WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/28/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-9211991.html
We are in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper open the show. Macho is supposed to be here but Vince doesn't know if he will make it. He says Macho is on probation from Jack Tunney. Piper rants about it and says Macho will be here.
Bret Hart vs The Brooklyn Brawler
Bret shoulders Brawler over then hiptosses him. Bret lariats him then trips him. Bret stomps him in the gut then hits punches. Bret does an inset promo. He says he knew the IC title wouldn't be easy to defend but he will take on anyone. Bret backbreakers Brawler and 2nd rope elbow drops him.
Brett russian legsweeps him then sharpshooters him for the win.
Thoughts: It was all squash here with Bret winning in quick fashion as expected.
WWF Update
Mean Gene Okerlund shills toys. Mean Gene then interviews Sgt. Slaughter out in the forest somewhere. Gene says Sarge got what he deserved at Summerslam. Sarge agrees. He said he wanted to become champ and it didn't matter who he hung out with. He said he wanted to become champ at all costs. He says he turned his back on his country and was blind by ambition.
He said he stepped on everyone. He said Gene doesn't know what it's like to be in hell but he did when he lost the title. He said he lost self-respect and self-esteem. He said he lost family and friends. He says he lost his country. He said he doesn't expect his friends and family to speak to him or forgive him. He says he deserves what he got. He says his wants his country back.
Thoughts: Vince has been making hints at trying to get people to accept Sarge again post-Summerslam. I'm not a fan of it. It's too soon and he made too big of a turn from face to heel to make this believable.
The Rockers vs Barry Hardy and Duane Gill
The Rockers wear green hats out. MJ side headlocks Barry then shoulders him over. MJ leg frogs him and flips him with his feet. MJ hits armdrags and an armlock. The Rockers hit stereo facebusters and stereo superkicks.
Shanw still has his hat on and Gill knocks it off. Shawn hits punches on GIll then hits corner punches. Shawn snapmares him and hits punches. Shawn lariats him over twice. MJ is popped up into a splash on Gill and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. Shawn has his hat on for half this match. The jobbers got little in.
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer talks. He welcomes a man we can all trust, Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Jake comes out with a leather arm guard and a snake. Paul says he realizes we have been on the same side all along. Jake says life is tough. He says you have to walk the road and when meet the fork, you have to go the right way or the other way. Jake said he went his way. He says he can create his own rules and live life the way he wants.
Jake says its a lie that you can grow up, eat your vitamins and live happily ever after. Jake keeps hitting his snake. He says every time you turn your back, it could be someone like him waiting for you. Jake says the glove will be a part of him when you carry a cobra and have to be protected at all times. He says the cobra and the glove will be in the corner at all times. He says everyone must remember that if you play with a snake, you can be bitten. He says once bitten, you are no more.
Jake asks who Sid Justice thinks he is. He says if you step in the ring with a snake, you will be once bitten. He says he will wear the glove to protect him but asks what will protect Sid. We then see the cobra bite the glove.
The Warlord vs Sonny Blaze
Slick distracts the ref as he tries to check the wrestlers for weapons. War pushes SB down and poses. War shoulders SB over then flying shoulders him. War gutwrench suplexes him. War clubs SB's back. War lariats SB then full nelsons him. War then wins by submission.
Thoughts: It was your usual Warlord squash with him dominating as usual. It's basically the same squash every time with him and it's a waste of time.
WWF Event Center
Jim Neidhart does a promo. He says he came out of the commentary booth as there's some situations he doesn't like. He mentions Big Bully Busick and Mountie and runs them down. He says Hercules upsets him and says he doesn't like Skinner as he hurts little animals. He says he will skin Skinner.
Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys do a promo. Saggs says The LOD is sweating so much the paint is running off their faces. He says The Rockers were put in their way. Knobbs says it's not getting the tag titles, it's keeping them. Knobbs says they are out to get The Rockers.
The Natural Disasters vs Joe Milano and Martin Roy
The Legion of Doom do an inset promo. Hawk says The ND disturb the natural processes of the earth. Haw says they are naturally disturbed.
Quake backs Roy up in the corner and jumping kicks him. Macho Man then joins commentary. Quake clubs on Roy then rams him into the corner. Quake elbows Roy's back.
Quake atomic drops Roy then elbow drops his back. Tug shoulders over Roy then corner splashes him. Milano get one as well. Quake corner splashes Milano takes a double shoulder. Quake bodyslams Roy then elbow drops him. Quake then hits the butt drop for the win.
Thoughts: It was the usual ND squash with them splashing and crushing their opponents in the corner. They got the win with ease as usual.
WWF Event Center
The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says IRS pointed a finger at him as a tax cheat and as a man who takes bribes. Boss says IRS is calling him out. He says he will find out that he's not playing any games with IRS.
The Berzker and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Fuji says you have to beat Berzeker in the ring. Berz tells Bret Hart it's a big man's world and says everyone goes down. He says Bret will go down and there's no doubt who the toughest man on the face of the earth is.
Jim Duggan vs Brian Donahue
Brian works Jim's arm and gets decked. Jim drops Brian with punches. Jim back body drops Brian and bangs his head off the buckles. Jim hits corner punches then lariats him. Jim running lariats him and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick one with Brian getting a few shots in on the arm before being put down.
WWF Event Center
Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri. Ted says he got the shaft against Virgil. He says Virgil is a common thief and the ref cheated in their match. He says Virgil can still spit polish and shine and says the thought of Virgil wearing his belt makes him sick.
The Bushwhackers do a promo. Butch says he's been on the phone and called mom. Butch says she's doing well and says she sounds like a bag of fluffy ducks. They then say hello to their mother.
Ric goes up to Piper at commentary and pokes him from behind. Ric yells in his face. Piper pokes him. Ric asks if Vince or Macho have a problem. Ric decks Piper with his title and knocks Piper off the commentary table. Ric then stomps him and grabs a chair. Ric hits Macho, who is on probation and isn't allowed to get involved. Officials try to stop the fight. Vince then leaves commentary. Piper hits Vince in the back with a chair for some reason and drops him. Ric then hits Piper wit the chair. Ric then holds up his title and leaves. Piper starts crawling while Vince is out.
Thoughts: This was a wild and unexpected angle. I guess the idea was that Piper hit Vince thinking he was Flair but it wasn't believable with the way it was done. It just looked liked Piper decked Vince for no real reason. I thought it was a believable brawl though. No one had control over the situation and people and things went flying. It looked much better than today's angles where you can tell things are more rehearsed.
Overall thoughts: The ending helped this one out and was memorable. It was a good angle that made you want to see Piper/Flair. Other than that, Sarge is trying to turn face again which I don't agree with, Jake's got a new snake and we got the usual squashes. I would check out the ending on this one but not much else.
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