WWE NXT 7/11/2012
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-nxt-742012.html
We are at Full Sail University. William Regal and Byrson Saxton are on commentary.
Tyson Kidd vs Camacho
Hunico is with Camacho. Cam pulls Kidd down off the lock-up. Kid ducks a facekick and dropkicks him off a flip. Kidd rolls him up for 2. Cam hits punches on Kidd. Kid flips out of Cam's back body drop. Kidd trips him into a backslide. Kidd then armlocks him. Cam clubs on Kidd. He tries to throw Kid out, but Kidd hangs on the ropes and headscissors him out.
Kidds ends up between the two heels outside and gets back in. The ref ejects Hunico. Kidd tope con hilos both. Kidd gets on Cam's back and armlocks him. We go to break and return. Kidd rolls up Cam and goes for the sharpshooter but Cam rope breaks.
Kidd is swept down onto the apron. Kidd's banged off the apron. Cam backbreakers him then stomps his gut. Kidd is thrown chest first into the buckles. Cam drops Kidd gut first on the ropes. Cam then catapults his throat into the ropes. Cam legdrops him. Cam misses a 2nd rope legdrop.
Kidd hits a basement dropkick for 2. Kidd slingshot legdrops Cam's neck over the bottom rope. Kidd is crotched up top. Cam 2nd rope double underhook suplexes Kidd. Kidd goes up top and hits a blockbuster for 2. Kidd goes for the sharpshooter. Michael McGillicutty comes down and teases getting in. Kidd goes after him and eats a double underhook ddt by Cam. Cam then pins him.
Thoughts: Kidd is the best worker on this roster by miles. Cam tried here and they got a lot of time for this. It wasn't great and the finish didn't help but it was passable.
We get another Bray Wyatt video. He says he knows the people heard him. He says you don't have to hurt anymore. We see him in the forest. He aks what we think people will do to someone who can't be hurt and isn't afraid. Bray says he's been through hell and knows what its like. He says he can't feel pain anymore and isn't afraid anymore. He asks what they will do when they can't hurt him. He says all they can do is run.
Matt Striker interviews Justin Gabriel. He has recovered from an elbow injury. He said he went home to South Africa to think. He said the way to make a statement here is to become a champ. He says he's been a 3x tag champ and wants to be a champ again. He says he needs to make a statement against Heath Slater next week. Slater comes in. He calls him a failure and says he's on Raw embarrassing legends every week. Slater says didn't they embarrass him? Slater says he's the one man band and is coming to chart around here. JG says he doesn't have to worry about getting embarrassed by former WWE stars as he will get embarrassed by him.
Bray Wyatt vs Aiden English
This is Bray Wyatt's WWE TV debut, though he had been on before as Husky Harris. Bray gets on the mic and says he can only understand what people think of him. He says in time, they will understand who he is and what he is. He says he's the angel in the dirt.
Bray boots him in the gut and clubs on him. Bray bangs AE's head off his own knee. Bray then throws him out. Bray throws him into the rail and apron. Bray throws him off the suplex then hits a corner splash. Bray dances with him and hits a sister abigail for the win.
Thoughts: It was all squash here as expected. Bray did fine with what he was supposed to do here. They kept this one short and AE got nothing in.
Briley Pierce (Ryan Nemeth) interviews Richie Steamboat. Rich says this is such an opportunity. He says he can't wait to show everyone how good he is. Leo Kruger interrupts. He says he has proven he's better than him. He says he's the king of Africa. Leo shoves him and they wrestle down on the floor before refs break it up.
We get a video of a girl talking. It's Raquel Diaz and she wants to bring color to a colorless world. She talks about the Exfoliating Ugliness Tour. She says she sees an Ultra Diva and an Alpha Female when she wakes up in the morning. She says her tour begins next week.
The Uso's (Jimmy and Jey Uso) vs The Prime Time Players (Darren Young and Titus O'Neil)
The Uso's just have on green short trunks here. The PTP's come out to their "boom, get it, get it" theme.
Titus picks DY's hair to start. DY is backed up into the corner off the lock-up and has his hair messed up. DY takes chops then a double back elbow and double elbow drop.
DY takes chops. Titus bangs an Uso's head off the buckles then headbutts him. The Uso headbutts him back. Titus takes a corner splash. DY comes in and gets powerslammed. The Uso's grab DY's hair pick and use it on themselves.
DY is lariated over the top. One of the Uso's is back body dropped onto both PTP's outside. We go to break and return. DY's mouth is busted open. Titus bends over and takes an uppercut. Titus hits stomps on an Uso.
DY then stomps on an Uso and even the commentators aren't sure which Uso it is. DY grabs a leg. DY dropkicks an Uso in the knee. DY bangs the knee of his opponent off the mat and ties up the leg. DY pulls off the knee pad and pounds on the exposed knee.
Uso avoids a double team and hits up kicks on Titus. Titus takes a back body drop. DY and Jey are tagged in. Jey hits an intersting flying shoulder on DY. DY is thrown into Titus. Jey then samoan drops him. Jey hits a corner hip attack.
Titus is pulled out and boots Jimmy outside. Jimmy is hit from behind then takes a demolition decapitation. DY picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was average and not that interesting. The commentators didn't really know which Uso was which here and they didn't any big spots here.
Overall thoughts: It was a better show than last week as we had some non-wrestling segments and the matches got more time. There was nothing wrong with it but it was very average with few memorable moments. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.
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