WWE Royal Rumble 2025 2/1/2025
We are in Indianapolis, IN.
We see various wrestlers arrive.
Stephanie McMahon comes out. She says WWE is where it's at because of the fans and thanks them for making this the biggest Rumble in history. We then get fireworks.
Michael Cole, Wade Barrett and Pat McAfee are on commentary.
Women's Royal Rumble
Iyo Sky is #1 and Liv Morgan is #2. Liv shoulders Iyo over and dances. Iyo flips over her back, cartwheels and backflips then odes a dropkick. Liv tries to eliminate Iyo and Iyo bangs her leg off the ropes. Liv's head is banged off the post. Roxanne Perez of NXT is #3. RP thesz presses Iyo and hits mounted shots. RP forearms Liv then hurricanrana's Iyo. RP nails both in the corner. RP does a ddt + russian legsweep combo on both.
Iyo dumps RP onto the apron with Liv. RP skins the cat and headscissors Iyo. Liv codebreakers RP. #4 is Women's IC champ Lyra Valkyria. Lyra step up enzugiri's Liv and RP. She spinning heel kicks Liv then tornado ddt's Iyo. Lyra fishermabusters Iyo.
Lyra's top is falling off and she tries to adjust it but gets pushed by Liv. The camera's do not film Lyra as they try to fix that. Lyra rejoins the fracas and Iyo hangs off the ropes outside. #5 is Chelsea Green. Green slaps RP and backhands Liv. Green is 4v1'd. #6 is B-Fab. She high kicks Green as she gets in. Fab spinning heel kicks Lyra in the mouth. Fab slams Liv onto Lyra. Fab twisting brainbusters Iyo. #7 is Ivy Nile. Ivy spinebusters Lyra. Lyra hangs off the top rope outside then Ivy germans Iyo and Liv. Ivy then double germans RP and Green together.
Fab is double teamed. #8 is Zoey Stark, who has facepaint on. Zoey release suplexes Iyo then superkicks Fab. Zoey hits ataxia on Ivy. Zoey high kicks Green then does a corkscrew stunner off the top onto Green. Liv tries to push Green out with her feet. #9 is Lash Legend, making her first Rumble appearance. Lash hits shots on various girls and swinging backbreakers someone. Lash suplexes Lyra then kips up. Lyra flapjacks Zoey onto Lyra. Lash catches Ivy's headscissors then swings Ivy into people. Lash powerbombs Ivy. Fab and Lash square off. They try to pump kick each other at the same time and both go down. Green then throws out Fab for the first elimination.
Green tries to eliminate Lash. #10 is Bianca Belair (BB). BB top rope crossbodies Green. RP and Lyra are thrown to the apron. BB suplexes Iyo. BB hits corner punches on Iyo then hits some on Ivy, Zoey and Lash in the same corner. BB tilt-a-whirl gustbuers Liv. BB suplexes Lash.
Iyo superkicks BB. BB gorilla presses Iyo onto the apron. #11 is Shayna Baszler (SB). SB backdrops Green then suplexes Iyo. SB knees Liv in the face. Lyra step up enzugiri's SB. Zoey tries to springboard but slips into a lariat on Lyra.
Lyra hits a top rope double dropkick. Ivy then throws out Lyra for the elimination. Ivy then motions that she wants her Women's IC title. #12 is Bayley. Bay gets rolled up by RP then knees her in the face. Bay does a swinging side slam on RP. Bay and Iyo stare down. They each get nailed before they can fight.
Zoey and SB end up on the apron. #13 is Sonya Deville, who is also wearing facepaint. Sonya drops Iyo on her butt then running knees her. Sonya spears Liv. Sonya doe like a final cut to Green. SB germans BB. Zoey rolling death valley drivers RP.
Liv is flipped into a drop on her chest. #14 is Maxxine Dupri. PFC wants Max but Ivy shoves them away and fights Max. Max misses a spinning high kicks on her then release fisherman suplexes her. Max runs into PFC then 3 girls nail PFC. Max germans Ivy and does the reverse caterpillar elbow on her. Max spinning high kicks Ivy off the apron for the elimination. PFC then triple eliminate Max over the top.
