TNA Impact 2/6/2025
Last week's show is here:
We are in San Antonio, Texas.
Joe Hendry comes out for a concert. They show clips of him at the 2025 Royal Rumble. He says this is a championship concert. Joe sings a version of "We Are The Champions" only with his name in it. Joe then sings about how the world is going to hell but says, "that doesn't matter as Joe Hendry won the belt". He then says "this is the part of the song where an upcoming challenger cuts me off" then Jake Something interrupts him.
Jake Something gets on the mic. He says the concert is over. He says he heard Joe say he would defend the belt against anyone, anywhere and anytime. He says he talked to Santino and is taking him up on that offer. He challenges him for next week. Joe says he accepts and thanks everyone for watching the Joe Hendry concert.
Gia Miller interviews Masha Slamovich. Masha says she thrives in chaos and will enjoy watching the Knockouts scramble to get a shot at the title. She said if Cora Jade wants to play her games with her to remember that she draws her X's in blood.
Tyson Dupont vs Ace Austin
They lock up and TD backs up Ace in the corner. Ace backs Td up in the corner and TD forearms him. TD shoulders him over. Td blocks a hiptoss and Ace flips out of one. Ace hits leg kicks then la magistral's him for 2.
Ace dropkicks him. Ace crucifixes him for 2. TD hits a nice pop-up slam on Ace. TD hits corner splashes. TD euros him for 2. TD full nelsons him. Ace is popped up and hits a dropkick off of it. Ace hits shots on TD then russian legsweps him. Ace legdrops him.
TD side slams him then misses a big splash. Ace hits a headhunter on TD and wins.
Thoughts: I liked this one. They got it right with TD overpowering Ace and Ace making some comebacks to win. TD's pretty explosive and can jump well and he looked good here.
Wes Lee and Tyriek Igwe jump Ace after. The Rascalz then come out to save Ace.
Tessa Blanchard does a promo. She says she won't be in the battle royal as it will be 9 women teaming against her. She says the other girls are out to get her and she doesn't play by their rules. She says the other women won't mess with her because they can't.
Steph De Lander and Mance Warner do a promo. She says everyone wanted to know what 23 is. Steph says the Digital Media Title is in her possession and says she won the title in the divorce. Mance says TNA is their home and this is their gold now. Mance says he will cut up anyone who gets in his way and says there's not anyone who can stop him. Steph says Sami Callihan will watch his back if he knows what's good for him.
Winner Gets A Title Shot - Knockouts Battle Royal
Cora Jade is on commentary. Jazz makes her return for this. They talk about her being part of the NWA.
Alisha Edwards yells at Jazz and takes a boot for it. Alisha takes a double chickenwing bomb. Ash and Heather by Elegance go hide under the ring. Jazz fights with Tasha Steelz. Alisha foot chokes Jazz. Rose works on Rose in the corner.
Alisha eliminates Tasha Steelz over the top. Alisha runs into Jody Threat and Dani Luna. Alisha comes off the 2nd rope onto them and is caught and dumped outside for the elimination.
Dani and Jody find Ash and Heather by Elegance under the ring. They throw them back in the ring. Jody puts Heather on the apron. Ash knocks Heather off the apron but she is caught by George Iceman. Dani then facekicks Heather onto George outside for the elimination. Tessa Blanchard is watching in the ring.
Heather throws out Dani Luna. Rosemary spears Jody then lariats her over the top for the elimination. Heather by Elegance calls for a timeout. Heather tries to get Rosemary and Savannah Evans to team up.
Evans takes a double shoulderblock from Jazz and Xia Brookside. Jazz throws Heather down by the hair. Rose knocks Jazz off the top to the apron. Heather then helps pull jazz out to the floor for the elimination. Cora says she hates Heather. Xia dumps Rosemary over the top for the elimination then dumps Ash over as well.
