WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/16/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-1191991.html
We are in Fort Wayne, IN.
Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are on commentary. Vince says we are in the home of Dr. Scholes, the footwear guy. Vince says Piper likes to put his foot in his mouth and says Macho wants to fill the shoes of Sid at Survivor Series.
The Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels) vs Barry Horowitz & Mark Buenavera
MJ wristlocks Barry. Barry uppercuts MJ. MJ leapfrogs him then armdrags him. MJ hits a dangerous gutwrench suplex. MJ armdrags him. Mark gets in and MJ back elbows him. Barry hits some shots on MJ and Piper says Barry won't be at Survivor Series. MJ powerslams Barry. MJ goes for the tag but Shawn is talking o the crowd and not paying attention. Barry tries to roll up MJ but MJ reverses it and does an illegal pin on him to win.
Thoughts: The pin shouldn't have been allowed as Barry was under the ropes. This is the start of The Rockers breakup.
MJ has words for Shawn after. Shawn then tries to pin Barry again after.
WWF Update
Mean Gene shills the WBF Championship Coliseum Video. We see clips of last week's Flair vs Neidhart match. We see Flair keeping the hold on after the match and then we see The Beverly Brothers attacking Neidhart.
Mean Gene says Jim Neidhart is out of Survivor Series. He asks who will replace him. Gene says Jack Tunney has to make a decision.
The Beverly Brothers and The Genius do a promo. Genius says Neidhart got in their way and paid the consequences. Blake tells Neidhart to step aside next time they see them. Beau says not to get in their way again.
The Repo Man vs Reno Riggins
This is the Superstars debut of The Repo Man. Reno is one of my more liked jobbers who hasn't been around in a while. Piper asks if Repo is "The Lone Ranger". Repo boots Reno and bangs his head off the buckles. Repo pounds on him then slams him. Repo legdrops Reno.
Repo hits Reno in the throat then hiptosses him. Repo snapmares him and Vince brings up a sighting of Mr. Madness. Macho says he doesn't know. Repo then wins with a simple leg lock.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash and wasn't too much. Repo's finish was weak.
Repo grabs his repo gear after. He hits Reno in the back of the leg then ties up Reno's legs. He then ties he legs up to the ropes and ties them up like he was going to repo a car. Repo then picks him up by the hair and slams him down.
Thoughts: This was just bizarre.
We see Sgt. Slaughter in a classroom. He says the people must speak for themselves and makes the kids for the pledge of allegiance. Sarge says he has gotten his country back and the kids hug him.
Thoughts: Sorry, I still don't buy this stuff. Sarge was saluting the Iraqi flag a few months ago and is now Captain America again.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks the 12/14/91 Boston Garden show. Sean says Jim Duggan and Mr. Madness will be in action against Jake and Taker. Jake Roberts, Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Jake says he knows who Jim Duggan is but asks who is Mr. Madness? Jake says there is a clue and he wonders if it's who he thinks it is. He says he hopes it not though as he won't be held responsible for what he does. Jake says if it's who he thinks it is, he asks what would Miss Elizabeth look like in black? Paul says there's nothing he'd like more than a double casket ceremony.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Mr. Madness are interviewed. Madness is all pixelated out but it's beyond obvious who it is. Madness does Jim Duggan's "hoooo" line. Jim says we got a mystery man who is looking for trouble. Jim says this won't be a wrestling match, it will be a fight. Madness says Jim is a friend of his. He says they are zeroing in on Jake and The Undertaker.
Thoughts: I always hate these types of angles. You shouldn't put someone out who you plan to use as it just reneg's on the stip and ruins it. I don't like when they make it obvious who it is either. It just makes everyone look stupid and it makes not believable.
Irwin R. Schyster vs Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.
This is a rematch from Summerslam 1991. IRS says you can read about layoffs and cutbacks everyday but it's no excuse not to pay your taxes. IRS hides in the ropes and then hits Greg from behind.
Greg's head is banged off the buckles then IRS' head is banged off the buckles. Greg double axe handles him then hits elbow drops. Greg headbutt drops IRS in the crotch. Greg running lariats IRS. IRS goes out then Greg is sent into the steps/post.
IRS stomps on Greg then hits a shot to the head. IRS elbow drops him. IRS chinlocks him. Greg hits shots on IRS then chops hi min the corner. Greg hiptosses him. Greg is sent into the buckles and he runs into the ref on accident. IRS hits Greg with his briefcase. IRS goes for the pin and The Big Boss Man stops him (Boss is wearing a leather jacket). IRS wins by DQ as Boss ran in for the DQ.
Thoughts: We didn't get much of this as is the norm with early 90's WWF. This did further the IRS vs Big Boss Man feud though.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks the 12/14/91 Boston Garden show. Virgil says Skinner can't scalp or skin him. He says he can't beat him either. Virg says he will knock him down and beat him 1-2-3.