#15 is Naomi. Naomi high kicks 2 PFC members then heatseeker piledrivers Zoey on the apron. Naomi top rope diving blockbusters Green. Naomi upkicks RP then axe kicks her. BB and Naomi double burning hammer Zoey. Iyo 2nd rope moonsaults Sonya. Zoey is thrown out by Naomi and BB. Shayna and Sonya get thrown out at the same time. Zoey Stark, Shayna Baszler and Sonya Deville are eliminated.
#16 is Jaida Parker of NXT. JP backhands RP then shoulders over Bayley. JP fordbusters Liv then running hip attacks her. JP step up buttpresses Green on the 2nd rope. Lash and JP shake hands. BB and Naomi want in. Green then walks in to join up and gets beaten up by all four. Lash pump kicks JP on accident. Lash is then eliminated by Green.
BB and Naomi stare down Green. #17 is Piper Niven, Green's partner. Green and Piper stare down Naomi and BB. Piper stares Naomi then throws BB down. Piper double crossbodies BB and Naomi. Piper black hole slams Bayley. Piper uranages Iyo. Green gets in trouble on the apron and Piper runs into her to eliminate her. Chelsea Green is eliminated.
#18 is Natalya. Nat spinning lariats Bay then germans Liv. Nat drops Naomi on her butt then germans BB. Iyo tries to roll Nat and ends up on the apron. RP is put on the apron by Nat. #19 is Jordynne Grace. She hits spinebusters then lariats people with RP on her back. Grace hip attacks Jaida off the apron. Jaida Parker is eliminated. Grace rolling death valley drivers Piper then hugs Naomi. BB grabs Grace by the hair and stares at Naomi for hugging her.
#20 is Michin. Mich hits a shotgun dropkick then hits kicks on another wrestler. Mich corner cannonballs Bayley and Nat. Piper sit out slams Mich. #21 is Alexa Bliss, making her return after a long time. She's still wearing Wyatt gear and has her doll with her. Bliss stares down Bayley. Bliss flying headscissors her then forearms Nat over.
Bliss flipping sentons Bayley and poses. Bliss is put on the apron by Grace. #22 is Zelina Vega. Vega legsweeps Bay as she enters. Vega knees Iyo in the face. Vega tornado ddt's Piper. Vega 2nd rope code red's Grace. Mich takes a double hiptoss then a leg drop + standing moonsault combo from BB and Naomi. #23 is Candice LeRae (CL). CL neckbreakers Naomi and forces her to ddt Bayley.
#24 is Stephanie Vaquer (SV). SV springboard crossbodies Bayley then backdrops her. SV suplexes Nat then bangs her head off the mat with a headscissors. SV headbutts RP. Bliss takes a double suplex. #25 is Trish Stratus.
Trish goes after Nat and thesz presses her with mounted punches. Trish gets caught by Grace. Trish comes off the top and hits a diving double bulldog. Trish high kicks CL then springboard bulldogs Nat. Piper knocks Trish over.
#26 is Raquel Rodriguez (RR). Nat flying headscissors her. Nat and Liv fight on the apron. Liv codebreakers Nat on the apron. Natalya is eliminated. Bliss is then put on the apron and eliminated via codebreaker by Liv. Alexa Bliss is eliminated.
#27 is Charlotte Flair. She takes forever to get to the ring. Flair hits lariats then chops Bayley. Flair chops RP, BB and Grace. Flair kicks Mich and eliminates her. Flair hits a double crossbody off the top. Flair turns a double suplex into a double ddt. Flair throws Piper over the top. Piper Niven is eliminated.
#28 is Giulia. Giulia is tripped by Iyo. Giulia and Iyo slap each other down at the same time. Flair fights off elimination on the apron. Giulia tries to german Grace off the apron. Giulia pumping knees Grace off the apron. Jordynne Grace is eliminated.
SV stares down Giulia. They pound fists and stare down Bianca, Bayley and Flair with RP. The 6 fight. #29 is Nia Jax. Nia eliminates Zelina Vega from the outside then throws her into the rail.
