Friday, February 7, 2025

WCW Main Event 2/11/1996

WCW Main Event 2/11/1996

This is also the pre-show for Superbrawl VI.

Eric Bischoff and Dusty Rhodes are on commentary.    

Eric says The Dungeon of Doom has a surprise for Jim Duggan in the main event. 

The Roadwarriors vs The Stud Stable (Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater)

Buck boots and clubs on Animal. Animal running shoulders him over. Animal slams Buck. Hawk hits punches on Buck in the corner. Hawk misses a corner charge and then takes shots from Dick in the corner. Animal breaks the double team up. Harlem Heat do an inset promo. Stevie says they will be the next tag champs tonight. Booker says they are the future and compares The LOD to an old car that was good in its day.

All 4 men get in the ring and the ref loses control. Dick throws Hawk out. Col. Rob Parker tries to hit Animal with a boot but nails Buck. Buck is lifted up and takes a flying lariat from Hawk. Hawk then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was short and wasn't much. It's a shame as it could have been good if it was given enough time. This was a weird match as we knew The Roadwarriors were likely fighting on the PPV later yet decided to right here anytime.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth. Macho predicts the most violent, wild and flamboyant cage match ever tonight. Macho says he's one half of The Mega Powers. Macho talks about Flair coming in and destroying his world one year ago. He says he's defending everything that he thinks he is and wants to be against Flair tonight. Macho says Woman made the wrong decision in joining with Flair.

Hugh Morrus vs Chris Kanyon

Kanyon side headlocks him. Hugh backs him up onto the buckles. Hugh side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Hugh pops up Kanyon and he falls on his gut. Hugh hits a corner lariat.

Hugh botches a springboard twisting crossbody. Hugh rolls him up for 2. Kanyon top rope crossbodies him for 2. Kanyon hits punches then Hugh gorilla press slams Kanyon. Hugh hits a nice top rope moonsault and wins.

It was just a quick squash. Hugh had a botch here and it was too short to be anything. Hugh won as expected. 

The Giant and Jimmy Hart are interviewed by Mean Gene. Hart says Hulk was champ when he managed him. He said he turned his back on Hulk and Hulk's world fell apart. Giant says this is the night for nightmares for Hulkamaniac. He says he will shred him into meat and brutalize the Bay Front area. He says Hulk can't run tonight in the cage. 

Eric and Gusty talk Hulk vs Giant. Dusty says Hulk leads WCW and says Hulkamania will be here when it's over.

Big Bubba and VK Wallstreet vs Sgt. Craig Pittman & Joey Maggs

VK and Bubba are both wearing suits. Teddy Long is with Sarge and Maggs.

VK knees Maggs in the gut then slams him. VK leapfrogs and Maggs dropkicks him for 2. VK eye pokes him. Sarge and Bubba go at it. Sarge is knee'd from the apron and takes a lariat. Bubba and Sarge collide and both go down.

Sarge hits headbutts to the gut. Maggs comes in and hits punches on Bubba. Bubba misses a corner charge then Maggs dropkicks him. Bubba misses a step up enzugiri then Maggs hits one of his own for 2. Bubba sidewalk slams him and wins.

Thoughts: This was a really unusual pairing and definitely something different. It was too short to be much though. This is probably the most high profile match Maggs was ever involved in except for a World War 3 battle royale.

The heels stomp on the faces after. Jim Duggan comes out to make the save and nails VK with the 2x4.

We get a video on the Giant/Hulk and Flair/Macho matches tonight.

Ric Flair and Woman are interviewed by Mean Gene Okerlund. Woman says whatever she wants, Ric Flair gets. Flair says they are live tonight. He says he now stands next to Woman. He says two guys walk in the cage tonight and one goes out on a stretcher. He says he got 8 stitches at Starrcade. He promises that one of them bleeds and one of them wins tonight. He says one of them will get carried out. He tells Macho to bring Miss Elizabeth as she can ride Space Mountain after. He says Woman doesn't care if she does. He says he will be a 13x world champ tonight.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs The Loch Ness Monster

This is Loch Ness Monster's debut in WCW. Kevin Sullivan and Jimmy Hart come out first and Jim beats up on Kevin. Loch gets in the ring and starts pounding on Jim. Loch hits a big elbow drop. Craig Pittman comes out to help Jim then gets hit and elbow dropped by Loch. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker then comes down and gets an elbow drop. Other jobbers then come out and take elbow drops as well for unknown reasons.

Thoughts: The jobbers coming out was stupid. They all got beaten up and I don't people like Buddy Lee Parker were friendly enough with Duggan even in kayfabe to come to his defense. The match never really started and was shenanigans from the start. 

We get a video on The Giant and Hogan's feud.

Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Hulk says he flew into town today and said he saw The Hulkamaniacs running for cover. He says there was some turbulence. He says he brought them in for a safe landing. He says evil lurks around the Bay Front Center tonight. He says all that people will remmeber is whether you were a winner or a loser. He says he wants to tear The Giant apart. Hulk asks Gene who he thinks will win.

Hulk says his wife and kids are hiding at the beach. He says he reads to his kids to cool off and said the book he read said, "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Hulk says he told his kids you gotta fight for what you want in the real world. He says the only thing the world will know tonight is that Hulk ain't no toy and still rules the wrestling world.

Gene then hypes the PPV to close the show.

Overall thoughts:
It was a PPV pre-show and not a normal show. The goals were to get people to buy the ppv and the matches were just secondary here. I was surprised they debuted The Loch Ness Monster on this one. None of the matches were very long or any good.  I would have put the cruiserweights on this one to get people hyped up for some action and would have had at least one match get 5 minutes or so to play out. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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