Thursday, February 13, 2025

TNA Impact 2/13/2025

TNA Impact 2/13/2025

Last week's show is here:

We are in San Antonio, Texas.

TNA World Title - Joe Hendry (c) vs Jake Something

They lock up. Jake misses a shot in the corner and they stare down. They trade wristlocks. Joe rolls out of one and headflips out. Joe side headlock takeovers Jake. Jake headscissors him and Joe flips out. Jake hits running shoulders on Joe then Joe flying knees him.

Joe shoulders Jake over a couple of times. Joe delay suplexes Jake. Jake is sent hard into the buckles. Jake hits forearms then Joe slams him. We go to break and return.

Jake clubs on Joe. Joe sunset flips him for 2. Joe rolls up Jake for 2. Jake short arm clotheslines Joe. Joe hits euros and chops. Joe throws Jake hard into the buckles. Jake forearms Joe down for 2. Jake back elbows Joe on the apron then Joe hits lariats. Joe spinning slams Jake. Joe fallway slams him. Jake flying spears Joe in the corner for 2.

Jake lariats Joe against the ropes. Joe lariats Jake over the top. Jake forearms Joe as he sits near the apron. Joe 2nd rope fallway slams Jake.  Joe hits a standing ovation on Jake and wins.

Thoughts: It was a very average match. The crowd wasn't that into it and it just wasn't anything great. It was hard to buy that Joe was losing here as well and they didn't go all out.

Ryan Nemeth comes out. He says his brother isn't going to be happy about this and says his brother is sick of Joe like the people here. He says Nic knows Joe isn't a real champ. He says Joe knows he's a fraud too.

Santino Marella comes out. Nick Nemeth comes out and superkicks Jake then accidentally superkicks Santino when Jake moves. Officials then come out to check on Santino.

Thoughts: I'm not sure what this was about. We'll have to see.

Santino is in the back with an ice pack. Nic Nemeth asks if he's okay and says it was an accident. Ryan Nemeth confirms it. Santino said he respects Nic and his family but says he can't have this behavior going around. He says he has to suspend Nic for 4 weeks without pay. Ryan tries to change his mind. Nic says stop and Nic says okay to the suspension. Ryan asks if he still get paid after.

George Iceman comes out and introduces Ash and Heather By Elegance.

Ash and Heather By Elegance vs The King Bees (Dani Bee and Charity King)

The King Bees are NWA talent. I'm not sure why so many NWA wrestlers are showing up here lately. Heather hits a hard dropkick on Dani then foot chokes her. Dani takes a a handspring back elbow then is forearmed down. Dan takes a jade end then a basement dropkick for 2.

Dani hits shots on Heather then hits a big lariat for 2. Ash chinlocks Dani then Dani hits forearms and chops. Ash bangs Dan's head off the mat. King comes in and forearms the heels over. She lariats Heather hten spinebusters Ash. King samoan drops Heather for 2.

Dan gets stuck up top and Heather does a seated spanish fly for the win.

It was short and okay for what it was with King getting some shine and Heather hitting a nice finisher to win.

The heels hit The Bee's after and paint their faces with lipstick. Spitfire come out to help and the heels run off.

We see clips from last week of Leon Slater and The Hardy's beating The System.

Leon Slater is on the phone in the back and sees The Hardy's. Matt thanks him for last week and says he was great. Leon says they are the reason 9-year old him got in the ring. Leon says it was a pleasure teaming with them and he hopes they do it again. Matt says he sees promise with Leon and tells him to keep it up. Leon calls them The GOAT's and says teaming with them means the world to him. Jeff says he's going far and Leon says he won't let them down.  

Mustafa Ali talks with The Good Hands as part of a Town Hall from earlier in the day. He says The Good Hands are now "The Great Hands". He then introduces Tasha Steelz as his press secretary. Ali says TNA is on the verge of greatness and they need great leadership. Ali says he nominates himself for being the #1 contender to the TNA Title. Tommy Dreamer then interrupts. Ali yells at him and asks if it's not him as the leader, then who is it? Tommy then points to Mike Santana, who isn't watching. Tasha then says no more questions and says goodnight.

Thoughts: The Good Hands were with Ali during his last run so it makes sense that they are joining him. Tasha is a new addition with a seemingly new character. I'm fine with it though as she could use a change.

Frankie Kazarian vs Sami Callihan

Sami is nailed by Mance Warner as he enters. Mance chokes him with a shirt while Steph cheers him on. Security then tries to break it up. Kaz wants a countout win but
Sami gets in the ring. Sami tells the ref to ring the bell.

Kaz misses a charge and is hit with a big stunner for 2. Mance distracts Sami then Kaz taps out Sami with a chickenwing.

Thoughts: It was super short and pretty much never even got going due to the shenanigans.

Sami gets on the mic after. He calls Mance an SOB and says let's keep fighting. Sami takes him down and security comes to break it up.

Josh Alexander is interviewed by Gia in the back. Josh says he's sad it's over tonight but he's happy it happened. He said he's p!ssed his last match has to be against someone he looked up to in Eric Young. He says Eric doesn't have to like him but he has to respect him. Josh says he will show him and the world what TNA means to him by going out and wrestling with everything he has. He says he loves the place but he will let actions speak louder than words.

We see clips of JDC losing to Lexis King on NXT.

Leon Slater and JDC talk in the back. JDC says Leon didn't do good last week and he doesn't think he's as good as he thinks. He says The Hardy's are hooking onto Leon for another run. Leon says they beat The System last week. JDC says they are using Leon and says to listen to The System. Leon gets mad and JDC calls him kid. Leon says he has no problem facing him again if he has problems. They push each other and security breaks it up as Leon says he wants a No DQ match with him.