Nia and Trish stare down. Trish throws out LeRae. Candice LeRae is eliminated. Trish handstands hurricanrana's Nia. Trish is on the apron fighting Nia and is forearmed down. Trish Stratus is eliminated.
#30 is Nikki Bella, making her return. Nikki stares down Nia. Then everyone surrounds Nia. Liv has now been in this 64 minutes. Nia gets group beaten and pushes everyone off. Nia takes offense from variou girls. Nikki does push-ups in the ring. RP then does push-ups at her. Nikki slaps her.
SV headscissors Iyo onto the apron. Iyo and SV hang from the bottom rope. 5 girls end up on the apron. We have a multi-girl elimination spot involving Nia and Raquel. Raquel, Bianca, Iyo, Naomi and Vaquer get eliminated together.
Nia then knocks Liv off the apron for the elimination. Nikki spears Liv. Giulia ends up on the apron and pulls RP onto it too. Flair misses a kick and is put on the apron too. RP pushes Giulia into the post and eliminates her. Flair is crawling and looks like she may be hurt. Nikki forearms Bayley off the apron. Bayley is eliminated. Nia forearms Nikki and eliminates her. Nikki Bella is eliminated.
Flair hits chops on Nia. RP clips Flair. Nia misses a corner charge. Nia tries to eliminate RP and Nia is thrown over the top. Nia Jax is eliminated. Flair facekicks RP off the apron. Roxanne Perez is eliminated and Charlotte Flair wins The Royal Rumble.
Thoughts: It was a long match here probably going close to 70 minutes. It dragged at times. There were some sloppy moments but it was much better than prior editions. It had some good moments and it was nice to see Flair and Bliss back. I was surprised to see Perez last so long, but she was losing anyway.. It was okay overall but I would not watch this again. Becky Lynch was notably not here. Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, Katana Chance, Kayden Carter, Nikki Cross, Shotzi and Sarah Logan also weren't in this one.
We see The Godfather, Mickie James (why wasn't she in this?) and Kurt Angle watching in the crowd.
Drew McIntyre and Sami Zayn are in the back.
WWE Tag Titles - 2/3 Falls - DIY (c) vs The Motor City Machine Guns
1st Fall - Alex pulls down Ciampa and Ciampa takes a sandwich kick. JG takes a double superkick. The Guns hit stereo corner lariats then throw DIY out. The Guns hit stereo baseball slides outside. Sabin then dives out onto both DIY members. Ciampa ddt's Sabin over the 2nd rope for 2. Ciampa hits elbows on Sabin. Sabin takes a jawbreaker and is whipped into a Ciampa lariat.
Sabin gamengiri's Ciampa. Alex superkicks JG. Ciampa flying knees Alex and gets the pin on him. Alex throught JG was the legal man in and didn't see he wasn't. The fake tag spot was cool.
2nd Fall - Ciampa stomps on Alex then chinlocks him. Ciampa saves JG on a suplex. Alex takes a backdrop + spear combo. JG chops up Alex as does Ciampa. Alex hits a flatliner + ddt combo on DIY. Ciampa goes under the ring and tries to stop Sabin from tagging out. Ciampa distracts the ref and he doesn't see the tag. Alex then is double pounded on in the corner. Alex takes a shatter machine for 2.
JG slingshots in and is superkicked by Alex. Sabin hits punches on JG. Sabin flying lariats JG. Sabin PK's Ciampa and JG outside. Sabin triangle plancha's outside. Alex ddt's Ciampa on the apron. Sabin flying ddt's JG off the buckles. JG takes a neckbreaker + top rope splash combo and is pinned.
3rd Fall - Sabin step up enzugiri's Ciampa and superkicks him. JG spinning lariats Sabin. Sabin takes a superkick + sit out pedigree combo. JG topes Alex outside. Sabin hits a powerbomb backbreaker on Sabin for 2. Ciampa is on the buckles and is pushed into the post. Ciampa is in tree of woe and takes a baseball slide. JG is then belly to belly suplexed into Ciampa.
