Saturday, February 15, 2025

WWF Survivor Series 1991 11/27/1991

WWF Survivor Series 1991 11/27/1991

Pre-show thoughts: It's been an interesting road to Survivor Series. Jim Neidhart and Sid Justice both got pulled from the show messing up the original line-ups for this. Ultimate Warrior got fired at Summerslam which ruined his program with Jake and Taker. They were having people call in to dial a number to reinstate Macho Man to get on here but that doesn't happen. For the first time ever, Hulk Hogan is in a title match instead of a Survivor Series match, which kind of defeats the purpose of having this show, since the gimmick is supposed to be watching people fight in traditional Survivor Series matches. They ran some big angles to get us here with Macho trying to get reinstated after losing to Warrior at WM7,  Hulk getting attacked by Flair and Taker, Flair attacking Piper and Piper chairing Vince on accident along with Jake Roberts making his snake bite Macho.

We are in Detroit, Michigan. Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon are on commentary.

Gorilla Monsoon takes us to footage of Randy Savage getting bitten by Jake's snake. Jack Tunney says he can't let Macho compete in Survivor Series. He says he accepts full responsibility for letting such a reptile at ringside. He said he accepts Jake Roberts' explanation that it was an accident and that the snake was thought to be de-venomized.

Tunney says all reptiles are banned from ringside from this point on. He says Macho Man will be reinstated immediately. He says a match between him and Jake will take place as soon as possible, which is at next week's Tuesday in Texas. Tunney says Jake can't participate in Survivor Series. He says The Legion of Doom and The Big Boss Man will face IRS and The Natural Disasters instead of the Survivor Series traditional match. 

Thoughts: Macho got bitten by the snake on Superstars 11/23/1991 but I'm not sure if Tunney's announcement was new or a replay from this weekend. The show starts off with a bang here. Obviously the ban on reptiles wouldn't last long. I do support Jake being pulled from Survivor Series due to the snake bite and at least they are keeping Macho out to sell the injury. This whole thing does kind of hurt the tag match that was scheduled though as Survivor Series should be where the wrestlers settle feuds.

Heenan says Macho may be re-instated but he could be terminated after Tuesday in Texas. Gorilla says we have a first with Hulk defending his title vs The Undertaker tonight. Heenan says we will watch the biggest funeral in wrestling history and says we will see Undertaker bury Hulk and Hulkamania.

Survivor Series Elimination Match - Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, The British Bulldog & Virgil vs Ric Flair, Ted Dibiase, The Mountie and The Warlord

The 4 heel managers (Sherri, Perfect, Wippleman and Hart) come out with their guys. everyone but Sherri leaves. Ric holds up his real world's title but the title is blurred out (it was being shown on TV up until about 2 weeks ago). 

Piper and Ted start us off. Flair nails Piper from behind and Ted hits shots on Piper. Piper running lariats Ted then Ted is crotched on the top rope. Piper then pulls the ropes up and down into his crotch.

Sherri tries to pull tEd out and is pulled into the ring. Piper backs up Sherri in the corner and Sherri gets on his back. Piper kisses Sherri and Sherri goes out. Piper hits shots on Ted the wristlocks him. Sherri is then escorted out. Piper hammerlocks Ted down.

Ted is held down and beaten up by the faces one by one. Virg clubs on Ted's arm. Bret takes Ted over by the arm and armlocks him. Bret misses a corner knee and kind of does a monkey flip to Ted. Bret gets a 2 count on Ted and armdrags him with an armlock.

Bret shoulders over Ted and is hiptossed. Flair misses an elbow drop on Bret then is heabdutted. Flair takes an atomic drop. Davey catapults Flair into the corner when he gets in. Davey then gorilla press slams him. 

Piper and Flair go at it. Piper hits a wild combo of shots and Flair goes out. Flair's head is banged off the steps. Warlord and Davey get in. Davey running dropkicks him. Warlord boots him out of the corner.

