Friday, February 21, 2025

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #6 7/24/2002

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #6 7/24/2002

Last week's show is here:

Ed Ferrara, Don West and Mike Tenay are on commentary.

We are at the TNA Asylum for this one. The venue they started in was definitely too big and this one is smaller. This venue is a lot darker though and doesn't look as good.

We open the show with Jeff Jarrett chairing guards and complaining about not getting a title shot. He says he's not leaving the building until the NWA Title is around his waist. Security guards go up to Ken Shamrock and get beaten up. One of them tells Ken he isn't going through him then he gets speared through a table. Ken Shamrock tells Don Harris and Bob Armstrong he's going out. Someone named Ian Harrison, who is friends with Ken, is told to block the door so no one gets through.

Bill Behrens, the NWA President comes out. He says all the stuff Jeff has been doing ends here. Bill says Jeff is suspended for 60 days. Bill says he needs to go or security will drag Jeff out. Jeff chairs Bill.

Ken Shamrock comes out. He hits a bunch of punches on Jeff. Monty Brown and Apollo stop Ken but then Jeff chairs Ken. K-Krush and Brian Lawler then come down and get Jeff to back off. 

Thoughts: You know the deal here. They kind of joined this in progress and with it being at a new arena, I thought this was a clip of like a house show or something.

Low-Ki vs The Amazing Red

This is Red's TNA debut. They each hit kicks and Red armdrags him. Red then dropkicks him out. Red then jumps off the apron and diving headscissors him outside. Red hits shots on Ki. Ki misses a corner charge and Red dropkicks Ki from behind.

Red boots Ki out of the corner and diving neckbreakers him off the 2nd rope. Ki flips Red off of him and hits a hard koppo kick that sends him flying. Ki slams Red then flashing elbows him for 2. Ki cravates him. They say Low-Ki's name comes from "No Diggity".

Ki springboard kicks Red for 2. Ki double underhook suplexes him and backrolls into a seated double underhook submission on him. Red is crotched on the top rope then Ki does a hanging dragon sleeper.

Ki hits knees on Red's gut. Red hits kicks then is dragon screwed. Ki then hits a hard chest kick to Red, sending him backwards. Red legsweeps then standing ssp's Red. Red hits a code red on Ki for 2. Red tornado ddt's Ki for 2.

Ki legsweeps him and is upkicked. Red hits a corkscrew kick on Ki. Red misses a skytwister press then Ki handspring cartwheel kicks him. Ki then wins with a ki krusher.

Thoughts: It was a good opener here. It was fast paced and the two really matched up well. Red had no intro or anything here yet he definitely got over and looked like someone who absolutely needed to be signed. This was a big success and I want to see a rematch. Red taking the loss didn't even hurt him here.

Jeff Jarrett goes up to Ian Harrison, who Jeff calls "Joe Steroids". Ian challenges him to a fight if he wants it. Jeff says they will do it on his time.

America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. The Hot Shots (Cassidy O'Reilly & Chase Stevens)

Cass says they are pricks, they're proud and they are protruding in a real great line. Tenay calls AMW "The Rodney Dangerfield's of the Tag Division". We see an AMW interview from earlier. They say The Hot Shots attacked them a few weeks ago. Harris goes to smoke during the interview. Storm says they will teach those pricks a lesson and takes with a cowboy accent. Chris complains about the cowboy stuff. He says he's the best but says this gimmick sucks. Storm asks what he's talking about with the cowboy gimmick. Chris says no more of the Stan Hansen crap and tells him not to bring a cap gun to the ring. Storm says it's going down in Tulsa tonight, even though they are in Nashville.

AMW goes after The Shots outside and Chase is sent into the rail. Cass takes a spinebuster. Storm flying headscissors Cass then Chris hits a nice flying spear.  Chase misses a shot and is delay suplexed. Chris hits an overhead suplex then Storm is knocked hard off the apron. Storm is dropped throat first onto the rails.

Chase hits a dropkick for 2. Storm takes a double boot and a double basement dropkick. Storm comes back on Cass then Cass handspring back elbows him. Cass hits a splite-legged moonsault for 2. Storm takes a cutter over the top into a wheelbarrow german. Storm is supposed to avoid a top rope moonsault but ends up rolling into it.

Chris gets in and hits punches on Chase. He bulldogs him then thesz presses Cass with punches. Chris hits a double lariat. Storm hits a reverse tornado ddt. Chris northern lights suplexes Cass and wins.