Ciampa takes a sliced bread + power bomb combo for 2. JG superkicks Ciampa on accident. JG takes a sequence ending in a baseball slide. The Street Profits interfere. Sabin is hit with a crutch. Sabin takes a meet in the middle and is pinned.
Thoughts: The ending was a surprise, especially when Pretty Deadly could have been justified to come out. We'll have to get answers on that one. I liked the match though running a 2/3 falls match on a show with 2 different hour long matches is a brave move. I really liked the fake tag spot here. Ciampa got his face busted open near the end of this.
The Street Profits then attack DIY after. DIY is hit with a crutch.
We see some highlights of Pat Mcafee.
Ron Simmons is in the crowd as is Rick Steiner and Rob Van Dam.
WWE Undisputed Title - Ladder Match - Cody Rhodes (c) vs Kevin Owens
They hockey fight and Cody drop down punches him. KO back elbows him. Ko foot chokes him in the corner. KO tips over a ladder when Cody hits him. KO slams Cody through the side connector of a ladder. KO hits Cody with the ladder connector. Cody is sent into the rail.
KO is sent over the rail. They fight in the crowd. Cody hits KO with a beer. KO bangs Cody's head off a camera. KO drops Cody gut first on the rails. KO bridges a ladder and hiptosses Cody onto it. KO hits punches on Cody. Cody stops KO from climbing the ladder then throws him into it. KO throws the commentary table top into Cody's head. Cole says KO is losing it and KO says he isn't. Cody sends KO into the steps. KO hits Cody with a small step ladder and throws it at him. KO teases jumping off the stepladder then just hits Cody.
Cody hits KO with the step ladder. Cody climbs the ladder and KO hits him with the step ladder. KO backdrops Cody on the ladder. Cody gets stuck on the ladder hanger with the title belts but gets back on the ladder. KO pulls Cody down into a powerbomb. KO foot chokes Cody.
Cody suplexes KO on the rails. Cody uses a rung on the ladder on KO. KO superkicks Cody. KO does a bionic elbow motion then hits Cody with the ladder rung. KO throws the step ladder into Cody's face. Cody back body drops KO onto the side of a ladder. KO powerbombs Cody onto a ladder bridged in the corner.
KO punches Cody. KO fisherman busters Cody off the 2nd rope onto a bridged ladder. Nick Aldis and officals check on both wrestlers. Sami Zayn comes out to check on KO. Cody hits a cross rhodes on KO. KO's head is banged off a ladder and he is sent into the post. KO is busted open. Cody hits punches on KO.
KO low blows Cody on the commentary table. Cody alabama slams KO through a ladder from the commentary table. Cody then climbs the ladder and wins.
Thoughts: It was a bit of a long match especially following two other longer matches. I liked it and thought they did a good job with it. The refs came out and made some of the bumps feel bigger than they were and the crowd bought into it. It's a shame they couldn't find a way to get Sami more involved as that was an interesting story that didn't fully get looked into here. Both guys took some hard looking bumps here.
KO's head is stuck in the ladder and he has to helped up.
WWE Evolve is going to be on Tubi. It premiers March 5th at 8pm and will be on every Wednesday.
Thoughts: I've been excited for this one. It will be going up against Dynamite which is not an accident. I'll definitely be watching it. It looks like it has NXT stars, NXT Level Up stars and some new stars on it. I don't expect it to be much competition for Dynamite though since it's not on a normal TV channel and will basically have d-list stars.
We go to Big E and Jose Tessitore at a commentary booth in the stands. They talk about Cody/KO.
Men's Royal Rumble
Rey Mysterio is #1 and Penta is #2. They shake hands and Penta does his taunt in Rey's face. Rey hits forearms and headscissors Penta onto the apron. Both get back in. Rey headstands in the corner and is superkicked. Penta blocks a diving hurricanrana off the top. Rey headscissors Penta over the top. Penta looks to have touched the floor with both feet but they ignore it.
Rey botches a springboard and falls down. #3 is Chad Gable, who can't beat luchadores. Chad and Penta chop each other. Penta superkicks him. Rey slingshot sunset flips Chad. Chad back body drops Penta then catapults Rey out. Rey hangs onto the ropes. Penta slingblade bulldogs Chad.