Mountie gets in and flying back elbows Davey. Ted and Bret get in. Bret hits shots on Ted's gut and backbreakers him. Bret 2nd rope elbow drops Ted for 2.
Ted and Bret run into each other and both go down. Davey and Mountie get in. Davey lariats him over then back elbows him. Davey gorilla press slams Mountie. Davey hits shots on Flair when Flair slides in illegally. Flair hits chops. Davey hits a double lariat on Ted and Flair. Davey powerslams Mountie. Flair comes off the top and clubs Davey on the neck. Flair then pins Davey.

Piper gets in and fights off the heels in the corner. Mountie clubs on Piper from the outside. Flair knee drops Piper. Piper figure fours Flair. Ted kneebreakers Piper over his own knee. Ted then spinning toe holds Piper. Piper cradles him for 2.

Mountie crabs Piper. Virg is tagged in and breaks it up. Virg knocks over Mountie and back elbows him. Flair gets in. He slaps Virg and takes shots. Virg hits bad punches. Virg back body drops Flair and Flair begs off.  Ted's head is bnged off the buckles by Virg. Ted powerslams Virg. War gets in and throws Virg out. Virg is sent into the steps. War full nelsons Virg. Bret breaks it up then Piper pins Warlord.

Piper rolls up Ted for 2. Ted back elbows him. Virg lariats Ted then puts him in the million dollar dream. Ted sends Virg into the buckles to break it. Flair backdrops Virg then stands on his throat. Mountie dropkicks Virg.

Ted hits Virg off the buckles. Ted suplexes Virg then lariats him. Virg neckbreakers him. Flair hits shots on Piper then Piper eye pokes him. Piper hits corner punches on Flair then eye pokes him again.

Flair's head is banged off he buckles. Piper throws Flair off the top. Flair is thrown into the corner and ends up going out. Ted gets double teamed and the ref calls for the bell as he fighting continues. We are told the ref has DQ'd everyone for fighting in the ring except for Flair, who was outside of the ring.

Thoughts: What the heck was that decision? That's disappointing. This was pretty much chaos the whole time. People constantly came in when they weren't supposed to. People who weren't the legal man in even got pins which was bogus. Ted should have also been DQ'd here for Sherri blatantly interfering. I mean I guess the finish fits all the chaos that went on but it didn't make for a good way to end the match nor for a good opener.  While they did push the feuds well, it was hard to ignore the awful finish especially since people waited months and paid money to get it.

Piper then goes after Flair and punches him over the top rope. Mountie avoids a double team and leaves.

Heenan is excited about Flair winning and Gorilla threatens to throw him out for being unprofessional. Heenan calls Mr. Perfect to celebrate Flair winning.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the reinstated "Macho Man" Randy Savage on the stage. Gene says 97% of people voted for Macho to be reinstated on the phone survey for him. Macho says it was a living hell when he got bit by Jake's snake. He said he couldn't see or hear except for Miss Elizabeth's crying. He said that hurt him worse than anything Jake could do to him. Macho is told all reptiles are banned for the Jake/Macho Tuesday in Texas match. Macho says Jake is the real snake. He says the madness will be all over Jake like melting butter.

Gene asks about Miss Elizabeth. Macho says why don't you ask her yourself here tonight. Miss Elizabeth then comes out. Liz thanks anyone who helped get Macho reinstated. Liz says she'll have her ticket for Texas. Liz then says, "ooh yeah" to predicting Macho's victory at Tuesday in Texas.

Gorilla says officials are working on TV coverage of Tuesday in Texas.

Survivor Series Elimination Match - El Matador, Jim Duggan, Sgt. Slaughter & The Texas Tornado vs. Col. Mustafa, Hercules, Skinner & The Berzerker

This is such a weird one. Roma had quit the WWF about a month prior but Herc is still in Power and Glory gear. Sarge turned face but Mustafa is still with Adnan and doing the evil heel role. Jim Neidhart was supposed to be in this but he was injured by Flair and The Beverly Brothers and Sarge takes his place. The Dragon and Big Bully Busick were also supposed to be part of this but they got pulled.

Tito and Skin go at it. Tito shoves him over then side headlock takeovers him. Heenan says this is "Jim Louis Arena" and says, "what a great hockey player he was!". Tito flying forearms Skin out. Tito misses a crossbody on Skin. Berz misses a double stomp off the buckles. Kerry then gets in and fights with Berz. Berz misses a dropkick.

