Thursday, February 6, 2025

Marigold 1/25/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 5

Marigold 1/25/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 5

Riara vs. Ryoko Sakimura

RS throws her into the corner off the handshake and hits chest forearms. Ri chest forearms her back. RS side headlocks her then Ri reverses it. RS throws her down and basement dropkicks her.

Ri hits mounted forearms then camel clutches her. Ri stomps on her. Ri grabs her champagne bottle and the ref takes it away. Ri puts her foot into RS' head on the ropes. Ri dropkicks RS for 2.

RS hits knees to the chest then puts her foot into Ri's chin. RS dropkicks Ri. RS hits chest kicks and Ri dragon screws her. Ri ankle locks her. Ri dropkicks her on the ropes for 2. 

They trade chest forearms. RS cradles Ri for 2. RS does a koji clutch. Ri slap flurries her and drops her. Ri double stomps her then 2nd rope double stomps her for 2. Ri running cutters her for the win.

It wasn't that good as expected. RS is still a rookie so she gets a pass but Riara just kind of does her moves and doesn't have much logic to what she does. It wasn't a botchfest or anything at least but there wasn't much structure, face vs heel stuff or even rookie vs vet stuff going on here.

Nao Ishikawa & Yuuki Mashiro vs. Naho Yamada & Rea Seto

Nao and Yuuki argue over who gets in first. They slap each other. Nao grabs her by the hair and throws her down. Nao and Naho lock up. Naho dropkicks Nao twice. Nao shoulders her over then cartwheel splashes her for 2. Nao flying neckbreakers her then Naho dropkicks her. 

Yuuki comes in and dropkicks Naho then dropkicks her against the buckles. Yuuki armdrags her then crossfaces her. Rea breaks it up. Naho body scissors rolls Yuuki around. Rea gets in and dropkicks Yuuki for 2.

Rea goes up and over Yuuki then corner dropkicks her. Naho corner dropkicks Yuuki for 2. Yuuki basement dropkicks Rea then backdrops her for 2. Yuuki dropkicks Rea and Nao tags herself in. Yuuki goes for the pin and Nao knocks her off and tries to take the pin. Nao whips Yuuki into a Naho dropkick. Nao double underhook suplexes Rea. Nao top rope crossbodies Rea for 2.

Naho pedigrees Nao. Nao takes a double team facebuster off the ropes. Ream armbar takedowns Nao then pulls on her arm, leg and head at the same time. Yuuki then breaks it up. Nao and Yuuki hit a double dropkick on Rea then Rea takes an elevated sitout pedigree for 2. Nao blade runners Rea for the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like Rea and Naho losing to a team that was beating each other up. That hurt them. It was just a match and it wasn't anything too good.

Nao and Yuuki fight after. Yuuki drags Nao to the back. 

Tank vs. Minami Yuuki

I have 0 faith in this one. Tank shoves her off the lock up. They trade chest forearms and Yuuki goes down. Tank hits lariats on Yuuki then Yuuki running dropkiks her. Yuuki dropkicks her into the buckles for 2.

Tank legdrops Yuuki for 2. Tank catches Yuuki's crossbody. Yuuki does a wrist-clutch guillotine to Tank. Yuuki hits mounted forearms. They botch something and collide in the ring. Yuuki cradles her for 2. Yuuki hits dropkicks. Yuuki hits a top rope dropkick for 2.

Tank hits a corner splash. Tank catches Yuuki's crossbody then fallaway slams her. Tank running spears her and picks up the win.

They only had one botch here. Other than that it was a one sided match as expected with Tank overpowering Yuuki and Yuuki not being able to get any meaningful offense in on her.

CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Chika Goto & Natsumi Showzuki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Chika and NN start us off. NN takes her down and stomps on her. NN double chops Chika. NN foot chokes her. Chiaki claws Chika then slams her. NN curbstomps Chika. Chiaki basement dropkicks Chika then crossfaces her. Chika ropebreaks and NN hits her pendulum kick on Chika over the 2nd rope.

NN misses a corner facekick then takes a corner lariat from Chika. Chika throws her over then Nat comes in and hits mounted forearms. Nat meteora's NN on the ropes. NN trips Nat and boots her in the head.

Nat hits a big forearm on NN then takes a facekick. NN hits soul foot on Nat and boots her over. Nat step up enzugiri's her then does like a ranhai + sto combo. NN facekicks her then basement single leg dropkicks her. Chiaki spears Nat then cartwheel double knees her back. 

Nat pendulum ddt's Chiaki. Nat gets a 2 count on her. Chika comes in and goes for the giant swing. Chiaki claws her to escape it. Chiaki running facekicks her. Chiaki dropkicks Chika then Chika larias her on the ropes. Chika hip attacks her on the ropes then drops Nat's double knees onto Chiaki for 2.

Chiaki throws a chair at Chika. Chika facekicks Chiaki and giant swings her. Chika slams Chiaki for 2. NN hits a double dropkick. Nat drops NN with a high kick. Chika blue thunders Chiaki and wins.

It wasn't bad. Chika tried hard here and helped this one out. We didn't see much of Nat in this one at all. The pacing could have been better though. 

Miku Aono & Seri Yamaoka vs. Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki

Seri forearms Utami then takes her down. Utami front facelocks her and Seri reverses it. Utami side headlocks her. Utami slams Seri. Seri takes a facebuster, a basement dropkick and a splash from the casadora from her opponents.