Rey is popped up onto Penta's shoulders and lands hard on Chad's knee in like Rey's 3rd botch of the night so far. #4 is Carmelo Hayes. Melo la mistica drops Penta. Rey flying headscissors Penta. Melo hits a blind springboard ddt on Rey. Penta takes a german + springboard lariat combo.
Rey takes a double shoulder and double elbow from Melo and Chad. #5 is Santos Escobar. Santos tornado ddt's Chad then pumping knees Rey. Santos 619's Rey.
Penta and Santos go face to face. Penta spin kicks him and takes a canadian destroyer. Rey flying headscissors Santos then 619's him. 4 people hang from the ropes thanks to Chad and all 4 get in and superkick Chad. The four hit each other. Melo and Penta kick each other down. Rey crossbodies Santos.
#6 is Otis. Otis chokeslams Santos down. Otis does the caterpilla but Chad ankle locks him during it. They slap each other. They hockey fight and Chad germans Otis. Otis racks Chad. Penta superkicks Melo and Rey then rolls himself into a double ddt on them.
#7 is Bron Breakker. Bron spears Melo and throws him out. Carmelo Hayes is eliminated. Bron walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's Chad down. Bron overhead suplexes Otis. Bron running lariats Rey. Bron spears Santos then throws him out. Santos Escobar is eliminated.
#8 is Akira Tozawa. Melo nails Akira as he does his pose and Akira is down. Adam Pearce checks on him with some staff. Akira is helped to the back. Akira is taken to the back. Triple H asks if he's okay. Triple H says smeone has gotta replace him. Triple H tells Ishowspeed to get in the Rumble at #8 (I guess technically #9). He's a twitch guy and was at Mania.
Otis gets eliminated by Ishowspeed and Bron. Speed celebrates and does a backflip. Bron runs the ropes and spears him hard. Bron gorilla presses Speed out onto Otis. Otis catches Speed and fallway slams him on the table. Ishowspeed is eliminated.
#9 is Sheamus. Sheamus clubs on Chad's chest then Bron's chest. penta lariats Sheamus onto the apron. Sheamus then slingshot shoulderblocks Penta. Sheamus spinning backbreakers Rey. Bron overhead suplexes Sheamus. Sheamus pump kicks Bron but misses him for the most part.
Chad and Sheamus square off. #10 is Jimmy Uso. Jimmy top rope crossbodies Chad then superkicks Sheamus and Rey. Penta superkicks Jimmy then Jimmy hits a whisper in the wind on him. Jimmy facekicks Sheamus over then hits corner hip attacks.
#11 is Andrade. He springboard diving headscissors Penta. Chad is tripped into the buckles. Andrade flying forearms Sheamus. Andrade meteora's Chad in the corner then does it to Sheamus. 3 people try to throw out Bron. Penta 2nd rope suerplexes Andrade.
#12 is Jacob Fatu. Fatu superkicks Chad and pop-up samoan drops Andrade. Fatu corner hip attacks Chad. Rey springboards and is caught by Fatu. Fatu samoan drops Rey and Penta together. Fatu throws Chad out. Chad Gable is eliminated. Fatu throws Rey out. Rey Mysterio is eliminated. Fatu throws Andrade over the top. Andrade is eliminated. Bron and Fatu stare down.
#13 is Ludwig Kaiser. Kaiser runs down but then delays getting in. Kaiser gets in and is immediately thrown out by Penta. Ludwig Kaiser is eliminated. Penta and Bron stomp Sheamus in the corner. Bron hangs from the ropes outside and pulls himself in.
#14 is The Miz. Miz barks at Bron, slides between his legs and throws him to the apron. Miz pushes Sheamus into Bron. Miz hits a skull crushing finale on Jimmy. Penta flying headscissors Miz. Miz 2nd rope diving headscissors Penta. Miz gets a shot in on Fatu and is thrown to the apron. Miz springboards and is caught with a samoan drop by Fatu.
