WCW Power Hour 3/23/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wcw-power-hour-3161991.html
Paul E. Dangerously says Arn, Barry, Flair and Sid will be in an 8-man tag and says we will hear about the controversy at the WCW/NJPW Supershow.
Dustin Rhodes vs Joe Cazana
It's 2025 and Joe's still wrestling once in a while. DR side headlocks Joe. DR shoulders him over. DR slides through the legs and armdrags him. DR hammerlocks him. JR says the tapes of the WCW/NJPW Supershow have been held up for review. DR fireman's carries Joe then hammerlocks him.
DR trips him then does a waistlock takedown. DR wristlocks him then armbars him. Joe tries to slam him but DR rolls through. DR knee drops Joe's arm and armlocks him. DR gets a 2 count on him. Joe eye rakes him then DR back body drops him. DR flying lariats him. DR hits a corner lariat then a bulldog. DR then gets the win.
Thoughts: It was all squash as expected here with DR getting the easy win. Joe didn't get much in on this one.
We go to Jim Ross and Paul E. JR says Brian Pillman is hunting The Horsemen. Paul says Brian is like Clint Eastwood. He says one by one Brian is going after The Horsemen.
Terry Taylor vs Tommy Angel
Paul says it's "Terrance Taylor". York gets on the mic before. She says Terry will beat Tommy in 6:30.
Tommy and Terry lock up and break in the corner. Terry side headlocks him. Paul say Buddys Landell did not make The York Foundation last weekend. Terry trips Tommy and rubs his face into the mat. Terry bangs Tommy's head off the buckles then pulls the neck forward.
Terry sits on Tommy on the ropes. Tommy gets some shots in. Terry boots him out of the corner. Terry hits a double underhook suplex. Terry hits a dropkick. Tommy clubs on Terry then Terry eye rakes him. Terry throws him out and bangs his head off the rail.
Terry jawbreakers Tommy then hits a flying forearm. Terry then picks up the win.
Thoughts: This was all squash with Tommy getting nothing in. Paul mentioned Terry coming out with Mr. Hughes here but we haven't seen that on this show.
The Z-Man attacks Terry after and sends him over the top with a punch.
Z-Man says this isn't the end of it after.
We go back to JR and Paul. Main Event will have Taylor and Landell vs Eaton and a mystery partner. Paul says to set your VCR as history could be made. Paul says we could see one of Eaton's former partners emerge. JR doubts this but asks if his former manager might emerge. Paul says the former manager is heavy in the rear.
Stan Hansen vs Jim Boss
Jim Boss haha. Jim hits shots on Stan before it starts. Stan clubs back with his entrance gear on. Stan slams him then knees him in the head. Stan clubs and boots Jim. Stan then rams him hard into the buckles.
Stan stomps on Jim as he hangs in tree of woe then chokes him there. Stan hiptosses Jim then shoulders him over. Stan hits a lariat and pins him with a boot on the chest.
Thoughts: It was all squash here. The Jim Boss name had to be a rib on JR.
JR and Paul talk Stan Hansen then The Steiner Brothers. JR asks who could challenge The Steiners. Paul says it won't be them. Paul says maybe it could be Eaton and his mystery partner. He says The Steiners are "IT" and says everyone wants to be the tag champs.
The Steiner Brothers vs Mark Kyle and Randy Starr
Scott takes down Mark and hooks the leg. The jobber rope breaks. JR says The Supershow will only be $9.99 on PPV and says The Steiners had their greatest match there. Mark hits shots on Scott and takes a hard lariat. Scott hits a nice belly to belly suplex and we are told The Steiners beat The Freebirds for the tag titles. JR says we will see it soon. Paul says The Freebirds were robbed.
Scott bangs Starr's head off the buckles then pumphandle slams him. Rick backs up Starr in the corner and hits a nice punch. Mark gets in and takes a lariat. Mark takes a shoulderbreaker. Mark then takes an electric chair bulldog and is pinned.
Thoughts: The Steiners were stiff as usual. Mark Kyle had a good look and was bigger than both Steiners. He seems like he could have been a good heel somewhere.
Wrestling News Network
Gordon Solie says Taylor/Eaton/Landell have been having problems. We then see clips of their issues. Gordon talks about Eaton having a mystery partner tomorrow on Main Event. Gordon talks about the Fujinami/Flair WCW Title match at The WCW/NJPW Supershow. Gordon says he was told Fujinami got a raw deal. He says Flair keeps the title but a rematch is in order.
Tommy Rich vs Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
Rich backs up Buddy on the ropes. Rich side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Rich hiptosses and armdrags him. Rich then does an armlock. Rich does another armdrag + armlock. Buddy misses an elbow drop and has Rich armdrag + armlock him again.
Buddy hits corner spears and Rich armdrags him. We are told The Steiners have vacated the US Tag Titles but haven't returned the titles. Rich takes a boot out of the corner. Buddy elbows him in the back. Buddy shoulderbreakers Rich for 2.
Buddy suplexes him for 2. Buddy hits punches and Rich fires up. Rich hits an elbow to the head then hits corner punches. Buddy atomic drops him. Buddy charges him in the corner and Rich gets his knee up. Rich back body drops him then lariats him. James Earl Wright gets on the apron and is decked. Rich hits a thesz press. Wright then jumps Rich from behind. Big Josh hops the guard rail and saves Rich.
Thoughts: Rich won by DQ here. This wasn't much but at least it was somewhat competitive. Rich was annoying me with the endless armdrags + armlock sequences.
JR and Paul E talk. Paul says Big Josh is like a retarded puppy. He says Josh doesn't belong in a wrestling ring as he's a lumberjack. They talk about the main event. Paul says The Horsemen need to keep an eye out for Brian Pillman as he has a vendetta.
The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs Ricki Nelson, Joey Maggs, Greg Sawyer and Keith Hart
We are told Arn is injured and won't wrestle here. Paul says he doesn't need to. Arn says, "3 of us are better than 4 of anyone else".
Flair takes a side headlock takeover and is shouldered over. He then slaps Nelson. Flair shouldered over. Flair hits punches and chops in the corner. Flair is back body dropped then he is dropkicked. Barry comes in and hits a flying lariat on Nelson. He drops him with a nice punch. Nelson takes a double back body drop and a nice Sid leg drop.
Maggs gets in and is booted by Sid. Sid hits a sitff lariat. Flair chops up Maggs in the corner and double stomps him. Sid lariats Hart, lifts him by the throat and throws him down. Barry back body drops Hart hard. Barry then hits a backdrop on Hart. Barry running forearms Hart.
Sid then hits a powerbomb on Hart for the win.
Thoughts: This was all squash here but it was good. Nelson had a good showing and the heels stiffed the jobbers good.
The heels attack the jobbers after and Sid powerbombs all 4 opponents. The EMT's with the stretcher come out and Arn beats up Maggs on the stretcher.
JR and Paul E talk. Paul asks JR if he learned how to bow in Japan. He asks if JR drank any sake and Paul implies he did. JR says video tape of The Supershow may be released by tonight. He says Flair is still champ but Fujinami claims to be champ. Paul says Flar is deservedly the champ.
Overall thoughts: There was only one competitive match here with the rest being squashes. The Horsemen's squash was okay. Rich/Paker got annoying due to Rich spamming the armdrag + armlock sequence too many times. They hyped up Eaton's mystery partner for Main Event tomorrow night, we found out The Steiners beat The Freebirds somehow to win the tag titles and we found out Ric Flair actually is still champ after the WCW/NJPW Supershow. It was an okay episode but it needed another competitive match. I liked it but I wouldn't really recommend it.
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