Saturday, February 8, 2025

AEW Collision 2/8/2025

AEW Collision 2/8/2025

Last week's show is here:

We get promos from Mark Briscoe and Kyle Fletcher to start.

We are in Houston, TV. Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary.   

We see Marina Shafir toss a security guard then we see Mox follow her. Mox says the show starts when he says it does. He says Cope wants a title shot but says Cope has no power here. He says he has a thousand reasons not to give him a shot. He says Cope knows nothing about him, being champ or this place. Mox says to bring Jay White and he'll whoop both their butts. He says he better hope he lets Cope walk out of Australian on his own 2 feet. He says he hopes Cope doesn't walk away on his own 2 feet.

Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong vs Daniel Garcia and 2.0 vs Shane Taylor and The Infantry

It was a fast paced match. Shane Taylor's crew got a decent bit of offense in and were the clear heels here while the other two teams weren't too heated with each other. We hd a lot of people coming in, hitting or taking a move and then getting the next guy in. Cole beat Bravo here with the boom knee in the back of the head. I liked this one as it was action packed with no dull moments. I expected Cole to get the win in this one.

Cole tries to shake Garcia's hand after then he gets nailed by The Death Riders. The other teams also get beaten up by The Riders. Claudio said he came out to remind everyone who the real best trio is out here. Cole tells Claudio he picked a fight with the wrong trio. Strong then flying knees Claudio out but ends up being sent into the rails.

The Death Riders run off. Cole says he's sick of The Riders thinking they can do whatever they want. Yuta is limping. Cole says they will prove they are the best trio. Cole says it'll be The Undisputed Kingdom vs The Death Riders next week. He promises they will whoop their @sses.

We get a video on FTR. They say they have been champs everywhere but have been forgotten and taken a back seat. They say they are the best team to ever do it and need to hold the AEW Tag Titles a 3rd time. FTR says they are back. 

Max Caster is interviewed. He said he wanted to do his interview on Dynamite and Page got angry at him. He says that's not how a man acts. He says he's "Hang-person" and not "Hangman". Max tells him to get in line if he wants to go against him. Max says we will see who can survive the best person alive. Max says he will show everyone you can't be better than the best.

Bandido vs "The Bad Apple" Bryan Keith

This is Band's return match. He came back at Final Battle but concusssed himself on a springboard dropkick. Band and BK trade shots with their entrance gear on. BK throws his poncho at him and facekicks him. Band then throws the poncho at him.

Band hadnsprings and points at him. Band armdrags him. Band flying dropkicks him then la magistral's him for 2. They trade chops. Band comes off the top and maybe gets hit with a spinning elbow.

We go to PiP break and return. Band sunset flips him for 2. Band euros him then top rope tornillo's him. Band gorilla presses him and slams him for 2. BK flips Band with a lariat. Band goes up top and is hit with a headbutt. BK top rope exploders him. 

BK hits chops then Band chops back. Band superkicks him then BK enzugiri's him. They go back to back, stare down and do paces then a duel. They flying kick each other in the air at the same time.

BK hits a shot on him then Band ripcord knees him in the gut. Band hits his 21plex and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like the exploder off the top not meaning anything but I liked the rest of it. The duel spot was pretty cool and the two worked well together. I also liked the double flying kick spot here. BK got some big pops here and it was a good showing for both guys. 

Powerhouse Hobbs is interviewed in the back. He calls out Big Bill. He says he'll be in Texas all week long and is looking for Bill at Dynamite. He says let's see if the Big Redwood is a big baby.

LFI (Rush, Dralistico and The Beast Mortos) vs Ares Alexander, Jay Alexander and Brick Savage

Brick looks like he is wearing lingerie.

Mort running forearms a jobber and slaps him. Mort pop-up samoan drops him. Dral springboard codebreakers a jobber. Mort and Dral hit dropkicks. Rush hits the you get the horns dropkick on a jobber and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with some of the jobbers not even getting in.

One of the jobbers is triple stomped after. Brick tries a double chop and takes a 2v1 for it. Jay gets headbutted by Rush.

