Thursday, February 20, 2025

TNA Impact 2/20/2025

TNA Impact 2/20/2025

Last week's show is here:

They are at Full Sail University, NXT's old home.

Joe Hendry is out for his concert. Joe says he will face anyone from any company for the title and says he wrote a song about it. He ends up getting interrupted by Eddie and Orlando Colon. Eddie says it's a good night as they are making their TNA debut. Eddie says they are serious competitors and it's all about business. Eddie says they are violent people. The crowd chants "Where's Carlito?". Eddie tells Orlando to break Joe's neck. They go to attack an the lights go out.

Eliah aka WWE's Elias comes out. He says he sees two men in the ring looking for a fight and that's why he decided to join TNA tonight. He says if you wanna walk with me or Joe Hendry, you're in luck. Elijah asks, "Who wants to walk with Elijah?".

Elijah says The Colon's arrived and he made a better arrival. He says this area could use a colon clense. He asks if Joe has his guitar ready. Santino then comes out.  Santino says this is his kind of show. He says tonight it will be Joe Hendry and Elijah vs The Colon's. He says it will smell fantastic. Elijah says he's looking forward to it but says he doesn't see any reason why they can't have a concert right now.

Elijah then plays his guitar and both sing to end the segment.

Thoughts: This was a total shock and a well kept surprise. TNA needed some new blood and names and it seems like these people could be it. Joe and Elijah are a cool pairing as they are bot musicians and hopefully Elijah sticks around so they can do more together. I don't expect a lot out of The Colon's but they are fresh faces at least. It would have been better to build up some of these people though so the fans could get excited, speculate and tune in to see who who would appear.

Gia Miller interviews Leon Slater. Leon says The System don't see him as an equal and he says that's not him. Leon says his mindset for tonight is that The System doesn't respect him. He says he doesn't need The System, but they need him. Leon says there's no rules or excuses tonight, just him earning his place in TNA.

Gia interviews The Colon's in the back. Orlando says they see a company that needs them and their family legacy/tradition. Orlando says TNA has had the wrong group of guys around for a long time. Orlando says they are history and legacy and says they are now TNA Wrestling.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

Wes Lee is with Igwe and Tyson. Ace Austin is with The Rascalz. The Rascalz flip on their opponents as they enter. They then hit stereo topes outside. Tyson gets his back double stomped and is pulled over the top. Igwe throws Zach at Trey.

Igwe spinning slams Trey then Tyson hits a big euro on Trey for 2. Tyson drops Trey. Trey botches a spot and kicks both opponents. Zach axe kicks Tyson then hits a double top rope dropkick. Zach hits kicks on both opponents and running ssp's Igwe for 2.

Wes slips in as Igwe is about to take a double team. Igwe takes a double superkick. Trey takes a double team backdrop. Wentz tornillos out onto Tyson. Trey top rope diving meteora's Igwe. Wentz top rope swantons Igwe and The Rascalz win.

Thoughts: It short and didn't get enough time. It wasn't the cleanest match they could have had. The lack of time just really limited this one though and prevented it from being great.

Wes gets on the mic after. He says Ace needs to stop sticking his nose in their business. Wes challenges them to a trios match at Sacrifice. 

First Class come out and does a First Class Penthouse segment. They have a bunch of people with them including Valentina (maybe Feroz?), a girl named Gabby and a street racing girl named Carolina. He also has some record producer with him and some rappers. He also has Noelle Foley and Frank The Clown. AJ says he's upset with the lack of opportunities so TNA gave him his own Piper's Pit segment. AJ said it worked and said he has always been a Roddy Piper guy. He said he hated Hulk Hogan before it was cool.

He says he never got the credit for starting Hendrymania and said he hosted The CheezIt Bowl. AJ says he has a guest and it's AJ Francis. The crowd boos. AJ says he left this place to make money at another place then came back to save this place. KC says that smells like a lot of money, money, money. They say if you aren't first class, you are last.

Thoughts: I get the idea here but it just wasn't the best segment. We needed something to happen here or someone to interrupt and it didn't happen, so it wasn't that good.

Lei Ying Lee vs Rosemary

Rose hanging headscissors her early over the top rope. Rose clubs on Lee. Lee corner back elbows her and splashes her. Lee flying kicks her for 2. Rose reverse ddt's her for 2.

Rose misses a corner charge. Lee jawbreakers her. Lee hits punches and chest forearms. Lee hits back elbows on Rose then does an airplane spin drop variation her for 2. Lee corkscrew kicks her and gets the win.

It was shorter and not that good. Lee didn't really hit her strikes and there wasn't much logic here or anything.

Rose green mists Lee after.

Sami Callihan is in the back. He's looking for Mance Warner. He finds him and Steph De Lander and he pounds on Mance. He bangs Mance's head off a box then hits him with the camera.

Lei Ying Lee is being checked on in the back. Tessa Blanchard says she's ready for her physical and says to stop focusing on Lee. Tessa mocks her and tells her to brush off the mist. The doctor mouths off to Tessa and she rants at him. The doctor tells her she can be next. Tessa says this is on him.

The Northern Armory comes out. Eric Young says he did what he had to do and eliminated Josh Alexander forever. He says that was a statement and a celebration of his power. He says Josh started The Northern Armory but he was too weak to keep it so he took it from him. Eric says Judas and Travis were boys under Josh but will be champs under him. He says they will stand next to him at the top of the company. He says no one has seen what he has seen and done what he has done. He says no one sacrificed like he sacrificed. He says he's the foundation, the lifeblood, the gatekeeper and the one of TNA.

