Ring of Honor TV 11/9/2013
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/ring-of-honor-tv-1122013.html
Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino are on commentary. Kevin says they will move on and not talk about legal issues in the settlement. Steve says they are buddies and asks what he's talking about.
Tommaso Ciampa vs Jesse Sorensen
TC and Jesse lock up. Jesse waistlocks him then TC side headlocks him. TC shoulders him over and Jesse pops back up. TC shoulders him over, Jesse pops up and is thrown backwards. Jesse gets a sunset flip off a leapfrog and dropkicks him. Jesse ducks a running knee.
TC cravates him. Jesse dropkicks him. Jesse hits a punch and does a botched fameasser. Jesse dropkicks him. TC knees him off the apron from the bottom rope. TC clubs him outside.
Mats are pulled up from the floor then Jesse plancha's TC. We go to break and return. TC lariats Jesse in the ring. Jesse back elbows him then hits a jumping neckbreaker. Jesse hits a nekcbreaker then a mcgillicutter for 2.
Jesse hits a step up enzugiri. TC hits a sitout torture rack bomb for 2. TC running knees Jesse in the corner twice. Jesse hits a sunset bomb and TC's spine bangs on Jesse's knee. TC throws Jesse shoulder first into the buckles then does a sicilian stretch on him. TC then wins.
Thoughts: Jesse had one botch here but it was acceptable. Jesse got most of the offense in on this one before losing as expected.
We get a video on Outlaw Inc.
Next week it's Champions vs All Stars. Cole says it's #1 vs 2. Bobby Fish says the four are the bridesmaids and never the brides as they pull up lame when the lights shine the brightest. It'll be Adam Cole, Red Dragon and Matt Taven vs Michael Elgin, Jay Lethal and C&C Wrestle Factory.
Adrenaline Rush (ACH and Tadarius Thomas) vs Outlaw Inc. (Homicide and Eddie Kingston)
Hom is wearing a clown mask with a brown fro. Hom hugs everyone. Eddie waistlock takedowns ACH. Eddie cravates him. ACH side headlocks him. Eddie shoulders him over then armdrags him off the hiptoss. ACH dropkicks him.ACH corner enzugiri's him.
ACH hits a neat top rope diving euro on Eddie. ACH teases a springboard but instead does a flip into a flip. We go to break and Elgin says it's champions vs all-stars next week. He says it's about Adam Cole and the ROH Title. Cole says there's a reason Elgin's team aren't champs and he will prove it. Elgin says Cole has a week to look at his belt and kiss it goodbye.
We return Hom does a 2nd rope double ankle breaker I guess on ACH. Hom dropkicks the knee then Eddie reverse cloverleafs ACH. Hom pulls ACH's leg around the middle rope then STF's him. ACH flatliners Hom.
TD gets in. He backrolls Hom and kicks him from the mat. He hits kicks on Eddie. Hom irish whips TD and TD does a tope on Eddie off of it. TD 2nd rope superplexes Hom for 2. Hom neckbreakers TD then Eddie sliding lariats TD in the back of the head. ACH comes in out of nowhere and splashes Eddie's back. TD puts Hom up top. TD ends up taking an electric chair bulldog and is pinned.
Thoughts: It wasn't that good. It didn't get a lot of time and didn't have a ton of rhythm to it.
Eddie gets on the mic again. He says it's another show where Red Dragon ducks them. Eddie calls them snowflake and gets a chant going for that. Eddie then calls them a bunch of p*ssies.
We get a video on Jay Briscoe's situation where he was stripped of the ROH Title. Kevin Kelly says Jay is a danger to those around him in ROH.
Roderick Strong vs Paul London
RS waistlock takedowns him. Paul does the same to him and they stand off. RS takes him down by the leg and front facelocks him. Paul hits a hard facekick. RS takes him down then Paul hits a nice running dropkick. Paul plancha's him outside. We go to break and return. RS double underhook bridging twisting backbreakers him.
RS chops him in the corner. Paul hits forearms on him then goes up and over. RS sends him into the post gut first. RS pulls him against the post. They crossbody each other at the same time.
They trade forearms. Paul boots him from the ropes then germans him. Paul hits lariats and spinning heel kicks him. Paul flips out of a back body drop and leg lariats him for 2. RS hits corner spears on Paul. Paul goes to springboard and RS dropkicks him. Paul dropsaults him off the apron then tope con hilos him. Paul hits a springboard dropkick for 2. Paul is yanked into a backbreaker for 2. RS superplexes him for 2.
RS crabs him. Paul rolls him up off of it for 2. Paul knees him in the face then is hit with a forearm. RS goes for a gutbuster but Paul double stomps him off of it in a cool spot. They trade forearms. Paul clubs on him then superkicks him. Paul hits a jade end for 2.
Paul misses a double stomp off the apron then RS half-nelson slams him on the apron. RS hits a double knee gutbuster and sick kicks him for 2. Paul sunset flips him off a double underhook. RS jumping knees him then double underhook powerbombs him. RS crabs him. Paul headscissors him out of the ring into a tombstone. Paul top rope double stomps RS' back. Paul then hits an SSP and wins.
Thoughts: This was a random match but I liked it and I thought it was good. It's 2025 and Strong is basically wrestling the same match today. There were lots of backbreakers as you would expect and Paul took a beating. Paul looked really good here with his agility and easily seemed a step above everyone else. I would have liked them to lean more into face vs heel stuff though since London is a good face.
Overall thoughts: The main was the only thing worthwhile on here. There were virtually no storylines going on in this one either, so it was an average show. It was easy to get through but I wouldn't give it more than 5 out of 10 overall. I wouldn't recommend this one.
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