Kerry gets put in the opponents corner and tags out. Herc and Duggan go at it. They trade punches. Berz grabs Duggan by the hair and Duggan fights his opponents in the corner. Berz boots and stomps on Duggan. Berz back elbows him. 

Mustafa chinlocks Duggan then Duggan shoulders him over. Mustafa throat thrusts him. Duggan hits shots on Mustafa then hits corner punches. Duggan suplexes him. Sarge and Mustafa go at it. Mustafa misses some bad shots. Sarge atomic drops him and lariats him. Sarge then pins Mustafa.

Sarge bangs Berz's head off the buckles and clubs his chest. Berz running lariats Sarge and throws him gut first into the buckles. Sarge goes into a buckle that got exposed. Berz facekicks Sarge for 2. Sarge atomic drops Berz on the ropes and pulls the ropes up and down on him.

Sarge leg kicks Berz and Berz does a split off of it. Duggan lariats Berz over the top. Berz runs back in and is back body dropped over the top. Berz does a corner charge on Duggan then gets hit by Kerry. Kerry gets teamed up on in the corner. Kerry rolls over Herc's back and tags in Tito.

Tito hits punches on Herc and flying forearms him in the back of the head. Tito pins Hercules.

Skin comes in and bangs Tito's head off the exposed buckle. Berz shoulders over Tito. Skin slams Tito then atomic drops him. Sarge rolls up Skin after a blind tag and pins Skinner.

Berz is the last man in for his team. Berz misses a dropkick and has his head banged off the exposed buckle. Duggan lariats Berz and wins. Duggan's team wins without having any members elimination.

It was fine but not much else. They made the exposed buckle shots come across as not being very lethal and it wasn't very face like of the faces to bang the heels' heads off of them. I figured Skin or Berzker would get a pin in here but I knew Mustafa and Herc were probably getting jobbed out here. We got like 5 seconds total of Sarge vs Mustafa here.

Mean Gene interviews Jake Roberts on the stage. Jake is weird some totally 90's colorful sweater. Jake says the snake incident was an accident. Gene asks if he knows the pain he caused and Jake says he enjoyed it for a long time and Gene calls him a sick man. Jake wants the fingers pointed at other people like Tunney and Macho instead of him. Jake says Miss Elizabeth has a one way ticket to the other side at Tuesday in Texas. He tells Macho not to expect the prince to be there to wake her up wit ha kiss. Jake says Tuesday in Texas isn't the beginning or the end, it's the end of the beginning.

Gorilla says Tuesday in Texas will be on PPV. 

Thoughts: I don't mind them turning Tuesday in Texas into a Part 2 to Survivor Series 1991 but it does kind of feel wrong that they got people to buy this show and are trying to get them to buy another to see stuff they wanted to see on this like Macho vs Jake.

WWF World Heavyweight Title Match - Hulk Hogan (c) vs. The Undertaker

This is happening in the middle show which should tell you something is about to go down. Hulk tips over Taker's casket as he enters.

Taker misses a corner charge. Hulk side headlocks him. Taker shoulders him over and Hulk goes out. Taker grabs Hulk by the throat and chokes him. Taker pulls on Hulk's face. Paul Bearer then chokes Hulk and says, "Rest in Peace Hulk Hogan".

Taker slams Hulk then misses an elbow drop. Hulk hits punches then lariats Taker. Hulk eye rakes him. Hulk running elbows Taker and hits chops. Taker's head is banged off the buckles. Hulk lariats Taker over the top but Taker just lands on his feet outside.

Taker pulls Hulk out and hits him in the throat. Taker bangs Hulk's face off the steps. Taker chokes Hulk with the mic cord. Taker chokes Hulk inside. Paul chokes Hulk then Taker uppercuts Hulk. Taker iron claws Hulk. Hulk's down but he powers up. Hulk hits boots to the gut, hits shoulderblocks then takes a flying lariat from Taker. Taker tombstones Hulk.

Hulk no sells the tombstone and fires up. Hulk hits punches on Taker. Ric Flair comes out. Hulk slams Taker. Hulk grabs Paul Bearer and goes after Flair outside. Hulk drops Flair with a punch. Hulk hits the big boot on Taker. Paul then trips up Hulk. Taker uppercuts Hulk then tombstones him onto a chair that Flair is holding. Taker then gets the pin.

