's tope is caught by RR and RR belly to belly suplexes her on the commentary table.

RR facekicks her then one-arm powerbombs Bay for the win.

I'm really surprised by all the losses Bay is taking lately. I'm sure it's going somewhere but it's putting Bay in a hole that I don't know if she will be good enough to get out of. The match was just average here.

Cathy Kelly interviews Chad Gable in the back. She says he attacked Rey and Lee earlier under the mask. Chad says it wasn't him and says it was a fan. Cathy does't buy it. Chad says security is pathetic and said they should have stopped the masked guy. We then see security apprehending someone in a mask. Chad then stares at Cathy and says NY security is pathetic.

Iyo Sky is interviewed by Michael Cole in the ring. Iyo says it's a dream to be at MSG as champ. She says something about being on her way to Mania. Bianca Belair is brought out. 

BB says they haven't always seen eye to eye but she's excited to face her at Mania. She talks about Rhea disrespecting her and her putting her hands on Rhea. She says she just wants to talk about Mania. Rhea Ripley comes out. Rhea asks why BB was out here last week.

Rhea asks if BB wanted to help Iyo. She says there's no reason for her to be out there. BB says Rhea can't beat Iyo and is trying to blame her. Iyo tries to get bweenten them and Rhea pushes her away in her mouth. The two argue then BB piefaces Iyo. Iyo then slaps Rhea and BB. Iyo then throws a fit and the segment ends.

Thoughts: It seems like we are getting a three way. I'm not surprised. Iyo vs BB wasn't the strongest women's match.

Steel Cage Match - Seth Rollins vs CM Punk

Seth pounds on Punk as he enters. Punk then hits punches. Seth hits punches back. They slap each other and hockey fight. They trade more punches. Seth blocks a step up knee and powerbombs Seth into the cage.

We go to break and return. Punk is sent into the cage. Seth opens the door for Punk and tells him to take the easy way out. Punk flips him off and hits punches. Punk hurricanrana's Seth into the cage. Punk hits a GTS.

Seth pumping knees him and rakes Seth's face on the cage. Punk step up knees Seth in the back of the cage. Punk then tells Seth he can leave and opens the door. Seth gives him in the finger. 

Punk neckbreakers him then hits a top rope elbow drop. Punk hits another top rope elbow drop and then a 3rd. Punk climbs the top of the cage. Seth goes up there with him. Punk lays on the top of the cage and is superplexed down.

They trade punches on their knees and get up and trade. Punk hits a GTS for 2. Seth turns a GTS into an STF. Punk puts him in an anaconda vice. Seth curbstomps him for 2. Seth is swept on the buckles and takes a GTS for 2.

Punk hits a curbstomp for 2. Seth hits his own GTS then curbstomps Punk for 2. Seth 2nd rope curbstomps Punk. Roman Reigns then comes out and grabs Seth by the cage. He pulls him out and Seth wins since it is escape the cage rules. 

Thoughts: They tried here and had a good match. There was no blood or anything too wild but they put over that they hated each other well and did some cool stuff like stealing each others moves. The ending was what it was but at least it wasn't for nothing.

Roman superman punches Punk then spears him on the floor. Roman sends Seth into the rails then curb stomps him on the floor. Roman goes to curbstomp Seth into the steps but officials and Adam Pearce stop him.

Paul Heyman comes in the ring and hugs Punk. Roman sees it and is upset. Roman then sends Punk into the cage and spears him.

Thoughts: And there we go. This seems to set up a triple threat Mania giving all three something to do. This also follows up on the thing with Paul owing Punk a favor though it kind of turned Roman heel here for attacking Punk for no reason.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent Raw. The main was good but not great. Nothing else was too memorable here. There was way too much time spent showing celebs and a lot of the roster was missing here. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 but I didn't think it was the best show possible here.

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