Sunday, February 9, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 2/8/2025 Season 5, Episode 22

WOW Women of Wrestling 2/8/2025 Season 5, Episode 22

Last week's show is here:

Genesis vs Xena Phoenix

Xena waistlock takedowns her and rolls her up for 2. Gen asks her to shake hands then kicks her. They trade leg kicks. Xena shoulder throws her then suplexes her for 2. Gen high kicks Xena. Xena takes her down for 2. Gen spin kicks her in the corner for 2. Gen foot chokes her on the ropes and boots her in the side of the head. Gen foot chokes her. Gen charges in and is sunset flipped for 2.  Xena hits an armdrag and a japanese armdrag. Xena shoulder throws her.

Gen elbows her in the gut. Xena gets her back with a sleeper. Gen full-nelson slams her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a different type of match than usual with Xena kind of doing martial arts style offense.. Gen didn't have very good looking offense here though it was stiff. Gen won this one as expected.

Gen gets on the mic after. She said Xena made a mistake in trying to pick a fight with her. Gen says unlike a phoenix, she doesn't think she will come back soon. Gen says she would have been WOW champ if it weren't for her getting double teamed in the battle royal. She says Classmaster's time with the WOW Title is limited. She says Class should face her for the title if she wants to prove herself. She tells her to bring smarty pants Samantha Smart down too.

We go to the back. Samantha Smart and The Classmaster are getting mad at what Gen just said. They then kick the camera man out.

Fury and Magnificent Miranda Mirage vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)

Siren The Voodoo Doll is with Mirage and Fury.

Spice side headlocks Mirage and flying headbutts her in the gut. Spice running knees Fury then bangs her head off the mat for 2. Fury takes a double russian legsweep then a cartwheel splash from Sugar. Sugar side headlock takeovers Fury.

Sugar flying headscissors Fury then takes a backhand. Mirage foot chokes Sugar. Mirage snapmares her then legdrops her for 2. Mirage knees her in the gut and throws her down backwards. Sugar's head is banged off the buckles. 

Fury running knees Sugar on the ropes then leans on her on the ropes. Sugar armdrags Fury and both tag out. Spice hits shots on Xena then flying lariats her for 2.  Fury hits a la rosa driver variation on Spice and pins her.

Thoughts: It was short. The heels got a lot of the offense in. It seemed like the faces were about to make their comeback but then the match just ended. The match wasn't anything too special.

We see clips from last week of Pep Riley and Chainsaw in the back. Chain gives her a box with a doll in it and gives her a video camera. The camera has some video in it that Pep seems disturbed by. Pep then holds Chain's hand.

Sibley Scoles interviews Veronica Varoom. VV says she feels good and is ready to put Pep Riley in the corner where she belongs. She calls her a pipsquake. She says she will take everything she learned in roller dery and will jam Pep's face in the mat. VV says Pep was on Team Spirit but it's more like Team Broken Spirit now. She says Pep is lonely and will be more lonely when she's done with her. She says she may not be everyone's cup of tea but she's from The Bronx. She says she will take the attitude from the streets and bring it here.

"Vicious" Veronica Varoom vs Pep Riley

Pep rolls out of a lariat and rolls up VV for 2. VV boots her. Pep goes up and over and sends VV into the buckles. Pep sunset flips her for 2. Pep cartwheel back elbows her then basement dropkicks her for 2. VV hits corner spears and a corner splash.

VV shoulders her over. VV slams her and legdrops her for 2. VV's mouth gets busted open and she bangs Pep's head off the mat with the headscissors. VV camel clutches her. Pep bites her way out of it.

Pep back elbows her out of the corner and double boots her. They botch a spot with Pep coming off the 2nd rope. Pep is dropped face first into the buckles and takes a ddt. VV then picks up the pin.

Thoughts: We had a bad botch here that hurt this. The offense really wasn't that good either. I was surprised Chainsaw didn't end up coming down during this one.

VV does a promo after. She says everyone sees why they call her "Vicious" Veronica Varoom. She says it's not just because she's the strongest and the most dominant, it's because there is no mercy. She says she's New York's finest.

Sibley Scoles interviews Xena Phoenix. Xena says she knows what to expected next time she wrestlers Genesis now. She says the next time we see her in the ring, we will see the phoenix rising.

We see a WOW video saying to be yourself, be strong and win.

Next week's show has Ashley Blaze and The Dojo Defenders vs Top Tier.

Miami's Sweet Heat vs Chantilly Chella and Roxxy Fierce

Foxxy Fierce was supposed to be in this but is out. The heels get dropkicked out to start. Rxo armdrags Laurie and hiptosses her. Rox slams her. Lindsay gets in and is armdragged and hiptossed. Rox slams her for 2. Lindsay takes a double flapjack.

Chella goes up and over then corner euros her. Chella snapmares her then hits a running meteora. Chella grabs a leglock. Lindsay reverses it and Chella half-crabs her.

Chella corner splashes Lindsay and then misses a splash. Lindsay throws her down backwards. Chela is thrown over by both arms. Lindsay then running legdrops her.

Chella hits leg kicks and is slammed. Laurie vader bombs her for 2. Chella is double foot choked in the corner then Lindsay slams her. Laurie misses a vader bomb. Rox shoulders over Laurie then lariats and back elbows her. Rox backdrops Laurie for 2.

Rox corner splashes Laurie then hits snake eyes on her. All 4 girls get in the ring and Chella is facekicked out. Laurie is back body dropped to the apron. Lindsay corner lariats Rox. Rox takes a side slam + top rope elbow drop combo and is pinned.

This was fine. It got enough time and it ended at the right time. The Heat got the win as expected here as Chella and Rox are a random make-shift team.

Lana Star gets on the mic after. She asks if we felt the heat. She says MSH will soon be 5x WOW tag champs. Lindsay asks David what it will take to get a re-match vs Jones and Betty. Lindsay says they will be 5x champs when they get the chance.

Princess Aussie and Tormenta come out. Aussie asks what makes them think they are the only ones in line for a tag shot? Aussie says just because they are the loudest team in WOW, it doesn't mean they are the only ones in line. Tormenta does a translated promo and asks for a match to determine who gets a shot.

Overall thoughts: The main was the best match on here but the rest of the matches weren't that good. I liked that we got some non-wrestling segments here as those are just as important as the wrestling. It was an average show though overall and there was nothing too must see on this one. I'd give this a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend recommend it.

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