NXT Vengeance Day 2025 2/15/2025
We are in Washington, DC. Vic Joseph and Booker T are on commentary.
We see various wrestlers arrive.
WWE NXT Women's North American Title - Fallon Henley (c) vs Stephanie Vaquer
Various girls like Karmen and Kelani are watching in the crowd. They lock up. SV takes her over and armlocks her. FH headscissors her and they stare down. SV takes her down and FH wristlocks her. SV rolls and headflips out. FH trips her then side headlocks her.
FH bodyscissors takedowns her then SV bodyscissors rolls her into an STF. SV goes to bang her head off the mat with her legs but FH rolls away. SV rolls her into a straightjacket hold. FH backrolls out and is put in a pin attempt.
SV goes for an armdrag off the casadora then FH armbars her. SV triangles her over the top rope. SV goes to springboard and is kicked. Nyx gets on the apron while Jacy pump kicks SV outside. FH footchokes her in the corner. FH sits on her neck on the middle rope like she is riding a bull. FH forearms her on the ropes. FH blockbusters her off the buckles for 2. They trade forearms. FH pulls her down backwards by the hair then SV does the same.
SV superkicks her then 619's her. SV springboard crossbodies her then backdrops her. SV headscissors FH then bangs her head off the mat. SV knees her in the gut. SV rolls her up for 2 then FH flying neckbreakers her.
SV hits soul foot then dragon screws FH from the corner. SV corner meteora's FH for 2. FH does a suplex on her for 2. Jacy punches SV from the outside for 2. FH back body drops her. FH goes up to the 2nd rope and is knocked to the outside.
SV fights off Nyx and Jacy outside in front of the ref. SV double underhook codebreakers FH on the apron. SV springboard planchas all of Fatal Influence outside.
SV hits a double underhook backbreaker. SV hits a skytwister press off the top and wins.
Thoughts: The match was average. Fallon's limited and not super athletic. SV isn't the greatest either. I thought Fatal Influence should have been kicked out with them interfering in front of the ref. The first half of this was shockingly all technical wrestling which I didn't expect. SV got the win as expected here. Fallon really didn't get much of a reign and really was just a transitional champ.
We get a video on Briggs and Inamura.
Sol Ruca does a TikTok. She says she got Zaria out of the of the house. She plays volleyball with her and keeps spiking the ball at her. Zar then throws the ball at her. Sol tries to teach her to do handstands and to skateboard. They then eat ice cream together, Zar bumps ice cream cones and Sol's falls off.
WWE NXT Tag Titles - Nathan Frazer and Axiom vs Yoshiki Inamura and Josh Briggs
JB had a smoking skull on his shoulder. Ax wristlocks YI. YI takes kicks from both opponents and a double basement dropkick. NF throws Ax into a kick on JB. NF spinning high kicks YI. YI is knocked over then takes a ddt for 2.
JB comes in and facekicks NF on the apron. JB then facekicks Ax and lariats NF on the apron. Ax is chokeslammed onto YI's knee for 2. JB crossface shots Ax. YI hits sumo slaps on Ax then chops him. YI hits a Tenryu chop and punch combo on Ax. They trade chops. Ax golden ratio kicks YI. JB and NF go at it. NF boots him out of the corner then ddt's him. NF running ssp's JB for 2. Ax top rope splashes JB then NF springboard flipping legdrops JB on a botch. JB catches Ax off the 2nd rope with a backbreaker. JB chokebombs NF.
JB corner facekicks Ax. Ax is back body dropped into a sitout powerbomb for 2. YI gets caught up top and Ax top rope spanish flies him. NF is caught up top and JB top rope chokeslams him into Ax. All four men are down.
JB takes kicks in the corner. JB flips Ax with a big lariat. NF springboards and is caught with an NF fallaway slam. Ax poisonrana's JB. Ax is pounced into the buckles. YI holds Ax while NF jumps on his back with a sleeper. YI spins both, slams Ax then death valley drivers NF onto Ax for 2.
Ax and NF are laid on each other. YI misses a frogsplash on both. NF tries to tope JB outside but is caught. Ax then top rope moonsaults JB outside. YI takes a top rope dropkick + legsweep and is pinned.
Thoughts: I would have liked the spanish fly to have meant more but I liked this otherwise. This was a god match. Briggs and Inamura hit some hard shots and Fraxiom did some nice flying. It couldn't of worked out much better than it did and even in the loss, Briggs and Inamura got over some because of their performance.
The two teams shake hands after and get jumped by the new mystery group. Fraxiom get thrown into each other off their shoulders. Dion Lennox, Cutler James, Sayquon Shugars and one other person were involved. The crowd chanted "who are you?".
Thoughts: I think Dion has a lot of potential as a face so I don't him being a heel here. But we will see where this one goes.
Stacks is at a restaurant alone says Tony D'Angelo got played. He says Tony's doc said his back is bad. He says Shawn Spears' gang will pay for this. Stacks says he's taking care of this himself. Stacks says Tuesday they will take the head off the snake. Stacks says The D'Angelo Family is the only family in NXT and says payback won't be pretty.
