Thursday, February 20, 2025

Marigold 2/7/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 7

Marigold 2/7/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 7

Nao Ishikawa vs. Ryoko Sakimura

Nao again has new gear on which looks nice. Nao wristlocks her, RS cartwheels out them hammerlocks her. Nao kicks her from behind. RS hammerlocks her. RS wristlocks her. Nao rolls out and reverses it. Nao side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Nao camel clutches her and pulls on the hair.

RS running dropkicks her then Nao shoulders her over. Nao crabs her and switches to a single leg crab. RS running dropkicks her. They trade forearms.

Nao goes for a slam and RS cradles her for 2. RS rolls her up again then rolls her into a koji clutch. Nao slams RS for 2 then hits a delayed slam for the win.

Thoughts: It was average. RS did fine but there was little of note here. It was basically a rookie vs rookie match with how limited Nao is.

CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Rea Seto & Riara

Chi eye rakes and headlocks Rea. Chik rubs Rea's face on the ropes and boots her. Chi does facewash kicks on Rea. Rea hits chest forearms on Chi. Chi boots her over. NN gets in and reverse pendulum kicks Rea over the middle rope. NN suplexes Rea. Rea dropkicks her and facebusters her. Rea then does cattle mutilation.

NN misses a basement dropkick and Rea low dropkicks her. Rea flying neckbreakers her for 2. Ri gets in and low dropkicks NN. Ri running dropkicks her for 2. NN facekicks her. Ri hits bad chest forearms.

NN shotgun dropkicks her then running facekicks her. Rea hits a double flying neckbreaker then Ri low dropkicks NN for 2. Ri ankle locks NN and NN ropebreaks. Rea diving facebusters NN then Ri 2nd rope double stomps NN for 2. Ri takes a codebreaker into a grounded sleeper. 

NN running meteora's Ri for 2. NN facekicks Ri for 2. Rea takes a double boot then NN short arm boots Ri for 2. NN basement dropkicks Ri and wins.

It was pretty average and simple as expected. No one blew anything though so it was tolerable. If you don't like dropkicks, this one is not for you.

MIRAI vs. Megaton

Why do we need to see this? Mirai running boots her. They fight on a knuckle lock and Mirai just punches her. Mega drops down and Mirai tries to pin her. Mirai then does an armbar.

Mega hits Mirai with her chain outside and chews on her hair. They go back in. Mirai makes Mega chase her. Mega sits down in the ring and is kicked in the back. Mirai then makes Mega chase her again. Mega tries to get back in but is dropkicked. They then trade in the ring.

Mega backslides her for 2. Mega hits mongolian chops then running knees her on the ropes. Mega then falling splashes her for 2. Mirai hits a big punch for 2 then pulls Mega's arms back. Mega then taps out.

Thoughts: It was mostly comedy and a waste of time here with Mega goofing around. Mega obviously had no chance of winning this one.

Mirai and Mega talk on the mic after. Mirai boots her out of the ring after.

Utami Hayashishita vs. Minami Yuuki

They lock up. Yuuki wristlocks her and Utami side headlocks her. Yuuki reverses it. Yuuki running dropkicks her then hits chest forearms. Yuuki flies at her and is dropkicked.

Utami slams her for 2 then crabs her. Yuuki hits chest forearms then is forearmed down. Yuuki misses a dropkick and is stomped on. Yuuki then dropkicks her. Yuuki throws her over by the arms and low dropkicks her. Yuuki does a hammerlock guillotine. Yuuki running dropkicks her then does another hammerlock guillotine.

Yuuki top rope dropkicks her for 2. Utami short arm lariats Yuuki, lariats her against the ropes then sliding lariats her for 2. Utami air raid crashes her and Yuuki rolls her up for 2. Utami samoan drops her for 2. Utami hits a delayed german and wins.

Thoughts: It was fine. Yuuki can't do a lot but what she did do looked fine and they kept it short to prevent her from getting exposed. It went well and I had no issues with this.

Nanae Takahashi & Seri Yamaoka vs. Chika Goto & Natsumi Showzuki

NT = Nanae Takahashi, Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Seri and Nat go at it. They go to the mat. Nat headlocks her there then they trade front facelocks. Seri rolls her on the mat for 2. Seri ties her legs up. Chika breaks it up and atomic drops Seri. Nat backrolls Seri then running knees her.

Chika slams Seri three times then hip attacks her. Chika running hip attacks her. Nat hits low drpkicks on Seri then stands on her gut. Nat stomps on Seri. Seri hits a nice gutwrench suplex on Nat.

NT comes in and elbow drops Nat. They trade forearms. NT shoulders her over then bangs her head off the buckles. NT hits chops in the corner. NT hits a chop flurry on Chika and Nat in the corner. NT corner lariats Nat then ducks a shot from Chika, making Chika lariat Nat. NT bulldogs Nat onto Chika. 

