Monday, February 10, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/26/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/26/1991

Last week's show is here:

We are in Wheeling, West Virginia.

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Macho Man Randy Savage are our hosts. Vince says this is the birthplace of advertising. Piper is shirtless and ready for his match. He says he's ready to plug Tanaka between the eyes. He then goes off to find his shirt.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs Tanaka

Tanaka is out here alone. Ric Flair and Bobby Heenan do an inset promo. Ric says Piper is in great condition and looks great. He says he's a big star like Hulk but like Hulk, neither is the real world champ.

Piper gets in and punches Tanaka down a couple of times. Piper bites him then lariats him out of the corner. Piper says, "no restrictions on this one, Tunney". Piper bulldogs Tanaka and wins.

It was short but Tanaka did a great job bumping around for Piper.

Piper brings a chair in after. He says he's saving it for Flair. Piper holds up a "Piper Scares Flair" sign after.

WWF Update

Mean Gene says Rampage '91 is now available. He says it has golf lessons with him and Bobby Heenan. Gene shows us the Sid/Jake/Taker/Duggan stuff from last week's show.

Jake Roberts does a promo with his snake. He asks if Sid is worried about the snake or him. He says when he gives Sid the ddt, he will see the snake real close.

Irwin R. Schyster vs. Chris Hahn

IRS says all the tax cheats in the crowd are guilty until proven innocent.

IRS side headlock takeovers Chris and stares him down. IRS chops him on the ropes and snapmares him. IRS does an inset promo. He says Boss Man is acting tough for Survivor Series. He asks what will he do when he goes across from IRS and it's time for him to pay. IRS hits a flying shoulder/lariat on Chris then double underhook suplexes him. IRS hits a samoan drop and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here with Chris getting nothing in before being beaten.

We get a commercial for Survivor Series.

El Matador vs. Bob Bradley

We haven't seen Bob for a while. This is Tito's Superstars debut as El Matador.

Tito armdrags Bob. Bob misses lariats then Tito hiptosses him. Tito hits an armdrag and armlocks him. Tito dodges charges and hits a hiptoss. Bob hits chest clubs on Tito then misses a charge. Tito 2nd rope diving lariats Bob.

Tito hits a shot to the gut then a knee lift. Tito hits a flying forearm and wins.

Thoughts: Tito didn't change much here but did seem to do bullfighting dodges on Bob's charges. Tito won this won as expected but at least Bob got a few shots in.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney has a pumpkin with him. He hypes up the 11/10/91 Bost Garden show. Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair do a promo. Flair says the first time Piper saw the belt he spit on it and the 2nd time, he kissed it. Flair says it's no man's land in the ring with him and says it's not game. He says Piper will learn to respect the real world's champion or pay the price.

Roddy Piper does a promo. He says real is the optional word of Flair saying he's the real world's champ. Piper says his hair and is real and says he can play the bagpipes for real, while Flair dies his hair. Piper says nobody wanted him and says he will pluck Flair's feathers when he's done with him. He then shows him a chair which he says is for Flair.

Sgt. Slaughter is at a Paul Reverse statue. He says he's one of the greatest American patriots of all time. He says he's a champ of liberty who helped forge this country. He says he was up in the charge and saw two lanterns burning bright. He says Paul saw the light and so did he. He said he saw the light of hope and hopes to get back the country he let down.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Sonny Blaze

Ted has Sherri with him. Ted knees SB in the gut and throws out SB. Virgil goes an inset promo. He says Ted has a lot of money that accumulates a lot of interest. Virgil says he has interest too and it's keeping the Million Dollar Title around his waist. Ted hits forearms on SB outside and throws him in.

Ted 2nd rope elbow drops SB in the head. He then stomps his head. Ted lariats SB over. Ted hits elbow drops then suplexes him. Sherri says Ted will get Virg and he will be finished. Ted powerslams SB then puts him to sleep with the million dollar dream.

Thoughts: It was short with Ted referencing Virgil the whole time before winning. SB got nothing in here. Ted puts money in SB's mouth after. 

WWF Event Center

Sean hypes up the 11/10/1991 Boston Garden show and tells the kids to be safe on Halloween.

The British Bulldog does a promo. He says Mountie better bring his shock stick with him because it will take more than than to put Bulldog down on his back. He says he will show Mountie what law and order is all about.

