Thursday, February 20, 2025

CMLL 1/1/2025 Sin Salida 2025

CMLL 1/1/2025 Sin Salida 2025

Kira, Princesa Sugehit & Skadi vs. Las Valientitas (Hera & Olympia) & Candela


Cand is in the orange here. Kira's in black and silver. They lock up and Kira armdrags her. Kira flips her then armdrags her. Kira flying knees her then dropkicks her from behind. Kira tiger feint armdrags her. Cand rolls her up and legdrops her for 2. They try to dropkick each other at the same time.

Olym and Suge get in. Olym chops her and Suge flying shoulders her. Suge PK's her then sentons her. Suge is on her shoulders and swinging headscissors her out. Hera and Skadi do some rolls when they get in. Hera walks up the ropes, flipes qand armdrags her. Skadi double underhook backbreakers her.

Olym and Suge go at it. Cand handstand double knee drops her. Kira gets group stomped.Her uses the ropes and Olym to dropkick Skaid. Suge gets group stomped. Suge takes corner attacks. Kira is bridged and takes a double stomp off the top from Cand. Hera gorilla presses Suge onto Sakdi, who doesn't catch her. Suge 2nd rope tornado ddt's Cand.

Skadi holds Olym, Kira jumps off Olym's back and hits a flying headscissors. Kira then jumps off Skadis's shoulders into a splash on Hera Cand gets group stomped. Cand takes a michinoku driver. Skadi crossbodies Hera. Olym misses a charge on Skadi and goes out. Suge dives off the apron onto Olym. Skadi suplexes Cand on the apron then tries to monkey flip Kira onto opponents but Kira doesn't get enough air.

Hera top rope dropkicks Skadi and the pin is botched.

Thoughts: They had a sloppy match here. These girls can do some agile stuff just not all the time and tonight was one of those nights. Some of the more complicated stuff they tried got botched and the pin at the end was botched as well. There's an alternate universe where everything goes well and this ends up being better, but this wasn't it.

Pequeno Polvora, Full Metal and Rostro de Acero do a promo. They say they are the perfect trio and are coming to take a mask tonight.

CMLL World Micro Title Tournament Final Match - KeMalito vs. Tengu


Ten throws Ke down. Ten side headlock takeovers him then armdrags him. Ke flying snapmares him then armdrags him off the casadora. Ke gets on his shoulders and armdrags him down. Ke's head is banged off the buckles. Ten 2nd rope falling splashes Ke. Ten back elbows him then lariats him.

Ten stomps on Ke then slaps him down. Ten hits a corner splash and a basement dropkick. Ten swings him around. Ke hits him then springboard splashes him for 2. Ke flying headscissors Ten out. Ke boots him off the apron then la silla's him.

They chop each other down and Ten hits an angel's wings for 2. Ten TKO's him for 2. Ke 2nd rope la silla's him. Ten slams him out of the suplex then misses a 2nd rope splash. Ke 2nd rope butt drops him for 2. Ke hits a back body drop  then basement dropkicks him. Ke la silla's him off the apron.

Ten is sent into the rails. Ke back body drops him. Ten swings him around and legdrops him for 2. Ten gordbusters him and tries to pin him with a foot on his chest. Ke dives on him off the apron. Ten stomps him. Ke 2nd rope diving headscissors him then Ke running dropkicks him for 2. Ten misses a 2nd rope splash then Ke misses a 2nd rope legdrop. Ke dropkicks him then butt drops him for 2. Ten sit out powerbombs him for the win.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to. Both guys are kind of limited by their size and there wasn't as much focus on face/heel stuff as much as the flying. So while it was a bit athletic, the structure wasn't quite there. It would have been an okay 7 minute match but it went a lot longer and got boring. They also basically started doing similar spots as it went on.

Atlantis, Flip Gordon & Titan vs. Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) & Stuka Jr.

1st Fall - Oro and Titan go at it. They do some amateur wrestling. Titan blocks an armdrag and hits his own. Titan spinning headscissors him. Titan carthweels out of an armlock and armdrags him out. Titan poses.

