Tuesday, February 4, 2025

WWE NXT 2/4/2025

WWE NXT 2/4/2025

 Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwe-nxt-1282025.html

Vic Joseph, Corey Graves and Booker T are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Stephanie Vaquer vs Jacy Jayne

SV backs Jacy up in the corner. SV waistlock takedowns her then side headlocks her. Jacy hits her from behind. Jacy bangs SV's head off the buckles then hits boots to the gut. SV hits a nice dropkick.

SV blocks a sunset flip and hits a legdrop for 2. SV does a facewash in the corner. Jacy hits kicks. She misses a senton then SV bangs her head off the mat with the headscissors. SV hits headbutts outside. Fallon Henley pulls SV off the apron. Jacy PK's SV from the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. SV does rope tricks on the ropes and is pulled down. Jacy kicks her while she's up there. SB superkicks her head into the buckles. SV superplexes her.  

They trade shots. SV jawbreakers her then Jacy supekricks her in return. Jacy misses a corner cannonball. SV hits soul foot. SV hits a corner meteora then backdrops her. Jacy gets out of a backslide and running knees her for 2. SV ddt's her for 2. SV hits a 619 then springboard crossbodies her. Jasmyn Nyx comes in and breaks up the count. The ref stupidly does nothing about it.

SV headbutts Nyx and superkicks Jacy. SV hits a double underhook backbreaker and wins.

Thoughts: This was the worst reffing I've seen in some time. Nyx openly interfered and jumped right in. The ref did nothing about it. That was complete crap and ruined the match for me. As for the wrestler, it was all action. They kept things moving and did okay with it but that finish was bogus. 

We see clips of Lash and Jakara talking to Zaria and Sol in the back. Zaria says the girls came up short then Lash came up short again in The Rumble. Lash says she wants to know who the hell Zaria is. Lash says Zaria has a lot to say for someone who was watching her on the couch. Gigi, Shotzi and Tatum interrupt. Shotzi defends Lash and says it's hard to beat Naomi and Bianca. Gigi says Lash and Jakara stepped up and they are waiting for Zaria to step up.

Oba Femi is interviewed in the locker room by Sarah. Oba says Ava says she runs NXT. Oba says he runs everything in the ring. He says he will show Waller and Theory that they don't belong in the ring with him. Oba says he doesn't owe Trick anything and will see him out there tonight.

Lexis King is in the ring with the Heritage Cup. King says he wants to be humble but it's hard to be humble when he's the biggest star in wrestling. He complains about Ryan Leaf trying to give him advice as he says he doesn't take advice. He says he plays by the beat of his own drum and plays by his own rules. He says he has the looks that kill and the pedigree that will.

He says he was born a second gen talent and the son of a psycho. He said he never asked for this though and said he tried to be anything but his father. He says his father was a loose cannon who would do anything to win. He said his dad had potential but never reached it. He says he felt best as his father's son. He says the people wanted him to change but he stays true to who he is.

He says the Heritage Cup has been mistreated for too long. He says he will change the way the title is defended as his first act as champ. He says from this day forward, the Heritage Cup will be one fall and winner take all.

Fandango aka JDC of TNA interrupts. He says he used to get real weird here in NXT. He gets a "welcome back" chant. King says he knows who he is and says he used to play dress up with Tyler Breeze. King says this isn't the YMCA, it's NXT. He says it's clever coming from a guy who looks like he hd his face spray painted on this morning.

He says his name is JDC and he's here representing The System for TNA Wrestling. He says The System is always looking for gold and he wouldn't mind wrapping his lips on the cup and having a drink. JDC challenges him for the the cup next week. King agrees and says they will dance.

Thoughts: This was a really weird segment for many reasons. King is now back to being heel and I guess made it clear that him trying to be a face was a farce this whole time. That was stupid and a waste of time. Then he said he was going to change the rules of the Heritage Cup. I don't know how that's allowed. JDC then came out randomly and challenged him and was the face even though he's a longtime heel in TNA. This was a really bad segment.

We see clips of Tony D'Angelo in a show called Wildcards.

The D'Angelo Family talk in the back. Rizzo says Tony was great. Stacks says he's a big TV star and says that what he was talking to Izzi about when he forgot to come out for the match. Stacks says he's breaking his balls. Tony tells him to worry about Ridge Holland tonight.

Stacks vs Ridge Holland

They fight before the bell even rings. Ridge belly to belly suplexes him. Spears, Vance and Jensen are watching from a riser. Stack enzugiri's Ridge then springboard dropkicks him. Ridge pushes Stacks into the steps. Stacks is sent hard into the buckles.