Eric says Steve Maclin should be with them. Eric tells Steve to come out and join them so they can run the company forever. Steve doesn't come out. Eric says Steve trusts him and says they are brothers and family. He says maybe he took out Josh for Steve. He says the business isn't black and white, it's red, blood red.

We see clips of a meeting from earlier. I think it's an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Mike Satana is there then Mustafa Ali, The Good Hands and Tasha Steelz talk in. Ali says they are all inspiring. He says they went to war with their addictions and won. Ali says to take it one day at a time and says the addiction lives in them. He says to let the leaders lead and the followers follow. He says some people change but people like Mike don't.

We see Moose's appearance on NXT this week. 

No DQ Match - JDC vs Leon Slater

Leon hits punches. JDC grabs a chair and gets facekicked. JDC chops the post when Leon moves. Leon uses the chair on JDC's hand then boots him in the head.

Leon sets up a table. Leon is whipped into a table but jumps over it. Leon then jumps over it with a forearm on JDC. Leon flips over the post on JDC outside.

JDC knees Leon in the gut then release suplexes him on a chair. We go to break and return. JDC hits kendo stick shots on Leon. Leon leg lariats him then hits him with a kendo stick for 2. They fight on the apron and Leon is lariated into the ring. JDC is put on a table and Leon hits a swanton 450 off the top, sending JDC through a table.

The System come out and send Leon through a table. JDC then pins Leon to win.

The swanton 450 spot off the top was nice but it was mostly a hardcore match and was just okay.

The System go to attack Leon more then The Hardy Boys come out. The Hardy's get beaten up by The System then Oba Femi comes out. Oba beats up The System on his own.

The System argue in the back. Santino Marella goes up to them. Santino says it will be Myers, Edwards and Moose vs The Hardy's and Oba Femi. The System then argue more.

Tessa Blanchard comes out. She says she won't be wrestling tonight as the doctor said she wasn't a priority. The crowd really goes at her hard and she fires back. She said she doesn't wait in line and the crowd chants, "she's a racist" and "Tessa, we comin for you",  which I assume is referencing the Booker T promo on Hulk from WCW.

Santino says he's here to talk to Tessa. Santino says she got out of a match and he's tired of it. Santino says she's fired if she doesn't wrestle next week. Masha Slamovich comes out. Masha says she wants to see Tessa wrestle week and hopes she isn't fired until she gets a chance to beat and brutalize her. The crowd chants, "please don't wrestle". Masha asks to wrestle since there's an opponent in the ring.

Masha Slamovich vs Mila Moore

Mila boots Masha as she enters and chokes her on the ropes. Masha spinning backfists her then hits a single leg package piledriver to win.

Cora Jade then nails Masha from behind. She knees her in the face then hits a double underhook ddt on her. Cora stares down Tessa and has words with her on the ramp.

Santino and Arianna Grace talk. Santino says Masha will defend her title against Cora Jade at Sacrifice. Arianna says they will make history with this inter-promotional showdown. George Iceman, Ash and Heather by Elegance walk in. They said the ref was a moron and his crew deserves a rematch. Spitfire then walks in. Spitfire says they will them a rematch but it's a Santino decision. George says Spitfire aren't good enough to carry their bags. Santino says in the match if Spitfire wins, The Elegance crew will be their concierge's. Spitfire then says they will do it for The Elegance crew if they lose.

Ryan Nemeth comes out. He says his big brother Nic Nemeth returns to TNA in 22 days at Sacrifice.

Joe Hendy and Elijah vs The Colon's (Orlando and Eddie Colon)

Eddie and Joe go at it. Joe side headlock takeovers him and Eddie headscissors him. Eli gets in and takes shots from Eddie. Eli flying lariats him. Eli hits shoulders on Eddie then walks the top rope and nails Eddie. Eddie takes a double back elbow.

We go to break and return. Joe and Orlando trade. Joe shoulders him over then does a delayed suplex on him. Joe then fallaway slams Eddie. Orlando nails Joe from behind. Eddie dropkicks Joe. Eddie chinlocks Joe. Joe sunset flips him then rolls him up for 2. Eddie dropkicks Joe. Eddie russian legsweeps Joe for 2. Eddie pounds on Joe. Joe hits euros then Eddie knee drops him.

Eddie guillotines Joe. Joe suplexes Eddie. Eli gets in and hits shots on Orlando. He atomic drops him then facekicks him over. Elijah spinebusters Eddie for 2. Orlando comes off the buckles and takes a jumping knee from Eli. Joe lariats Eddie over the top. Orlando throws Joe over the top. Eli then tombstones Orlando and pins him.

Thoughts: It was an average match. The result was a lose-lose as someone was losing on their debut here and it turned out to be The Colon's. I don't blame TNA for choosing the faces to win though. This was only going to be so good because it was a cold match and had no real storyline or angle behind it.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual average TNA episode. Elijah and Oba appearing were nice surprises, but it's not enough to make the show great. I would have liked to have seen The Rascalz match get more time and it would have been nice if JDC/Leon got to be more of an epic. Tessa really got booed bad from the fans here as well. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't really recommend it.

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