Sunday, February 2, 2025

AEW Collision 2/1/2025

AEW Collision 2/1/2025

Last week's show is here:

This ran against Royal Rumble 2025. We got the Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting theme.

We are in Huntsville, AL.

Samoa Joe and Hook vs Kip Sabian and Nick Wayne

Christian and Mother Wayne are with their crew. Kip has some near gear with a sumo style entrance skirt. Nick backs Hook up into the corner and rubs his forearms into his face. Hook side headlock takeovers Nick. Nick shoulders him over and poses. Hook overhead throws Nick.

Joe and Kip get in. Kip gets a cheapshot in on Joe and hits various shots. Kip slips on a slingboard that Joe was going to avoid anyway. Joe sentons Kip. 

Joe back enzugiri's Kip in the corner. Nick kicks Hook from the apron. Nick trips Hook and Kip fisherman suplexes Hook for 2. Kip chokes Hook over the bottom rope. Kip legdrops Hook for 2. Kip slams Hook then hits punches on him.

Nick takes control on Hook. Kip snapmares Hook and sleepers him. Hook fights off a 2v1. Hook is atomic dropped into a flying euro for 2. Nick corner euros Nick. Kip corner sentons Hook. Hook takes a double fisherman suplex for 2.

Hook head and arm suplexes Nick. Joe comes in and throws out Nick. Joe hits chops on Kip then corner uranages him. Joe muscle busters Kip and picks up the win.

Thoughts: Joe's team won here as expected. It was average for the most part and not super exciting.

Christian attacks Joe and Hook after with his metal contract holder then stomps Joe's head into it.

Cope does a promo. He says no one knows what Mox's plan is and says he doesn't know either. He says Mox likes to shout at clouds and blame everyone else. He says he's a malcontent. He says even when he was a young gun, he respected the generation before him. He says Mox is entitled. He says Mox wants to hide his title away and it will change. Cope says he will beat up Mox and hurt him. He tells Mox to accept his challenge for the title at the next PPV.

The Beast Mortos vs Adam Priest

Mort shoulders Adam over twice. Adam boots him out of the corner and hits shots. Mort pop-up samoan drops him. Mort spinning lariats him then lifts him for a piledriver. Mort wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash. Mort hasn't been around that much lately and I honestly forgot about him. Mort is one of the big losers of Rampage going away.

Max Caster then comes out with new music. Max says we are looking at the best wrestler alive. Max says Mort did a good job but would never stand a chance against him. Max says this is the first in his open challenge series. Max says he doesn't know who is coming out but says we will see who can survive the best wrestler alive. Mort just leaves without fighting him.

Max Caster vs Rush

Rush has some new entrance gear with a cape and comes out with Dralistico. Max wants to do the LIJ fist bump. Rush just forearms him over. Rush stomps on Max in the corner. Rush does the "you get the horns" dropkick in the corner and wins.

Thoughts: Not sure what to make of this. It seems like they are pushing Max as a punk and they made him look like that here. Rush is back again. It seems like all he does is go away and comes back.

Rush gets on the mic after. He asks what's wrong with Mortos. He says they are family and when you mess with the bull you get the horns.

The Outrunners are interviewed by Lexy. Truth says Jericho has been campaigning for an @ss whooping. He says the votes are in and Jericho is about to get electrced. Turbo says The Outrunners will come out on top and Jericho's crew will take the total recall.

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) vs The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith)

CJ eye pokes Truth and Nigel says The Runners are two people with one brain. Truth chops up CJ then is eye raked again. Truth running lariats CJ. CJ takes atomic drops from both then Bryan takes a double atomic drop and goes into CJ. CJ takes a double hiptoss then Bryan is lariated over the top. CJ is then thrown over the top. Big Bill boots Truth outside.

We go to PiP break, full break and then return. Turbo comes in and beats up on the heels. He slams CJ then slams Bryan. Turbo slams Truth onto Bryan. CJ crabs Turbo.  Bryan facekicks Truth and CJ flying headscissors Turbo. The Runners hit double elbow drops.

Bill trips Truth outside and sends him into the rails. BK then cradles Turbo to win.

Thoughts: It was short and didn't get enough time to develop. This wasn't too much of note and was just average. I know why they are doing this match as it gives Jericho's crew something to do but the people who face Jericho usually do not come out looking better in the end. I wouldn't have The Runners lose here.