Strap Match - Eddy Thorpe vs Trick Williams
Eddy rushes Trick before the straps are on and hits shots. Trick hits back and lariats him over the top. Trick hits chops outside then back body drops him inside.
Trick puts the strap on Eddy and this starts. Trick pulls him into lariats for 2. Trick pulls Eddy into the post. Trick hits a pop up uppercut. Trick is thrown over the top. He pulls Eddy into the ropes with the strap. Trick goes up top and is pulled down with the strap.
Eddy ties Trick's legs up and stomps and pounds on him. Eddy is pulled off the buckles with the strap. Trick tries to whip him and misses. Eddy whips him with the strap and throws him over the top. Eddy whips Trick in the back and the gut.
Trick bangs Eddy's head off the commentary table then hits chops. Trick is rammed into the post back first. Eddy ties Trick to the post and hits kicks. Eddy whips him with the strap. Trick is pulled into the post with the strap. Eddy hits strap punches and is rolled up for 2. Eddy backbreakers Trick for 2.
Trick is pulled into the buckles and is suplexed. Trick fires up and spears him in the corner. Trick hits corner lariats. Eddy curbstomps Trick into the 2nd buckle then elbow drops him for 2.
Trick uranages him for 2 and does like an STF with the strap. Trick lariats him. Trick whips Eddy up with the strap. Trick flapjacks him twice. Trick hits a flying pumping knee. Eddy goes out off of it and Trick has to grab him.
They trade facekicks. Eddy pulls the strap into Trick's crotch. Eddy pumping knees Trick and wins.
Thoughts: Eddy winning was a surprise. I'm not real sure about that decision but it looks like there's a longer feud at play here. It wasn't quite your traditional strap match but they did a good job of making it look like a fight and did a good job roughing each other up. I wouldn't say there was a real format or structure to this though but they pulled it off somehow.
We get some clips of WWE LFG which starts tomorrow.
Ricky Starks does a twitter video. He says he shocked the world when he appeared on NXT. He says he'll be watching tonight. He says he will sign his NXT contract on Tuesday and then we will have the truth from the man himself.
Ethan Page vs Je'Von Evans
Page misses shots and goes out. JE chases him then does a wild tope where he goes over the commentary table. JE pounds on him on the commentary table then dives on him off of it.
JE flying headscissors him then suplexes him. JE hits a blue thunder for 2. JE pounds on Page. JE springboard lariats him for 2. Page blocks an os cutter. Page is pulled over the top. JE superkicks him while Page is on the apron. JE hits an os cutter on the apron.
JE tries to stomp Page's head into the steps. Page dropkicks the steps against the post with JE's leg between. Page knee drops the leg and has his nose busted open. Page single leg crabs him. Page ankle locks him. Page slams JE into the ropes then yanks him into a powerslam for 2. Page ankle locks him again. JE superman forearms him. JE gets stuck up top and Page hits a razor's edge on him for 2.
JE hits punches then corkscrew kicks him off the ropes. JE stomps Page's jaw. JE suicide dives him outside. JE goes for an os cutter but is punched. JE's mouthpiece goes out and Page cutters him for the win.
Thoughts: The work was okay but the logic wasn't that good here. Page worked the lower leg. JE did sell it but still did his flying. Page then ended up winning with a cutter on JE's injured jaw. I thought Page should have worked the jaw here since he had injured it in storyline and it would have made sense. Instead, that spot only played into the finish. JE's tope was wild here.
JE spits up blood after.
We get some profiles on the WWE LFG crew.
Stephanie Vaquer is interviewed in the locker room. SV says she made history and is the Women's N-A champ. She says she is staying to watch the main event.
WWE NXT Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Grayson Waller vs Austin Theory
GW superkicks Oba and Oba is double teamed in the corner. GW corner splashes him. Oba takes a double spinning forearm. Oba hits a double chokeslam and pounds on GW in the corner. Theory gets on Oba's back. GW superkicks and spin kicks Oba in the head.
Oba hits a double suplex. Theory rolls in, is caught with a gorilla press then thrown onto GW. GW jumping knees Oba. Theory forearms Oba. Oba takes a double lariat over the top. GW and Theory then stare down and tease hitting each other. They shove each other.
Oba pulls GW out then hits big chops on both opponents. GW sliding lariats Oba outside of the ring and bangs his head off the apron. Oba throws the steps at Theory's head. GW is thrown into the steps. Oba is tripped into the steps then GW ddt's him on them.
GW hits knees to the head of Oba then hits downward elbows. GW chairs Oba in the gut and the back. GW chairs Oba in the gut then chokes him with the chair. Oba sideslams GW onto an unfolded chair for 2.
Theory rolls into a dropkick on Oba. Oba is put in the electric chair but he suplexes GW off of it. Oba sweeps Theory on the apron. Oba is double stomped on outside by both opponents. Oba is put on a table and Waller froggy bow's him off the 2nd rope.