The match wasn't that good as it was mostly just Taker choking Hulk, Hulk hitting basic shots and Taker getting the win with Flair's help in the end. Taker shouldn't have lost here though as he's still making his name and this was one of his first big challenges. Plus if they want to give Hulk the title back, Tuesday in Texas is coming up real soon. Flair coming out hopefully builds to Hulk/Flair, but we know we aren't getting that.

Hulk is checked on by various officials after and is out. Heenan celebrates saying Hulkamania and Hulk Hogan is dead.

Mean Gene Okerlund is in the interview area in the back. He says he can't believe that Taker is champ. Gene says he wants to talk to Hulk but he doesn't know what state he is in.

Gene then interviews Roddy Piper. Piper says it's a bad day in the WWF. Piper says anything can happen in the WWF and it did. Piper calls Taker an Addams Family reject. Piper asks where Jack Tunney and Flair are. Piper says Flair's a helpful guy when someone's back is turned. 

Sean Mooney interviews Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. Perfect says ashes to ashes and dust to dust, Hulkamania finally had to bust. Perfect says the fans can cry but it won't bring back Hulkamania. Perfect says Flair is now the real world's champ. Flair said he told Hulk he was short lived and he is. Flair says the fans believed in Hulk all these years but now it's all over. He says there's just one champ now. Flair says Hulk isn't immortal, he's on his way to the hospital. Flair says no more Hollywood, no more limosines and no more kids running wild. Flair then says everyone starts paying the price for the video distortion on his title.

Mean Gene Okerlund says Taker now wears the World Title. He says Jack Tunney is talking to Hulk Hogan. The Natural Disasters, Jimmy Hart and IRS are interviewed. Gene says he's shocked and Quake says he wants to talk about shocks in their match. Quake says there will be a bunch of aftershocks tonight. He says LOD and Big Boss Man are doomed for disaster. Hart says it should have been 4v3 tonight and says it's not Jake's fault he couldn't wrestle tonight. He says Macho got bit by a snake and wasn't man enough to get in the ring. IRS says he wants to make sure Boss Man pays tonight and says Jack Tunney will surely get audited this year. Typhoon says his team would still come out on top if it was 150 vs 3.

Sean Mooney interviews The Big Boss Man and The Legion of Doom. Animal says they will abide from Tunney's decision. Animal says it didn't matter as they wanted to beat them up 3v4. Animal says get ready to get your butt kicks. Boss says The ND's are nothing but trash. Boss says his feud with IRS is personal. He says IRS' friends will serve hard time like him. Hawk says Jake can consider himself the luckiest man on the planet. Hwk says their opponents will be reduced to soiled slit sauce tonight. Sean goes to interrupt Hawk and Hawk says, "don't you ever".

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jack Tunney. Jack says the ref's decision is final and can't be challenged. He says he can order a rematch though and says Hulk will fight Taker for the title at This Tuesday in Texas. Jack says he will be at ringside to ensure a fair and just outcome. 

Gorilla and Heenan Tuesday in Texas.

Survivor Series Elimination Match - The Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly) & The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) vs. The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke) & The Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels)

There wasn't much effort put into this one and it's basically filler. These teams are maybe kind of feuding on house shows but that's it. This is also obviously a bathroom break match.

Knobbs and Luke trade punches then eye rakes. Luke knees him twice then Knobbs takes a double clothesline. The Nasty's have their heads banged together and The BW's double clothesline both. Beau is thrown into Blake then The Bev's take battering rams. The Rockers then double dropkick The Nasty's and the heels are all out of the ring.

Shawn and Blake trade shots and the ref gets between them. Blake hits headbutts then back elbows him out of the corner. Shawn neckbreakers Blake. Blake hits an atomic drop and a backbreaker. Knobbs misses an elbow drop and takes a flying knee.

Luke stomps on Knobbs' foot. Knobbs misses a corner splash then 2nd rope diving bodyblocks Luke. Knobbs pins Luke. Shawn gets in and takes a double axe handle to the back from Knobbs. Saggs hits punches on Shawn. Saggs hits a suplex. Shawn top rope crossbodies Saggs for 2.