#15 is Joe Hendry of TNA, who is the current TNA champ. He comes out with the TNA belt. Joe lariats Miz, Penta and Jimy. Joe fallaway slams Miz. Joe hits a standing ovation on Miz. Fatu flying back elbows Joe. Sheamus yells at Fatu, saying he was enjoying that.
#16 is Roman Reigns. Roman spears Miz then throws him out. Miz is eliminated. Roman spears Sheamus then lariats him over the top for the elimination. Sheamus is eliminated. Joe takes a shot on Roman and is thrown out. Joe Hendy is eliminated.
Roman and Bron stare down. Bron hits a big spear on Roman. Paul Heyman is shocked. Bron goes to eliminated Roman but Roman throws Bron out. Bron Breakker is eliminated. Jimmy helps up Roman then is superkicked by Fatu. Fatu throws Jimmy Uso out. Jimmy Uso is eliminated.
Fatu and Roman Reigns stare down. They trade punches. Fatu hits headbutts on Roman. Roman flying spears Fatu in the chest kind of. #17 is Drew McIntyre. Roman and Drew stare down. drew says he's been waiting for this moment. He says it began with Roman and ends with him. They trade punches.
Fatu nails Roman from behind and stomps him. Roman gets double teamed by them. Drew pounds on Roman. Fatu corner hip attacks Penta. #18 is Finn Balor. Finn has new music I think.
Finn and Drew stomp on Roman. Finn slingblades Penta then throws him to the apron. Finn final cuts Drew. #19 is Shinsuke Nakamura (SN). SN hits shots on Roman. SN axe kicks Penta. Penta jumps off Finn's back into a canadian destroyer on Fatu.
Penta spin kicks Finn then is thrown over the top by him. Penta is eliminated. #20 is Jey Uso. Jey does not come down through the crowd. Jey hits punches on Finn. Jey spears Drew. Jey uppercuts Fatu then poisonrana's him. SN forearms Jey. SN spinning heel kicks Jey. Jey enzugiri's him. SN spinning back elbows Jey. SN is thrown out by Jey. Shinsuke Nakamura is eliminated.
#21 is AJ Styles, making his return from injury. AJ dropkicks Drew in the knee then sliding forearms him. AJ ushigoroshi's Finn. AJ strike combos Jey then lariats him. AJ pele kicks Fatu. Fatu back body drops AJ.
#22 is Braun Strowman. Braun and Fatu stare down then hockey fight. Braun crossbodies Fatu. Braun throws Fatu out. Jacob Fatu is eliminated. Fatu clears the commentary table and throws a chair. Braun is triple teamed.
#23 is John Cena. Cena has a towel that says, "the last time is now". Cena pulls the top rope down on Braun and eliminates him. Braun Strowman is eliminated. Cena AA's Finn onto Braun and eliminates him. Finn Balor is eliminated. Roman spears Drew then stares down Cena.
#24 is CM Punk. Punk stares down at Roman and Cena. They stall. #25 is Seth Rollins. Punk and Roman aren't pleased. Seth spears Punk as Cena and Roman trade shots. Roman headbutts Cena. Seth and Drew trade. Seth hits lariats on Drew. Cena hits shots on AJ.
#26 is Dominik Mysterio, which is an odd choice. Dom top rope frogsplashes Cena. Dom grabs Roman and can't suplex him. Roman samoan drops Dom. Roman foot chokes Dom.
#27 is Sami Zayn. Sami corner facekicks Drew and Seth. The crowd sings his song. Sami hits punches on Punk and Punk fires back. Jey superkicks AJ. Sami foot chokes Drew. #28 is Damian Priest. DP high kicks Drew from the apron. DP walks the top rope and crossbodies Drew. DP superkicks Sami then flying back elbows Roman.
DP ear claps AJ and corkscrew kicks him. Dom dropkicks DP from behind. DP throws out Dom. Dominik Mysterio is eliminated. #29 is LA Knight. LA double springboard elbow drops Cena. LA and Jey trade punches. LA does a backdrop type of move on Jey. Sami is thrown to the apron by Drew. Jey superkicks Sami off the apron and eliminates him. Sami Zayn is eliminated. Drew headbutts Sami.
