Saturday, February 8, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/12/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/12/1991

Last week's show is here:

Note - This is the Boston area feed for this show so we get some promos that are directed towards house show matches.

We are in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are on commentary. Vince says it's Columbus Day coming up and says Macho and Piper are flat earthers as they went off the edge of the earth a long time ago. Piper and Macho make puns about ships.

The Big Boss Man vs. Martin Roy

Boss shoulders Roy over twice. He punches him in the gut and Boss back elbows him. Boss punches him down on the floor. Boss hits like a shotei to the head and chokes him. IRS does an inset promo. IRS says Vince reminds him of The Boss Man, who always talks about the scales of justice. IRS says he controls the scales. Boss throws Roy hard in the corner and facekicks him.

Boss foot chokes him then leg lariats him on the ropes. Boss hits a sidewalk slam on Roy and pins him.

Thoughts: Boss was an awful face here. He choked and roughed up Roy for no real reason en route to victory. Roy got nothing in on this one.

Boss handcuffs Roy to the ropes after and threatens him with a nightstick.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund says Survivor Series is coming 11/27 on Thanksgiving Eve. Gene says the main will be The Undertaker vs Hulk Hogan in what they call, "The Gravest Challenge".

The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Paul asks if Hulk knows what he's getting into. He says Hulk knows nothing at all about the dark side. He says Hulk crossed the bridge into the unknown. Taker says there are no immortals on the dark side and no escape. He says there Hulk will learn that Hulkamania is dead.

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says this is the gravest challenge he has faced. He says they are dealing with the immortality and the light of the Hulksters. He said he pictures kids 6 feet under in a hole with Taker as Taker digs their graves. Hulk says this won't happen. Hulk says he stands for the light and the truth. Hulk says they won't stay long and will put the light on Taker and bury him 6 feet under.

Gene says this is the gravest challenge of Hulk's career.

Thoughts: For once, the main event of Survivor Series won't be a traditional 8-man tag. That's big news. I guess they weren't happy with something at Survivor Series as last year's main had The Ultimate Survivor and this years doesn't even have that. Taker is a worthy challenge for Hulk in kayfabe as no one has be able to touch him all year but it's a random match. They were building to Hulk vs Flair and seemingly some combo of Sid/Macho vs Jake/Taker. We aren't getting any of those here which is bad booking. 

The Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly) vs Phil Apollo & Russ Greenberg

The Genius is with The Bev's and does a poem. He says The Bushwhackers will follow on the path to paralysis. The Bushwhackers do an inset promo with a poem saying they have a surprise for The Bev's. Butch says they will lick and bite them. 

Blake hits a big powerslam on Russ and hugs Beau. Russ is laid over the top rope and takes a double axe handle to the back. Beau does a big beale throw on Russ. Phil gets in and is lariated over hard. Beau stomps on him then euros him.

Beau back elbows Phil then double underhook suplexes him. Phil takes a shaker heights spike and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was all squash as usual. The Bev's had good and clean looking offense as usual. I personally could have bought Russ and Phil as a team if they had pushed them but they probably would have fit in WCW better.

WWF Event Center

Sean hypes up the next Boston Garden show. He says Piper is facing Ric Flair. Ric Flair and Bobby Heenan do a promo. Heenan says the word is Piper is boiling mad. Heenan says the only thing Piper's hands will be good for is vacuuming the rug with a bagpipe. Flair says Piper is said to be a bad apple. Flair says he's been in Hollywood and at the desk too long. He says he now has to face the real world's champ.

Roddy Piper does a promo. He says he doesn't scare and is the original wild child. Piper has a feather. He says that's all he has to do for being stupid and getting up on the podium against Flair. He says then rules don't matter no more since Flair hit him with a chair. He says Flair will find out that it's easier to jump on him than jump off.

We see Tito Santana in Mexico. He's at a fiesta and says his training is complete. Tito arrives at the fiesta and he is greeted like a hero. He says "arriba". Girls greet him and he says he wishes he could express how much their support means. Tito is then given a cake. He talks in Spanish. He says he knows he must face the bull in the arena and then only then he returns to the WWF as El Matador.

Jake Roberts vs. Tony Diamond

Jake comes out with his cobra and Tony and the ref back out.

Jake lariats Tony over by surprise and snapmares him. Jake is wrestling with his glove on. Jake steps on Tony's face then he slams him. Jake hits a short arm lariat. Jake teases a ddt, lets go of it then hits it. Jake then lays on him and pins him.