Thoughts: It was a little rushed here but you could see the talent in Storm and Harris. It's a shame The Hot Shots were given such awful material to work with on the mic. It wasn't perfect but I'd still say it was acceptable.

AMW is attacked after by Cass. Chris takes a superkick into a german then Storm takes one as well. The hot Shots grab Storm's guns and hit him with them after.

Goldilocks is in the back where Ken is being worked on by a doctor. Ken is told he got hit in the head. He then grabs the doctor and asks where Jeff is. Ken then flips a stool.

Apolo vs. Brian Lawler

Apolo is slammed early. He shoulders BL over then front suplexes him. BL hits punches in the corner then Apolo hits chops and punches. Apolo goes up and over and it's a high sky. Apolo hits punches then runs into a boot from BL.

BL chokes him with a necklace and chokes him on the ropes. BL slides out and punches him. Apolo suplexes him but BL gets his knees up on Apolo's splash. BL 2nd rope dropkicks him for 2. BL chinlocks him.

Apolo hits elbows to the gut and is eye raked. BL tries to duck a lariat but ends up taking one anyway. Apolo slams him and legdrops him for 2. Apolo hits a superkick and goes for a TKO. BL reverse ddt's him. BL's mouth is busted open and he hits shots on Apolo.

BL neckbreakers him and dances. Apolo then rolls him up from behind to win.

Thoughts: I liked the finish and it came at the right time. It was an average but acceptable match here with both guys doing what they were supposed to. Apolo really needs some promo time if they are going to push him so people know what he's about and why they should care.

BL argues with Don West after. He pulls Don's headset off and chokes him.

K-Krush comes out. Krush says K-Krush is no longer and his name is "The Truth". He says they gave him that name.  He says no longer will they name him or will he be their puppet. He says he won't talk when they want him to talk and he says he won't abide by their guidelines. He says it's all about the d@mn truth now. He says Allen Iverson was held down by them and says he's nothing but a criminal by those who want to hold him down. He says Mike Tyson was the greatest boxer ever but is nothing but a criminal by those who want to hold him down. He says people like him have been held down by they. He then brings up Darryl Strawberry, Rey Lewis and OJ Simpson.

Monty Brown comes out to Abyss' music and says, "poor, poor, oppressed one". He says we have heard enough about what Truth has to say. He tells Truth not to go there if he's going there. Brown says he's been to 2 Superbowls. He says nothing was given to him but he left it to make his opportunity in the NWA. He says "they" helped him make the opportunity. He says Truth can talk the talk but not walk the walk. He says the truth may be that K-Krush ain't all that. He says he may take out Truth right now.

Truth says he has no problems with him. He tells him to get his sellout Uncle Tom @ss out of the ring. Truth hits him then Truth takes a front suplex. Brown hits shots on Truth in the corner. Truth ducks a lariat then Brown powerbombs him. Brown then rips Turth's Iverson jersey off.

I'm not a fan of these types of angles and characters. Truth doesn't need this stuff as he's talented enough without it. At least Brown got to do something here.

We see a Mike Tenay interview from earlier in the day with AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn. The first attempt air this fails and they restart it. AJ says Lynn opened his eyes last week. He says he has only been in the business for 3-4 years and he only sees wrestling. He says he wants to be like Lynn and have titles like him. AJ says Lynn has been there and done that and he says he knows Lynn is trying to educate him. Lynn says he was in AJ's shoes. Lynn says you gotta fight for what you get and says now that AJ realizes that, they can get on with their business. Lynn says The Flying Elvises are a great team but the fans will see Lynn and AJ work as a unit. Lynn says there's been a lot of selfishness on their parts and says the fans will see what they are capable of.

I haven't been a fan of how this angle has been done since the start. If they are going to just start ignoring all that and getting along, I'm okay with that as I think it's best for both guys. 

NWA World Tag Team Title Match - AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn (c) vs. The Flying Elvises (Jimmy Yang & Jorge Estrada)

JE = Jorge Estrada

Sonny Siaki comes on commentary. Sonny says AJ and Lynn are no competition for them. Lynn and JE go at it. They trade wristlocks. Lynn armdrags him. JE side slams him. JE misses an asai moonsault and is spun upside down.

JE hurricanrana's him. Sonny says his team knows all they know because of him. Lynn spinning headscissors JE. JE is double popped up then takes a basement dropkick and legdrop. AJ spin kicks him for 2. JE headscissors him into the buckles then slams him.

