Monday, March 10, 2025

WWE LFG 3/9/2025 Episode 4

WWE LFG 3/9/2025 Episode 4

Last week's show is here: 

This aired against AEW Revolution 2025.

Shiloh Hill is back and feeling better after getting knocked out last week. Taker asks how he's doing.

Shawn tells everyone that and the coaches were all part of a group or a team but became individual stars. They talk about factions and Shawn says the NWO was the best faction of all time. They then bring in Eric Bischoff, who they credit for making the NWO.

Eric talks to all the trainees and asks if they grew up watching the NWO. None of them did and he tells them to talk to their parents about it (that's sad but they'd have to be close to 30 to do that so I get it). Shawn then brings out X-Pac Sean Waltman.

Sean says he's a 2x Hall of Famer and said he played an important role in the NWO and DX. Shawn says today is about forming your own faction. Leigh Laurel finds it hard to come up with a faction. Shawn wants to see how they can work together but also know their roles and show who they are. Drake Morreaux is excited.

Shawn says we will have an 8-man Faction Face-Off tag later with the coaches teams. Bayley Humphrey says it'll be her first match ever. She says she's nervous but excited. Elijah Holyfield is nervous too. Sirena Linton is as well.

Eric says he wants to see a vignette and tells them to google the first NWO interview. X-Pac wants to see how they work together and what kind of match they put together.

We go to break and return. Bubba discusses faction ideas with his crew. Zena Sterling says they should be farmers. Bubba isn't impressed. Cutler says it's his first week on Bubba's Team and is ready to crush it. He talks about being a wrestler at Duke. He says he loves to work and fight. He says he is trying to find where he belongs like Hercules. He says he wants to be in WWE. Cutler says they need to find a common thread between them. Drake says they are a deformed family. Bubba loves it of course since he did that gimmick. Bubba then tells them about The Dudley's. Bubba says thye ar eturning into the modern day Dudley's and will be the best Dudley's they can be.

Cutler says the Dudley overalls aren't his thing. Bubba says Cutler stood out to him last week with his soft fire. He says he needs personality from him. He says Kurt Angle stood out to him because he had so much personality. He says he needs Cutler to throw his personality out. He says there's no personality there right now with Cutler.

We then see Bubba's crew dressed up as The Dudley's. Tatyanna Dumas says they based off where they came from. Tat has a dog with her. Zena is an airhead. Cutler is angry and doesn't talk. Drake has Mardi Gras Dudley gear on.

Team Booker says they aren't going back but forward. Leigh said she didn't have many ideas to start. Anthony Luke says they should be "TNE - The Next Era". Leigh says it sums up who they are. Booker does a hand's in cheer on it. They are all dressed in black leather and wearing sunglasses like The Matrix. Booker tells them how to do the vignette.  

BJ Ray comes in to check up on his health. He doesn't want to have surgery and says he has to check with the surgeon.

Bubba and Booker talk. Bubba says Booker's team has a problem making adjustments for the match. Bubba questions Jasper Troy about him not wanting to lose to Zena. Booker backs up Jasper and supports him not wanting to lose to a girl. Booker says he doesn't like Bubba's idea. Jasper Troy says putting the match together was stressful. He says it's not easy or pleasant. Leigh says this gave her an idea of what it's like to be in WWE where plans change on the fly.

Booker says Bubba knows what he's talking about but needs to be put in check sometimes.

The Next Era (Anthony Luke, Leigh Laurel, Jasper Troy and Penina Tuilaepa) vs The Dudley's (Zena Sterling, Tatyanna Dumas, Drake Morreaux and Cutler James)

Bischoff and X-Pac are watching this with the judges. The Dudley video was really good and was perfect for this mix and match team. Zena shoulders Leigh over then rolls her up. Zena side headlocks her. Leigh side headlock takeovers her. Zena takes her down and bangs Leigh's knee off the mat. Zena slams her for 2. Dumas 2nd rope double axe handles Leigh's arm.

Dumas takes a double shoulderblock. Penina side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Penina legdrops her for 2. Penina misses a splash. Dumas tags in Cutler

Cutler and Luke get in. BJ Ray sits with the judges and is kicked out and pushed. We go to break and return. BJ Ray talks about getting kicked out and mocks Bubba. Cutler does a throw on Luke.  Drake gets in and wants Jasper. They stare down. Jasper side headlocks him. Jasper elbow drops him in the back of the neck. Drake boots him out of the corner then lariats him. Drake backdrops Jasper. Drake splashes Jasper for 2.

Jasper hits Drake from behind. Drake takes a flying kick + spinning slam from Jasper and Luke. Luke corner lariats Drake. Jasper black hole slams Drake. Roxanne Perez is seen watching. Jasper abdominal stretches him. Drake neckbreakers Jasper and Mickie screams "oh God".

Cutler gets in. He slams Luke then slams Troy onto Luke. Cutler corner spears the two then hits a double lariat. Mickie doesn't look pleased. Penina comes in and doesn't hit a dropkick clean. Zena hits a top rope splash. Cutler samoan drops Troy.

Thoughts: It's always hard to rate these matches because they aren't in front of real crowds, they do a lot of cuts so we don't see everything and the judges kind of end up being part of the whole thing as well. Zena didn't look that good and Troy's size got exposed against Cutler here as he looked smaller than him. It was also hard because when the genders would tag in or out, the other team had to tag out too. It wasn't anything too good.