Big Bill beats up Truth after. Bill foot chokes him and corner splashes The Runners. The heels bring a table out. Bill goes for a double chokeslam through it then Bandido comes out. Bandido pulls Bill out then top rope tornillos CJ inside. Bandido gorilla press slams BK through the table. Bandido then spins around with Turbo after and does The Outrunners handshake.

Kyle Fletcher says they are on the road to Australia and there's a road he wants to right. Mark Briscoe says he won 3x in The Continental Classic and one of them was over Kyle. Kyle says he would have been undefeated if it wasn't for Mark. Kyle says the loss wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the time limit. Kyle says he will prove to Mark while he has no ceiling.

Kazuchika Okada is interviewed. Buddy Matthews laughs and interrupts. He says Okada is too afraid to defend his title. Okada says he doesn't deserve it and Buddy calls him a b!tch.

Harley Cameron vs Taya Valkyrie

Taya shotgun dropkicks her and boot flurries her in the corner. Taya stands on her neck in the corner. Taya chops up HC then HC armdrags her off the casadora. HC armdrags her. HC high kicks her from the apron then step up enzugiri's her.

Taya is tripped into the buckles. Taya blocks a 619. Taya sliding germans her. We go to break and return. HC shining wizards her for 2. Taya sitout powerbombs HC for 2. HC canadian destroyers her for 2. HC misses a top rope swanton. Taya spears HC. She goes to pin her then HC reverses it and pin her.

You could hear a pin drop at times here. The crowd was not into this one at all. The finish didn't look that good here and I thought they wasted the storyline of HC looking for her first TV win. This also further buries The Vendetta.

We see Deonna Purrazzo throw a chair in the back after. 

Renee interviews Ricochet. Ric says he was told by fans that this was where he should be. Ric says the fans turned their backs on him. He says he beat Will clean and the fans threw toilet paper at him. He said Swerve mocked him and said he drove scissors into Swerve's head for everyone. Swerve Strickland then comes in. Swerve says he could end him right now.

Swerve sits down, calls him Trevor and says let's talk. Swerve says Ric pretended to be a superhero and the fans rejected him. Swerve says he gets all the respect from people and says he will show there are levels to this. He says it will be a fight and says Ric can't win in a fight. Ric says Swerve calls himself the most dangerous man in AEW but says he hasn't felt a threat from him since Page snatched his grill. Swerve grabs him then says he will see him in Atlanta.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. Swerve should have just wrecked him if he's this stone cold gangster he is pushed as.

Toni Storm talks on the stage. She says she's been playing the role of "Toni Storm" for the last few weeks. She says the young girl in the red shorts was actually her. She said she didn't do it for the fans but for herself. She said she was embarrassed when Mariah May broke her heart and she has to run away from herself. She says she will do May's bloody womb. She says May doesn't think she's real but it doesn't get any more real than her. She says May's time is over.

We get a video on Christopher Daniels.

Renee interviews Harley Cameron in the back in front of Mercedes Mone's locker room. HC has a Mone puppet. She makes the puppet say that Mone wants to wrestle HC in Australia. HC agrees and has the puppet say she can help herself to Mone's locker room as well. HC does Mone's dance. Mone then walks in. She says this is so cute and HC is so entertaining. She says HC is hiding that she's a loser though with all of this. She says losers don't get to ride the money train.

We get a video on the three-way tonight with all 3 men getting some lines in.

AEW TNT Title - Daniel Garcia (c) vs Lee Moriarty vs Kyle O'Reilly

They all grab holds onto each other at the same time and it looks like they are getting it on with each other. they duck moves and stand off. Lee armdrags DG into a pin attempt. Kyle leglocks Lee then DG armbars Kyle. Lee then puts an armbar on DG. DG shoulders over Kyle.

Kyle and DG trade facekicks. Lee sends Kyle into the rails and back body drops Dg over the top. Lee then topes both opponents outside. We go to PiP break and return. Lee crossbodies DG for 2. Lee hits a ddt + soul foot combo for 2. Lee boots both at the same time.

DG basement dropkicks Lee. DG and Kyle trade forearms. DG backdrops Kyle. Lee germans DG. The three trade strikes and do a triple facekick spot.