Komander comes out to save the jobbers for some reason. He springboard poisonrana's Mort then flying headscissors Rush. Kom spin kicks Dral and is pulled out by him. Kom takes a 3v1. The heels try to take his mask and the lights go out. We then see a Hologram video on the tron. Holo's tron says, "Upgrade Complete". He then comes out and superkicks Dral. Holo is popped up into a dropkick on Rush then satellite headscissors Mort. Holo does a crossbody spanish fly on Mort and then does stereo dives with Kom outside. 

Rush grabs a chair, the ref tries to stop him and he forearms a ref out.

Lexy tries to interview Megan Bayne. She says something. Bayne runs into Rosa. Rosa wants to make friends with her but Bayne says nothing. Rosa says Bayne has a bad attitude. Rosa says she's been waiting to get to Penelope Ford tonight and says she's going to kick some butt.

Harley Cameron is in the ring for Harley Halftime. She has a guitar and some big furry thing on her shoulders. 

Harley shows off a backpack with her Mone puppet. She sings a song called "The Money Train". She gets interrupted by Mercedes Mone. She asks if Harley is stupid and said nobody came out here to watch this. She says everyone came out to see Mone. She goes to call her a loser but Harley says "a legend". Harley then wants to sing another song. She sings and says Mone's afraid to feel the wrath. Mone stops her guitar and tells her to shut up.

Mone says she's talented but let's get real. She says if there's anything real about Harley. She says Harley's puppet can wrestle better than her. Mone says she's not on her level. Harley says Mone is right and says she could only dream to acheive what Mone already has. She says she fought hard to be here and isn't stopping.

She says she wants to face her in Australia for the TBS Title. She says Mone's a game changer. She says the most entertaining she has ever been was when she had her hand up the Mone puppet. Mone slaps her. Harley yells "feel the wrath" and hits her with the mic. Mone goes out and Harley gets a big chant. Mone agrees to a match at Grand Slam Australia. She says she can't wait to embarrass her in front of her friends and family.

Thoughts: This was one of the best segments AEW did in some time. Harley got over here and was a lovable face. This was a major success.

Lexy is supposed to host a interview with Buddy Matthews and Okada. Okada isn't there but then shows up. Buddy says they will fight in Australia. He says he hasn't fallen for Okada's comedy. He says he knows what Okada is capable of but doesn't know if Okada knows what he is capable of. They get in each other's faces. Okada calls him a b!tch. Okada flinches when Buddy tries to hit him. Okada is given a water and throws it down. 

Dustin Rhodes vs ?

DR is hit with a knee in the gut and the jobber does his Goldust mannerism. DR hits a cross rhodes. DR then hits a twisting suplex and wins in this quick squash.

Dustin gets on the mic after. He says MJF calls himself the devil. DR says MJF isn't the devil. DR says he looked the devil in his eyes and kicked his teeth in. DR says he's a survivor. He says he's the last of his kind. DR says everything MJF thinks of doing to him has been done. DR says he's still here though. DR says he will drag MJF to hell to meet the actual devil. DR says he will give him a texas sized @ss whooping for the ages.

He asks if the people will remember MJF when he's out of the business. He says people will remember him (Dustin).

The Death Riders do a promo. Pac says they have been trios champs for a while and there have been few who had the guts to challenge them. Pac says he accepts the challenge from Cole's team. He says they look forward to making an example out of them. Claudio says they are something worth their time.  

Thunder Rosa vs Penelope Ford

Rosa comes out with a bull mascot. Rosa and Ford lock up. Rosa rolls her down. Rosa side headlock takeovers her. Ford headscissors her. They stand off. Ford chops her. Rosa goes up and over then armdrags her. Rosa dropkicks her.

Rosa hits a sliding lariat for 2. Ford hits corner spears. Rosa boots her out of the corner. Ford knocks Rosa off the buckles with a shot. Ford double knee drops Rosa on the apron.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. Ford fireman's carry gutbusters her for 2. Ford misses a forward cartwheel on Rosa. Rosa hits punches then running lariats her twice. Rosa dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Rosa northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Ford rams Rosa into the corner and hits corner spears. Ford handspring cartwheel back elbows her and licks the face. Ford running facekicks her in the corner. Ford misses a top rope moonsault. Rosa is tripped into the 2nd rope then Ford dropkicks her against the ropes. Rosa rolls her up for 2.