Ridge facekicks Stacks. Ridge talks trash. Stacks slaps him then jawbreakers him. They trade shots and Stacks flying lariats him. Stacks slingshot codebreakers him. Stacks comes off the top and is caught with an arm trapping overhead suplex.

Stacks boots Ridge out of the corner then is pushed over the top to the floor. Izzi Dame gets in the ring. The ref again doesn't care and Stacks rolls up Ridge for 2. Ridge lariats Stacks then hits a lifting ddt for the win.

Thoughts: What is with people being allowed to come in the ring? That's two matches in a row and it sucks. Stacks got beaten here as expected and Ridge threw him around as he was supposed to. Izzi tried to help Stacks out but it ended up backfiring on him. They did what they were supposed to in the match but the finish stunk.

Fraxiom talk in the back. Briggs and Inamura come up to them. Briggs says they have been having amazing matches. Briggs says they know it would be a one-sided beating if Fraxiom faces them though. Birggs says OTM hasn't been around since they beat them. Frazer tells them to find an opponent and says when they beat them, then they can talk. Briggs and Inamura both say they got this.

Tatum Paxley and Gigi Dolin vs Zaria and Sol Ruca

Sol waistlock takedowns Tatum. Tatum moonsaults over her then is side headlocked. Tatum drops down out of a lariat and the two stand off. Sol drops Tatum on her chest.

Zar and Gigi go at it. Gigi slaps Zar then Zar slaps her back. Gigi hurricanrana's Sol then basement dropkicks her on the bottom rope. Tatum elbow drops Sol. Tatum does a reverse surfboard on Sol. Sol slaps her. Tatum double underhook suplexes Sol. Gigi 2nd rope twisting swantons Sol for 2.

Gigi high kicks Sol. Sol headscissors Gigi. Zar comes in and lariats both opponents. Zar misses a pump kick on Tatum but it is sold. Zar release germans Tatum. Zar hits a big spear on Gigi for 2. Zar and Sol are pushed into each other and take stereo step up enzugiri's. Zar F-5's Tatum onto Gigi. Sol then hits a sol snatcher on Gigi and wins.

I liked this. It was a fast paced and athletic match. Sol's finish looked good and was planned out well in this one. Zaria's also growing on me some.

Trick Williams is interviewed. He said he didn't see Oba all day but the gameplan is simple - show him he deserves the title shot at Vengeance Day. He says he will drop both of A-Town Down Under and says he has a receipt for Oba too.

Bayley and Roxanne Perez comes out. Perez talks about how long she spent in the Royal Rumble. She says Giulia can wait as this is about them. Perez says Bayley isn't doing good on Raw and says she came down to NXT because of it. Perez says she wants all the titles. She says she realizes all her wrestling heroes were standing in her way and she says she wants to go to Raw now.

Bayley says she hopes Perez surpasses her someday. Bay says she helped set up the ring here and says Perez doesn't respect that. Bay says she's going to Elimination Chamber and Mania but says Perez is losing herself and maybe her best friend. Bayley says she will be fine if she doesn't win the title at Vengeance Day, but will Perez? Perez says she has no friends or equals here.

Giulia ends up coming out as she was supposed to be part of this segment too. Giulia says enough. She says Perez is nothing without a title. Giulia says she will beat Bayley too. Charlotte Flair comes out. Flair says she has come home. She says she's NXT home grown and says NXT will always be her home. Flair talks about winning the Royal Rumble. She says she's proud of how long Perez spent in the Royal Rumble. Flair says she respects Giulia. She says Giulia is the champ of the best women's division, but she's better. Flair says whatever title she chooses to fight for, she will be champ.

Cora Jade then attacks Giulia and Bayley from behind with a kendo stick. Cora swings at Perez and Perez runs.

Ava, Je'Von Evans and Ethan Page talk in the back with security there. Ava says Evans is suspended for going to the ring and beating up security last week when he wasn't cleared. Page says he wouldn't suspend Evans, he would punish him. Page says Evans can be punished by fighting him. Ava says Evans can fight him if he gets medically cleared.

Josh Briggs wants a tag match with Hank and Tank next week. They agree.

Ridge Holland goes up to Tony's crew and Izzi Dame. Ridge says if he gets a 1v1 match, he will take Tony's North American Title. Ridge says he doesn't trust Tony's crew. Izzi suggests they have a cage match. Tony says he doesn't need his family to beat Ridge.

Karmen Petrovic vs Kelani Jordan

They lock u. KJ full-nelsons her then snapmares her. KJ dropkicks her in the back of the head for 2. KJ side headlocks her. KJ shoulders her over. KP hits kicks to the body then boots her in the gut. KP legsweeps her then PK's her for 2.

