WWE Monday Night Raw 2/10/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-monday-night-raw-232025.html
We are in Nashville, TN.
Pat McAfee and Michael Cole are on commentary.
We see various wrestlers arrive. Bayley has a basketball which we are told is significant. We see AJ Styles.
Jey Uso comes out through the concourse and crowd. Jey has a long entrance and gets on the commentary table. Gunther then knocks him off of it. Gunther backdrops him and drives him into the apron.
Gunther beats him up in the ring and face kicks him. Gunther then powerbombs him. Officials then come to break it up but Gunther hits another powerbomb.
Gunther leaves and Jey gets the mic. Jey then challenges him for Wrestlemania. Gunther comes back down, Jey knocks him off the apron and suicide dives him and security.
Cathy Kelly interviews Rhea Ripley. Rhea says she's waiting to hear who the Royal Rumble will pick for Mania. Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai come in. Sky says she's coming for her at Mania.
We get a video for the tag title match tonight.
Damage Ctrl (Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai) vs Judgment Day (Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez
Iro slaps RR and is thrown into the corner. Kai pump kicks RR and RR takes a double basement dropkick for 2. Kai flying snapmares RR then is lariated. Iyo and Liv fight. Iyo cartwheels off the ropes and dropkicks Liv. Iyo is beaten up in the corner.
RR corner splashes Iyo then slams her for 2. RR throws Iyo back by the hair and boot flurries her. Liv 2nd rope diving facebusters Iyo for 2. RR lariats Iyo. Iyo gets on RR's back with a sleeper. Kai gets in and hits shots on RR. Kai hits a kick on her then facewash kicks her for 2.
Kai kicks Liv from the apron then is sent into the post by RR. We go to break and return. RR has a cobra clutch on Kai. RR is thrown out. Kai step up enzugiri's RR. Iyo running shotei's Liv then dropkicks her. Iyo topes both opponents at once. Iyo top rope dropkicks Liv. Iyo corner meteora's Liv for 2. Liv basically blocks a top rope moonsault then Iyo double underhook backbreakers her for 2.
Iyo misses a corner meteora. Iyo is held for a top rope diving codebreaker from Liv for 2. RR powerbombs Liv onto Iyo but Iyo gets her knees up. Iyo german Liv then Kai canadian destroyer backbreakers Liv for 2.
RR swings Liv at her opponents then powerbombs Liv onto Iyo. Liv's eye is busted open and she hits oblivion for 2. RR is hurricanrana'd into the buckles then Kai jumping facekicks RR. Liv is rolled up for 2 and hits kicks on Iyo. Iyo rolls Liv into a double stomp and headkicks her. Iyo hits a top rope moonsault and wins.
Thoughts: They got a lot of time here and Liv got busted open. It had some issues but it was a good match overall with some athleticism.
We get clips from the new WWE LFG that debuts this week. Gunther is rude to the rookies in it.
Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifier - Bayley vs Lyra Valkyria
Roxanne Perez is in the front row. They lock up and Lyra armdrags her. Lyra side headlock takeovers her and is put in the headscissors. Lyra takes her down by the arm. Bay shoulders her over and they stand off.
Lyra side headlocks her. Bay snapmares her and Lyra tries a backslide off a running back elbow. Lyra tries a bridge pin for 2. Bay forearms her over. Bay is thrown out then Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes.
We go to break and return. Lyra hits kicks on Bay. Lyra step up enzugiri's her for 2. Lyra spinning high kicks her for 2. Lyra misses a senton off the 2nd buckle. Bay sunset bombs her and herself into the buckles. Bay tires a top rope elbow drop but Lyra gets her feet up. Bay rolls through a tornado ddt and belly to belly's her for 2.
Lyra misses a step up enzugiri. Bay running knees her. Lyra maybe tries to escape a TKO and Bay kind of side slams her in a botched spot. Bay cutters her over the 2nd rope. Lyra tornado ddt's her on the floor then holds on for a fisherman suplex on the floor. Lyra hits a fisherman suplex inside for 2.
They both get on the buckles. Lyra hits headbutts on Bay then legdrops her neck over the 2nd rope. Lyra rolls up Bay for 2. Bay rolls her into the 2nd rope. Bay reverses a la magistral and wins.