Flip flips in to fight Roja. Roja pulls the hair. Stuka boots and stomps Flip. Flip flying headscissors him. Roja 2nd rope double axe handles Flip. Flip flying snapmares Oro. Roja cheap shots Atlantis and the faces go after Roja for it. Oro basement dropkicks Flip in the back of the head. Roja kicks Atlantis in the inner thigh then Atlantis is group stomped. 

Atlantis takes a triple boot. Titan takes corner attacks then a triple basement dropkick. Flip is group stomped then takes a double legdrop to the crotch. Flip takes a double suplex. Stuka splashes him off the buckles and pins Flip to win the fall. Stuka's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis takes a double spinebuster and is triple teamed in the corner. Flip is popped up into a double kick. Stuka headhunters Titan then Titan takes a magic killer. Atlantis is held for a triple team. He forearms Roja over. Flip finlay rolls Oro then Titan springboard double stomps him. Titan pins Oro and Flip submits Stuka with the STF. Titan's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Flip superkicks Stuka. Flip hits shots on Stuka and oro. Flip 2nd rope diving headscissors Roja. Flip does some backflips then he springboard dropkicks Oro. Titan basement dropkicks Roja. Titan walks up the buckles, does rope tricks and flying headscissors Oro. Titan flying headscissors Roja out. Stuka pounds and clubs on Atlantis. Atlantis flying crossbodies him.

Atlantis hits a double japanese armdrag on Oro and Roja then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers all 3 opponents. Flip and Titan hit stereo springboard headscissors then do stereo tope con hilos outside. Atlantis hurricanrana's Roja and pins him. Atlantis' team wins the fall and match.

It went a little longer than it needed to but it was a decent match. Both sides got offense in and we had a decent finishing stretch Atlantis even busting out a hurricanrana. 

Hechicero, Soberano Jr. & Valiente vs. Capitan Suicida, Mascara Dorada & Mistico

MD = Mascara Dorada, CS = Capitan Suicida

1st Fall - KeMonito and Pequeno Zacarias try to square off before the match. Ke is with the faces. CS and Val go at it. They armdrag each other. CS is pushed over and rolled into a crucifix. CS then crucifixes him. CS armdrags him from the mat. Mist springboard double crossbodies Hech and Sob. MD springboard flying headscissors Hech. CS flying armdrags Sob out. The faces then do triple stereo topes.

The faces try again but get stopped and Mist is flipped by Hech into a double kick. Hech spinning hammerlock backbreakers Mist. Sob then pins Mist to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Hech and Sob try to rip Mist's mask up on the buckles. CS takes a double flapjack. CS is put in a rocking chair then Sob legdrops him. Val dropkicks MD in the nuts. Hech pumphandle slams MD.

Val chops up CS. Mist flying headscissors Sob. Mist is double stomped on. Mist has his legs split. Hech hits shots on Mist while Sob holds Mist. Hech stomps on Mist. Sob enzugiri's Mist in the corner. Hech step up knees Mist.

Mist is triple teamed by the heels. Hech surfboards Mist then Sob bulldogs Mist out of it. Zacarisa 619's Mist. MD is popped up and kicked. CS handspring double back elbows Sob and Val then spinning ddt's Hech. Mist is popped up by MD and flying headscissors Hech. Mist tornillos Hech outside.

MD and CS hit stereo superkicks. CD does a top rope twisitng moonsault and MD hits a top rope ssp to win the fall.

3rd Fall - CS flips off the ropes and spinning hurricanrana's Sob. CS chops Hech then walks up the ropes and dragonrana's him. MD does a neat flip over Val and flying headscissors him. MD kicks Hech on the ropes. MD moonsaults off the top and armdrags Sob. MD flying headscissors Hech and Sob.

Mist springboard crossbodies Hech. Mist tilt-a-whirl armdrags him. Hech stomps on Mist. Mist takes over Sob and Hech at the same time then springs off the ropes and armdrags both. Mist corkscrews off the top and armdrags Val. CS then reverse topes Val outside. MD fosbury flops outside. Mist then talks up the buckles and plancha's Hech outside.

CS springboard crossbodies Val then crucifixes him. MD flying crucifx drivers Sob. Hech flying headscissors drops MD. 