Bubba and Booker fist pound after. Booker says they did a good job in putting this together. Mickie asked what happened with BJ Ray during the match. Bischoff says BJ talked to him and Bully Ray kicked BJ out. Bubba says BJ was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Bubba says BJ has the tools but doesn't know how to use them. Taker says it drives him crazy how BJ can't get out of his own way. Bubba says he was BJ back in the day and nobody understands him better than he does. 

Mickie talks with her team about ideas for a faction. Mickie says she sees them as the perfect athletes. Troy Yearwood says they should be called "The Pinnacle of Performance" or POP for short. Troy says he likes to ready and write poetry. He can make his pecs move also. Mickie says thye need to look similar but not the same. Troy wants to wear gold.

Michelle McCool and The Undertaker discuss team ideas. Bayley likes "Slayer of Souls", which Taker recommends. Shiloh says Taker has cool ideas. Taker says he has an idea about his team being in a dark alley that you wouldn't want to find. Taker wants Tyra to do a death stare.

We then see them film vignettes. Bayley says he used to work in a morgue and Shiloh played a dead person in it.

Mickie's team is wearing gold and white and has gold lights. They have a light up ball that Dani syas is like having the world in their hands.

Mickie and Taker talk to their teams about today's match. Chris says he hopes he and Shiloh can get it right this time. Sirena is worried about her first match. She's a former college gymnast and says she's Mexican. She said she watched lucha with her family. She says her dad got deported at 16. She said her uncle took up the role for her but then he got murdered.

Taker talk about the match with his team. Bayley talks about being friends with Sirena. Bayley's from Arizon and did acrobatics and tumbling. She says she loves athletics and likes to throw girls rather than catch them. She says she has a bubbly personality and is excited to entertain people (they ignore her totally being on steroids). Taker gives Elijah and Bayley advice on their first match. Taker says he lost sleep over this. Mickie says her first match was in an armory with 50 people there. Sirena says it's surreal.

We get vignettes for the two teams. PoP definitely has a superhero type of vibe to it. SOS had a nice horror kind of theme to their vignette.

The Pinnacle of Performance (Chris Island, Troy Yearwood, Sirena Linton and Dani Sekelsky) vs Slayers of Souls (Tyra Mae Steele, Bayley Humphrey, Elijah Holyfield and Shiloh Hill)

SOS come out in all black and come out with no theatrics. Bayley throws Sirena back to start. We go to break and return. Bayley throws her and shoulders her over. Sirena jumps at her and is rammed into the corner.  Bayley hits bad chops on Sirena. Sirena chops back. Bayley knees her in the gut. Sirena crossbodies her.

Dani and Tyra get in. Tyra trips her and takes her down. Tyra takes her down by the arm and armlocks her. Dani rolls, kips up and cartwheels out of a wristlock. Tyra wristlocks her. Tyra hits waistlock takedowns. Dani headscissors her down. Dani snapmares Tyra and dropkicks her.

Elijah and Chris get in. They lock up. Elijah pushes him and hiptosses him. Chris side headlocks him then flying shoulders him. Chris then rips off his shirt and throws it in the crowd. We go to break and return.

Troy armlocks Hill then hits a nice dropkick on him. Hill knocks Troy off the apron. Chris monkey flips Hill. Chris is swept off the buckles. Hill backdrops Chris. Chris is group beaten in the corner. Chris takes a corner spear from ELijah. Chris hits forearms on Elijah. Elijah knees him in the gut then shoulders him over. Chris takes a double shoulderblock for 2.

Chris rolls up Hill then Hill lariats him. Hill kicks away Troy's tag attempt. Hill misses a corner charge. Troy hits shots on Hill when he gets in. Troy does a high flying knee on Hill. Dani and Sirena jump on thier female opponents and bang their heads off the mat. Troy cradles Hill. Elijah takes a big lariat. Troy does an AA into a press on Hill and wins.

Thoughts: I felt like we saw a little more of this than the last one. Elijah wasn't bad but is kind of wooden in the ring. Troy and Hill showed the most potential in this one with Hill being a step above everyone. However, Hill is the most experienced. We didn't see much from Sirena.

Elijah says you don't feel like a wrestler until your first match. Bayley says she will cherish that moment her whole career. Sirena says it felt great to be able to trust Bayley. She then tells Molly Holly that it felt incredible. X-Pac says Hill stood out.

We go to break and return. The coaches have to give points out. Booker points over his team and Shawn says Booker is totally not biased in any way. Taker says the finishes in both matches were good. He says he has never been more proud of his crew. He says there's some legit stars in this group.

Mickie says she's proud of her team and says they all killed it. Bubba says how well they worked together stood out. Bubba says his team did a good job. Bischoff says Zena entertained him. Bischoff gives Undertaker's Team a point as he says they brought mystique. X-Pac gives Booker's Team a point.

Team Booker has 3 points, Team Mickie has 2 points Team Undertaker has 1 point and Team Bubba has 0 points.

Shawn says CM Punk is next week's guest. Punk says when you think you have all the answers, he changes the culture.

Overall thoughts: It's a tough show to rate as it's a work of a work at times. It's not always clear how much of the matches we are seeing and the matches aren't shot like traditional matches. The show is gradually dipping more into wrestling which is good. The coach competition thing still hasn't gotten that interesting though. This was probably the best episode so far as it was almost all wrestling focused but I wouldn't recommend this show.

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