Friday, February 14, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/23/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/23/1991

Last week's show is here:

We see clips of the attack on Hulk Hogan last week at The Funeral Parlor.

Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul says when Hulk things he has all the answers, they change the questions. Paul says Hulk was surprised at The Funeral Parlor, wasn't he? Paul says Taker surprised Hulk and down he went. Paul says Hulk goes down again at Survivor Series. Taker says the 2 rotting souls and Hulk's crucifix can't save him when his eyes look into his.

Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Rowdy Roddy Piper are on commentary.

Piper has a bandage on his bottom lip. Piper says Hulk is a survivor and says he has a chair for Flair. Macho says he could be reinstated in the WWF any second and be the survivor of all survivors.

El Matador vs. Bob Smedley

Tito does a fireman's carry takedown on Bob, armdrags him then hiptosses him Bob kicks the ropes in frustration. Bob charges at him, misses and goes out. Tito armlocks him. Bob hits some punches and Tito punches back. Tito back body drops him then knee lifts him with bull hand movements. Tito then flying forearms him in the back of the neck to win.

Thoughts: Tito's bull fighting motions looked goofy here. It was just a quick squash. Bob was actually taller than Tito here.

WWF Event Center

Sean hypes up the 12/14/1991 Boston Garden show.

Jake Roberts, Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul says there's not a better partner he would like than Jake. He calls him a trustworthy man. He asks if Macho wants Mr. Madness on his death certificate. Jake says he's no child you play a game with. Jake says the same fear he saw in Liz's eyes, he sees in Macho's eyes. Jake says you should fear a king cobra and death itself. He says welcome to your nightmare. 

Mr. Madness and Jim Duggan do a promo. Macho says the differences between two points is a straight line and they are going straight for Jake and Taker. Jim says not to be worried about rules or the ref, be worried about them. Jim says their gameplan is to attack, attack, attack. Madness then does Jim's "hoo" line.

WWF Intercontinental Title - Bret "The Hitman" Hart (c) vs Big Bully Busick

Bret gives a fan his glasses as usual. Bully has Harvey Wippleman with him. Jimmy Hart and The Mountie do an inset promo. Hart says Mountie will be the next IC champ. Mountie says Bret felt the first shock and says Mountie will be the champ after the 2nd one.

Bret shoulders Bully over then hiptosses him. Bret lariats him and hits shots to the gut. Bully boots and pounds on him in the corner. Bully then abdominal stretches him. Harvey argues with the ref as Bully holds the ropes. Bret hiptosses him over. Bully lariats Bret.

Bret atomic drops Bully then backbreakers him. Bret 2nd rope elbow drops him. Bret sharpshooters Bully and submits him.

Thoughts: It was short but at least we got a clean finish here which is rare in one of these matches. It wasn't much with them just mostly trading strikes.

The Repo Man is outside of a house and says we are about to witness a crime. He opens up a garage and says the lady who has it is 3 days late on her car payments. Repo says she's a car thief. Repo says if you're late on car payments, what's yours is his. The lady comes down and screams. Repo says "pay up or shut up" and drives off.

The Texas Tornado vs. Greg Green

Kerry armdrags Greg. Greg clubs his chest in the corner and is hit with many punches. Kerry hits a shot to the body then discus punches him. Kerry then wins.

It was short and not much. Kerry didn't do a lot here and the announcers didn't talk about the match much.

Vince, Macho and Roddy Piper talk to Miss Elizabeth, who is backstage. Liz begs Tunney to reinstate Macho. Piper says they have all tried but says Tunney is stubborn. Liz says she hopes Tunney gives into the will of the people. Macho says Tunney is no more of a man than Jake if he doesn't agree.

Skinner vs. Ben Jordan

Macho and Vince ask how Piper hurt his lip. Ben ducks lock-ups then Skin drops him with a shot. Ben's head is banged off the buckles. Skin boots him in the gut then drops him throat first on the ropes. Skin reverse ddt's him and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and they didn't do much here. Skin won as expected.

