WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/7/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-8311991.html
We are in Rochester, NY.
Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper are our hosts. Piper complains about what happened at the wedding reception. He said Sid Justice was the only man to stand up against Jake and Taker. Piper says Justice will be served.
The Texas Tornado vs Bubba Monroe
Kerry waistlock takedowns him and Bubba grabs the ropes. Kerry does an inset promo. He says Sgt. Slaughter got what he deserved. He said he turned his back on the country and tells Sarge to stay in seclusion. Kerry shoves Bubba over. Bubba hits a shot to the gut in the corner. Kerry fires back and hits a punch flurry.
Kerry hits a shot to the gut then hits a discus punch for the win.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash as usual but Bubba got a few shots in before going down.
We see clips from the Miss Elizabeth/Macho Man Randy Savage wedding reception. Heenan shakes his head at Macho and Macho says to show him the exit. Mach and Liz toast and dance. They cut cake. Liz throws the bouquet. They open gifts and a snake pops out of one of them. Liz and everyone screams. Taker hits Macho with his urn. Jake then points a snake at Liz. Sid backs Jake off with a chair. Jake kicks a table over as he leaves with Taker.
Thoughts: This was a creative angle that furthered Jake's heel turn and new alliance with The Undertaker.
Skinner vs Scott Summers
Skin has a spit can with him. He backs up Scott in the corner off the lock up and laughs. Skin knees him in the gut then clubs his back. Skin ties him up in the ropes and boots him in the back, sending him to the outside. Skin double axe handles him off the apron. Skinner does an inset promo. He says he will skin his way to the top and says The Dragon is first. He then plays with some kind of gator tooth maybe and says "say goodbye".Skin hits shots to the back and slams Scott. Skin hits a rough pedigree variation and a reverse ddt to win.
Thoughts: Scott got nothing in here. This did work though. Skinner showed some personality and was rough with the jobber. Skin's pedigree variation looked good and I really buy the gimmick.
Skin chokes Scott after.
WWF Event Center
The British Bulldog does a promo. He says he's waiting for anyone in the WWF. He says he's ready for Barbarian, Warlord, Col. Mustafa and Big Bully Busick. He said he used to hate bullies in high school and still does now. He tells him to try and bully him around in the ring and he will show him what bullying is all about.
The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says his team is the meanest, roughest and toughest team. Saggs says they are on a path of destruction. He says multiple teams are going to Nastyville and not coming back. Knobbs said he saw Jack Tunney with shoulderpads and spikes and says Jack is in a conspiracy with them. Knobbs says they are coming to regain what is theirs - the tag titles.
Virgil vs Chris Duffy
Chris hits Virg from behind and eye takes him. Virg hiptosses him then hits jabs. Virg hits chops and punches. Virg back body drops him. Chris takes a big bump over the top on a lariat. Virg then plancha's him.
Virg hits punches then russian legsweeps him. Virg slams him. Virg twisting neckbreakers him then puts Chris in the million dollar dream. Chris is out and Virg wins.
Thoughts: This was the most I had seen Virgil do so far with him busting out a rare plancha here. It was a quick one with Virgil getting the win as expected. I'm surprised he's still doing the million dollar dream.
WWF Update
Mean Gene Okerlund talks about last week's Funeral Parlor segment with Heenan and Piper. We see clips from it.
Gene says there's a lot of noise about Ric Flair, even though he hasn't arrived. He said Piper and Hulk take exception to Flair saying he's the real world's champ.
The Berzerker vs Gary Davis
Berz swings a belt around and hits a hard facekick on Gary. Berz slams him and hits a 2nd rope knee drop. Vince says Ric Flair will be on Prime Time this week. Berz ties Gary up in the ropes then boots him while he's tied up. Berz then throws him out and gets the countout win.
Thoughts: It was the usual Berzerker squash with him winning easy and being a wildman.
WWF Event Center
The Rockers do a promo. Marty says they have been all over the world and are back to climb the ladder ot the top of the WWF. Shawn says so many things change but you can count on their state of mind to never change. They say they are still #1 and says the WWF has to acknowledge them for being #1. Sean Mooney says many people sent him letters saying they agree.
Big Bully Busick and Harvey Wippleman do a promo. Harv says they are the ones who took anything they wanted and did anything they pleased all their lives. He says if you get in their way, they will stomp a mudhole in you and walk it dry.
The Bushwhackers vs Barry Hardy and Duane Gill
The Beverly Brothers do an inset promo. Blake says it doesn't take a genius to beat the Bushwhackers but may to figure out what's going on in their head. The Genius then comes in and is revealed to be The Bev's new manager. He says they will beat the Bushwhackers head to toe.
Butch puts his hat on the ref. Barry side headlocks Butch then the jobbers mess up a double team. Butch bites Gill in the butt then hits punches. Butch hits a big uppercut on Gill. Luke bangs the jobbers heads together. The BW's hit stereo clotheslines and march. Luke hits gut punches and Bill misses a corner splash. Gill ends up laying on the top rope and gets booted by Butch. Gill takes a battering ram.
Gill takes a double gutbuster and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was the usual BW's squash with them marching around and sticking to basic shots. Gill took some nice bumps here. This was noticeable for The Genius becoming the manager of The Beverly Brothers in an inset.
They lick the ref after.
The Funeral Parlor
IRS is this week's guest. Paul notes IRS has been here before. They say they talked about death and taxes last time. Paul says you can't escape the tax man even in death and IRS says death is no excuse not to pay your taxes. He said he respects what IRS stands for. He says The Big Boss Man says he respects law and order but handcuffs his opponents and beats them up (true). IRS calls Boss a tax cheat and said the government gave him a living. He says Boss' deadline is coming around soon and says he will see that Boss does hard time if his taxes aren't in line.
We see clips of Bret Hart beating Mr. Perfect at Summerslam.
The Warlord vs Mark Thomas
Mark runs into War's boot. War flying shoulders him. War hits a suplex. The Warlord and Slick do an inset promo. Slicks says Hart will have the shortest IC title reign ever. War says Hart isn't a Hitman but a marked man. He says he will squeeze the life and the IC belt right out of Hart.
War knee lifts Mark then clubs his back. War suplexes him then short arm lariats him. War full-nelsons him and submits him.
Thoughts: It was your usual Warlord squash that we see almost every week where his opponent gets nothing in.
WWF Event Center
Greg Valentine says the summer is over and it's back to school. He says that's what happened when you sign a match with him. He says he's the master of the figure four and has an open contract. He says he backs away from no man. He says he's ready and will take on anyone.
Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. Sherri complains about Ted losing at Summerslam and is mad at the ref for kicking her out of the match. Ted says he intimidates Jack Tunney as he has more money. He says his belt means everything to him. He says Virgil didn't earn it.
They talk about next week's show. Jim Neidhart is now in his checkerboard gear in the preview photo.
Overall thoughts: The Genius becoming The Beverly Brothers manager is the big news out of this one. It also seems like we are starting feuds between The Big Boss Man and IRS and The Warlord and Bret Hart. Wrestling wise, nothing was too great but Duane Gill did a good job getting squashed and Skinner hit a nice pedigree variation in his match. I wouldn't recommend this one as the wrestling wasn't much and the other stuff wasn't good enough to go see.
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