Shawn armdrags Saggs. Marty then jumping splashes Saggs' arm. Saggs shoulders over Marty. Marty hits armdrags and an armlock. Marty's head is banged off the buckles and Beau pulls his neck forward. Marty flips out of a back body drop and superkicks Beau for 2.

Beau hits knees to the gut. Marty jumps over him off the 2nd rope and is hit from behind. Beau gutwrench suplexes him. Beau and Marty run into each other and both go down. Blake and Butch get in. Butch hits a bunch of shots and is hit from behind. Butch takes a shaker heights spike and is pinned by Beau.

Marty back elbows Beau then monkey flips him. Marty hurricanrana's him for 2. Marty step up enzugiri's Beau. Shawn  wristlocks Blake. Blake knee lifts him. Marty is bridged on the ropes and takes a butt drop on the back. Shawn's back is rammed into the apron outside.

Beau elbow drops Shawn on the back. Beau backbreakers Shawn. Shawn backslides Beau and pins him. Blake oklahoma stampedes Shawn for 2. Marty sunset flips Knobbs for 2. Marty hits shots on Saggs. Saggs tries to thrown Shawn over the top but Shawn holds on. Shawn dropkicks Saggs out from behind then flying lariats him off the apron outside.

Shawn superkicks Knobbs on the floor. Shawn comes off the top and is hit by Saggs as he lands. Blake legdrops Shawn then drops him throat first on the ropes. Shawn boots Blake and tags in Marty. Marty hits shots on Knobbs then flying back elbows him.

Knobbs eye rakes Marty. Marty armdrags and armlocks Blake. Marty sunset flips Blake. Marty is thrown hard into the buckles then Knobbs powerslams him. Saggs pumphandle slams Marty. Saggs backdrops Marty. Knobbs comes off the 2nd rope onto Marty and Marty gets his knees up.

Marty running lariats Knobbs and all 5 men get in. The Nasty's are thrown into Blake. Marty slams Saggs but nails Shanw with Sagg's foot on the slam. Knobbs then pins Shawn off of it. Shanw gets mad and yells at Marty. Marty tries to hug him and Shawn pushes him. Shanw then tells him to come on and win it.

Knobbs beats up on Marty. Marty double boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope diving bulldogs him. Saggs throws Marty over the top. Blake powerslams Marty and picks him up on the pin attempt. Marty slides out and pulls Knobbs out with him. Marty bangs Knobbs' head off the apron and throws him into the post. Marty then top rope plancha's The Nasty's outside.

Marty swinging facebusters Blake. Marty cradles Saggs but the ref doesn't see it. Knobbs rolls Saggs onto Marty and Saggs pins Marty despite Marty having his shoulder up.

Thoughts: This was way too long and was punishment to watch. The crowd was dead after the Hogan match so they didn't help out much and it just wasn't structured that well. The only real thing of note in this one was The Rockers having issues but I don't think anyone really wants to see The Rockers split up though considering how good they are. I would not watch this again if you paid me. 

Heenan and Gorilla talk. Heenan says you gotta read the WWF Magazine to see how The Rockers don't get along.

Survivor Series Elimination Match - The Big Boss Man & The Legion Of Doom (Animal & Hawk) vs. Irwin R. Schyster & The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon)

Ty = Typhoon

IRS gets on the mic and says he sees a lot of tax cheats. He says there are no bigger tax cheats than Boss Man and LOD.IRS hits shots on Boss. Boss slides under him. Boss goes up top but slips and gives up on it. IRS is thrown hard into the buckles. Boss facekicks him. Quake and Animal get in. They shoulder battle. Quake catches Animal's crossbody with a backbreaker. Quake misses a splash on Animal. Animal dropkicks him. Quake misses a lariat and takes a flying shoulder from Animal.

Hawk comes off the top and hits IRS in the arm. Hawk hammerlocks IRS. Hawk gorilla presses IRS into Typhoon's arms and dropkicks both over. Boss hits cheapshots on Ty (Typhoon) in the corner, but he's always been a terrible face. Hawk hits punches on Ty.