Cora Jade vs Xia Brookside

Cora lays on the ropes and tells her to come on. Xia side headlocks her and Cora wristlocks her. Xia rolls out of it and dances at her. Xia boots her out of the corner then headscissors her. Xia dropkicks her then monkey flips her. Cora goes out to stall.

Cora tells the ref she's injured then nails Xia. She chokes Cora on the ropes then back elbows her there for 2. Cora foot chokes her. Xia rolls her up for 2 then Cora lariats her. Cora springboards into a double stomp on Xia's back.

Cora suplexes Xia for 2. Cora pulls Xia's arms back. Xia throws hr over by the arms and hits chest forearms. Xia hits lariats then flying headscissors her. Xia back elbows her then corner meteora's her. Xia russian legsweeps her for 2.

Xia is pulled into the buckles then Cora step up knees her. Xia step up enzugiri's her. Cora step up knees Xia on the ropes then hits a double underhook ddt to win.

It was one of Xia's better efforts. The match was still average though. Hopefully Cora picking up these wins is going somewhere to justify her beating some of the girls.

Arianna Grace talks to Tessa Blanchard in the back. Tessa yells at her then Santino comes in. He says Tessa has been pulling out of matches left and right. Tessa says she hasn't been. She says she's not here to cater to anyone's schedule but her own. Santino says Tessa has a match next week or there will be repercussions. She laughs and Santino says his patience is almost gone. He then yells at her and repeats what he said.

The Rascalz come out to talk. Wentz says he's sick of the bullcrap with Wes Lee and the bootleg Rascalz. Trey says they wouldn't team with Ace Austin normally but Ace sees what is going on and sees through Wes. Trey says Ace has their back. Trey tells Wes to come out and face them.

Wes Lee comes out with Igwe and Dupont. Wes says they just didn't want to come out to undeserving fans. Wes says they will come down and beat them up if they want. Wes' team teases coming down. Igwe says The Rascalz don't have any titles. They say let's get the treehouse instead. Ace Austin then comes down and The Rascalz hit topes. A 3v3 fight breaks out. Wes takes kicks from his former partners. Dupont splashes The Rascalz in the corner and trades with Ace. Ace is double clubbed on and gets chop blocked. The Rascalz hit superkicks then take a double low blow. The Rascalz are thrown out

First Class do a promo. AJ says they have a big money announcement. KC says his DM's are blowing up already. AJ says they are on a dry spell but the diamonds are still wet. AJ says it's time they upgrade TNA. He says they go from the outhouse to the penthouse. Ace takes a cardiac kick from Wes and the heels stand tall.

TNA Knockouts Title - Masha Slamovich (c) vs Savannah Evans

Evans pushes her off the lock up. MS tries to waistlock her but is thrown off. MS hits chops on her then Evans hits a big slap. Evans takes a super stiff lariat. MS sits up top and gets knocked down to the floor. Evans slams MS off the apron edge. Evans slams her on the floor.

Evans pounds on MS. MS spin kicks her. Evans knees her in the gut then spinning backdrops her. Evans corner splashes her then hiptosses her. MS kicks her against the 2nd buckle. MS 2nd rope dropkicks her. MS knees her in the corner and facekicks her. MS koppo kicks her.

Evans blocks a sunset flip. Evans facekicks her. Evans counters a sunset flip with a butt drop. They trade forearms. MS buzzsaw kicks her then Evans hits a swinging side slam for 2.

MS armdrags her then running kicks her. MS flying knees her for 2. MS spin kicks her then hits a package piledriver for the win.

Thoughts: I liked the match. Masha hit some stiff shots and Evans did good as the giant. However, I didn't like Evans losing here. She's been getting pushed and if anything, I thought she might win. I'm not sure where this leaves Evans now.

Eric Young vs Josh Alexander

This is supposed to be Josh's last match in TNA. We'll see. The Northern Armory is with EY.

The two stare down then hockey fight. Josh hits forearms.  EY hits punches and bangs Josh's head off the buckles. Eric then his head banged off the buckles. EY hits forearms on Josh then Josh hits corner spears. Josh hits corner punches. Josh goes up and over then running back elbows EY.

EY chokes Josh then clubs on him. EY foot chokes him and clubs on him. Josh hits forearms. EY flips out of the corner to the apron and ends up taking a crossbody to the back. EY stun guns Josh on the ropes.
We go to break and return. EY is control and gets a 2 count. Josh is thrown out. EY clubs Josh's neck. EY foot chokes Josh. The Northern Armory then choke Josh while the ref isn't looking. Josh hits chops and forearms on EY. Josh cradles him for 2. Josh backslides him for 2 then rolls him up for 2.

EY boots Josh out of the corner. EY 2nd rope clubs Josh in the neck for 2. Josh is thrown out and The Armory pound on him. EY chinlocks Josh. Josh hits shots to EY's gut. Josh 2nd rope dropkicks EY.

Josh hits forearms on EY. Josh back body drops him. Josh corner forearms EY then finlay rolls him. Josh 2nd rope knee drops EY on the neck for 2. EY's neck is pulled down over the top rope. EY top rope elbow drops Josh for 2. 

Josh hits a styles clash on EY for 2. They go on the buckles and Josh pulls him down with an ankle lock. Josh sharpshooters EY. Travis Williams distracts Josh and Josh breaks the hold. Josh ankle locks EY again. Judas gets on the apron and is nailed. EY is thrown a mask and he hits Josh with it. EY piledrivers Josh and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was long and not that good. They didn't do anything too flashy here and it was just a lot of clubs, punches and chops. The finish was dirty and the crowd wasn't that into it.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual long and average Impact. Nothing was that exciting here. The main didn't work. I liked Masha vs Evans but not the result. Cora/Xia was average as was the opener. Ash By Elegance's match was fine for what it was, but it was basically just a squash. I would only give it a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.

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