WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/19/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-10121991.html
We are in Wheeling, West Virginia.
Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Macho Man Randy Savage are on commentary. Macho says Jake Roberts isn't out the woods. Piper says is wrestling while Jake isn't reinstated. Piper says Macho won't be reinstated ever if he attacks Jake. Macho then makes threats at Jake.
Jake Roberts vs. Bill Paris
Jake has new music that says, "trust me". Jake offers his hand and Bill slaps it. Bill hits some chest shots then takes back elbows. Jake hiptosses Bill then slams him. Jake drops knees on Bill's back. Jake short arm lariats him. Jake then hits a ddt and gets the win.
Thoughts: At least Bill got a few shots in before going down...
Jake pulls the cobra out after and Macho yells to reinstate him.
WWF Update
Gene talks about WWF Rampage '91 and a feature on Paul Bearer at home. Gene talks Survivor Series 1991. Gene announces Sid Justice, The Big Boss Man and The Legion of Doom vs Jake Roberts, IRS and The Natural Disasters for it. Gene brings up Hulk vs Taker and they get promos in.
Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says he's worried and this is the gravest challenge he has ever had to face. He said he had a nightmare with Hulkamaniacs walking into a massive grave the size of a football field. He said he woke up, saw his title on the dresser and says the future of each and every Hulkster is at stake. He asks Taker what he will do when he buries him.
Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul says the safety and the future of The Hulkamaniacs is at stake. He says Hulk will see the special casket Taker has made for Hulk. Taker says the size of the grave will be big enough for Hulk and says all the Hulkamaniacs will be left untouched so they can suffer the rest of eternity.
The Texas Tornado vs The Brooklyn Brawler
We haven't seen Kerry do a lot of note lately. Kerry wristlocks Brawler. They each reverse it then Brawler shoulders him over. Brawler is thrown out. They fight outside. Brawler is sent into the post. Kerry hits shots in the ring then a shot to the gut. Kerry discus punches Brawler and wins.
Thoughts: It was a short one but at least Kerry got a little in before winning. Kerry had different knee pads than usual as they were striped.
We get a Suburban Commando commercial.
WWF Event Center
Sean hypes up the 11/10/91 Boston Garden show. Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair do a promo. Flair says the first time Piper saw his title he spit on it. Flair says Piper kissed it last time. Flair says he's Ric Flair and he's the real world heavyweight champ. He says he's not hard to find if he or anyone else wants to do something about it.
Roddy Piper asks where Flair has been all this time. Piper calls Flair a lousy liar. Piper says he wasn't just going to lay down and cry when Flair hit him. Piper says he doesn't play push-push.
We see Tito Santana at a bull ring for a bullfighting event. He's wearing his El Matador gear for the first time on TV. We see clips of Tito doing bull fighting but they don't give us a clear shot and it's likely a stunt double. He says he is El Matador now.
Handicap Match - The Natural Disasters vs Barry Hardy, Duane Gill and Jim Amon
This is something different at least. We haven't seen one of these in a while. Quake headbutts Barry in the chest an dcorner spears him. Quake throws Barry by the beard. Quake elbow drops him then hiptosses him. Typhoon hits a stiff lariat on Barry and throws him into the corner.
Jim tags in and is booted by Typhoon. Typhoon hits a corner splash on Jim. Quake then hits one. Barry and Gill are sent into Jim in the corner. The ND's then splash them both.
Gill and Barry are thrown out. Quake powerslams Jim. Quake hits a butt drop on Jim. Typhoone hits a big splash on Jim and pins him.
Thoughts: It was all squash as expected here. At least it was something different. The ND's mostly did splashes and elbow drops in this one.
WWF Event Center
The British Bulldog says all the top competition is being thrown at him including Mountie, Warlord and Barbarian. He says it doesn't matter who you throw at him, he doesn't take a backseat to anyone. He says he wants to be known as the WWF's strongest and biggest athlete. He says all opponents go on his shoulder and says there isn't a wrestler he can't powerslam and beat 1-2-3.
Ric Flair vs. Ron Cumberledge
This one is kind of interesting as both guys were on WCW TV in 1991. Piper turns around as Ric is in the ring and Piper pouts.
Ric trips Ron and armlocks him. Ric boots Ron in the ribs then chops him. Ric snapmares him then hits a knee drop. Ric hits a chop then kneebreakers him. Ric then submits him with the figure four.
Thoughts: It was a quick one with Ron getting nothing in. Ric's takedown on Ron was nice. Piper didn't say a word during this.
Ric holds up his title in victory after.
The Funeral Parlor
Jim Duggan is this week's guest. Paul shows Jim the casket for Hulk Hogan. It has Hulk stickers all over it. Jim says Taker needs to beat Hulk to get Hulk in the casket at Survivor Series and says Taker can't do it. He says if Taker gets in his way, he will make sure he's "board" to death and shows his 2x4. Paul says Hulk will look so good in the casket.
Sid Justice vs El Diablo
Diablo is pretty tall and wearing some kind of blonde wig. Diablo has a red mask and a red karate gi.
The Undertaker's music then hits. Sid is concerned. Paul gives Diablo a briefcase. Diablo takes it and leaves.
Sid Justice vs The Undertaker
Okay. Here we go. I know we won't get it, but here we go. Taker and Sid stare down. Taker grabs him by the throat and Sid grabs him by the throat. El Diablo returns and it's Jake Roberts in a mask. Jake hits Sid from behind and chokes him with his karate gi belt. Macho says he can't take this. Sid takes a 2v1 and is being choked out by Jake. Paul Bearer brings a casket out. Jake ddt's Sid.
Sid is tied up in the ropes. Jake slaps Sid around Jake grabs the briefcase. It has a snake bag inside. Jake pulls out a huge snake. Jim Duggan then comes down and flips the casket. Jim unties Sid from the ropes and saves him. The two sides stand off and the snake is slithering around.
Thoughts: I liked this though I would have liked to have gotten the match. I thought Jim got put over big here being the one guy brave enough to stop this. Jim got over with me for this one.
The Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels) vs. ? & Von Krus
Von is a young Big Vito. Marty hammerlocks the unknown jobber then trips him. Marty front facelocks him and lets go of it. Marty armdrags and armlocks the jobber. The Rockers hit a double superkick on the jobber.
Shawn boots Von out of the corner and hits running elbows. Shawn gorilla presses Marty onto Von. Marty gets the pin.
Thoughts: It was short. The Rockers weren't doing thier usual flying here and I wonder if Shawn's injury was bugging him at this time. It was not one of their better squashes.
Sgt. Slaughter is at a memorial. He wonders how he could have done what he did. He said he wishes he will be able to stand with valor again. He said he wishes he had a country. Sarge says he wants his country back.
WWF Event Center
The Berzerker does a promo with Mr. Fuji. Fuji tells Sid and Hulk to look at him. Berz asks where Taker and Hulk are. He says no one likes to go around a guy that goes Berzerk. He says it doesn't matter who you are, they always get hurt and go down.
The Big Boss Man says one by one he brought scum and trash to justice in the WWF. He says that's his job. He says he stands tall and proud for law and justice. He says there's punks like IRS that need dealt with. He says IRS is barking up the wrong tree. He says we iwll find out what hard times is all about.
Next week's show has the debut of El Matador and Roddy Piper.
Overall thoughts: It was nice to see something different for a change with a handicap match and the Jake/Taker/Duggan/Sid stuff. I liked that latter segment. It was the usual show otherwise. There was nothing too great on here and as usual, the wrestling wasn't much. I liked it but I doubt you will and I would not recommend this.
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