Thoughts: It wasn't that good. They had a bunch of sloppy moments here. They did try but it wasn't their night.
We get a video of Penta. He's with fire. He says there's no fear of various things including cowards like Ludwig Kaiser and Pete Dunne who attacked him from behind.
Jackie Redmond interviews Ludwig Kaiser. Kaiser says if he sets his eyes on you, he won't stop until you are done for good. Pete Dunne comes in. He said he wasn't helping Kaiser last week, Kaiser just got in his way. Kaiser asked if he saw what he did to Penta. Pete says to wait and see what he does to him next week. He says he will break him and tells Kaiser to stay out of business. Kaiser says Penta's all Pete's.
AJ Styles then walks past Kaiser.
Lyra talks to Alpha Academy. American Made goes up to them minus Gable. Ivy says it's so touching to see the first women's IC champ fall on her face. Ivy says now she's coached by the Alpha clowns who never win anything. Lyra says she will stay out of her way at the gym but Ivy needs to stay out of her way in the ring. Ivy says The Creed's will win the tag titles tonight and she will see Lyra soon.
AJ Styles comes out to talk. He says Nashville was his stomping grounds and he came back here for 4 months ago. He said then he got injured. AJ says he thought it was over but went to the bathroom and said he still had gas in the tank and something to prove. He says it was hard to get back but says anything hard is worth doing. AJ syas he's back and has a long to do list. He says he's still the phenomenal AJ Styles.
Dominik Mysterio and Carlito come out. They go to talk but get booed. Dom talks but I can't make any of it out. AJ says he knows who they are and things have changed. He asks where Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley are. He says things have changed. He says no one likes Dom. He says Dom works hard and he respects that but he says Dom will always be Rey's punk @ss kid. Dom goes to hit him, AJ blocks it and AJ pele kicks Carlito.
Dom stomps on AJ. AJ makes his comeback and hits a phenomenal forearm on Carlito.
Jackie interviews Seth in the crowd. Seth says he feels good. He says the path to Mania is getting clearer and clearer with Jey challenging Gunther. Finn Balor comes in. He says the people are seeing the downfall of Seth. He says we all saw Seth lose to Punk and lose his mind at The Rumble. He says the only thing standing between him and The Elimination Chamber is a guy that is falling apart.
Seth asks if he really thinks Seth is standing in his way. Seth says he has things to clean up with Punk and Cody and says he sees Finn as standing in his way. He says Finn won't be standing at all next week.
Adam Pearce and AJ Styles talk in the back. AJ wants a match with Dominik Mysterio and Adam grants it. AJ then runs into Bron Breakker, who has a cowboy hat on. They stare down.
World Tag Titles - The War Raiders (c) vs The Creed Brothers
BC = Brutus Creed, JC = Julius Creed
BC takes down Eric and gets his back then laughs. Erik nails him for it. Ivar hits a back elbow flurry on BC. JC hits shots on Ivar in the corner. Ivar throws JC out. Erik exploders JC then headbutts him. Erik germans him then muso's BC.
Erik slams Ivar onto JC. Ivar crossbodies BC after the apron. Erik hits a stiff sitout powerbomb on JC for 2. We go to break and return.
JC slams down Erik then Erik is sent shoulder first into the post. Erik takes a jumping knee into an inverted AA. BC chinlocks Erik. Erik is stomped by both opponents. JC slams BC onto Erik. Erik goes up and over BC and tags out. Ivar back body drops, side slams and low crossbodies BC.
Ivar sit down butt drops BC in the corner and spinning heel kicks JC. Ivar bronco busters BC in the corner then tiger drivers him for 2. BC is popped up into a powerslam for 2. BC olympic slams Ivar for 2. Ivar handspring double back elbows his opponents. Ivar goes up top. Ivy Nile distracts him. JC jumps up to the top and superplexes Ivar. BC top rope moonsaults Ivar for 2. JC is back body dropped over the top. Ivar and BC trade forearms. JC hits Ivar with the title belt on a springboard and The Creed's are DQ'd.
Thoughts: This was good as expected. These are two agile heavyweight teams and I liked what we got of this. It was nice to see the two teams throw each other around.
Erik gets hit with a title belt after from BC. The Creed's then hold up the titles with Ivy.
