WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/2/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-10261991.html
We are in Wheeling, West Virginia. Vince says it's the birthplace of Bayer aspirin.
Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are on commentary. Vince offers him aspirin. Macho says he was hoping for relief from Jake and says it doesn't look like it will happen. Piper says this is a hard pill to swallow. He says he's not sugar coated and says he doesn't go down so easy.
Sid Justice vs Col. Mustafa
Adnan is with Mustafa. I have no idea what purpose Mustafa and Adnan serve now that Sarge is trying to go face and won't be with them anymore. Sid says it's a personal thing between him and Jake now.
Adnan spits at Sid. Mustafa hits weak shots from behind. Sid tells him to hit him again. Sid boots Mustafa and hits a powerbomb for the win.
Thoughts: Sid won with 2 moves here in a total burial of Mustafa.
Adnan hits Sid from behind. Sid cranks on Mustafa's head then powerbombs him.
WWF Update
Mean Gene Okerlund shills The WBF Championship Coliseum Video that is available on 11/14. Gene says it's a must see for anyone who is interested in health or physical fitness.
Gene shows us clips of the Flair/Piper feud. Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair do a promo. Heenan says no one believed him when he said the real world's champ is coming here. Flair says Piper spit on the belt and he slapped him as soon as he saw him. Heenan says Hulk is the WWF champ but not the real champ. Flair says Hulk has nothing he wants. He says Taker will bury Hulk and he just wants to beat Hulk.
The Big Boss Man vs ?
Boss knees the jobber in the gut and knocks him down. Boss slides out and trips the jobber. Boss lariats the jobber hard over the top and both take a hard bump. Boss does an inset promo. He says there will be no filing for an extension for IRS. He says IRs will find out no one is above the law.
Boss nails the jobber outside and hits a nice punch. Boss hits a big boot. Boss chokes his opponent. Boss leg lariats him on the ropes. Boss hits a sidewalk slam and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with Boss winning as expected. I have no idea who the jobber was but it is not Sonny Blaze as it is said to be on some sites.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney hypes up Survivor Series. Ric Flair, Mountie, Warlord and Dibiase does a promo. Mountie says his team will shock the world. Warlord says his team knows what to do and says Bulldog will feel his power and strength and he'll take the bite out of him. Ted says they have the classiest team going pound for pound and says Virgil will find out soon enough. Flair says they have the greatest wrestling team put together. Flair says Piper is looking for a way out but the only way out is through the four of them. Mountie says he wants Bret Hart and says we will see why they call him a hitman.
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) vs Chris Hahn & Jim Arnon
Saggs lariats Chris off the handshake then bangs his head off the mat. Knobbs hits elbow drops on Chris while Saggs holds Chris' legs. Chris goes to pity city.
Jim's head is banged off the buckles then Knobbs elbows him in the back of the head. Jim's head is banged off the mat. Saggs bangs Jim's head off the buckles. Knobbs corner splashes Jim.
Jim takes a running powerslam then Saggs top rope elbow drops Jim. Saggs picks up the pin.
Thoughts: It was the usual Nasty's squash with their opponents standing no chance. They roughed them up a bit, banging their faces and heads off the mat.
WWF Event Center
IRS, Jake Roberts and The Natural Disasters do a promo. IRS tells Boss Man to look at his Survivor Series team and he said it made it to get revenge on Boss. Typhoon says Boss Man's team has as much chance of surviving as a Thanksgiving turkey. Jake says Sid Justice got used for the fool he is.
Sid Justice, The LOD and The Big Boss Man respond. Sid says he wants to snap Jake's neck in half. Boss says to leave IRS to him. He says he's questioning his character and no one does that. Animal says they are the problem solvers. He says IRS will get his butt kicked and Jake will get beat up. Hawk says they remind them of a leaky faucet with how much they yap. Hawk says they can forget about it at Survivor Series.
The Legion Of Doom (Animal & Hawk) vs Brian Costello & Peter Weeks
The LOD attack before the bell. Brian is thrown out and Weeks takes a dropkick from Animal. Animal elbow drops him. LOD do an inset promo. Animal says we will see that they can survive at Survivor Series. Hawk says they will see if they have any competition left after with The Disasters.
Hawk gorilla presses Brian and slams him. Hawk neckbreakers him then fist drops him. Hawk hits a flying shoulder. Brian is powerslammed by Animal. Animal corner lariats Brian. Brian then takes the doomsday device.
