Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 4/13/2024 Live Tour 2024 Spring
This show has Juria Nagano's final two matches before retiring. I was disappointed about her retiring as she only had 35 matches and it was kind of a waste.
Hyper Misao talks before the show. Up Up Girls then come out and perform.
Pom Harajuku, Shino Suzuki & Yuki Aino vs. Juria Nagano, Kaya Toribami & Moka Miyamoto
JN and Aino go at it. Aino ducks shots and side headlock takeovers her. Aino shoulders her over and is hit by Pom on the apron. Pom comes in with some kind of paper and gives it to JN while singing. JN accepts it and is cradled for 2. Pom shin kicks her then is tapped by Shino on the apron.
Moka boots and double axe handles Shino. She corner back elbows her. Kaya boots Shino in the gut in the corner then running knees her there. JN chops Shino for 2. Shino back elbows her. Aino shoulders JN over then stomps her gut. Aino sentons her for 2. Aino chinlocks her.
Pom snapmares JN and does her weak clubs on her for 2. Pom shin kicks JN and JN takes a weap triple team in the corner. Pok eye pokes JN then JN flying kicks her in the gut.
Kaya comes in and dropkicks Pom. Kaya rolls her from the 2nd rope into a pin attempt. Kaya then back handspring kicks her. Kaya armlocks Pom and Pom tries a pin off of it for 2. Pom backrolls into a spinning headscissors on her.
Moka and Aino get in. Moka hits her in the gut and slams her for 2. Moka grounded abdominal stretches her. Aino misses a senton on Moka. Aino pushes Moka into JN and shoulders Moka over. JN flying kicks her. Moka hits chest forearms. JN does karate chops on her then Aino shoulders her over. Aino gutwrench suplexes JN for 2. Moka holds Aino up top. Aino gets chopped by Moka and JN then is double thrown off the top. Moka and JN hit a double kick on Aino then JN 2nd rope chest kicks Aino. Aino reverse ddt's JN.
Shino comes in and running dropkicks JN for 2. JN chest kicks Shino down then flying kicks her. Pom tries to do katate poses at JN. Shino rolls up JN for 2 before she can get a shot in. Pom shin kicks JN then Aino shoulders over JN.
Shino neckbreakers JN for 2. 4 girls get in. Kaya and JN hit kicks together then Moka does a double leg lariat. JN high kicks Shino down. JN kick combos Shino then spin kicks her in the head for the win.
Thoughts: There were a ton of missed or weak shots here which really brought this down and made it hard to give it a good rating. This one really wasn't that good.
Yuki Kamifuku vs. Uta Takami
Yuki has like a foot on her. They lock up and Yuki has to duck or that. Uta waistlocks her then hammerlocks her. Uta side headlocks her and Yuki pulls the hair. Yuki side headlock takeovers her and tries to eye poke her.
Uta hits dropkicks. Uta hits chest forearms. Yuki eye pokes her and pushes her down with her foot. Uta is sent into the buckles and Yuki boots her in the corner. Yuki ties Uta's legs up and Uta rope breaks.
Yuki stomps on her. Uta hits chest forearms. Yuki slams her for 2. Yuki misse a dropkick then Uta running dropkicks her. Uta sleepers her then gets on her back with a sleeper. Yuki misses a corner facekick. UTa hits her from behind. Uta sunset flips her off the 2nd rope for 2.
Uta hits another dropkick for 2. Uta hits chest forearms and Yuki double chops her down. Yuki hits a hard running dropkick and wins.
Thoughts: It was kind of a one sided match with Uta getting a lot of underdog offense in and not making that much headway on Yuki. Yuki then put her down at the end with a dropkick. I suppose it did what it was supposed to here and Uta had a good showing.
Kira Summer, Mahiro Kiryu & Toga vs. Chika Nanase, Raku & Rika Tatsumi
Chika's team attacks before the bell. Toga and Kira are thrown into each other. MK takes a triple team and Raku's team steps on her. Kira's team comes back and does slams on each opponent. MK kneels on Chika's back and talks then double knee drops her.
Kira shoulders over Chika then slams her. Kira side headlock takeovers her. Chika ropebreaks to escape the side headlock. Kira running back elbows Chika. Toga comes in and shoulders Chika over. Toga slams her for 2.
Chika back elbows her and shoulders her over. Raku is tagged in. She hits chops on Toga then sits on her back and sunset flips her for 2. Toga forearms Raku over. MK dropkicks Raku then Raku facebusters her. MK side slams Raku then Raku slingblades her. Rika dragon screws MK over the 2nd rope then does a normal dragon screw.
MK forearms her in the neck from behind. Kira gets in and hits forearms then a slam on Rika. Kira legdrops her for 2. Kira then crabs her. Rika corner hip attacks Kira twice for 2. Rika backbreakers her then sleepers her. Rika dragon sleepers her and it is broken up.
Raku hits chops on MK and Toga then does a double russian legsweep to them. Rika and Chika hit bad elbow drops on opponents. Rika sleepers Chika then dragon sleepers her. Kira then taps out.
Thoughts: It was just an average match and wasn't good. Chika's really limited and even her elbows don't look that good. Toga's team took most of the offense here.
Mizuki & Nao Kakuta vs. Haru Kazashiro & Runa Okubo
Haru's in the blue and white and Runa's in the pink. Runa and Nao go at it. They trade wristlocks. Runa side headlocks her. Runa shoulders her over. Nao side headlocks Runa.
Nao stomps her on the mat then hair throws her. Miz gets in whips Nao into forearms on Runa. Runa's team then reverses it. They send Miz into Nao then hit their own running back elbows for 2. Haru hits chest forearms on Miz then back elbows her for 2.