Theory and GW argue about Theory goes for the pin. Oba forearms GW off the apron. Oba spinebusters Theory. Oba running euros Theory. GW nails Theory in the corner on accident and Oba running euros both. Oba throws Theory.
Oba backdrops throws GW through the commentary table. Theory chairs Oba from behind. Oba the punches the chair out of Theory's hands. Theory ddt's Oba. Theory hits a-town down on Oba but GW pulls the ref out.
Oba throws Theory off the backdrop. GW rolls in and stunners Theory on accident. Oba pop-up powerbombs GW and pins him.
Thoughts: It was a good match. You would think Oba would just get destroyed here until he made his comeback but they had him get a ton of offense in. I thought they did a good job of making him look strong. They of course played up Waller and Theory failing to work together. Oba got a lot of power offense in here. This was done well.
The lights go out. The masked guys (Lennox, Shugars, Cutler and ?) show up as the lights come on. Oba gets jumped 4v1. Oba is thrown into a double powerbomb.
Ava is interviewed. She says she's at a loss for words. She says the 4 masked people wanted to make an impact and they did. She says a bunch of people want to be part of the Cincinnati, Ohio show. She says Lexis King texted her 22 times. Ava says the next big show is Roadblock.
Arianna Grace comes in. She hugs her and thanks her for allowing her to be the NXT Liaison at TNA. She says it has been amazing. She says she has to meet someone and brings in Santino Marella. Santino says they met when Ava was little. Ava says they should discuss some ideas.
NXT Women's Title - Giulia (c) vs Cora Jade vs Roxanne Perez vs Bayley
G = Giulia
Bay lariats Cora early then trades with RP. G dropkicks both off the buckles then headbutts Cora. G flying headscissors Bay. G hits shots on Cora and RP. Cora shoulders RP over then G rolls up Bay for 2.
G tries to pin RP and Cora at the same time then Bay gets a 2 count on G. The 4 girls then stand off. G and Cora are thrown out. Bay and RP dive on them together.
Bay and RP push each other outside. RP cartwheels over her and slaps her. Bay slaps her then running back elbows her in the back of the neck. Cora lariats Bay outside. G double dropkicks Cora and RP. G hits facewash kicks on both in the corner. G and Bay square off. Bay side headlocks her then gets a 2 count on her. G headlock takeovers her then crucifixes her for 2. The two botch a spot. G is pulled out and Bay triple baseball slides the girls.
Cora takes a double suplex. Cora and RP hit stereo superkicks. They go to hit each other but shake hands instead. Cora and RP pound on their opponents. RP asai moonsauls Bay.
G takes corner attacks. Cora step up knees RP in the corner then boots her out of the ring. Cora gutwrench suplexes G. Cora top rope flip dives onto Bay and G outside.
RP catches Cora up top and throws her down. Cora thesz presses her and hits mounted shots. Cora running euros her then takes a flying knee from Bay. RP is lifted by Cora for a cutter from Bay. Bay double knee presses Cora on the middle rope. Bay running lariats RP outside. Bay double stunners Cora and RP over the middle rope.
G running facekicks Bay then overhead suplexes her. G half-nelson slams Cora. G does a flying octopus to Bay. G crucifix bombs Bay for 2. G STF's RP. RP crossfaces G. G northern lights bombs RP for 2.
Bay swinging side slams Cora for 2. Bay sunset bombs G into the buckles. Cora double underhook ddt's Bay for 2. G backdrops Cora and RP. We get a 4 girl tower of doom spot with Cora powerbombing everyone.
The four girls trade shots. Cora suplexes G on the floor. RP code red's Bay on the floor. RP then code red's Bay in the ring for 2. Cora double underhook ddt's RP for 2. G running knees Cora in the back of the head then knees RP in the face/chest. G northern lights bombs RP and wins.
Thoughts: It had some rough moments here and wasn't that great. I guess it was okay enough but certainly nothing you'd remember. No one did anything too crazy here and we really didn't get any big spots out of this one. This didn't even get that much time. This didn't do much storyline wise for anyone except maybe breaking up the Perez/Jade pairing. This really shouldn't have been the main but they love to let the women main event when the other matches are weaker.
Stephanie Vaquer comes out after and her and Giulia hold up their titles together. Jordynne Grace comes out after and stares at both.
Overall thoughts: I didn't like the main. It wasn't anything special and was far from anyone's best work. It shouldn't have been the main event either. I liked Femi/Waller/Theory a lot more than I expected and the same could be said for Trick/Thorpe and the NXT Tag Title match. Vaquer's match wasn't that good and she won as expected. I liked some part of Evans/Page but the logic wasn't there. I'd say the Femi/Waller/Theory match was my match of the night. We'll have to see where things go with the new faction who attacked Oba and others tonight but they definitely tried to get them off to a big start here tonight. I'd give this one a 7 out of 10 overall and would recommend it. It was better than I expected and I thought it was a good show overall.
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