DG hits corner punches on Lee then hits some on Kyle as well. DG hits a double lariat then a twist and shout on Kyle. Lee neckbreakers DG. DG does a sharpshooter variation on Lee but Kyle breaks it up with an armbar on DG. Kyle triangles DG while doing an ankle lock to Lee. Kyle and Lee high kick each other at the same time. DG backrolls Lee for 2 and gets punched by Shane. Lee then does a border city stretch to DG. DG then gets a pin out of it.

Thoughts: There wasn't much build to this and there was not a lot of reasons to really care about this. They did have a three-way match though. Everyone was in this for most of the match and we didn't have one person sitting out like they normally do. It was a different style three way than usual with so much of this being submission based.

Shane Taylor gets on the apron after. His Shane Taylor Promotions crew then surrounds Kyle and DG. Matt Menard and Angelo Parker then help out DG and Kyle. Adam Cole and Roderick Strong then come out.

We get a video on Penelope Ford vs Thunder Rosa.

We see video of someone walking the streets, likely in New York. It's Hologram and he's playing with magic electrons or something in his hand. They then cut away.

Megan Bayne vs Hyena Hera

Meg hits corner spears. She chops up Hera. Meg hits a corner splash and a belly to belly suplex. Meg boots her over. Meg pump kicks her then flying lariats her. Meg then wins with an F-5.

Thoughts: It was a squash as expected. It wasn't much more than that but at least Megan won.

Lio Rush and Action Andretti do a video outside. Lio says they weren't there last week and won't be here this week. Lio says they got better things to do. Lio says maybe he'll take Darius up on the challenge when he comes back.

Mariah May does a video about wrestling Queen Aminata. Queen tells her not to overlook her for Toni. She says she's coming for her head.

Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale are interviewed by Lexy. Kris says she's sorry and wants forgiveness. Willow says they have a lot to say to each other. Willow says it's time she focuses on her. Kris says never broke their friendship bracelet and shows it to her. 

Mid-South Tag Team Street Fight - FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. Death Riders (Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta)

The Riders get hit from behind as they enter by FTR. Yuta is lariated over the rails. Dax back rakes Mox. Mox sends Dax into the rails. Dax hits Mox with a trash can. Yuta sends Cash into the steps. Mox bites Dax's fingers. 

Yuta foot chokes Cash. Dax chairs Mox. Yuta slams Cash on a ladder. Mox sends Dax into the steps. Mox facekicks Dax while he's in a chair for 2. Dax hits Mox with a trash can lid. Mox slams Dax on a chair.

Yuta chairs Dax. Cash flying lariats Mox off the buckles and pounds on Mox and Yuta. Shafir throws Dax into the post outside. Mox uses plyers on Dax's nose as we go to PiP break. We return from break. Mox pours tacks out onto the mat.

Cash pop-up sitout powerbombs Mox on the tacks. Cash topes Yuta outside then takes a death rider ddt onto the floor. Dax fights off The Riders with punches. He hits corner punches on Yuta. Dax brainbusters Yuta. Dax grabs Mox by the nuts. Shafir then grabs Dax by the nuts. Shafir puts a sleeper on Dax. Dax rams her backwards through a table. Dax gets a 2 count on Mox then piledrivers him onto a chair. Dax sharpshooters him. Claudio comes out and attacks Dax. Dax back body drops CC then lariats him over the top. Mox cutters Dax. Mox curb stomps Dax onto a chair for 2.

Jay White and Cope come out to help FTR. Yuta takes a spike piledriver through the commentary table and is pinned.

Thoughts: The work was fine as expected with the two teams using weapons and doing some decent brawling. I liked it and it was about what I expected but nothing too memorable. I'm curious as to why it took so long for Cope and Jay to come out when Shafir was helping out The Riders.

The fighter continues after. Jay bladerunners Claudio. Mox gets surrounded by 4 faces and takes a shatter machine and a spear. Mox is in the conchairto position but Claudio saves him. 

Overall thoughts: This was really just a one match show and the match was the main event. Nothing else was really that noteworthy on this one. They had a lot of non-wrestling segments here and the show really is getting better about doing video packages, reminding people of what's going on and offering more than just classics. I would give this a 5 out of 10 as it wasn't super exciting and was just average.

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