WWF Survivor Series Showdown 1991 11/24/1991
Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan are our hosts. Heenan says we will hear from Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair later in the show. Vince talks about "Macho Man" Randy Savage being bitten by Jake Roberts' snake earlier in the week. Heenan says there's more important matters and Vince disagrees.
Earthquake vs The Big Boss Man
Boss runs in and gets stomped on. Quake clubs on him and elbows him in the back. Quake bearhugs him and drives him into the corner. Quake elbow drops the back then misses an elbow drop. Boss hits shows on Quake then hits a big boot. Quake is rocked and Boss just shoves him over.
Boss slides out and goes after Jimmy Hart. He chases him around the ring then punches Quake in the butt. Boss eye pokes Quake and Vince actually agrees with Heenan than this isn't good wrestling from Quake.
Quake clubs Boss' back. Quake hits corner shoulderblock. they trade shots. Boss punches Quake and ties him up in the ropes. Boss slaps Quake multiple times. IRS then comes down and Boss has words with him. We go to break and return.
Quake is untied from the ropes and knocks Boss onto the apron. Quake stands on Boss' hand. Quake wristlocks Boss. Boss is thrown out. IRS goes for a shot on Boss and gets hit. Boss hits corner punches on Quake. We get phone numbers to vote on whether Savage should be reinstated or not.
Boss and Quake headbutt each other in the chest. Quake elbows Boss in the arm. Boss charges at Quake and is thrown over the top. Quake splashes Boss' arm. Quake wraps Boss' arm around the top rope. Boss hits back elbows. Quake headbutts the arm.
Boss hits a step up enzugiri for 2. Boss gets distracted and eventually tripped by IRS. Boss and IRS trade shots outside. The ref doesn't DQ Quake. Boss headbutts Quake then lariats him. Typhoon and Jake Roberts come down. Boss grabs hits night stick. The Legion of Doom come down and the heels back off.
Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. Quake worked the back then forgot about it and worked the arm. Boss was a bad face during the first part of this going after Jimmy Hart for no real reason and used a lot of eye pokes and such on Quake which was unnecessary. Then IRS interfered in front of the ref and the ref did nothing about it. These two also just didn't work that great together.
We see clips of last week's Superstars of Wrestling with Hulk Hogan at The Funeral Parlor. Ric Flair comes down. Ric asks if he knows how long he's been waiting for this moment. Ric asks if he knows how long he's been hearing about his 24 inch pythons. Ric says he just burst the bubble Hulk has been living in and is here with the real world championship belt (which is blurred out). Flair asks what Hulk will do when he runs wild on him. Hulk rips his own shirt off. Hulk tells if he puts his title against his, he will find out. The Undertaker then appears from behind and nails Hulk with an urn. Ric gets cheap shots in and holds up both titles as Taker chokes Flair. Roddy Piper then comes down and chairs Ric. Macho joins him and chairs Taker. Taker no sells the shot. Taker then stares at Piper and Macho and rips off Hulk's necklace. Macho and Piper help walk Hulk out after.
Thoughts: This was a really good angle with all the stars. I liked Flair taking the titles and posing with them and this furthered the Taker/Hulk feud and the Piper/Flair feud.
Bushwhacker Luke vs Blake Beverly
Blake has The Genius with him. Luke does his thing to the crowd and Blake nails him from behind. Blake hits knees to the gut. Luke then bites him in the butt. Blake tags a big bump for a lariat and goes out. Blake talks to The Genius outside and Luke bangs their heads together. Heenan complains and I'm on his side.
Luke argues with Genius. Blake tries to get him from behind but Luke stops him. Blake goes out to stall again. Genius trips Luke and Luke goes after him outside. Luke chases him to the back. We go to break and return. Luke comes out with Genius' hat.
Black misses a corner charge and Luke hits shots on him. Luke is thrown hard into the buckles and goes down. Blake backbreakers Luke. Blake running lariats Luke. Blake misses a headbutt off the buckles and is rolled up for the pin.
Thoughts: I didn't like this much. Luke went after Genius for no reason. Luke then chased him all the way to the back and somehow didn't even get counted out. And it was a Bushwhackers match so you weren't getting a ton quality wise to begin with.
Mean Gene is on the stage and pushes for Macho to be reinstated. The Big Boss Man and The LOD come out. Boss says we are looking at 3 men who believe in law, order and justice. Boss says they are fighting for people who believe in that. Boss says they can kick their opponents butts even if it ends up being 3v4. Animal tells Jack Tunney to let Macho be their partner after Jake got Macho bitten by the snake. Hawk says there's an easy way out of everything. He says for his opponents, it's "S-H-C". Hawk says that's spontaneous human combustion.
