Tuesday, February 4, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 2/1/2025 Season 5, Episode 21

WOW Women of Wrestling 2/1/2025 Season 5, Episode 21

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wow-women-of-wrestling-1252025-season-5.html

Abilene Maverick and Paola Mayfield come out. Ab says she brought in a literal GOAT and says Paola deserves a shot against The Classmaster. Dave says she got a shot in the battle royal. Ab claims there was cheating in it. Dave says Ab has to work her way up like everyone else. Ab says no one wants to face The GOAT (Paola).

Santana Garrett comes out. She says she has the guts and is the former WOW champ. She asks David for a match with her. Dave agrees.

Paola Mayfield vs Santana Garrett

They wristlock each other. PM yanks on the arm. SG rolls and kips up out of a wristlock. SG side headlock takeovers her. PM headscissors her. SG escapes and they lock up. SG is armdragged then PM is armdragged. They both dance. PM throws her down by the hair.

PM springboard diving armdrags SG. SG works PM's arm then walks up the buckles and botches an armdrag. SG hits another armdrag. SG is pushed into the buckles and PM flying forearms her. PM kicks her in the back and tries to pin her down by the arms. PM bangs SG's head off the mat.

PM foot chokes her then bangs SG's head off the buckles. PM hits mounted shots in the corner then misses a meteora in the corner. SG boots her and knocks her down. SG handspring back elbows PM then russian legsweeps her for 2.

PM knees her in the face. SG headflips and forearms her. SG goes to handspring but Abilene pulls on her as she does it and SG goes down. PM hits a mcgillicutter and wins.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to and wasn't that good. I expect more out of SG as she's bee around so longer but she didn't look that much better than PM did here. There were lots of weak looking moves in this one and some sloppy moments. 

SG gets on the mic after. She says Dave saw what happened and Dave says Abilene cost her the match. SG says she wants a rematch. Dave agrees and says Abilene will be barred from ringside during it.

The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike) vs Holly Swag and Penelope Pink

Pink pushes Holly to make her start the match off. Kai is in the black and Tara is in the white. Kai waistlock takedowns Holly and rolls her on the mat. Kai la magistrals her for 2. Kai hits kicks to the body and scorpion kicks her. Holly takes a double kick for 2. Tara armdrags Pink. Tara hits a strike combo on Pink then PK's her for 2.

Pink gets in, pulls Tara to the apron and kicks her. Holly and Pink stomp on Tara in the corner. Holly kicks Tara in the back then basement dropkicks her. The heels pose on Tara on the 2nd rope. Pink kicks the ropes into Tara's face then backdrops her.

Holly sto's Tara for 2. Tara hits a painful looking kick on Holly and both tag out. Kara hits shots on Pink then northern lights suplexes her for 2. Lana gets on the apron and Holly sto's Kai. Pink then pins Kai.

Thoughts: It was fine with the heels controlling things for a while, the faces making their comeback then getting beaten. Tara did an ugly looking kick on Holly right in the mouth. We missed some of the finish here and they showed us that Holly hit Tara with a sock filled with rocks.

Holly gets on the mic after. She says she told them they were the best tag team. Holly says her and Pink are like twins. Holly hugs Pink and Pink is grossed out.

Scout Parker vs Ashley Blaze

I don't have high hopes for this. Blaze wristlocks her and yanks on the arm. Scout wristlocks her then Blaze side headlocks her. Scout side headlocks her. Scout drops down and Blaze rolls over her and blows kisses. Scout throws Blaze into the corner then codebreakers the arm.

Scout armdrags Blaze down twice. Scout knee drops the arm then hits chest forearms. Scout la mistica's Blaze. Scout straightjacket chokes Blaze. Blaze throws her over by the arms and flying snapmares her. Blaze does a front facelock + hammerlock. Scout boots her in the gut and Blaze TKO's her. Blaze then gets the win.

Thoughts: This wasn't bad. Both girls had a decent showing and they kept it short. Everyone hit almost everything clean as well.

David McLane interviews Blaze after. Blaze says the talent is phenomenal here. She says Scout trying to stick her thumb in her made her come back even harder. She says she's so thankful Dave brought her out here. Dave then holds up Blaze's arm. 

Dave and Nigel talk about Pep Riley and Chainsaw. We get a video on Chainsaw's origin, showing her growing up in a shack and having a hard childhood. They said Angelica Dante mentored her and created the ultimate WOW wrestler. We then see the history of Chainsaw and Pep Riley

Sibley Scoles interviews The Classmaster and Samantha Smart. Smart says she feels tall compared to her. She says she thought Scoles was smart until she said Aussie has a chance to win tonight.

Next week's show has Xena Phoenix vs Genesis.

WOW Title - The Classmaster (c) vs Princess Aussie

Class misses a corner charge. Aussie hits shots then kicks her in the leg and head. Aussie flying headscissors Class. Aussie corner lariats Class then Class hits snake eyes on her. Class running boots her for 2.

Class corner spears her and bangs her head off the buckles. Class knees her in the gut and kicks her in the back. Class does the scholar collar. Class racks her and Aussie escapes. Aussie is thrown by the hair.

Aussie hits knees and clubs on Aussie then fameassers her. Class legdrops her for 2. Class hits shots in the corner. Aussie goes for a headscissors on the up and over and ends up rolling Class into the 2nd buckle. Aussie neckbreakers her for 2.

Class takes her down. Samantha Smart holds a book over the 2nd buckle and Aussie is catapulted into it. Dave implies the book had something inside of it. Class hits wasteland on Aussie and pins her.

Thoughts: I think they either missed the finish or botched it as we couldn't see Aussie get sent into the book that easily. The match was fine. Both girls did their usual thing and Aussie got some offense in before being put down.

Overall thoughts: It was an average WOW show. The main and the semi-main were fine but not great. They followed up on Pep Riley/Chainsaw and Holly's issues with The Fab Four. The main was a bit random but it seems like it is leading somewhere at least. As I've been saying, the outside of the ring stuff at WOW has gotten a lot better this season and they are producing better shows overall. I would give it a 5 out of 10 and I wouldn't recommend this one.

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