AJ misses a dropkick on Yang. Yang stomps on him then AJ hurricanrana's him from the mat. They say Yang has been wrestling in All Japan for the last few weeks. AJ backdrops Yang. AJ running swantons Yang.

Lynn flying snapmares Yang then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. AJ headscissors Yang over then corner forearms him. AJ tries a top rope twisting crossbody but Yang gets his knee up. AJ is thrown out then JE is sent into the rails. Sonny then lariats AJ outside but the camera's miss it. Yang does la escalera on AJ. 

Yang hits corner spears on AJ. JE suplexes AJ for 2. JE hits knee drops on AJ. JE side effect's AJ for 2. AJ is dropped gut first on the top rope twice. JE asai moonsaults AJ for 2. JE running lariats AJ then JE spinebusters him. JE knee drops him. Yang slingshot swantons AJ.

AJ asai moonsaults into a reverse ddt on Yang. JE punches AJ in the gut in the corner then Yang does it as well. AJ hits punches on JE then misses a dropkick. Yang pounds and stomps on AJ.  Lynn gets the hot tag in and hits a big back body drop on Yang. Lynn 2nd rope sunset bombs JE for 2. Lynn is popped up and dropkicks Yang. Lynn then plancha's Yang outside. Yang's mouth is busted open.

JE then asai moonsaults on Lynn outside. AJ does a wild dive to the outside and ends up nailing Lynn when their opponents get pushed out of the way by Siaki. Yang and JE hit a top rope splash + top rope legdrop combo. Lynn is bleeding all over the place. AJ basically takes a double muscle buster.

AJ hits a neckbreaker then spinning lariats Yang. AJ goes up top and Lynn slingshot splashes JE to win it. AJ is stuck up top and stares at Lynn in shock from the top.

Thoughts: The match went long and just wasn't as good as it should have been. They just didn't have the best pacing here and the announcers were too busy arguing with Siaki on commentary to put this over.

AJ is angry after and leaves on his own in a dumb angle.

The Disco Inferno is on a couch on the stage for a segment called "Jive Talkin'". He says he's the world famous Disco Inferno. He says he's done everything and says he was in the Wolfpack and one of the sexiest wrestlers in PWI. He says he also helped cost Bill Goldberg his first match. He says he retired Joey Maggs and beat Duane Gill 16 times straight on TV. He says scholars will study him and hope to repeat the same successes of his career. Disco says he has been to all the parties, met the top actors and has judged swimsuit competitions.

Disco says he's here to provide his knowledge and wisdom to those who need it. He says he will teach AJ Styles to be a superstar and teach Ken Shamrock what the meaning of "personality" is. He says he will help make Jerry Lynn look younger with the help of cosmetic surgery. He says he will teach Jeff Jarrett and the state of Tennessee how to speak English. He says knowledge is freedom and will help release people from the desperate lives they lead. Disco says life is like a disco ball and he will provide the ray of hope that will lead people to a better tomorrow. He tells Oprah and Montel Williams to get out of the way as he will debut Jive Talkin'.

Thoughts: This wasn't good and Russo definitely had his hands all over it. The problem was Disco talked about his accomplishments and mentioned stuff that wasn't very impressive which made him come off like an idiot when you know, maybe you could say he had a decent career otherwise. This was also just generic heel insults aside from that. This was not a good debut for Disco.

Ken Shamrock goes up to his buddy Ian and asks about Jerry. Ian says he's looking for Ken.

Elix Skipper & Monty Brown vs. Johnny Swinger & Simon Diamond

This is Swinger and Simon's debut. There were no packages or anything for them. Elix spin kicks Simon then Simon eye pokes him. Simon hits punches. Elix is popped up and hurricanrana's Simon. Elix rolls up Simon for 2.

Brown comes in and lariats Swinger then hits punches on him. Simon gets hit from both. Simon takes a double dropkick. Swinger lariats Elix from the apron. Elix takes a nice side slam + reverse ddt combo. Swinger hits a wrist-clutch russian legsweep on Elix. Elix bridges out of a 2nd rope twisting crossbody.

Simon lariats Elix. Simon hits suplexes on Elix then sitout gordbusters him for 2. Elix is double teamed in the corner. Elix takes a double flatliner for 2. Swinger boots Elix in the corner. Simon lariats Swinger from the apron but accident then Elix superkicks Simon. Elix backflip northern lights suplexes Swinger.

Brown gets in and hits shots on Simon. Brown powerslams Simon then gorilla press drops Swinger onto Simon. Elix takes like a double team flapjack. Brown takes punches from both opponents. Brown powerbombs Simon and wins.