Mist flying headscissors Hech then springboard twisting plancha's him. Mist spinning la mistica's Hech and taps him out to win the fall and match.

It went a little long but I liked it. Everyone put in a pretty good effort and the faces did some nice dives towards the end here.

Galaxy, Ultimo Dragoncito and Shockercito do a promo. They say someone leaves without their mask tonight. Gal says they are ready to take a trophy home. 

Mask Vs. Hair 12 Way Cage Match - Pierrothito vs. Pequeno Olimpico vs. Shockercito vs. Pequeno Violencia vs. Ultimo Dragoncito vs. Angelito vs. Kaligua vs. Full Metal vs. Galaxy vs. Pequeno Magia vs. Pequeno Polvora vs. Rostro De Acero


The fighting starts before intros are even close to being done and we actually cut away from the fighting for the intros. Gal dives off the ramp onto someone and Violencia AA's Shockercito on the ramp. Shocker is then sent into the cage. Shocker and Gal climb into the cage then both dive off of it. We finally then get everyone in the cage.

Everyone fights. They do a countdown for when wrestlers can start trying to escape then multiple people climb the cage. Galaxy diving headscissors maybe Full Metal from the top. Polvora takes a 2nd rope senton from Violenica. Violencia climbs the cage and escapes first.

Full Metal walks the top rope and hits a dropkick. Ultimo Dragoncito stops a double team and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Ultimo goes to escape and Magia and Kaligua try to stop him but fail. Ultimo Dragoncito escapes.

Kaligua takes a triple spinebuster then a springboard dropkick. Magia and Rostro fight up top and Rostro de Acero escapes the cage. Shocker is popped up and climbs the cage. Shockercito then escapes. Olimpico is dropped onto Kaligua. Angelito takes a corner lariat then Olimpico misses a 2nd rope senton on him. Pierrothito is helped up the cage by Olimpico and escapes. Olimpico rips up Angelito's mask. Kaligua goes to climb the cage and Galaxy low blows him. Angelito is up top. Olimpico walks up Magica to get to him then Olimpico escapes the cage.

Angelito and Vaquero fight on the top rope. then Angelito hurricanrana's him down. Angelito evades Full Metal on the ropes then escapes the cage. Galaxy is popped up into a dropkick on Magia. Magia pops him up again then Galaxy escapes the cage quick. We have four people left. Polvora hits a hard spear on Magia. Kaligua dropkicks Magia from behind.

Metal powerbombs Magia then climbs the cage with Polvora. Metal gets powerbombed down from the buckles. Magia is popped up into a double dropkick on Polvora and Metal. Polvora 2nd rope armdrags Magia.

Kaliga is dropped onto Magia. Full Metal then escapes the cage. Polvoa and Kaligua follow him up and Pequeno Magia escapes on the other side of the cage.

The last two are Kaligua and Full Metal who will now fight in a mask vs mask match. Metal rips up Kal's mask. Kal goes up and over Metal then does a botched gutwrench powerbomb. Kaligua hits a double underhook backbreaker on Metal. Kal germans Metal for 2.

Metal goes to escape and takes a spinning torture rack bomb for 2. Kal goes for a top rope moonsault but Metal gets his feet up. Metal package piledrivers Kaligua and pins him. Kaligua must unmask. Kaligua then unmasks after.

Thoughts: There was a lot of people in this and it was hard to follow. There wasn't that much wrestling in it and it was mostly people just trying to escape. It didn't go on too long and it was tolerable but nothing too great. If you have seen one of these, you've really seen them all. I will say the mini's did do some nice escapes here though. I really don't understand why any luchador would really want to unmask unless they don't like being masked or are at the end of their careers. I think it hurts your marketability some and then everyone knows who you are and bugs you more. I'm sure the financial aspect is an enticement, but I'd think people are worth more with their mask than without it.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. The main just was what it was and had some limitations due to the format and the amount of people involved. I liked matches 3 and 4. The women's match could have been good but there were too many botches and the Tengu/KeMonito match went on too long. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 overall. It wasn't an all-time classic but I think it was an enjoyable enough show with an unmasking.

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