Thoughts: It was all squash as expected here with Jake winning with ease.

Jake lets his cobra slither around in the ring after and the snake goes for the camera.

WWF Event Center

Sean talks the next Boston Garden show.

IRS says the IRS sends shivers up your spine because the people are tax cheats. He says Boss does it too and says he will pay like the other tax cheats.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He asks if he looks scared of anything. Boss says he will prove he doesn't take bribes or cheat on his taxes. He says IRS will do hard time.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says Bulldog will get the shock of his life. Mountie says he's not worried about getting into a mental fight with Bulldog as he doesn't have any and has too many muscles. He says The Mountie always gets his man.

Sgt. Slaughter is at the Lincoln Memorial. He puts over Lincoln and said he was there when the country was in its darkest hour. He says he's in his darkest hour. He says he has no country and doesn't expect to be forgiven. He says he needs to be made whole again and wants his country back.

The British Bulldog vs. Paul Perez

Vince says they will show footage of Hulk playing baseball as a kid. Macho gets offended by this as he was a pro player. Vince then yells at him for it for being overly sensitive. Davey pushes Paul. Paul side headlocks him. Davey hiptosses and armdrags him. Davey slams him.

Davey lariats him then chinlocks him. Davey headbutts Paul then does a suplex. Davey slams him and trap holds him. Davey hits a corner lariat and powerslams Paul for the win.

Thoughts: It was the usual Bulldog squash with him winning with ease and his opponent getting nothing in. It wasn't very interesting and was only notable for Vince yelling at Macho and Piper. 

We see clips of Hogan playing baseball as a kid as part of Hot Ticket PPV called "Hulk Hogan: A Real American Story".

Bobby Heenan is on the stage and introduces Ric Flair. Vince tells Piper to sit down. Heenan says there's a lot of people that would admit Flair is the real heavyweight champ of the world. Flair says he will grab a good looking woman, jump in a limo and tell Hulk that he doesn't have the guts to jump on the real heavyweight champ. Flair says Piper should know it's not nice to doubt the word of the real champ. Flair says him and Heenan make this whole thing possible. Flair tells Hulk to forget about Hollywood and says if he can walk the aisle, he will prove he's man enough to take him. Flair says they will have both titles when this is all said and done.

We see clips of Hulk Hogan in Surburban Commando.

Jim Neidhart vs. Barry Hardy

Jim throws Barry into the corner. Harvey Wippleman and Big Bully Busick do an inset promo. Harv says Jim has an anvil for a brain if he thinks he can beat the bully. Busick says he will see how tough he really is. Piper implies Harv looks like Pee Wee Herman.

Barry hits some punches in the corner. Jim blocks a big boot then backdrops Barry. Jim powerslams Barry and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short one and a waste of time for the most part. It only really set up Busick vs Neidhart.

Piper says The Gobbledy Gooker will be on Prime Time Wrestling this week. We haven't seen The Gooker in a long time.

Skinner vs. Joe Milano

Joe offers a handshake and is hit in the back. Joe's head is banged off the buckles. The Dragon does an inset promo. He invites Skinner to The Dragon's Lair but says he may find himself charred and well done as he will get burned.
skin rakes Joe's face then hits a pedigree. Macho asks if we are talkinga microwave atmosphere. Skin hits a reverse ddt and beats Joe.

Thoughts: I like Skinner. He's a rough heel with some vicious looking offense. He won quick here.

We see Skinner grab his gator claw after.

WWF Event Center

They hype up the 11/10/91 Boston Garden show. The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Typhoon said they had Andre where they wanted him and The LOD stopped them. Quake says he has a score to settle with Andre and says The LOD have what's coming for them.

The LOD do a promo. Animal says Andre did touch Jimmy Hart because Hart was trying to cheat. Animal says they aren't afraid of them and says they are the biggest but not the baddest. Hawk says people say they must have lost to mind to face them. Hawk says they lost their minds a long time ago but not their heart.  

The announcers talk about next week's show. They say a newcomer named El Diablo faces Sid Justice.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was little of interest wrestling wise. Putting one competitive match on at least would do so much for these shows, but it rarely happens. The only real news here was them announcing Taker vs Hulk at Survivor Series and them setting up a Busick vs Neidhart feud. They also announced a newcomer named El Diablo being on the show next week but I don't have faith that will be going very far. I wouldn't really recommend this one and while I was okay with it, I doubt most non-hardcore WWF fans would be.

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