KJ hits corner spears. KP mule kicks her from the buckles then bulldogs her. KJ jumping side kicks her then tiger feint armdrags her. KJ dropkicks her. Ashante Thee Adonis helps KP outside and KJ corkscrew planchas Ashante. Jaida Parker comes out, KP is distracted and KP topes KJ. 

KP tornado ddt's KJ for 2. We go to break and return. KP and KJ trade shots. KJ soulders her over. KJ hits chest shots then cartwheels into a back elbow on KP. KJ kips up. KJ lifting facebusters her for 2.

KP catches KJ's foot and flips her. KP flying forearms KJ then spinning lariats her. KP round house kicks her and sling blades her for 2. KP handstand hurricanrana's KJ on the buckles for 2.

KJ wrist clutch northern lights suplexes her. KJ does a running olympic slam on KP and split-legged moonsaults her. KJ does a second one then submits her with a chicken wing.

This was one of Karmen's best matches yet. She's really starting to develop her offense and is figuring out how to put all the pieces together. Kelani was a good opponent for her and this was an interesting and athletic match. I liked this one and thought it showed off the future of the women's division.

KJ puts her in the chickenwing again after. Jaida laughs as refs try to break the hold. We are then told the ref reverses the decision and KJ is the winner. 

Stephanie Vaquer is interviewed in the parking lot. She's hard to understand. Lola Vice walks past her. She says her eyes are on the North American Title and she comes to Vengeance Day to become champ. She says Jacy can't help Fallon and she will see her in hell.

Bayley tells Ava she wants Cora Jade in a match. She doesn't care when or how. Ava says she an have her next week. Briggs and Inamura come in and want a tag match. They both have different opponents in mind. Ava gives them both of the teams they mentioned - Hank and Tank and NQCC. Fraxiom say the winner of that deserves a chance at the tag titles.

Theory and Waller are interviewed as they head to the ring. Waller says they will expose Trick and Oba and says they run NXT. Theory says they are about to go down and put it down. Waller says this is a preview of Vengeance Day when he becomes champ. Theory takes offense at this. They argue but see it's time to get to the ring.

Oba Femi and Trick Williams vs A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory and Grayson Waller)

Oba comes out before Trick is done with his entrance. Trick tags himself in and gets jumped by Theory. Theory hits shots in the corner and Trick shoulders him over. Trick hits a nice dropkick and gets in Oba's face.

Trick is tripped into the 2nd buckle. Theory rolls into a dropkick on Trick. Waller hits shots on Trick when he gets in and hits a big chop. Trick chops Waller back. Waller goes up and over and takes a jumping sidekick from Trick. Trick suplexes Waller then slams him.

Oba slams Theory then is punched by Waller. Oba slams Waller then Trick does as well. Oba trips Trick and pulls him out. They argue and Waller tope con hilos both. We go to PiP break and return.

Theory stomps on Trick's back then pounds on him. Waller jumping knees Trick. Theory rolls into a blockbuster on Trick. Waller cravates Trick. Waller hits forearms on the back of Trick's neck. Trick jawbreakers Waller. Waller forearms him. Waller hits knees to the gut.

Theory facekicks Trick off the apron. Waller then slides out and hits a nice lariat on Trick. Waller elbow drops Trick off the rails. Waller rolls in and is popped up into an uppercut from Trick.

Oba comes in and shoulders over Theory. He throws Waller in. Oba puts Waller and Theory on his shoulders and samoan drops both. Oba throws Theory off the backdrop. Trick tags himself in. Trick lariats theory over the top. Waller spinning forearms Trick. Trick corkscrew kicks Waller for 2. Oba gets hurricanrana'd over the top by Theory. Eddy Thorpe comes out and whips Trick in the back with a strap. Waller rolls in and flatliners Trick for the win.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. It was fast paced and full of action. They had a couple of missed shots though. Waller and Theory looked good and it really made you wonder why they haven't had more luck on the main rosters lately. It was nice to see Oba in a different type of match than usual and he did fine in it.

Eddy beats up Trick after. Eddy whips him with a strap as refs try to stop him.

We then cut to like a technical problems screen and we see 4 unknown people in the dark who appear to be a new group of some sort.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. Most of the in-ring action was pretty solid and we got a tease of a new group which interests me. I didn't like the finish to the first two matches though or the King/JDC segment. The Giulia/Perez/Bayley segment didn't do a lot for me. I'd give this a 5 out of 10 as it had some issues that could have been fixed but had enough solid wrestling in this one. I wouldn't recommend it.

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