Hawk takes shots from Quake then IRS. Hawk backdrops IRS then fist drops him. Boss leg lariats IRS on the ropes. Boss then steps on IRS' tie so he can't move. IRS hits Boss with a briefcase while the ref isn't looking and IRS pins him.

Animal gets beaten up in the corner then belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Heenan and Gorilla talk Detroit and Gorilla says his old buddy Bobo Brazil lives there. IRS punches Animal from the buckles and leg drops him in the crotch. Animal is choked by The ND's in the corner.

Ty bearhugs Animal then kind of corner splashes him off of it. Animal running lariats Ty. Hawk comes in and hits shots on Ty.  Hawk flying shoulders him. IRS tries to hit Boss with the briefcase but Boss ducks and Ty gets hit. Hawk pins Typhoon.

Quake gets mad at IRS. Quake and Typhoon walk out together as Quake is mad at IRS. Earthquake is eliminated. Hawk dropkicks and powerslams Hawk. Hawk misses a corner charge and spears the post when IRS moves.

IRS hits elbow drops on Hawk. IRS throws Hawk into the steps. The two fight outside. They get back in and IRS back elbows him. IRS chinlocks him. Hawk gets out and they collide in some botch. Hawk suplexes IRS.

Animal gets in and flying shoulders IRS. Animal powerslams him. IRS takes a double clothesline. IRS then goes to walk out. IRS runs into The Big Boss Man as he tries to exit. IRS gets on the apron and Animal suplexes IRS in. Hawk top rope lariats IRS and Animal pins him.

The match didn't look that good on paper and it wasn't. Quake leaving sucked and IRS should not be the last heel remaining on a major PPV. This was a very weak main and I think it just shows how the WWF felt about the Survivor Series concept at this point in time. I felt disrespected by the WWF giving us this one as the main.

Sean Mooney is in the locker room. He says he can't interview Hulk because Hulk wants to do his talking at Tuesday in Texas.

Heenan and Gorilla go to close the show then we cut to Mean Gene who has found The Undertaker.

Gene is in the smoky basement of the arena. He interviews Paul Bearer and The Undertaker. Paul says nothing is immortal. He says Hulkamania died right here. He says you usually hold the services when something dies immediately. Paul says they will hold Hulk in the embalming room. He says they will eviscerate Hulk between now and Tuesday in Texas. Taker says they warned us what was in store for Hulk. Taker asks Gene to look into the coffin. We see a shot from inside the coffin. Taker says Hulkamania died at Survivor Series. He says all that's left is this Tuesday - the burial.

Overall thoughts: This was basically my first time seeing this show and I absolutely hated it. The whole show was built around getting you to buy Tuesday in Texas. That wouldn't be a problem if this was Superstars or Prime Time. But this is Survivor Series. This was one of the big four PPV's and you had to spend money to see it. If you did, you got a bunch of garbage and then had to spend money to hopefully get a better card next time. That's messed up.

The opener had good work but had one of the worst finishes ever as like 5 people got DQ'd at once, except for Flair, making him the sole survivor. This was after the ref completely ignored Sherri interfering. That's just not acceptable on a PPV. The Matador/Tornado Survivor Series match wasn't much as expected and 3 different people got pulled from the original match (Neidhart, Dragon and Busick).

Hulk vs Undertaker wasn't good and was in the middle of the show. They did little but just trade basic strikes and chokes. It had a screwy finish and Hulk losing completely sucked all the life out of the crowd. They followed that up with one of the longest Survivor Series matches after which wasn't that good and was punishment to sit through, when it should have been quick and exciting.

Sid got pulled from the main event due to injuries, messing up everything. Macho lost a career match at Mania and they lead you to think he would be reinstated for this show, but instead of giving you a clear answer, they asked you to buy it then announced neither he or Jake would be on this show. That turned the main event into a 3v3 Survivor Series match which was short and not that good anyway with Quake just leaving the match on his own accord. Then the last heel standing ended up being IRS, who wasn't exactly Andre.

This show was horrible. I'd give it a 1 out of 10 and I would never watch this again under any circumstances. The only good thing that came out of it was that they did put over This Tuesday in Texas as a big deal.

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