Judgment Day is in their clubhouse. Carlito is in pain. Finn tells Liv to listen to him next time. Dom says who cares about Damage Ctrl? Dom says Liv is in the chamber and they will get a women's tag title match. Finn says it sounds like excuses from a guy AJ made look like a fool. Dom says he will take care of AJ next week. Dom says they should consider adding a new member with JD out. Finn says no new members. Finn says he will win Elimination Chamber and go to Mania to become champ.
Damage Ctrl leave the arena and run into Rhea. Rhea says she doesn't owe Iyo anything and won't give her a match because she think she has to, she will give her one because she wants to. Rhea says they will fight for the title in 3 weeks. Iyo says she can't wait and will see her then.
We see clips of CM Punk on WWE LFG. He says without the rookies, there is no future business. He asks if they know who they are. Punk has the mic and tells someone to come cut a promo. Multiple people then get up.
CM Punk does a promo in the ring. Punk says we are on the road to Wrestlemania. Punk says he didn't win The Rumble and is disappointed. He says he's not mad at Jey Uso though. Punk says he has qualified for the Elimination Chamber. Punk complains about Cena declaring himself for the chamber without qualifying. Punk says he was upset but isn't anymore. He says Cena is a legend but he busted his @ss to qualify. Punk says at some point, he will beat the crap out of Cena.
Punk brings up Drew McIntyre being in the chamber. He says he beat Drew in HIAC and asks what he thinks he will do to him in there? Punk says he will win at the chamber. Punk points at the Wrestlemania sign. He says Wrestlemania 41 belongs to CM Punk.
Logan Paul comes out while Punk is still talking. Logan calls him a punk. Logan says he doesn't get why the fans boo him and cheer Punk. Logan says him throwing Punk out was the greatest 15 minutes of fame of Punk's career. Logan says he has Punk's number but says it's time for Rey Mysterio's 15 minutes of fame when he loses to him tonight. Punk says he forgot Logan was in a match. He says Logan had him at The Rumble. He says the number Logan pulled tonight is 619. Punk says he will see him in Toronto and put him to sleep if he gets past Rey.
Elimination Chamber Qualifier - Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk
Rey stomps Logan in the corner and Logan goes out to stall. Logan misses a buckshot lariat. Logan trips him. They botch twice in a row and Rey wristlocks him. Logan tries to flip Rey with his feet and Rey stomps him.
Rey goes up and over then Logan tilt-a-whirl gutbusters him. Logan hits shots in the corner to Rey's gut. Logan knees Rey in the gut. Logan tilt-a-whirl slams Rey for 2. Logan hits knees to the gut and hits punches on Rey. Rey hits forearms. Logan tries a tilt-a-whirl but Rey kind of splashes him off of it.
Rey pulls Logan over the top then corkscrew plancha's him outside. Logan hits a 2nd rope ultimo guerrero special on Rey. We go to break and return. Logan waistlock takedowns Rey. Logan knees him in the gut then throws him out. Rey calls Logan out and hits him outside.
Logan is thrown into the rails. Rey is dropped chest and throat first on the rails. Rey rolls Logan into the steps. Rey slides out into a splash on Logan on the floor. Rey top rope la silla's Logan then asai moonsaults him for 2.
Rey back elbows Logan then headscissors him. Rey hits corner punches on Logan. Logan finlay rolls Rey and asai moonsaults him for 2. Rey hits a ddt on Logan for 2. Logan facekicks Rey then Rey sitout powerbombs him for 2. Rey hits a 619. Rey comes off the top and Logan gets his knees him. Logan hits a punch and flips Rey into a ddt for the win.
Thoughts: It was long and I wasn't a big fan of it. They had a lot of botches and sloppy moments in this one and it was not what it should have been at all. I'm really getting concerned that Rey is finally starting to age after a couple of weeks in a row with multiple botches.
The New Day then jump Rey to end the show. We only see about a second of it.
Overall thoughts: It was a very wrestling heavy Raw and not one of my favorite episodes. The main was long and had a lot of sloppy moments. Bayley/Lyra also had a lot of slop in it. I liked the tag title match an the Liv/Raquel vs Damage Ctrl match was good too. WWE made a lot of roster changes and because of it ended up losing people like Drew who were really intertwined with all the stories. It's going to take a while to get used to the new crew and I don't think it's going to reach the heights of the last two years. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 but I wouldn't recommend it.
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