Haru armbars Miz. Miz bangs Haru's head off the buckles. Nao hair throws Haru then chokes her on the ropes. Haru's head is banged off the buckles. Miz then facelocks her. Haru ropebreaks.
Nao hanging headscissors Haru over the top rope then stunners her over the top rope for 2. Haru rolls up Nao for 2 and Miz accidentally double stomps her own partner. Haru hits a double crossbody.
Runa running back elbows Nao then dropkicks her. Runa back body drops Nao for 2. Nao bulldogs Runa. Miz pulls Runa into the ropes and dropkicks her against the ropes for 2. Miz and Runa trade and Runa running back elbows her. Haru running dropkicks Miz twice for 2. Miz bridges out of the pin. Miz side headlocks her then crossfaces her.
Miz is pushed into Nao then Runa and Haru do stereo dropkicks on them. Haru cradles Miz for 2. Haru trips Miz then they reverse each others bridges for 2. Haru crossbodies Miz for 2. Miz hits a nice fallway slam with a bridge on Haru and pins her.
Thoughts: I didn't expect much out of this but I liked. Haru had good looking offense here and she and Runa did good as the underdogs. Mizuki was the best girl in here though with everything she did looking good. Her bridges were very nice in this.
HIMAWARI, Shoko Nakajima & Wakana Uehara vs. Daisy Monkey (Arisu Endo & Suzume) & Miu Watanabe
Hima and Miu go at it. Miu side headlocks her. Hima reverses a wristlock then Miu side headlocks her. Miu blocks Hima's roll-up attempt then stomps her. Miu side headlocks her.
Shoko armdrags Suzu and armlocks her. Shoko side headlocks her and Suzu headscissors her. They bridge uptogether. They sweep each other and stand off.
Waka and Endo go at it. Endo wristlocks her. Waka rolls and kips up out of it. Endo side headlocks her. Waka cartwheels into a dropkick on her. Waka misses a handspring back elbow and is dropkicked into the corner.
Waka takes a double back elbow. Miu throws her partners onto Waka. Suzu dropkicks Waka. Miu clubs on Waka and slams her. Miu chest forearms Waka over. Waka back elbows her. Shoko comes in and jumps off Miu's back to dropkick opponents on the apron. Shoko corner lariats Miu then botches a springboard and lands on her body. Shoko dropkicks Miu.
Shoko misses a 619. Hima comes in and flying back elbows Miu. Miu slams Hima then swinging backbreakers her. Suzu gets in and facebusters Hima for 2. Suzu does an octopus on Hima and grounds her with it.
Hima is held on the ropes for a dropkick from Endo. Suzu top rope crossbodies Hima. Endo then double jump dropkicks Hima. Endo side headlock takeovers Hima then odes a curbstomp with her knee. Endo camel clutches Hima and Hima ropebreaks. Hima shoulders over Endo. Hima back body drops Miu. Waka comes in and dropkicks Miu. Waka handspring back elbows her then armbars her. Waka strangle hold alpha's Miu and Miu ropebreaks. Waka sunset flips Miu with a bridge for 2. Miu backbreakers Waka on her shoulder. Waka dropkicks Miu. Shoko comes in and 619's Miu then does it over the top rope for 2.
Miu powerslams Shoko. Miu hits a hard double sledgeahmmer shot on Shoko. Shoko sends Miu out and gets kicked when she goes for a dive. Shoko takes a double dropkick. Waka and Hima are pushed into each other. Hima backdrop throws Endo and Waka backdrops Suzu. Shoko then tope con hilos out.
Miu powerslams Shoko. Shoko flying headcissors her for 2. Shoko northern lights suplexes her then cradles her for the win.
Thoughts: It went too long. However, the work was good and they kept it fast paced and full of action the whole time. I did like it but 1/3rd of this could have been cut off and not much would have been missed. Hima got no offense in. I thought the finishing stretch was a bit weak in this one.
Miu and Shoko seem to set up a title match after. Waka and Hima then ask Endo and Suzume for a match as well.
Moka Miyamoto vs. Juria Nagano
They duck kicks and do mat wrestling to start. They stand off after Moka side headlock takeovers her and is put in a headscissors. JN wristlocks Moka then Moka reverses it. Moka tries to back elbow her but mostly misses. JN front kicks her. JN slams her.
Moka kicks her in the gut and double axe handles her. Moka yanks on the arm and sends JN into the buckle shoulder first. Moka armlocks her. Moka hits a back elbow for 2.
JN hits some trips then high kicks her after a back hand. JN flying chest kicks her. Moka hits JN in the gut then takes her down by the arm. Moka misses a stomach chop and JN hits kicks to the chest. JN up kicks her then hits another chest kick for 2.
JN armbars Moka and Moka ropebreaks. Moka gut punches her then slams her. Moka stomach chops her for 2. Moka does a grounded cobra twist. JN throws her down by the arm. JN strike combos her ending with a reverse kick. JN misses a kick and takes a leg lariat.
They trade karate chops on the mat. JN sweeping kicks her from the mat. Moka punches her in the gut then leg lariats her. Moka twisting suplexes her for the win.
Thoughts: It wasn't that good. There were a lot of weak strikes thrown here and since both girls mostly do strikes, that was a problem. They didn't get as creative as I had hoped they would either with both being martial arts girls. They really didn't go all out here or do anything special at all in Juria's last match.
Moka and juria talk on the mic after. Juria is given some gifts since it's her next to last show. She talks o nthe mic after and cries some. The rest of the roster then greets Juria after.
Overall thoughts: There was only a little over an hour of in-ring action but it felt longer. The main wasn't that good and that's a shame since it was Juria retirement match. The semi-main was the best thing on here but went long. I liked Mizuki's match more than I expected. Uta did what she was supposed to in her match but it was one-sided which hurt. I didn't really like the rest that much. I'd just give it a 4 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.
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