#30 is Logan Paul. Logan hits a double buckshot lariat. DP throws out Drew. Drew McIntyre is eliminated. LA beats up on Logan on the apron. Logan jumps from the apron to the commentary table to save himself. LA lariats Priest over the top. Damian Priest is eliminated. Someone throws Logan a drink frrom the crowd. AJ throws LA over the top. LA Knight is eliminated. Logan jumps from the rail to the steps. AJ goes to springboard and LA pulls him down to the floor. AJ Styles is eliminated.
We have 6 people left. Punk hits a go to sleep on Logan. Seth pedigrees Jey. Roman superman punches Cena. Seth curbstomps Cena and Punk. Roman and Seth stare down. Seth tells him he won't get another Mania main event or a world title. They push each other and trade shots.
Seth hits shots on Roman. Seth superkicks Roman. Roman lariats Seth. Seth hangs upside down over the top on Roman. Punk then tosses Roman and Seth over the top. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns are eliminated. Logan Paul then throws Punk over the top from behind. CM Punk is eliminated.
The last 3 are Logan, Cena and Jey Uso. Punk and Roman argue. Seth curb stomps Roman on the floor. Punk and Seth fight then refs try to stop them. Seth superkicks Punk. Paul Heyman yells at Seth and asks what the hell's wrong with him. Seth then curb stomps Roman on the bottom part of the steps. Seth goes after Punk on the floor.
Logan and Jey stare down. Jey does a yeet and they trade shots. Jey spinning enzugiri's him. Jey misses a corner splash. Cena throws Logan into Jey and he back elbows both in the corner. Cena lariats Logan over the top. Logan Paul is eliminated.
Cena and Jey are the final two. They look at each other and the crowd. They trade shots. Cena headbutts him then flying shoulders him twice. Cena blue thunders Jey. Cena does the five knuckle shuffle. Jey superkicks Cena. Jey goes to toss Cena. Jey hits another superkick. Cena boots away Jey then Jey hits a big spear. Both men are down.
Jey is on the apron then Cena is pulled on the apron with him. They stop each other from getting back in and trade punches. Jey superkicks him and Cena hangs off the apron. Cena goes for the AA, Jey avoids it and pushes him off the apron to win. Jey Uso wins The Royal Rumble!
Thoughts: It was a long one and I thought it was really good. I was surprised to see Jey win. Jey's certainly popular but he was not one of the favorites going into this and this was a risky move. I have no idea who he ends up fighting at Mania or for which title and there's no real obvious matches that we can spot at this time unlike with Punk, Seth, Roman, Cena and Drew. I wouldn't even be shocked if he somehow not ends up going to the main at Mania.
I thought they did a good job of putting Fatu over here and I thought they did a good job of re-igniting Seth vs Punk and Seth vs Roman in this one. I liked the graphics that showed you how many people were in this and how long they were in this. That added a lot and was something I didn't know I needed.
There are some things I would have done differently though. I would have liked to have seen a couple of surprises. Joe Hendry and Ishowspeed were the only non-roster guys in this. Nobody from NXT made the cut which sucked and there were no legends brought back. I would have cut Santos, Penta and maybe Andrade from this. There were a lot of people missing from this one as expected including R-Truth, who would have added something to this, Tama Tonga, A-Town Down Under, Karrion Kross, New Day and others. I also didn't like that the new competitors came after eliminations and not at a set time.
Jey and Cena hug after. Jey points at the Wrestlemania sign and he gets fireworks.
Overall thoughts: It was a very long show. Starting the show off with a near 70 minute Rumble tired me out from the start. Having the tag match be a 2/3 fall match wasn't a good idea after that though the match was okay. The women's Rumble was okay but nowhere near the men's Rumble. Cody/Owens was better than I expected and I thought they did a good job. The men's Royal Rumble was really good and one of the more star-studded line-ups in a while. The show lived up to the hype, mostly for the men's Rumble. I'd give it an 8 out of 10 and I'd recommend it.
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