Jimmy Hart and The Mountie do a promo. Mountie said all he heard Bulldog say was, "let's go to the gym". Mountie says it'll be a shocking experience for Bulldog against him.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says where there's evil, there's good and where there's criminals, there's justice. He says he runs the WWF and says all IRS will get is a little hard time.

The Dragon vs Barry Hardy

Ricky wristlocks him. Barry hits a nice punch. Barry leapfrogs him. Ricky slides through the legs and hits punches. Ricky armdrags and armlocks him. Barry eye rakes him. Ricky is thrown over the top but skins the cat back in. Ricky hits a crossbody then an armdrag and armlock.

Ricky lifts him by the arm and drops him. Ricky hits a slam then top rope chops him. Ricky top rope crossbodies Barry and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay squash with them keeping things moving and Ricky winning as expected. 

Mean Gene interviews The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart on the platform. Gene says many say The ND's are title bound. Hart puts over their size and says they will become the next WWF Tag Team champs. Quake says he's confident that no man or team can take them. Quake says they will eliminate the LOD quickly and show The Big Boss Man who the real law and order in the WWF are. Typhoon says the titles will go to The ND's where they belong. Hart says to get natural disaster insurance.

Survivor Series Report

Gene says the show takes place on Thanksgiving Eve this year. He talks about the already announced survivor series match with Jake and Sid and Hulk vs Taker.

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says we heard Taker say he will drive Hulk into the darkside. Hulk says we are going with him if it happens. Hulk says Taker will have to steal the souls of The Hulkamaniac's to get to him. Hulk tells him to dig 20 million graves because he will have to kill all the Hulkamaniac's dead to get rid of Hulkamania. He says Taker will have to see Hulk's darkside. Hulk says he has ordered a double body bag for Taker and Paul and asks how they will handle being buried alive.

Paul Bearer and The Undertaker talk. Paul says when you take something's head, it's all dead. He says he will get the head of Hulkamania. He says it will be dead and Hulk will lie in the special casket Taker made. Taker says hiding behind The Hulkamaniac's sounds like someone who is scared. He says Hulk knows his future in encased in the casket he prepared. He says as he disembowels his flesh, the soul of Hulk will rest eternally in the urn. He says rest in peace Hulkamania.

Mean Gene announces Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, British Bulldog and Virgil vs Ric Flair, Warlord, Ted Dibiase and The Mountie for Survivor Series. Flair's team does a promo. Flair says what more can he ask for and puts over his team. He says all four of them will slap Piper and does the Four Horsemen hand symbol. Ted puts over his crew and tells Virgil he wants his belt shined like Flair's when he's done with him. Warlord talks. Mountie says they have good psychology. They aren't thinking what can the team do for them, they are thinking what can they do for the team? Flair says, "Survivor Series, here we come".

The Undertaker vs Duane Gill

Only Macho and Vince are on commentary for this one. Taker clubs Gill down and hits a nodowa otoshi. Taker then chokes Gill. Taker hits a flying lariat. Jim Duggan does an inset promo. He says Hulk isn't afraid of the dark or Taker. He says he will board Taker to death with his 2x4. Taker rope walks and clubs on Gill off the ropes. Taker tombstones Gill and pins him.

Thoughts: It was the usual Taker squash with him looking good and taking no offense from his opponent.

Gill is put in a bodybag after.

WWF Event Center

Sean hypes up the 11/10/91 Boston Garden show. The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says to get some natural disaster insurance. Quake says LOD doesn't have the power or strength to match them. Quake says we are looking at the next tag champs.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says they haven't beaten them and says nobody else. Animal says they are the champs and The ND's need to come and get them. Hawk says they climbed the mountain to get the tag titles. He says they will have to fight and nobody is better at fighting than them. 

Vince and Macho talk next week's show. Macho has a "reinstate Macho" sign. Next week it's Bret Hart vs The Mountie. Jimmy Hart and The Mountie do a promo. Mountie says Hart is the excellence of execution but he's the excellence of electrocution. Macho then holds up his sign and we are told he will ask Tunney again for reinstatement. We also get Sid Justice vs Col. Mustafa next week. Sid Justice does a promo. He says it's one more step to the top and he will conquer him. He says the people will say justice is served.

Overall thoughts: Next week's show looks like one to watch with two star vs star matches and Macho trying to get reinstated again. We did get one star vs star match here with Piper running over Tanaka in quick fashion but the wrestling was nothing too special as usual. We also got one new match announced for Survivor Series. There wasn't anything must see here and I wouldn't recommend it, though I didn't mind the show.

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