I liked this just I wished it had some build to it. Simon looked polished and you could see the potential in both Elix and Brown. I don't have a problem with them winning. I'd like ot see both teams again.

Truth comes in. Elix pushes Brown into Truth then Truth chokes Brown with a a belt. He then hangs him with it and Elix walks away like he didn't do anything.

Again, if Elix had history with either of these two it would make more sense, but him basically turning on Brown was random. 

Goldilocks interviews The Dupp's. She say she's leaving if they make one crude remark or look. Stan says pink is his favorite color and she says she's gonna leave. Bo asks where Fluff is at and Stan calls him a retard. Bo says he left Fluff with Pop Dupp. Stan says Pop OD'd on viagra last time and the sheep and Fluff walked funny for 2 weeks. Bo says they don't have a have match. Stan says you just need to bump into someone and starts bumping into Goldi. Bo puts his hand on Goldi's chest and Stan plays with his lighter. Bo asks if it'll work with a guy. Stan says to go try it on Ian. Bo then grabs Ian. They argue and Bo says they should take this into the ring.

Thoughts: This was as bad as it sounds and probably even worse. 

Bo Dupp vs Ian Harrison

Borash doesn't know who Ian is and calls him "some big musclehead Brit" when The Dupp's say that his name.

Ian's a huge dude. Bo boots on Ian and elbows him. Ian lariats Bo then slams him. for 2. Stan is on commentary. Bo hits Ian from behind then Ian shoulders him over. Bo running facekicks him then splashes him for 2.

Ian backdrops Bo as the crowd chants, "who are you?". Ian gorilla press slams him. Bo hits boots and clubs on Ian. Ian hits corner spears. Bo ducks a lariat and is powerslammed for 2. Stan then intergferes.

It was another random match here. Ian didn't look bad and I didn't mind what we got but it had a dirty finish and wasn't much.

Ian overhead suplexes Stan into the ropes after. Ian breaks Bo's board.

Jeff Jarrett goes to the back now that Ian is not blocking the door. Ken goes after Jeff and security break it up along with Apolo and Don Harris. Don says he will take care of things his way.

NWA World Heavyweight Title Ladder vs Submission Match - Ken Shamrock (c) vs. Sabu

Ken hits shots to the gut of Sabu. Ken lariats Sabu over. Ken goes for the leg lock and Sabu ropebreaks. Ken does another leglock on Sabu and Sabu ropebreaks. Ken chinlocks Sabu on the mat. Mike Tenay tells us that security has left and said to let everyone kill each other.

Ken hits high kicks on Sabu then snapmares him. Ken chinlocks Sabu. Sabu lariats Ken and armbars him. Ken leglocks him and Sabu ropebreaks. Sabu hits punches on Ken. We are told Ricky Steamboat will have full authority over the show next week. Sabu springboard leg lariats Ken then slingshot legdrops Ken.

Ken stomps on Sabu. Ken corner leg lariats him. Sabu grabs a ladder and Ken baseball slides it into him. They go to the ramp and Ken throws Sabu into one of the dancer cages. Sabu is sent into the post then Ken is sent into the rail.

Sabu sets a table up. Ken is put on it. Sabu double springboards and swantons onto the table when Ken moves. Ken then climbs the ladder and the lights go out. Ken can't get the belt down. Malice comes down and hits Ken on the ladder. Malice then chokeslams Ken down. Malice then grabs the title belt and leaves.

I don't know what this was at all. I guess you could win by submission or by grabbing the title? It didn't matter though as we had a non-finish anyway. The match was weird with them trying to submissions then Sabu going into his usual spots. They didn't get much time though and the full concept of this didn't get explored. That may have been a good thing. I didn't think this was that good.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good show. Red/Ki had a good match. Truth had a bad segment that led to a bad turn from Elix on Brown later on in the night. The Hot Shots were given bad material to work with and The Dupp's had their usual disgusting segment. AJ and Lynn's feud seems like it was patched up but the issues are still going on and they had a boring match with The Flying Elvises. I liked the Diamond/Swinger match but they lost and it was random. The main had a stupid gimmick to it and ended with a non-finish. The Jarrett stuff didn't lead to anything except Steamboat coming in the next week. I'd give this one a 3 out of 10 as we had a lot of random matches and appearances, a main that ended on a stupid finish, Jeff Jarrett stuff that didn't get resolved and the usual lewd stuff from Russo. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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