We see footage from Superstars. Jake pins a jobber with a ddt. Jake grabs the mic. He calls out Macho Man on commentary. Jake says he almost looked up to him at one time. He says Macho used to be a real man but grew soft. He says Macho should borrow Piper's skirt. Macho gets up and heads to the ring as Jake talks trash. Jake says Macho has fear for him and says he's a coward.
Macho gets on the apron, the ref tries to stop him and Jake lariats him. Jake pulls Macho into the post. Jake ties up Macho in the ropes then drops knees on him. Jake grabs the king cobra ans has the snake bite Macho's arm. Macho screams as Jake slaps him.
Officials and EMT's come down. Miss Elizabeth and Piper then come down. Jake swings the snake at them. Macho gets untied from the ropes and Jake stomps Macho. Vince says something has gone wrong. Macho swings at Jake and falls over. Vince says he doesn't think the snake is de-venomized. Macho keeps falling all around and is swinging wildly at Jake. Piper then physically gets in the ring and throws Macho out onto the stretcher. Macho then falls off the stretcher as the snake stares down Macho. Macho is then wheeled to the back. Jake stares at the snake and laughs.
Thoughts: This was one of the most memorable angles ever and was absolutely wild. This is one of those angles that was so good that I wish I could forget I saw it years ago and be able to rewatch it for the first time again. It was so dastardly and totally fit in with both wrestlers characters. Jake is such a diabolic heel and Macho was great here. I'm shocked this one even got aired. You have to go see it if you haven't before.
Mean Gene interviews IRS and The Natural Disasters on the stage. Gene says he's confident Jack Tunney will reinstate Macho due to it. Jake Roberts then comes out. Jake makes Gene say please to keep the snake in the bag. Jake says Tunney won't re-instate Macho as he doesn't want to be the one to pull the trigger on the gun against Macho's head. He says he doesn't think Macho wants to get in the ring against him after what happened. Jake says Macho is a liar and doesn't really want him. Jake says Liz wears the pants around his house.
Jake says it's not his fault what happens if Macho shows up at Survivor Series. He says it's a miracle Macho is still alive and says not everyone has 9 lives like Macho. IRS says he reviewed the contract and it will be 4v3 at Survivor Series. He says Boss can't do anything about it.
Jake calls The LOD the "Legion of Dummies". Typhoon says The LOD are big men in their own neighborhood but says The ND's are their neighborhood. Quake says Macho doesn't want any of Jake. Gene says Macho will be at Survivor Series whether it's as a viewer or a wrestler. Jake says Macho won't be home for Christmas if he does show up.
Thoughts: This was a good interview. Soap opera's always have a lawyer around for storylines around laws and contracts and IRS kind of took up the role here and it worked. Jake was so evil here.
Vince and Heenan talk. Heenan isn't worried about the snake incident and calls Virgil a thief for taking Dibiase's title. Vince then yells "snake, snake" and Heenan gets scared after saying he wasn't bothered by it.
Million Dollar Title - Virgil (c) vs "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
Ted hedlock takeovers Virg then hiptosses him. Ted hammerlocks him and trips him. Virg hits 2 hiptosses and rolls up Ted for 2. Ted misses a lariat and Virg cradles him for 3. The ref clearly counts 3 and even goes for 4 but the ref says Ted kicked out.
They trade armlocks. Virg headlocks him on the mat. Ted back elbows him and throws him out. Sensational Sherri kicks and scratches Virg outside. Ted boots Virg outside as we go to break.
We return and Ted is still in control with punches. Ted stomps on Virg. Ted suplexes him for 2. Ted sleepers him. but Virg escapes. Ted knees Virg in the gut. Ted stomps Virg then fist drops him.
Ted slams him then misses a 2nd rope elbow drop. Virg drops Ted with punches. Virg hits running lariats on him then russian legsweeps him. The Repo Man comes out as Virg hits corner punches. Repo grabs the Million Dollar Title and nails Virg with it as Sherri distracts the ref. Ted then pins Virg for the win.
Thoughts: The match wasn't bad at all and was a pretty typical face vs heel match. I'm not shocked Ted won. The Million Dollar Title is Ted's belt and because it's not a traditional title, it's not like it needed to be defended or anything. It's essentially just a prop. It was only a matter of time until Ted won it back. They did set up a Virgil vs Repo Man feud out of this which was smart. I don't know why they did here and not at Survivor Series.
Ted gets on the mic after. Virg is out. Ted slaps him around and ells him to never mess with him. He says Virg is back where he found him - penniless and in a gutter. Ted puts money in Virgil's mouth. El Matador then comes out and stops Ted. They argue. Tito blocks a shot from Ted and nails him. Tito then atomic drops Ted out of the ring setting up a new feud.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan on the stage. Gene asks who will replace his partner Jim Neidhart at Survivor Series after The Beverly Brothers attacked him. Duggan points out Herb Brooks in the crowd and puts him over as a proud American for beating the Russian team in the Miracle on Ice.