Xia and Evans are the last two in. Evans corner splashes Xia. Evans misses a corner splash. Xia dumps Evans to the apron. Cora Jade has words with Xia. Evans pulls Xia to the apron. Xia bites Evans' hand on the apron. Evans headbutts Xia and wins.
Thoughts: Evans was one of the favorites to win here and pulled it off. The match wasn't anything too special. They didn't take the most athletic bumps out and workrate wise, it wasn't that good. I was surprised none of the NXT girls were in this one.
Eric Young and The Northern Amory come out. EY says this is Canadian greatness. He says they run TNA wrestling. He says Josh Alexander quit and was going to leave two hungry young men in the cold and he wasn't going to stand by. EY says Canadian's have been running this company forever. He says no one has wrestled more matches than him or won more titles than him. He says he's above the champ, president and owner of TNA.
EY said he eliminated Josh in his first act. He said he removed him forever. Steve Maclin comes out. Steve asks if this is what was worth saving. Steve says he didn't expect this. Steve asks why EY didn't just tell him about this. He says he trusted him. He said The Armory tried to end his career and EY is just ignoring it.
Steve says EY crossed the line and made his choice without him. Steve says he's making a choice without him and says as long as they are with EY, he's not. Josh Alexander then comes out. Steve and Josh stare down and Steve leaves.
Josh says he heard EY say he eliminated him. Josh says he's still standing here. Josh says his time in TNA is coming to an end soon but he loves TNA. He says he should show everyone how much he loves TNA. He said Santino gave him his final wish. Josh says he will walk down the ramp one last time and says he wants to face Eric Young next week. Josh says he will show everyone how much this place means to him. He says he will enjoy kicking EY's @ss.
Thoughts: This was one of the problems with EY turning heel - it meant the team with Maclin was over after they spent so much time on it. I don't know what exactly caused this whole situation but the story just doesn't work and doesn't make that much sense.
Sami Callihan is grabbing people and looking for Mance Warner backstage. He goes up to Frankie Kazarian. Kaz says he doesn't know where Mance is or who he is. Kaz then tells Santino to come over and says this is an unsafe workplace. Kaz tells Santino to do something as this is an unsafe work environment. Santino says he'll do something.
The System (Moose, JDC and Eddie Edwards) vs The Hardy Boys and Leon Slater
Leon is wearing some facepaint ala Jeff. JDC shoulders Leon over. Leon does an armdrag and an armlock. Matt elbow drops Eddie's arm off the buckles and works on it. Jeff 2nd rope double axe handles Eddie's arm. Jeff dropkicks Eddie in the back. Eddie is stomped on by The Hardy's in the corner. Eddie's head is banged off the buckles by Matt. Jeff jumps off Matt's back into a leg lariat on Eddie. Leon then does it off of Jeff's back onto Eddie and JDC in the corner.
We go to break and return. Leon boots Moose out of the corner then 2nd rope diving headscissors him. Leon does a handspring double back elbow. Alisha distracts Leon. Leon then dives over her onto Moose. Moose catches him and powerbombs him on the apron.
Moose hits mounted shots on Leon. Leon is catapulted into a shot from JDC then JDC slingshot elbow drops him. Moose camel clutches Leon. Leon is whipped into a JDC dropkick then takes a blue thunder > senton > top rope legdrop for 2.
Leon cradles JDC for 2 then jumping side kicks him. JDC hits shots on Moose then jawbreakers him. Jeff spin kicks Eddie and atomic drops Moose. Jeff legdrops Moose in the gut and elbow drops him for 2. The heels take control and Leon hits a springboard triple crossbody. Leon rewind kicks Moose. Matt jumps off the apron onto JDC. Jeff then jumps off of it onto Eddie. Leon goes to dive and is pump kicked by Moose. Leon then does his corkscrew dive over the top. Moose takes a twist of fate into a neckbreaker.
Leon hits a swanton 450 then Jeff hits a swanton on Moose and wins.
Thoughts: It was the usual Hardys + another person tag vs The System. I feel like we've seen it a lot of times. It's okay though as the match as usually good. Leon got a lot of shine here and the faces got the win to make the crowd happy.
