Sunday, February 2, 2025

WWE Speed 2/1/2025

WWE Speed 2/1/2025

The last show is here:

WWE Speed Title - Dragon Lee (c) vs Chad Gable

They trade armdrags to start then swap headlock takeovers. Chad side headlocks him. Chad shoulders him over. Lee leapfrogs then flips him with his feet. Lee tope con hilos outside onto him.

Lee kicks the buckle into Chad's face. Lee slingshots and is caught with a northern lights suplex. Lee hits chopsLee rolls him into a suplex for 2. Chad triangles him over the top rope. Chad comes off the buckles and is caught with a pumping knee. Lee hits combinacion cabron.

Lee hits a corner dropkick for 2. Lee pumping knees him. Chad powerbombs him for 2. Chad then switches to the armbar. Lee hits superkicks and a pumping knee. Lee is belly to belly suplexed into the buckles hard. Chad to top rope moonsaults Lee for 2.

They go up top. Chad is stuck up top then Lee top rope double stomps him. Lee hits destino and wins.

Thoughts: Chad is really good at WWE Speed matches. He fits so much in such a small time frame and has had nothing but good matches here. This also follows up on the issues Chad has had with beating luchadores. I liked this and thought they did a nice job with the limited amount of time they had. I was just disappointed Chad didn't win.

Overall thoughts:
There was only new match as usual. Chad Gable had another good showing and made the most of the 4:22 he had. The match wasn't must see but it felt like a full length match and I liked it.

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