Rosa high kicks her then dropkicks her for 2. They trade shots. Ford ducks a lariat and hits a cutter off of it for 2. Rosa backcrackers her. Rosa hits a package drop to win.

Thoughts: It was okay. The second half went down some with Ford on offense and lost a little bit of it's momentum. It was better than expected.

Megan Bayne comes out after. Bayne gets in the ring and stares down Rosa. Ford nails Rosa from behind and pounds on her. Bayne then hits an F-5.

We see Ricochet at a Defy Wrestling show. We see him calling out Swerve then we see Swerve attack him.

Lexy is in the back with rapper Bun-B. She asks how it feels to be here. He says it's always a pleasure. Ricochet interrupts. They talk about Bun's burgers that he has there. Ric says Bun is close to Swerve. He says AEW is not Swerve's house. Ric says all of Bun's burgers belong to him too. He tries a burger and spits it out. He calls it trash.

The guy serving the burgers says everyone seems to like the burgers. Ric throws the burger at the guy. Bun gets in Ric's face. Ric tells Bun to tell Nana "thanks for the jacket" as he's wearing Prince Nana's jacket.

Mariah May vs Shay Carmichael

May dropkicks Shay and it seems like Shay is somewhat dressed up like Tony. May hits a cradle shock on Shay and gets the pin in this quick squash.

May pulls a robe out of the bag she has. She puts the robe on Shay and puts lipstick on her. May rubs it in Shay's face.

Luther, who was Toni's former butler, comes out.  He gives May a high heel on a platter. May swings at Luther. May then tries to grab Shay but it's Toni Storm. Toni headbutts May out. Toni sends May into the steps and May runs off.

Thoughts: I liked the spot with Toni swapping places with the jobber. That was clever. 

We go to the back. Lance Archer (who Tony calls Lance Storm) is beating up random people in the back with Mark Davis and Brian Cage. Cage tells Mark that he needs to get his hands dirty. He then hits someone with a tv. Cage throws someone over a box and Mark throws Jon Cruz into some kind of container on wheels. Lance says everybody dies. 

Kyle Fletcher vs Mark Briscoe

Kyle running facekicks Mark in the corner. Mark boots him in the gut in the corner then stomp flurries him. Kyle slams Mark. Mark hits forearms and throws Kyle out. Mark tope con hilos Kyle through the ropes.

Mark sets a table up outside and knocks Kyle off the buckles. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark is caught off an apron dive and rammed into the post. Mark is busted open and takes a stiff apron powerbomb.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms. Kyle facekicks him then they double clothesline each other.

Mark hits a bunch of chops then forearms him. Mark exploders Kyle for 2. Kyle back body drops him. Kyle 2nd rope bridging ddt's him. Kyle hits a running knee to the face then does a dangerous looking double underhook powerbomb for 2. Kyle running facekicks him in the corner. Mark rolls him into a fisherman's buster.

Mark goes for a burning hammer but Kyle grabs the ref and escapes. Kyle kicks Mark in the nuts then brainbusters him. Kyle hits a half and half suplex. Mark no sells it and gets 2 more. Kyle ends up near the table outside and Mark top rope elbow drops him through it while Mark is standing. Mark hits a top rope elbow drop inside for 2.

Kyle kicks Mark twice while he's on the buckles. Kyle twisting brainbusters him on the buckle to win.

Thoughts: As usual, there were lots of selling issues here. Kyle is just awful at selling while Mark sold a ton here. Mark getting busted open really helped this one out. It wasn't that bad and I liked some of it, but it could have been better.

Kyle gets on the mic and says he told us. He says he will prove Mark's win over him was a fluke and says he will do the same to Ospreay. He says the future stands in the ring and it's him.

Overall thoughts: The Harley segment was the best part of this show. I did like the May/Toni segment as well. We had some squashes which were wastes of time. Rosa/Ford was okay, Bandido/Keith was good and the main had some good parts but some bad parts as well. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 overall and would only recommend seeing the Harley segment. I liked the show overall.

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