Duggan says he needed to look long and hard to find a replacement for Neidhart. He then brings out Sgt. Slaughter as Neidhart's replacement. Duggan also announces him as the honorary flag bearer.
Sarge says it's an honor to be here with Duggan and to hold the flag up. He says it's great to be back and says he finally got his country back. He then does the pledge of allegiance.
Thoughts: I hated this segment. Sarge was a traitor when he turned heel and is now being a traitor to his former heel friends who he now fights at Survivor Series. Sarge is such a snake.
Skinner vs El Matador
Skinner has a newish theme with swamp sounds. Heenan claims Skinner is chewing swamp tar and says Mike McGirk told him.
Tito backs up Skin in the corner and threatens him with a punch. Heenan says Adnan told him Sarge stabbed him in the back. Skin hammerlocks Tito then Tito reverses it. Skin threatens fans. Tito side headlocks him. Tito shoulders him over and Skin goes out.
Tito headscissors Skin then side headlocks him. Tito shoulders him over and side headlocks him again. Skin throws Tito out. Skin bangs Tito's head off the apron and chokes him. We go to break and return. Skin bites Tito's arm then bites his head. Skin pulls on Tito's mouth. Skin rakes Tito's face. Skin foot chokes Tito.
Skin slams him and bangs Tito's head off the mat. Skin sits on his back with a chinlock then bangs his head off the buckles. Skin rakes his back and hits shots to the head. Skin snapmares and chinlocks him. Skin hits another slam. Skin goes up top and gets hit as he comes down. Tito hits 2 dropkicks and flying forearms him in the back of the head to win.
Thoughts: This was slow, boring and went too long. The work wasn't awful but it just did not need as much time as it got. This was not one of Tito's matches and he got little offense in.
We see Mean Gene interview Hulk Hogan on the stage from Superstars of Wrestling. Gene says some are saying Hulkamania will be dead after Survivor Series. Hulk says he faces his gravest challenge at Survivor Series. He said he has heard people say Hulkamania is dying and is dead for 8 years yet it still lives. Hulk says he fears no undertaker. He says the yellow of Hulkamania will light up the valley of death. He says the light will blind The Undertaker. He says the red guarantees him immortality.
Hulk says Ric Flair is Taker's henchman. He says the light will blind Ric Flair too. Hulk talks about Taker ripping his necklace. He says he will survive The Survivor Series. He asks what Taker and the red of immortality will do when Hulkamania runs wild on him.
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs Hercules
Herc is out alone and is in Power and Glory gear. Herc and Piper go face to face. They roll on the ropes. They trade shots and Piper hits a punch flurry that drops Herc. Herc drops him with a back elbow. Herc does a double knuckle lock on Piper. Piper back rolls out and reverses it. Herc blocks a sunset flip and misses a punch. Piper eye pokes him then chops him down. Herc eye rakes him and hits punches. Heenan leaves commentary to go join Ric and Perfect.
Piper hits a flurry on Herc and is pulled out by the tights. Herc blocks Piper's slingshot sunset flip. Herc holds onto the ropes, the ref stops him and Piper gets a 2 count. Piper bulldogs him and wins.
Thoughts: It was short and not too much. Piper did eye pokes and stuff and wasn't exactly a clean face here. Herc going down so easy didn't help him out much.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Mountie, The Warlord and Ted Dibiase on the stage. Gene then brings out Flair with Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan. Flair says he surrounded himself with the best including the greatest mind in Heenan and the greatest ring technician in Mr. Perfect. Heenan says Mr. Perfect is Flair's personal executive consultant.
Perfect says Hulkamania is on the downfall. He says Flair stands alone as the wrestling champ by himself. Ted says survival is what it's all about and we've got a lot of survivors here. Ted says the belt is back where he said it would be. He says Virgil will be the first to go at Survivor Series and he will put him on the street and penniless. Flair puts over his crew and yells to end the segment. Mountie and Warlord didn't get a single line in here.
Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan close the show. Vince tells Heenan to call the line and vote for Savage's reinstatement. Vince says the results for it will be given tomorrow. Vince says we will see The Gravest Challenge at Survivor Series and Heenan says Hulkamania will be buried and dead for Thanksgiving.
Overall thoughts: Virgil vs Dibiase was the best match on here. It wasn't a classic but they did what they were supposed to do and it made sense. Dibiase also got his Million Dollar Title back. Boss/Quake wasn't good. Tito/Skinner was as boring as it gets and Luke vs Blake Beverly wasn't good either. They did do a great job building of Survivor Series though and that's what is most important. Jake did a good promo here and we heard from mostly everyone involved in the show. I would give this a 5 out of 10. The in-ring stuff wasn't that good overall but they built up the show as they were supposed to. I wouldn't recommend this.
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