Hulkamania 6 is available on Thanksgiving Day.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan on the stage.  

Gene says some are saying Hulkamania will be dead after Survivor Series. Hulk says he faces his gravest challenge at Survivor Series. He said he has heard people say Hulkamania is dying and is dead for 8 years yet it still lives. Hulk says he fears no undertaker. He says the yellow of Hulkamania will light up the valley of death. He says the light will blind The Undertaker. He says the red guarantees him immortality.

Survivor Series Report

Paul says the sands in their hourglass are going quickly. Paul says it won't be long. He says they will walk away with Hulk's title. The Undertaker says there's no place to run and no place to hide. He says there's no heroes with chairs and no crucifixes. He says there's just the Undertaker's purgatory. Taker then rolls his eyes back for one of the first times. 

The Big Boss Man and The LOD do a promo. Boss says they should throw their opponents in a cell and leave them to rot with the rats. Animal asks Jack Tunney if Macho will be their partner or not. Hawk says lets talk about knocking the teeth of their opponents down their throats and through their sphincters. Hawk says let's not just talk about it, let's do it.

Ric Flair, The Mountie, The Warlord and Ted Dibiase do a promo. Ric says it's hard to believe that things could get better. Ric says his executive consultant told him that now, everything will be perfect. Flair's title is blurred out and Mr. Perfect walks in. Perfect says he's here to make sure everything remains perfect. Ted says it's all about survival. Ted says everything will truly be perfect.

Gene says Sgt. Slaughter could replace Jim Neidhart at Survivor Series, citing rumors.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Bob Werner

Jake clubs on Bob and snapmares him. Jake rakes his face with his foot. Jake hits a short arm clothesline then hits a ddt. Jake then gets the pin.

It was a quick one with Jake winning as expected.


Note - The censored version of this was aired on Superstars, but the uncensored version was shown elsewhere. These clips are from the uncensored version.

Jake grabs the mic. He calls out Macho Man on commentary. Jake says he almost looked up to him at one time. He says Macho used to be a real man but grew soft. He says Macho should borrow Piper's skirt. Macho gets up and heads to the ring as Jake talks trash. Jake says Macho has fear for him and says he's a coward.

Macho gets on the apron, the ref tries to stop him and Jake lariats him. Jake pulls Macho into the post. Jake ties up Macho in the ropes then drops knees on him. Jake grabs the king cobra ans has the snake bite Macho's arm. Macho screams as Jake slaps him.

Officials and EMT's come down. Miss Elizabeth and Piper then come down. Jake swings the snake at them. Macho gets untied from the ropes and Jake stomps Macho. Vince says something has gone wrong. Macho swings at Jake and falls over. Vince says he doesn't think the snake is de-venomized. Macho keeps falling all around and is swinging wildly at Jake. Piper then physically gets in the ring and throws Macho out onto the stretcher. Macho then falls off the stretcher as the snake stares down Macho. Macho is then wheeled to the back. Jake stares at the snake and laughs.

Thoughts: This was one of the most memorable angles ever and was absolutely wild. This is one of those angles that was so good that I wish I could forget I saw it years ago and be able to rewatch it for the first time again. It was so dastardly and totally fit in with both wrestlers characters. Jake is such a diabolic heel and Macho was great here. I'm shocked this one even got aired. You have to go see it if you haven't before.

We are told there is chaos in Macho's dressing room. Vince says he is receiving medical attention and he's somewhat stabilized. Vince says, "God what a close call". The show then ends.

Overall thoughts: We didn't get too much wrestling wise as usual. We got a rare star vs star match in Bret vs Busick that ended clean. Mr. Madness made another appearance in a promo and The Repo Man repo'd someone's car. Liz begged Tunney to reinstate Macho and we got lots of Survivor Series promos. We then got one of the most memorable angles ever in WWF history with Macho getting bitten by the snake. It was a great way to build up Survivor Series as the snake bite incident is an absolute must see. This is one of the few episodes of Superstars I would actually recommend and I liked this one.

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