Tuesday, February 4, 2025

WWE NXT 7/4/2012

WWE NXT 7/4/2012

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2021/01/wwe-nxt-6272012.html

Note - The early NXT shows are some of my longest spanning reviews ever. I saw the first show when it aired. I saw the 2nd show is 2021. I'm just seeing the third show now in 2024. 

Jim Ross, Byron Saxton and William Regal (for some of the matches) are on commentary.

Sofia Cortez vs Paige

I think this is Paige's and Sofia's WWE TV debut. Sofia would go on to be Ivelisse. Paige pushes Sofia off the lock-up. Paige snapmares her and headbutts her. Sofia flying headscissors her. Sofia hits boots in the corner. Paige slaps her and hits punches.

Sofia straightjacket chokes her. Paige throws her down and hits chops. Sofia hits a leg kick and a high kick. Sofia ddt's her off the casadora and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and wasn't that good. They didn't have much time and we didn't see much but so-so looking strikes in this one.

Kassius Ohno debuts tonight.

Seth Rollins vs Camacho

Camacho has Hunico with him. Camacho is the future Tanga Loa. Seth is wearing small trunks here and has blonde and brown hair. He headbangs on his way to the ring.

Cam misses shots. Seth hits various strikes then Cam back elbows him over. Cam hits punches in the corner. Seth rolls him up for 2. Seth legsweeps him and hits chops. Seth flurries on him in the corner. Cam boots him out of the corner then legdrops him.

Cam backdrops him for 2 and hits punches. Cam foot chokes him. Seth hits an enzugiri. Seth flatliners him into the buckles. Seth runs the ropes and flying dropkicks him. Hunico tries to trip Seth and is kicked. Cam then hits Seth from behind. Cam is sent into Hunico on the apron then Seth curbstomps Cam to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. There was little but eh looking shots here and even Seth didn't get that much in.

Seth is beaten up by the heels after. Bo Dallas comes out to save Seth.

Jake Carter and Corey Graves vs Nick Rogers and CJ Parker

CJ is the future Juice Robinson. Jake is Vader's son. Corey side headlocks CJ. CJ flips him with his feet. CJ's head is banged off the buckles and sunset flips Corey. Jake tags in and pounds on CJ. Jake corner splashes CJ then Corey chinlocks CJ on the ropes.

Corey cranks on CJ's head. CJ back body drops Corey. Nick and Jake get in. Jake hits a high spinebuster. Nick takes a neckbreaker + powerslam combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was another shorter one. It was rather one sided here with Jake and Corey getting the win. Like the other two matches, they mostly stuck to the basics and the match wasn't anything too special.

JR asks Byron if he likes knockout artists and says Kassius Ohno is a KO king.

We see a video on Ohno. He talks about inflicting pain and the pleasure it gives him. He says, "I'm Kassius and I hurt people".

We get a video on The Wyatt's. Bray says you don't have to hurt anymore and asks what will people do to someone who can't hurt? We see him talking in the forest with his followers. He says he knows what hell is like. He says it makes you stronger. He says he's stronger than he ever was. He says they took his ability to feel pain. He says he's not afraid anymore. He asks what will they do when they realize they can't hurt him? He says they can run. Bray Wyatt debuts next week.

Kassius Ohno vs Mike Dalton

Mike is trained by Lance Storm and is the future Tyler Breeze. Ohno wristlocks him and takes hi mdown by the arm. Mike kips up and uses the ropes to flip out of a wristlock. Mike trips KO for 2. KO drives Mike's throat into the ropes. KO basement dropkicks him.

KO flying lariats him. KO hits a boot to the face and chops up Mike in the corner. KO does a cobra clutch. Mike hits a nice spin kick for 2. KO spinning forearms Mike and pins him.

It was a one-sided match with them just doing basic things here. I'm not a big fan of KO being a knockout artist as he just doesn't have some Mike Tyson type of dangerous look where you don't want to mess with him. Mike looked okay here.

KO gets on the mic after and says he knocks people out. He says when they hear him coming, they say, "oh no".

Jinder Mahal vs Derrick Bateman

Bateman is the future EC3. DB waistlocks him and Jin back elbows him on the break. Jin clubs on him then DB northern lights suplexes him for 2. DB crossbodies him then lariats him over the top. DB hits a nice tope that sends Jin far back.

Jin pulls DB's neck down over the top rope. Jin sits on DB on the ropes then knee drops him. DB backslides him for 2. DB cradles him for 2. DB rolls him up for 2. DB hits punches then hits a flying lariat. DB flapjacks him then neckbreakers him for 2.

DB stomps on him. Jin flying knees him from behind. Jin then camel clutches him for the win.

It was maybe the best match on the show so far but believe me, that's not saying much. DB got a decent bit of offense in before being put down. DB really needed to show more fire and personality here in this one.

Jin puts the camel clutch back on after the match. 

We are told this match was made due to interference earlier in this show:

Tyson Kidd, Seth Rollins and Bo Dallas vs Michael McGillicutty, Camacho and Hunico

MM = Michael McGillicutty

Hun and Kidd go at it. Hun boots and clubs on him. Kidd back elbows him then 2nd rope flying headscissors him. Hun puts him in the gori special. Kidd rolls him up for 2 then armdrags him.

Seth stomps on Hun in the corner. He pounds on him in the corner, gets distracted and is hit from behind. Cam slams Seth as we go to break. We return and Cam chinlocks him. Seth boots Hun out of the corner then monkey flips him.

Bo comes in and lariats Cam. He elbows him in the back of the head. Bo is thrown into the lowest buckle chest and face first. Cam slams Bo then MM stomps on Bo. MM chinlocks Bo.

Bo throws him over. MM holds him so Hun can come in. Hun double underhook backbreakers Bo then chinlocks him. Bo sunset flips Hun. MM backbreakers Bo for 2. MM pounds on Bo then chinlocks him. Bo tgags in Kidd. Kidd springboard dropkicks MM then knocks his other opponents off the apron. Kidd basement dropkicks MM for 2. Seth goes up top and crossbodies Hun, Cam and his own partner Bo outside. Kidd goes for a dive and is speared by MM. MM hits a quick mcgillicutter and wins.

Thoughts: It was another basic match. Seth diving onto his own partner was unintentionally funny. Hunico and Kidd were the best wrestlers in this one but this match really wasn't that much.

Overall thoughts: This was a boring episode of NXT. There wasn't much going on storyline wise. We got no interviews and only one video. The matches were all super basic and nothing of note. This did have Paige and Iveliesse's WWE TV debuts though. I would not recommend this at all and would only give it a 4 out of 10. You could not get much more basic than this.

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