WOW Women of Wrestling 3/8/2025 Season 5, Episode 26
Last week's show is here:
Lana Star is with The Fab Four. She says Holly and Pink will win them the tag titles. Lindsay says Lana's priorities are messed up and asks why they are always first. Lauri says they can take notes and see how real champs work. Lindsay says they don't need them. Holly says there will be two new WOW tag champs tonight. Penelope Pink won't high five Holly.
Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Laurie Carlson) vs Tormenta and Princess Aussie
Linds backs up Aussie in the corner and misses a shot. The four all get in. Aussie and Tor hit shots on MSH. MSH miss dropkicks then take dropkicks. Aussie topes MSH. Tor goes up top and swantons onto MSH outside.
Aussie elbow drops Laur. Laur is tripped into the ropes then pulled over the 2nd rope. They seem to mess a spot up and Linds lariats Tor. Tor's head is banged off the mat for 2. Linds foot chokes Tor in the corner. Tor takes a double back elbow. Laur rolling spears Tor.
Linds hits corner spears on Tor. Laur catapults Linds into Tor. Laur foot chokes Tor. Tor rolls out of the way of the heels and tags out. Aussie top rope crossbodies Linds. Aussie lariats Linds then flying crossbodies her for 2. Aussie superkicks Linds. Aussie is lifted into a codebreaker on Linds.
Aussie and Tor pound on their opponents. Tor is thrown out by Linds. Aussie takes a side slam + top rope elbow drop combo and is pinned.
Thoughts: There were some sloppy moments here. This got a lot of time and maybe a little too much. It should have been a little better than it was considering the experience of the wrestlers in it. I just thought it as so-so.
Gigi Gianni vs Chantilly Chella
BK Rhythm does a rap on Chella before it starts. Gigi and Chella go at it. Gigi waistlock takedowns her and they trade front facelocks. Chella side headlock takeovers her. Gigi headscissors her. Gigi hits mounted forearms on Chella.
Chella is on the 2nd rope and Gigi double knee presses her down. Gigi chinlocks Chella. Gigi swinging side slams her. Chella headscissors Gigi out of the corner and hits kicks. Chella legsweeps her then meteora's her.
Cehall step up knees her in the corner and 2nd rope dropkicks her. Gigi over the back neckbreakers her. Chella goes to springboard and BK interrupts her. Gigi does like a single leg codebreaker to the face and picks up a win.
Thoughts: It was short but was a decent effort from the girls. They matched up okay and had no real issues.
Genesis vs Roxxy Fierce
Gen backs her up in the corner then slaps her. Rox waistlock takedowns her twice. Rox throws her into the buckles and corner forearms her. Rox hits a corner splash then hip attacks her on the ropes.
Gen boots her in the corner then pulls her leg around the middle rope. Gen bangs Rox's leg off the apron then bangs the knee off the mat. Gen does a double leg grapevine heel hook on her and Rox gets out.
Gen misses a corner boot. Rox shoulders her over then hits lariats and back elbows. Rox backdrops her for 2. Gen misses a spin kick. Gen boots her then spin kicks her in the head for the win.
Thoughts: It was another shorter match but I didn't have any issues with it. Gen got the win as expected. I would have liked to have seen a finish with the leg she worked on though.
Gen gets on the mic after. She says she beat The Fierce Sisters. She says Roxxy is strong but says she's getting bored. She says she's tired of winning all the time and not getting a title shot. She said she broke out of Exile but it seems like they want her there. She says it doesn't matter who she faces as she will lay down the law.
Santana Garrett comes out. She said Paola Mayfield and Abilene Maverick demanded a title match. She said McLane says you have to earn it, not be given it. She says she gives it her all night every night and says she is asking for a title match against The Classmaster. McLane says Classmaster's feet were on the ropes against her in their match so he agrees.
Thoughts: At least the logic was okay, but I'm not a big fan of title shots being given this way.
Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty talk in the back. Betty's worried about having to put her hands on Holly tonight. Jones says not to worry about it as Holly wouldn't hesitate to do it to her.
Pink, Holly and Lana walk to the ring. Pink doesn't want involved in the family drama but Holly says she needs her help.
WOW Tag Titles - Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty vs Penelope Pink and Holly Swag
Pink pushes Holly into the ring. Holly then punches Pink to tag her in. Jones snapmares Pink then pulls her arms back while pushing on the head with the legs. Jones then bodyscissors rolls her around the ring. Jones corner hip attacks Pink then Pink is brought down by both opponents for 2.
Betty bulldogs Pink and kicks her in the back. Betty superkicks Pink. Holly gets in but doesn't want to fight Betty. Jones throws Holly in from the apron. She hits some shots on her. Jones hits back elbows on Holly then sliding lariats her for 1.
Holly is tripped into Betty's knee. Betty spanks Holly. Holly spits on Betty and slaps her. Holly clubs on Betty. Pink then forearms and boots Betty in the corner. Holly foot chokes Betty and chops her.
Betty then hits a chop and takes a double throat thrust. Holly clubs on Betty and knees her. Betty takes a double step up knee in the corner. Pink poses on Betty on the ropes and Jones knocks Pink off the ropes. Holly stomps and elbow drops Betty.
Holly chops Betty then sliding leg lariats her. Betty is put on the 2nd rope and takes a sliding german. Holly wants a high five but Pink refuses. Pink is pulled down face first on the buckles and takes a rainmaker lariat.
Holly and Jones go at it. Jones hits a big slap then lariats her. Jones back elbows her then corner splashes her. Jones running back elbows her and pulls her down backwards. Betty hits a russian legsweep on Pink. Jones and Betty send their opponents into each other but they avoid banging into each other. Miami's Sweet Heat then runs in and beats up Jones and Betty. Jones and Betty win via DQ.
Princess Aussie and Tormenta then help the faces out and beat up on the heels. Ref's then come down to break it up.
Thoughts: It got a lot of time and was a good match here. I just wish we could have gotten a better finish as it deserved one. Holly did good job heeling it up here as she spit on her mom Betty to get heat. The work was just also above the usual WOW work, though some of the strikes could have hit harder.
Overall thoughts: There was only one match that was good here and that was the main. There wasn't much else of note here. The opener wasn't as good as it should have been and the other two matches were acceptable. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and I don't think you really need to see it.
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