The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says Bret is all washed up. Mountie says they suckered Bret and he said he's surprised he bit. Mountie says to never underestimate him as he always gets his man. Mountie says Bret is a disgrace to Canada while he's the pride of it.
Bret Hart does a promo. He says some people will do anything to get a shot at the title. He says he never expected Mountie to try and electrocute him. He says Mountie has gone too far and he says he will break Jimmy Hart's neck if he gets his hands on him. He says Mountie is in for a shock against him.
Survivor Series Report
Mean Gene Okerlund talks Survivor Series. He says the people are chanting to reinstate Macho. Gene says Jack Tunney will give us an official statement about it later.
The Legion of Doom and The Big Boss Man do a promo. Animal says they are waiting on Tunney. They say they want to know if Macho will be their partner or not. Animal says they will at Survivor Series whether they have 3 or 4 people. Boss asks if LOD believes in law, order and justice. Boss says they will make sure that is dished out. Hawk says the 3 of them will beat their 4 opponents at Survivor Series.
The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Paul says Hulk's gravest challenge is only 2 weeks away. Paul says everyone will see Hulk's burial spot and says the Hulkamaniacs can throw roses on Hulk's casket. Taker says they will walk away with Hulk's title, soul and his Hulkamaniacs. Taker says they all come to an end and says the 27th is Hulk's day of rest.
Ric Flair, The Mountie, Ted Dibiase and The Warlord do a promo. Mountie says mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the greatest shocker of them all? Ted says there's less than 2 weeks before Virgil stops pretending to be champ. Ted tells him to shine his belt well. Warlord says he will send Bulldog to the dog pound where he belongs. Flair tells his opponents to come on down and says this is the big time in 2 weeks.
Gene runs down the Survivor Series card.
Jack Tunney talks. He says he's aware of the support for Macho being reinstating. Jack says they don't take the issue lightly and have taken it under advisement.
The Natural Disasters vs Tom Rocky Stone and Burt Stiles
I reviewed this here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-11161991.html
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer welcomes us. He says we can get another look at Hulk's casket. He says Hulk Hogan will be his guest this week. Hulk comes out. Paul says the casket is so beautiful. Hulk goes to open it and Paul says there's nothing inside. Hulk then opens it and finds a Hulk pillow I think. Paul says this is where Hulk will be laying on Thanksgiving Day.
Ric Flair comes down. Ric asks if he knows how long he's been waiting for this moment. Ric asks if he knows how long he's been hearing about his 24 inch pythons. Ric says he just burst the bubble Hulk has been living in and is here with the real world championship belt (which would later be blurred out in the replay of this). Flair asks what Hulk will do when he runs wild on him. Hulk rips his own shirt off. Hulk tells if he puts his title against his, he will find out. The Undertaker then appears from behind and nails Hulk with an urn. Ric gets cheap shots in and holds up both titles as Taker chokes Flair. Roddy Piper then comes down and chairs Ric. Macho joins him and chairs Taker. Taker no sells the shot. Taker then stares at Piper and Macho and rips off Hulk's necklace. Macho and Piper help walk Hulk out after.
Thoughts: This was a really good angle with all the stars. I liked Flair taking the titles and posing with them and this furthered the Taker/Hulk feud and the Piper/Flair feud.
The British Bulldog vs Mike Samples
Macho says hulk is alright. Davey pushes Mike off the lock-up. They collide with shoulders and Davey hiptosses him. Davey hits an armdrag then running lariats him in the corner. Davey hits a running powerslam and gets the win.
Thoughts: It was just a quick one here with Davey winning with ease.
WWF Event Center
The Big Boss Man says IRS stands here like a saint or a god. Boss says IRS calls everyone a tax cheat and hit him in the head with a briefcase. Boss tells IRS he hasn't gotten away with anything and said he assaulted him with a deadly weapon. He says he will prevail.
IRS says Boss is a tax cheat but it bothers him how stupid Boss is. IRS says Boss doesn't know how to leave things alone. IRS says he had no other choice but to defend himself. IRS says he will defend his territory in any case. He says Boss will pay.
Vince hypes up next week's show with Macho and Piper. Bret Hart vs Big Bully Busick is next week in an IC Title match. We will also hear from Miss Elizabeth.
Harvey Wippeman and Big Bully Busick do a promo. Harv says he doesn't want him just to beat him, he wants him to hurt him. Busick says Hart's execution will mean nothing when he takes him out. Bret Hart says they got a title shot next week. Bret says he wants Bully to come at him as hard as he can. He says the IC champ will leave the ring next week and it won't be Bully.
Overall thoughts: We got a good Funeral Parlor angle here that hyped up Hulk and Taker and Flair vs Piper and Flair vs Hulk. Whether we get the latter two matches though is another story. We got a star vs star match which was nice though the match wasn't much. The Rockers also began their split here, The Repo Man debuted and we got a peak at Mr. Madness. This is definitely a must see Superstars show with every segment having something important in it. I liked the show but as usual, if you are looking for good matches, this one isn't for you.
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