Yuz camel clutches Seri. Seri hits forearms on Utami then Utami slams her. Yuz dropkicks Utami. Yuz slams her. Seri does a slam on her then karelin's lifts her. Miku running dropkicks Yuz. Miku pushes Utami into Yuz. Miku then slams Yuz onto Utami.

Miku hits kicks to the back of Yuz then PK's her for 2. Yuz flying headscissors Miku then baseball slides her for 2. Utami spinebusters Miku then running back elbows her. Miku corner dropkicks Utami twice.

Miku and Utami lariat battle. Miku hits a stiff lariat. Utami running lariats Miku then back body drops her. Miku buzzsaw kicks her and Utami hits an air raid crash. Yuz basement dropkicks Seri when they get in. Yuz runs into her in a botch. Seri picks her up and rams her into the buckles.

Seri basement dropkicks her. Yuz slams her for 2. Yuz dropkicks Seri then dropkicks her through the ropes. Yuz does a top rope plancha to the outside onto both opponents. Yuz top rope dropkicks Seri. Miku running lariats Yuz then Seri spears Yuz. Seri air raid crashes Yuz then Yuz hits a nasty backdrop on her. Seri no sells it and germans her. They botch a roll-up spot, trade pins and Yuz superkicks Seri. Yuz spin kicks her in the head and the time limit runs out.

We haven't had a draw lately after many matches going to draws early on in this promotion. We saw a Seri botch or two in this one which was rare. It wasn't a bad match but they didn't quite know what to do with this going to a draw and that hurt some of this one because of it. I think this would have been better if they got an actual finish. I felt like Yuz and Seri turned up the heat a little against each other.

Nanae Takahashi vs. Misa Matsui

They do a double knuckle lock. NT side headlocks her. Misa side headlocks her and NT shoulders her over. Misa armdrags her then running dropkicks her. Misa hair throws NT and foot chokes her. NT kicks her then elbow drops her. NT armbars Misa.

NT sleepers her. NT pulls her hair on the ropes then hits chops. NT rakes Misa's face then slams her. NT side slams her. Misa flying headscissors her then basement dropkicks her. NT hits a forearm flurry on her. NT crossfaces Misa.

NT backdrops Misa for 2. Misa hits double stomps on NT's gut for 2. Misa basement dropkicks her. Misa crossbodies her against the ropes. NT grounded sleepers her and Misa ropebreaks.

NT boots her around then suplexes her. NT corner lariats her. Misa flying knees her then NT lariats her. Misa hurricanrana's her but Nt rolls through it and gets a 2 count. NT hits a big slap and germans her. Misa hits chest forearms and superkicks her multiple times. Misa running knees her for 2.

Misa top rope dropkicks NT four times for 2. NT backdrops her for 2. Misa ddt's her then la magistrals her with a bridge for 2. Misa code red's her for 2. NT hits two running lariats then sliding forearms her for 2. NT does a northern lights bomb on her and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It went a little long like some of the other matches on the show but it was okay. Misa didn't quite do as well as I had hoped she would but it was one of her better showing so far. They were definitely testing out Misa here to see what she can do.

They both talk on the mic after. Utami and Yuzuki come out. Seri then comes out. They seem to set up a tag title match. 

Mai Sakurai & MIRAI vs. Bozilla & Megaton

We get a chant for Mega for some reason. Mai slaps Mega. Mega goes to tag out but Boz walks away. Mai boots Mega then Boz trips Mai. Mai is pulled out and is sent into the steps or post. Mega talks to the crowd on the apron. Mirai gets in and puts her in the tarantula while she's there. Mega wants a tag but Boz just goes to sit down.

Mirai boots Mega in the gut and makes her run the ropes a bunch of times. Mega's face is raked on the ropes. Mai and Mirai abuse Mega on the ropes. Mega pulls her opponents into each other. Boz gets in and shoulders over both opponents. Boz hits forearms on Mai then vader bombs her for 2.

Boz and Mai trade chest forearms. Boz lariats her on the ropes. Mai spin kicks her and dropkicks her. Boz throws Mirai off the waistlock. Mirai basement dropkicks her. Boz armdrags Mirai with an armlock and Mai breaks it up.

Boz armbars Mirai off the casadora and Mai breaks it up. Boz hits short arm lariats on Mirai then Mirai rolling armbars her. Boz takes a flying knee + lariat combo. Mirai backdrops Mega for 2. Boz F-5's Mirai. Mirai dropkicks her in the knee then running lariats her.  

Mai and Mega go at it. Mai knees her in the gut and kicks her in the ribs. Mai sends her out of the ring and is lariated by Boz outside. Mega chokes her opponents with something on the outside. Mega hits chops on Mai then is tripped into the ropes. Mai facewash kicks her on the ropes.

Boz hits a double clothesline on her opponents and Mega gets a 2 count off of it. Mega misses a splash and Mai STF's her. Mai immediately taps her out.

Thoughts: I have no idea why this was the main. It was a waste of time with Mega losing as expected and it wasn't that good.

Boz gets on the mic after. She tells Tank to come out. Boz challenges her to a loser leaves Japan match. Tank says she's looking forward to sending her back home to Germany. Tanks says it's on. They stare down and Boz leaves. She tells Tank to take Megaton with her. Mai and Mirai then walk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: The main was nothing as expected. Misa did okay in her big singles match against Nanae. I thought the 15-minute draw could have been better but I liked the general idea of it. Chika's match was acceptable and the rest of this wasn't that good. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and would not recommend it.

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