Nat kicks NT in the back. NT then kicks Nat in the back. NT kicks her in the chest while she's down. Nat then does an cotopus to NT. Chika knees NT in the head. NT takes a corner meteora and corner hip attack for 2. NT lariats Chika over. NT is stuck up top. Chika grabs her and giant swings her.

Nat top rope double knee drops NT then Chika sliding lariats NT for 2. NT slaps Chika then rolls her into a crossface. Seri gets in and rams Chika into the buckles off a double leg. Chika reverse giant swings Seri and drops her for 2.

Nat hits a dropkick while Chika hits a running boot. Chika's mouth is busted open and she uranage's Seri for 2. NT hits lariats on both opponents. Chika takes a double side slam for 2. Chika hits a fireman's carry slam on Seri for 2. NT backdrops Chika. Chika takes a hart attack for 2. Seri northern lights suplexes Chika for 2. Seri germans her and holds on for hte win.

Thoughts: It was a solid match. It slowed down a little in the end when it needed to pick up but iwas a pretty good effort from Seri and Chika. This was also one of Showzuki's better showings as she put more effort into this than usual. I liked this.

Miku Aono & Naho Yamada vs. Chanyota & Mai Sakurai

This is Chanyota's Marigold debut. Miku and Chan shoulder battle and Miku knocks her over. Chan shoulders her over for 2. Mai and Naho get it and trade side headlocks. Naho misses a dropkick and Mai stomps her. Naho dropkicks Mai then Mai takes a double low dropkick.

Mai then hits a double dropkick. Naho take a corner facekick then Chan slams Naho. Naho then takes a double elbow drop for 2. Mai foot chokes Naho in the corner. Mai facewash kicks Naho then slams her. Naho hits chest forearms and is dropped with a forearm. Naho running dropkicks Mai. Miku gets in and PK's Mai. Miku corner dropkicks Mai and Chan. Miku PK's Mai. Mai northern lights suplexes Miku then goes for the armbar.

Mai facekicks Miku on the ropes for 2. Miku suplexes Mai. Miku is caught up top then Mai 2nd rope superplexes her. Mai shining pump kicks Miku for 2. Miku short arm lariats Mai. Mai facekicks Miku then Miku lariats her over. Mai flying knees Miku.

Chan gets in and hits corner spears on Miku. Chan hits a nice flying shoulder on Miku for 2. Miku swinging twisting slams Chan. Naho gets in and dropkicks Chan. She running headhunters her for 2. Chan lariats Naho on the ropes then Mai facekicks her on the ropes. Chan takes a double suplex. Miku high kicks Chan then Naho stunners Chan. Miku sliding lariats Chan and Naho does a bad pin attempt for 2.

Chan hits a double lariat on Miku and Naho. Mai does a top rope dive outside. Naho takes a top rope dropkick + samoan drop combo. Naho backrolls into a headscissors on Chan. Chan running lariats Naho for 2. Chan jackhammers Naho and pins her.

Thoughts: Chan had a good showing here and looked better than Naho did. Naho had another one of her bad days with multiple sloppy moments that brought things down. It was about average overall.

Mai and Chan talk on the mic after and seem to set up a title match.  

Marigold Superfly Title Match - Victoria Yuzuki (c) vs. Misa Matsui

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

They hit boots to the gut. Misa hits armdrags and multiple basement dropkicks. Misa bangs Yuz's head off the buckles then throws her by the hair. Misa throws her down and boots her in the back of the head. Misa hits chest forearms then slams Yuz.

Yuz flying headscissors Misa and low dropkicks her. Misa dropkicks her but Yuz kips up and dropkicks her back. Yuz kneels on her on the ropes. Misa rolls her up for 2 and puts her in the stretch muffler.

Misa hits a corner lariat. Yuz uranages her and northern lights suplexes her for 2. Yuz is tripped into the ropes and has the rope kicked into her face. Yuz dropkicks her off the apron.

Misa bridging ddt's her on the floor outside. Misa then top rope plancha's her outside. They get back in and Misa flying kicks her. Misa falcon arrows her for 2.

They trade forearms. Misa superkicks her and runs into a super hard forearm. Yuz backdrops her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Yuz crossfaces her.

Yuz corner dropkicks Misa then top rope dropkicks her for 2. Misa rolls her into a double stomp and they trade pin attempts. Misa crossbodies her against the 2nd rope and top rope double stomps her for 2. Misa la magistrals her then flying knees her. Misa hits a cross-legged fisherman suplex for 2. Misa top rope dropkicks Yuz. Yuz superkicks her. Yuz hits a german for 2.

Yuz backbreakers her then asai moonaults her. Yuz then top rope moonsaults and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay with Misa having a good performance and matching up well with Yuzuki. It wasn't great or anything but it was a decent main. Yuzuki won here as expected.

Yuz then closes the show on the mic.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show. The main was enough and I like Seri's match. Yuuki/Utami also was a decent enough. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 but there's nothing here you need to see.

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