The Good Hands argue in the back. Hotch tells Skyler he needs to listen to him. Mustafa Ali comes in. He says they are good hands but can be great hands. Ali goes up to Tasha Steelz and says he's sorry for what happened. He says she gives her heart to someone and they just stomp on it. Ali says Tasha is a good person. Ali says they gotta put a stop to it. Ali says let's make sure nobody feels like this again and walks off with her.
Mike Santana vs Matt Cardona
Why Matt agreed to this for Ali is unknown and it doesn't make much sense.
They lock up. Matt shoves him and goes out. Matt hides between the ropes. Mike hits chops on Matt then sentons him. Mike tope con hilos Matt. Mike is pulled down on the apron. Matt suplexes Mike on the floor.
Matt pounds on Mike then throws him hard into the buckles. Mike hits shots back then throws him into the buckles. Matt neckbreakers Mike for 2. Matt chokes Mike with a shirt. Matt tries to butt drop him and is rolled up.
Matt facekicks Mike, goes up and over and Mike backrolls into a cutter. Mike enzugiri's him. Matt jumps up and gets caught with a death valley driver for 2. Mike is crotched up top. Matt hits a facewash kick. Matt double underhook powerbombs him for 2.
Mike buckle bombs Matt. Mike hits a top rope splash. Mike spinning lariats him and wins.
Thoughts: The match wasn't bad with the two working well together. I don't like Matt losing though. He just came back and has already taken two losses in a row. Obviously you don't want Mike to lose right now but I think they could have come up with something better if Matt's sticking around.
WWE NXT Tag Titles - Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs Nic and Ryan Nemeth
Arianna Grace is on commentary. Nic tries a pin on Ax. Ax side headlocks Nic. NF shoulders Nic over then hits armdrags. NF armlocks him. Nic avoids a dropkick then hits one of his own. NF takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop for 2.
Ryan and NF go at it. NF waistlock takedowns him then enzugiri's him. Ryan gets double teamed and takes a ddt for 2. NF and Ax then hit topes outside. Nic throws Ax's boot into NF's face outside. Nic and Ax then kick each other down at the same time.
We go to break and return. Ax dropkicks Ryan for 2. Ax half-nelson suplexes Ryan. Ryan takes a double superkick. NF running ssp's Ryan for 2. Nic comes in then hits a splash and neckbreaker on Ax. Nic elbow drops Ax for 2. Ax rolls up Nic then Nic fameassers him for 2.
Nic dropkicks Ax. Nic chinlocks him. Nic stomps on Ax's foot. Ax takes a boot to the gut. NF gets in and hits a springboard double axe handle on Nic. NF slingbldes Nic. NF top rope splash Nic for 2. Nic jumping ddt's NF for 2.
NF kicks Nic in the head. Ax hits forearms on Nic then takes punches. Ax goes to kip up and is superkicked by Nic. NF messes up a springboard and ends up rolling into a Nic superkick. Nic hits a danger zone as Ryan hits a jumping flatliner for 2.
Nic hits a ddt on Ax. Ryan misses a corner spear on Ax. Ax enzugiri's Ryan up top. NF top rope superplexes Ryan then Ryan takes a superkick + brainbuster combo for 2. Nic superkicks NF. Ryan grabs a chair and brings it in the ring. Nic stops him. NF dropkicks Ryan into Nic. Ryan takes a top rope dropkick + legsweep combo and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was a good match as expected. It wasn't built up too much though which was unfortunate. It was fast paced with lots of flying and they are continuing to push the issues between Ryan and Nic here. I'm not sure where this one goes but this was probably better than any other main we could have gotten.
Overall thoughts: I liked this one. I liked the trios match, Dupont's match, Cardona/Santana and the main. The women's battle royale wasn't that good and the Eric Young + Northern Armory storyline isn't working. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 and thought it was one of the better Impact's as of late mostly due to the in-ring work.
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