Thoughts: It was a good squash by The LOD. Everything they did looked good here and they won in quick fashion.
Vince shills the WBF Magzine.
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer welcomes us and shows Hulk's casket. He says Taker will stuff Hulk in the casket. He says only Taker can survive laying in the casket. We then see Taker pop out of the casket. Taker says not only will he take Hulk's title, he will take his soul. He says he will leave his flesh to Paul Bearer.
Survivor Series Report
Mean Gene Okerlund talks about the match between Sid's team and Jake's team at Survivor Series. Jake Roberts, IRS and The Natural Disasters do a promo. Jake has his big snake with him. He says if the snake gets a hold of Sid, he won't come back. Quake says they will survive. Typhoon says they have as much of a survival chance as a Thanksgiving turkey. IRS says Boss Man is a tax cheat and criminal who is going down. Jake says they will take no prisoners and will give them to the devil himself.
Gene talks about Flair's team vs Piper's team. Piper, Bulldog, Bret Hart and Virgil do a promo. Piper says Flair is a Gobbledly Gooker lookin' feather wearin' freak. Piper says he's been surviving for years and says Flair has been Triple A ball. Virgil calls Dibiase a fat, ugly turkey. He says he can run but can't hide. Bulldog says he will show Warlord what strength is about. Hart says nobody forgot The Mountie. Hart says Mountie's big stick won't help him with this team.
Hulk Hogan does a promo. Hulk says people act like this is the first time people have gotten down on him. Hulk says he heard people say Hulkamania is dead and will die. Hulk says he's seen the casket and says Paul would have to dig a hole the size of the football field and the grave would need to be so big to fit the Hulkamaniacs. Hulk says when Taker sees the light and truth of Hulkamania, he will realize it's more than he bargained for.
Gene announces Jim Duggan, Jim Neidhart, The Dragon and Texas Tornado vs Col. Mustafa, The Berzerker, Big Bully Busick and Skinner for Survivor Series. He then announces The Bushwackers and The Rockers vs The Nasty Boys and The Beverly Brothers.
Bret Hart vs The Mountie
This is a non-title match. Bret gives a fan his sunglasses. The Mountie gets on the mic. He calls Bret a greaseball and says he knows why it's not a title match. He says he wants Bret to tell all the hillbillies why. Mountie asks if Bret is yellow or a gutless coward. Bret goes out and asks for the mic. Bret says he could never give a title match to a jailbird. Jimmy Hart nails Bret with a water bucket and Mountie uses his shock stick on Bret. He sticks it on Bret several times then poses.
Thoughts: This never got started but it did get the Mountie/Hart feud going. It's 1991. I'm not surprised we never got the advertised match.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney says Mountie's behavior was despicable. Skinner, Col Mustafa, The Berzeker and Big Bully Busick ddo a promo. Mustafa says he will show he's the real survivor. Skinner says he will bite Dragon's lizard head off. Bully says the forecast is gloomy for Tornado. Berzerker says he will get his hands on ya.
Jim Neidhart, Texas Tornado, Jim Duggan and The Dragon do a promo. They chant "survivor". Anvil asks if they can survive against them. Dragon says they will feel the blaze of fire. Tornado says united they stand and Duggan says they will attack, attack, attack.
The Rockers and The Bushwhackers do a promo. Marty says his team is wild and crazy and will take care of a bunch of liars and losers. Shawn says he doesn't know who the brains are of this team. Butch says they will be rocking and whacking together.
Vince runs down next week's show. He says Bret is standing under his own power in the back. Ric Flair faces Jim Neidhart next week. Jim says Flair is a self-proclaimed champ. Jim says Flair hasn't seen anything yet. He says he will run over his blonde head. Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair talk. Heenan says Anvil is nuts and had shock treatment. Flair says he's the real champ and he likes crazy.
Overall thoughts: This was all Survivor Series hype here as it should be. The big show is 25 days away and I think the card is pretty much set. We didn't get Bret vs Mountie which isn't a shock but at least there was an angle. Sid vs Mustafa wasn't much. We did get some fun Survivor Series team promo's though and I'm interested to see if we actually get Neidhart vs Flair next week. I liked it but most people probably wouldn't, so I wouldn't recommend it. There was little quality wrestling on this one.
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